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The perturbation of the indicator m-cresol purple on the pH in seawater is illustrated in diagrams, representing measurements in 1-cm and 5-cm cells. The diagrams apply to a measured pH interval of 7.4–8.4 using a 2-mM stock solution of m-cresol purple sodium salt dissolved in seawater. The magnitude of the perturbation is described as correction values, i.e., the change in seawater pH caused by the indicator. The diagrams are based on calculations made by using the equilibrium speciation programme, MARINHALT. From these calculations, and least squares fitting methods, pH correction values are described in terms of the pH difference between each seawater sample and the pH of an indicator stock solution. Calculations are performed for a typical high latitude water and a north Pacific deep water. Diagrams are presented for a salinity of 35 and a temperature of 15°C. Responses to salinities between 32 and 36 and temperatures 15–25°C are illustrated as well. A ±0.05 pH difference between a seawater sample and an indicator stock solution gives a correction of less than 0.001 pH unit for a 1-cm cell. For a 5-cm cell, pH differences between the indicator stock solution and a seawater sample as large as ±0.3 cause corrections smaller than ±0.001 pH unit. Calculations demonstrate that the five-fold lower indicator concentration used with 5-cm cells decreases the perturbation effect by approximately a factor of five relative to 1-cm cells.  相似文献   
Two methods, both using data from fixed-interval-length hydraulic tests and geological mapping on different scales, have been utilised to estimate transmissivity distributions of individual fractures. Individual fracture properties are of importance in estimating transport of water and solutes; they influence the spreading of grout when sealing tunnels. One of the methods is non-parametric, while the other is based on combinatorics and the multiplication principle. The study verified the usefulness of both methods for estimating the probability of conductive and non-conductive fractures, and the transmissivity distributions. Data for estimating transmissivity distributions originate from flow logging of a borehole in Sweden. Fracture frequency data are from core logging and images using a borehole image processing system (BIPS). Estimated transmissivity distributions, based on flow log data from 3-m sections (test scale length, L: 3 m, and step length, dL: 3 m), were compared with transmissivities obtained directly from detailed, overlapping flow logging which identify individual conductive fractures (test scale, L: 0.5 m, step length, dL: 0.1 m). The latter data are considered to be an acceptable approximation of the individual fracture transmissivities; the agreement, compared with the calculated transmissivity distributions based on 3-m section data, is good for both methods.
Resumen Se han utilizado dos métodos, ambos procesando datos de pruebas hidráulicas de longitud e intervalo fijo y mapas geológicos en distintas escalas, para estimar las distribuciones de transmisividad de fracturas individuales. Las propiedades de fracturas individuales son de importancia para estimar el transporte de agua y solutos; las propiedades influyen en la propagación de lechada al sellar túneles. Uno de los métodos es no paramétrico mientras que el otro se basa en el principio de multiplicación y combinatorio. El estudio verifica la utilidad de ambos métodos para estimar la probabilidad de fracturas conductivas y no conductivas y las distribuciones de transmisividad. Los datos para estimar las distribuciones de transmisividad se originan del registro de flujo de un pozo en Suecia. Los datos de frecuencia de fracturas provienen de registros de núcleo e imágenes usando un Sistema de Procesamiento de Imágenes de Pozo (BIPS). Se compararon las distribuciones estimadas de transmisividad basadas en datos del registro de flujo en secciones de 3 m (longitud de escala de la prueba L: 3 m, y escalón de longitud dL: 3 m), con transmisividades obtenidas directamente de registros detallados de flujo superpuesto el cual identifica fracturas conductivas individuales (escala de la prueba, L: 0.5 m, escalón de longitud, dL: 0.1 m). Los últimos datos se consideran una aproximación aceptable de las transmisividades de fracturas individuales; la consistencia, comparada con las distribuciones de transmisividad calculada basadas en datos de sección de 3 m, es buena para ambos métodos.

Résumé Deux méthodes ont été testées afin d’estimer la distribution des transmissivités de fractures unitaires; toutes deux utilisent des données issues de tests hydrauliques effectués à intervalles réguliers et de cartographies géologiques à plusieurs échelles. La connaissance des propriétés des fractures unitaires est importante pour estimer le transport d’eau et de solutés; elles influencent en outre l’étalement du coulis lors du scellement des tunnels. La première méthode est non-paramétrique, et la seconde repose sur l’analyse combinatoire et le principe de multiplication. Cette étude a vérifié l’utilité des deux méthodes pour estimer la probabilité d’occurrence de fractures conductrices et non-conductrices, et la distribution des transmissivités. Les distributions des transmissivités ont été estimées à partir de diagraphies effectuées sur un forage situé en Suède. Les densités de fracturation proviennent de carottages et d’imagerie BIPS (Borehole Image Processing System). Les distributions estimées des transmissivités, basées sur des diagraphies de flux effectuées sur des sections de 3 m (échelle du test L:3 m; pas dL:3 m), ont été comparées aux transmissivités obtenues sur des diagraphies de flux détaillées et se chevauchant, identifiant les fractures conductrices unitaires (échelle du test L: 0.5 m ; pas dL: 0.1 m). Il est admis que ces dernières données représentent une approximation satisfaisante des transmissivités des fractures unitaires; les deux méthodes sont en accord avec les distributions des transmissivités calculées à partir des données acquises sur des sections de 3 m.
