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The Aqaba subnetwork of five vertical short-period stations of the seismological observatory of King Saud University was installed in late 1986 along the eastern side of the Gulf of Aqaba, northern Red Sea. During the first six years (1986 August to 1992 July) of the subnetwork operation, 400 microearthquakes were detected. Of these, 93 events were recorded by most of the subnet stations and were located. Their epicentres lie in the northern part of the Red Sea between latitudes 25.5 N and 27.5 N and longitudes 33.5 E and 36 E along the axial depression of the Red Sea where the large intrusions (deeps) are located. Magnitudes of the locatable events ranged from 2.1 to 4.8. Two intensive swarms of about 200 microearthquakes occurred in February and June of 1992. The February swarm is the first intensive sequence observed in the surveying area since the establishment of the KSU network. Frequency-magnitude analysis of the recorded events for the period 1986-1992 yielded 3.543 for a and 0.658 for b . These relatively higher b values (0.658) are a good indication of the crustal heterogeneity under the spreading zone of the northern Red Sea. USGS and KSU data together show 3.41 for a and 0.49 for b . This study, together with historical data, confirms that the area is very seismically active and that the activity is mainly of swarm type, and may be attributed to the subsurface magmatic activity and spreading centres that are usually associated with strike-slip and normal faulting, respectively.  相似文献   
This work depends on integrated high-resolution calcareous plankton nannofossil and foraminiferal biostratigraphic analyses for three Upper Cretaceous-Lower Paleogene successions at Farafra-Abu Minqar area, Western Desert, Egypt. These sections are distributed in a north-south geologic profile as follows: El Aqabat, North Gunna, and Abu Minqar. Lithostratigraphically, four formations are recorded in the study area, namely, Khoman (at base), Dakhla, Tarawan, and Esna (at top). In the north at El Aqabat section, Khoman Formation (carbonate facies) is only represented which changes partially toward the south to Dakhla Formation (siliciclastic facies). In the extreme south at Abu Minqar section, it changes completely into siliciclastic facies of Dakhla Formation. Biostratigraphically, seven calcareous nannofossil and eleven planktonic foraminiferal zones represent the Late Cretaceous-Early Paleogene are identified. Based on the occurrence or missing of these zones accompanied with the field criteria resulted in detecting four tectonic events. These tectonic events took place at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg), the Danian/Selandian (D/S), the Selandian/Thanetian (S/T), and the Paleocene/Eocene (P/E) boundaries. These tectonic events are related to the impact of the Syrian Arc System. Four sequence boundaries (SB1, SB2, SB3, and SB4) are defined in the Late Cretaceous-Early Paleogene sequence in the Farafra-Abu Minqar area.  相似文献   
Studying strong motion records and the spatial distribution of ground shaking is of great importance in understanding the underlying causes of damage in earthquakes. Many regions in the world are either not instrumented or are sparsely instrumented. As such, significant opportunities for motion-damage correlations are lost. Two recent and damaging earthquakes belong to the class of lost opportunities, namely the Kashmir (Pakistan) earthquake of October 2005 and the Yogyakarta (Indonesia) earthquake of May 2006. In this paper, an overview of the importance of supply and demand studies in earthquake-stricken regions is given, followed by two examples of investigative engineering seismology aimed at reconstructing the hazard from sparse data. The paper closes with a plea for responsible authorities to invest in seismic monitoring networks in the very near future.  相似文献   
The stability of the dynamical trajectories of softened spherical gravitational systems is examined, both in the case of the full N -body problem and that of trajectories moving in the gravitational field of non-interacting background particles. In the latter case, for   N 10 000  , some trajectories, even if unstable, had exceedingly long diffusion times, which correlated with the characteristic e-folding time-scale of the instability. For trajectories of   N ≈100 000  systems this time-scale could be arbitrarily large – and thus appear to correspond to regular orbits. For centrally concentrated systems, low angular momentum trajectories were found to be systematically more unstable. This phenomenon is analogous to the well-known case of trajectories in generic centrally concentrated non-spherical smooth systems, where eccentric trajectories are found to be chaotic. The exponentiation times also correlate with the conservation of the angular momenta along the trajectories. For N up to a few hundred, the instability time-scales of N -body systems and their variation with particle number are similar to those of the most chaotic trajectories in inhomogeneous non-interacting systems. For larger N (up to a few thousand) the values of the these time-scales were found to saturate, increasing significantly more slowly with N . We attribute this to collective effects in the fully self-gravitating problem, which are apparent in the time variations of the time-dependent Liapunov exponents. The results presented here go some way towards resolving the long-standing apparent paradoxes concerning the local instability of trajectories. This now appears to be a manifestation of mechanisms driving evolution in gravitational systems and their interactions – and may thus be a useful diagnostic of such processes.  相似文献   
Community involvement in gathering and submitting spatially referenced data via web mapping applications has recently been gaining momentum. Urban forest inventory data analyzed by programs such as the i-Tree ECO inventory method is a good candidate for such an approach. In this research, we tested the feasibility of using spatially referenced data gathered and submitted by non-professional individuals through a web application to augment urban forest inventory data. We examined the use of close range photogrammetry solutions of images taken by consumer-grade cameras to extract quantitative metric information such as crown diameter, tree heights and trunk diameters. Several tests were performed to evaluate the accuracy of the photogrammetric solutions and to examine their use in addition to existing aerial image data to supplement or partially substitute for standard i-Tree ECO field measurements.  相似文献   
The integration of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) constitutes a powerful tool for the evaluation of watershed morphometric parameters. The benefits of this integration include saving time and effort as well as improving the accuracy of the analysis. Moreover, this technique is appropriate for describing the watershed and its streams. In this study, a detailed morphometric analysis of the Wadi Baish catchment area has been performed using the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). The performed morphometric analysis includes linear, areal, and relief aspects. The results of the morphometric analysis reveal that the catchment can be described as of eighth stream order and consists of an area of 4741.07 km2. Additionally, the basin is characterized by a relatively high mean value of bifurcation (4.012), indicative of the scarcity of permeable rocks with high slope in the area. This value of bifurcation ratio is consistent with the high drainage density value of 2.064 km/km2 and confirms the impermeability of the subsurface material and mountainous relief. The hypsometric integral of the catchment is 47.4%, and the erosion integral of the catchment is 52.6%, both were indications of a mature catchment area.  相似文献   
X-ray diffractometer analysis and SEM investigation confirmed the occurrence of jarosite and alunogen minerals in the Quaternary siliciclastic sabkha sediments of northern Kuwait within the Bahrah oilfield area, Arabian Gulf. Jarosite is relatively abundant in a near-surface whitish sticky tidal muddy sand layer about 60 cm thick that overlies the ferruginous sandstone of the Oligo-Miocene Ghar Formation. Jarosite occurs as clusters of euhedral pseudo-cubes of about 1 μm in size and as agglomerated nanoglobules of 250 nm in size. A hypogenetic origin related to the reaction of sulfuric acid produced by the oxidation of H2S associated with hydrocarbon gas seepages with K and Fe leachates is suggested. The restricted occurrence of jarosite within near-surface sabkha sediments may be attributed to limited tidal inundation and prevalence of arid climatic conditions.  相似文献   
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