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According to gas compositional and carbon isotopic measurement of 114 gas samples from the Kuqa depression, accumulation of the natural gases in the depression is dominated by hydrocarbon gases, with high gas dryness (C1/C1–4) at the middle and northern parts of the depression and low one towards east and west sides and southern part. The carbon isotopes of methane and its homologues are relatively enriched in 13C, and the distributive range of δ 13C1, δ 13C2 and δ 13C3 is ?32‰–?36‰, ?22‰–?24‰ and ?20‰–?22‰, respectively. In general, the carbon isotopes of gaseous alkanes become less negative with the increase of carbon numbers. The δ 13 \(C_{CO_2 } \) value is less than ?10‰ in the Kuqa depression, indicating its organogenic origin. The distributive range of 3He/4He ratio is within n × 10?8 and a decrease in 3He/4He ratio from north to south in the depression is observed. Based on the geochemical parameters of natural gas above, natural gas in the Kuqa depression is of characteristics of coal-type gas origin. The possible reasons for the partial reversal of stable carbon isotopes of gaseous alkanes involve the mixing of gases from one common source rock with different thermal maturity or from two separated source rock intervals of similar kerogen type, multistages accumulation of natural gas under high-temperature and over-pressure conditions, and sufficiency and diffusion of natural gas.  相似文献   

The late-Paleozoic mafic volcanic rocks occurring in the surrounding areas of the Gonghe basin are distributed in the A’nyêmaqên ophiolite zone, Zongwulong tectonic zone and Kuhai-Saishitang volcanic zone. The mafic volcanics in the A’nyêmaqên zone formed an ancient ridge-centered hotspot around the Majixueshan OIB, the Kuhai-Saishitang mafic rocks consist of E-MORB and continental rift basalts and the Zongwulong volcanic rocks are enriched N-MORB. The regionally low Nb/U and Ce/Pb ratios reflect the influence of the OIB material on the mafic magma source. From geochemistry, spatial distribution and tectonic relationship of the mafic rocks, an ancient triple-junction centered at the Majixueshan can be inferred. The existence of the Kuhai-Saishitang aulacogen may have provided a tectonic channel for the Majixueshan OIB materials metasomatizing the magma source for the Zongwulong rocks. The formation of the triple-junction and the rifting of the Zongwulong zone have separated the orogens and massifs in the region.

内蒙古八大关斑岩型铜钼矿床成岩成矿年代学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
八大关斑岩铜钼矿床是中国内蒙大兴安岭地区典型的斑岩型铜钼矿床之一。对矿区Ⅱ号岩体不同位置的2件岩石样品采用高精度的LA_ICP_MS锆石U_Pb测年,获得的锆石U_Pb年龄分别为(230.6±2.8)Ma和(230.5±4.4)Ma,两者在误差范围内非常一致,由此确认花岗闪长斑岩体的形成年龄约为230 Ma;对矿区7件辉钼矿样品采用Re_Os同位素测年,获得的Re_Os等时线年龄为(228.7±3.1)Ma,指示了八大关铜钼矿床辉钼矿的沉淀时间约为228.7 Ma。结合矿区岩相学、矿物学特征,辉钼矿呈浸染状分布于花岗闪长斑岩体内,且辉钼矿与黄铜矿密切共生,以及上述2种精确方法获得的年龄在误差范围内的一致性,说明花岗闪长斑岩即为成矿岩体,成岩与成矿大致同时或成矿略晚于成岩,表明八大关铜钼矿床形成于中三叠世,属于印支期成矿。  相似文献   
Dongsheng sandstone-type uranium deposit is located in the northern part of Ordos Basin, occurring in the transitional zones between gray-green and gray sandstones of Jurassic Zhiluo Formation. Sandstones in oxidized zone of the ore bed look gray-green, being of unique signature and different from one of ordinary inter-layered oxidation zone of sandstone-type uranium deposits. The character and origin of gray-green sandstones are systematically studied through their petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry. It is pointed out that this color of sandstones is originated from secondary oil-gas reduction processes after paleo-oxidation, being due to acicular-leaf chlorite covering surfaces of the sandstone grains. To find out the origin of gray-green sandstone and recognize paleo-oxidation zones in the ore bed are of not only theoretical significance for understanding metallogenesis of this kind of sandstone-type uranium deposit, but also very importantly practical significance for prospecting for similar kind of sandstone-type uranium deposit.  相似文献   