Nonparametric method for transmissivity distributions along boreholes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Fransson A 《Ground water》2002,40(2):201-204
The transmissivities of individual fractures along a borehole are difficult to obtain unless each fracture is tested. To estimate a fracture-transmissivity distribution from section transmissivities, a method was developed based on fixed-interval-length transmissivities and the corresponding number of fractures for each interval. The method is nonparametric and iterative, and the fractures are viewed as two-dimensional features, in which the total transmissivity of a borehole is equal to the sum of individual fracture transmissivities. Initially, a linear a priori assumption of the transmissivity distribution is made, and from this a so-called mean transmissivity function is derived. Subsequently, the mean transmissivity of the Nj fractures within a section, j, of the borehole is estimated, and the same value of the mean transmissivity function represents Nj possible fracture transmissivities from the initial distribution. This is repeated for each borehole section, and, eventually, all fracture transmissivities are sorted to give the next iteration's transmissivity distribution and the corresponding mean transmissivity function. Finally, the distributions converge, yielding a possible fracture-transmissivity distribution. The method was verified for a synthetic data sample and then tested on a sample from a borehole at the Asp? Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden. For the synthetic data, the method gave a distribution that was fairly close to the original one; for the Asp? data, 15% of the fractures had a transmissivity larger than the measurement limit (1 x 10(-9) m2/sec), and these transmissivities follow a log-normal distribution.  相似文献   
The first carbon budget constructed for the Barents Sea to study the fluxes of carbon into, out of, and within the region is presented. The budget is based on modelled volume flows, measured dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentration, and literature values for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations. The results of the budget show that ~5600±660×106 t C yr?1 is exchanged through the boundaries of the Barents Sea. If a 40% uncertainty in the volume flows is included in the error calculation it resulted in a total uncertainty of ±1600×106 t C yr?1. The largest part of the total budget flux consists of DIC advection (~95% of the inflow and ~97% of the outflow). The other sources and sinks are, in order of importance, advection of organic carbon (DOC+POC; ~3% of both in- and outflow), total uptake of atmospheric CO2 (~1% of the inflow), river and land sources (~0.2% of the inflow), and burial of organic carbon in the sediments (~0.2% of the outflow). The Barents Sea is a net exporter of carbon to the Arctic Ocean; the net DIC export is ~2500±660×106 t C yr?1 of which ~1700±650×106 t C yr?1 (~70%) is in subsurface water masses and thus sequestered from the atmosphere. The net total organic carbon export to the Arctic Ocean is ~80±20×106 t C yr?1. Shelf pumping in the Barents Sea results in an uptake of ~22±11×106 t C yr?1 from the atmosphere which is exported out of the area in the dense modified Atlantic Waters. The main part of this carbon was channelled through export production (~16±10×106 t C yr?1).  相似文献   
The apparent ionization constants for silicic acid, k1 and k2, and the ionic product of water, kw, have been determined in 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 2.0 M Na(CI) media at 25°C. The medium dependence of these constants was found to fit equations of the form
where K1 is the ionization constant in pure water, αi and bi are parameters of which bi has been adjusted to present data. The following results were obtained (αi, bi): pK1 = 9.84, (1.022, ?0.11); pK2 = 13.43, (2.044, ?0.20); and pKw = 14.01 (1.022, ?0.22). ki values are collected in Tables I and II. Attempts have been made to explain the medium dependence of k1 and k2 with weak sodium silicate complexing according to the equilibria
Na++SiO2(OH)22?NaSiO2(HO)?2; k21
giving k11 = 0.37M?1 and k21= 3.0M?1. However, these weak interactions cannot be interpreted unambiguously from potentiometric data at different 1-levels. Probably the medium dependence could equally well be expressed by variations in the activity coefficients.The measurements were performed as potentiometric titrations using a hydrogen electrode. The average number of OH- reacted per Si(OH)4, Z, has been varied within the limits 0 ? Z ? 1.1 and B1, the total concentration of Si(OH)4, between 0.001 M and 0.008 M. k1 was evaluated from experimental data with B ? 0.003 M, and k2 with B ? 0.008 M and Z ? 0.95.  相似文献   
An analysis of velocity statistics and spectra measured above a wind-tunnel forest model is reported. Several measurement stations downstream of the forest edge have been investigated and it is observed that, while the mean velocity profile adjusts quickly to the new canopy boundary condition, the turbulence lags behind and shows a continuous penetration towards the free stream along the canopy model. The statistical profiles illustrate this growth and do not collapse when plotted as a function of the vertical coordinate. However, when the statistics are plotted as function of the local mean velocity (normalized with a characteristic velocity scale), they do collapse, independently of the streamwise position and freestream velocity. A new scaling for the spectra of all three velocity components is proposed based on the velocity variance and integral time scale. This normalization improves the collapse of the spectra compared to existing scalings adopted in atmospheric measurements, and allows the determination of a universal function that provides the velocity spectrum. Furthermore, a comparison of the proposed scaling laws for two different canopy densities is shown, demonstrating that the vertical velocity variance is the most sensible statistical quantity to the characteristics of the canopy roughness.  相似文献   
The concentration profiles of nitrate plus nitrite, ammonium, and redox potential in sediment and water column were determined in late winter and summer at a sampling site off Norrbyn, northern Sweden, in the Gulf of Bothnia. The sediment had an oxidized surface layer during winter and spring, and nitrification occurred. Nitrate but not ammonium was present in the water column at this time. During summer a layer of planktonic detritus was deposited onto the sediment and led to its deoxygenation and reduction. Ammonium was then the predominant form of inorganic nitrogen in the water column.Laboratory experiments confirmed that nitrification in the surface layer of sediment prevented ammonium export during winter. Enhanced temperature or organic detritus deoxygenated the surface sediment and inhibited nitrification, and export of ammonium from the sediment increased. Although nitrification was important in determining the flow of nitrogen in the sediment it accounted for at most only 5% of the total oxygen uptake by the sediment.  相似文献   
In the summer of 2005, continuous surface water measurements of fugacity of CO2 (fCO2sw), salinity and temperature were performed onboard the IB Oden along the Northwest Passage from Cape Farwell (South Greenland) to the Chukchi Sea. The aim was to investigate the importance of sea ice and river runoff on the spatial variability of fCO2 and the sea–air CO2 fluxes in the Arctic Ocean. Additional data was obtained from measurements of total alkalinity (AT) by discrete surface water and water column sampling in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA), on the Mackenzie shelf, and in the Bering Strait. The linear relationship between AT and salinity was used to evaluate and calculate the relative fractions of sea ice melt water and river runoff along the cruise track. High-frequency fCO2sw data showed rapid changes, due to variable sea ice conditions, freshwater addition, physical upwelling and biological processes. The fCO2sw varied between 102 and 678 μatm. Under the sea ice in the CAA and the northern Chukchi Sea, fCO2sw were largely CO2 undersaturated of approximately 100 μatm lower than the atmospheric level. This suggested CO2 uptake by biological production and limited sea–air CO2 gas exchange due to the ice cover. In open areas, such as the relatively fresh water of the Mackenzie shelf and the Bering Strait, the fCO2sw values were close to the atmospheric CO2 level. Upwelling of saline and relatively warm water at the Cape Bathurst caused a dramatic fCO2sw increase of about 100 μatm relative to the values in the CAA. At the southern part of the Chukchi Peninsula we found the highest fCO2sw values and the water was CO2 supersaturated, likely due to upwelling. In the study area, the calculated sea–air CO2 flux varied between an oceanic CO2 sink of 140 mmol m−2 d−1 and an oceanic source of 18 mmol m−2 d−1. However, in the CAA and the northern Chukchi Sea, the sea ice cover prevented gas exchange, and the CO2 fluxes were probably negligible at this time of the year. Assuming that the water was exposed to the atmosphere by total melting and gas exchange would be the only process, the CO2 undersaturated water in the ice-covered areas will not have the time to reach the atmospheric CO2 value, before the formation of new sea ice. This study highlights the value of using high-frequency measurements to gain increased insight into the variable and complex conditions, encountered on the shelves in the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   
The hydrolysis of silicic acid, Si(OH)4, was studied in a simplified seawater medium (0.6 M Na(Cl)) at 25°C. The measurements were performed as potentiometric titrations (hydrogen electrode) in which OH? was generated coulometrically. The total concentration of Si(OH)4, B, and log[H+] were varied within the limits 0.00075 ? B ? 0.008 M and 2.5 ? -log[H+] ? 11.7, respectively. Within these ranges the formation of SiO(OH)3? and SiO2(OH)22? with formation constants log β?11(Si(OH)4 ? SiO(OH)3? + H+) = ?9.472 ±0.002 and log β?21(Si(OH)4 ? SiO2(OH)22? + 2H+) = ?22.07 ± 0.01 was established. With B > 0.003 M polysilicate complexes are formed, however, with -log[H+] ? 10.7 their formation does not significantly affect the evaluated formation constants. Data were analyzed with the least squares computer program LETAGROPVRID.  相似文献   
The hydrolysis of silicic acid, Si(OH)4, was studied in a simplified seawater medium (0.6 M Na(Cl)) at 25°C. The measurements were performed as potentiometric titrations (hydrogen electrode) in which OH was generated coulometrically. The total concentration of Si(OH)4, B, and log[H+] were varied within the limits 0.00075 B 0.008 M and 2.5 -log[H+] 11.7, respectively. Within these ranges the formation of SiO(OH)3 and SiO2(OH)22− with formation constants log β−11(Si(OH)4 SiO(OH)3 + H+) = −9.472 ±0.002 and log β−21(Si(OH)4 SiO2(OH)22− + 2H+) = −22.07 ± 0.01 was established. With B > 0.003 M polysilicate complexes are formed, however, with -log[H+] 10.7 their formation does not significantly affect the evaluated formation constants. Data were analyzed with the least squares computer program LETAGROPVRID.  相似文献   
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