内蒙古火龙沟铅锌矿床是近期勘查发现、预期可达中型规模以上的铅锌矿床之一,笔者对该矿区的侵入岩——正长花岗岩进行了LA-MC-ICP-MS锆石U_Pb定年和主量、微量元素分析,锆石U_Pb定年结果为(224.0±2.5)Ma,表明,该岩体侵位于晚三叠世。岩石地球化学研究结果显示火龙沟正长花岗岩体具有明显富Si O2和ALK、贫Mg O和TFe的特点,A/NK-A/CNK图解显示正长花岗岩属于准铝质花岗岩。微量元素蛛网图显示富集大离子亲石元素Rb、Th、U、K,亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta、Ti。稀土元素配分模式表现出富集LREE,亏损HREE的右倾型,LREE/HREE=8.04~10.40,具有明显Eu的负异常。花岗岩锆饱和温度计算结果表明该花岗岩岩浆形成温度为820℃,属于高温花岗岩,以上地球化学特征和高温的特点表明该花岗岩为A型花岗岩。结合区域构造演化历史,笔者认为该花岗岩体形成于古亚洲洋闭合后的造山后垮塌岩石圈伸展构造环境。  相似文献   
大兴安岭中北段原岩锆石U-Pb测年及其与区域构造演化关系   总被引:42,自引:19,他引:42  
作者认为单个锆石的同位素年龄记录了所在区域单次构造、岩浆或变质事件活动的时间,不同来源的大量原岩单颗粒锆石的测年数据则可以反映研究区总体构造演化历史。本文对近年来在大兴安岭中北段自测和收集的123件原岩样品的2636个锆石U-Pb测年点的同位素年龄进行统计,结果显示研究区的锆石年龄数据总体上出现840~780Ma, 530~440Ma, 330~280Ma, 240~190Ma,180~160Ma和150~120Ma等多个明显高峰值区间和>840Ma, 770~540Ma和440~400Ma三个相对数据较少的空白地段,且岩浆结晶锆石、变质锆石、继承性锆石等不同成因类型的锆石的年龄统计分布有良好的对应性。年龄数据的高峰值区间与该地区基底形成、陆壳生长、主要板块或微板块俯冲、碰撞、拼贴等主要构造事件时间吻合;而年龄空白区间则与主要的洋底扩张、被动陆缘时代相吻合。研究说明大量原岩锆石的测年数据与河流碎屑锆石同位素年代学一样,可以用于研究物源区的地壳生长和构造演化历史。综合大兴安岭中北段大量单颗粒锆石的同位素年代学、岩石组合和构造特征研究,说明该地区经历了古元古代基底形成、新元古代陆壳生长、新元古代末期板块裂解,古生代期间古陆块间的俯冲、拉张、拼贴碰撞,早中生代碰撞造山、晚中生代造山后伸展垮塌、大陆边缘弧后伸展等复杂的构造演化历史;同时表明蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋在早中生代时期(晚三叠世)即已碰撞造山,大兴安岭中北段及额尔古纳地区发育大量与碰撞有关的花岗岩、混合岩及碰撞后伸展跨塌有关的构造和岩石产物(盆岭构造、滑脱构造、变质核杂岩、陆相双峰式火山岩和多金属成矿等),这对于重新认识研究区中生代多金属成矿的地球动力学背景提供了新的依据。  相似文献   
Using China's ground observations, e.g., forest inventory, grassland resource, agricultural statistics, climate, and satellite data, we estimate terrestrial vegetation carbon sinks for China's major biomes between 1981 and 2000. The main results are in the following: (1) Forest area and forest biomass carbon (C) stock increased from 116.5×106 ha and 4.3 Pg C (1 Pg C = 1015 g C) in the early 1980s to 142.8×106 ha and 5.9 Pg C in the early 2000s, respectively. Forest biomass carbon density increased form 36.9 Mg C/ha (1 Mg C = 106 g C) to 41.0 Mg C/ha, with an annual carbon sequestration rate of 0.075 Pg C/a. Grassland, shrub, and crop biomass sequestrate carbon at annual rates of 0.007 Pg C/a, 0.014―0.024 Pg C/a, and 0.0125―0.0143 Pg C/a, respectively. (2) The total terrestrial vegetation C sink in China is in a range of 0.096―0.106 Pg C/a between 1981 and 2000, accounting for 14.6%―16.1% of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted by China's industry in the same period. In addition, soil carbon sink is estimated at 0.04―0.07 Pg C/a. Accordingly, carbon sequestration by China's terrestrial ecosystems (vegetation and soil) offsets 20.8%―26.8% of its industrial CO2 emission for the study period. (3) Considerable uncertainties exist in the present study, especially in the estimation of soil carbon sinks, and need further intensive investigation in the future.  相似文献   
青藏高原东北缘印支期宗务隆造山带   总被引:33,自引:9,他引:33  
位于柴达木地块北缘构造带(柴北缘构造带)与南祁连造山带间的宗务隆构造带发育晚古生代、早中三叠世地层以及石炭纪蛇绿岩地体和具有岛弧性质的二叠纪—早三叠世中酸性火山岩。三个侵入宗务隆带南侧的海西—印支期花岗岩(246Ma天峻南山花岗岩、238Ma青海湖南山花岗岩和215Ma二郎洞花岗岩)分别与俯冲和后碰撞相关。两期明显的构造变形为印支期造山构造和第三纪陆内构造活动印记,前者以300余千米长的韧性剪切带为代表,后者以大规模指向南的逆冲推覆作用为特征。宗务隆构造带经历了由陆内裂陷、洋盆发育和俯冲—碰撞造山的演化过程,既不同于其南侧的柴北缘构造带也不属于北侧的南祁连造山带,而是一在柴北缘和南祁连造山带共同构建的加里东陆块上发育起来的、具有完整板块旋回的印支期造山带。  相似文献   
Dongsheng sandstone-type uranium deposit is located in the northern part of Ordos Basin, occurring in the transitional zones between gray-green and gray sandstones of Jurassic Zhiluo Formation. Sandstones in oxidized zone of the ore bed look gray-green, being of unique signature and different from one of ordinary inter-layered oxidation zone of sandstone-type uranium deposits. The character and origin of gray-green sandstones are systematically studied through their petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry. It is pointed out that this color of sandstones is originated from secondary oil-gas reduction processes after paleo-oxidation, being due to acicular-leaf chlorite covering surfaces of the sandstone grains. To find out the origin of gray-green sandstone and recognize paleo-oxidation zones in the ore bed are of not only theoretical significance for understanding metallogenesis of this kind of sandstone-type uranium deposit, but also very importantly practical significance for prospecting for similar kind of sandstone-type uranium deposit.  相似文献   
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