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地球物理   2篇
  2007年   2篇
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Based on the theory of Housner, the transverse seismic response of beam aqueduct considering fluid-structure cou-pling is established. With the variation of aqueduct cross-section ratio of depth to width, the aqueduct transverse seismic response change. The transverse seismic response of a large-scale aqueduct in several work condition are calculated. It shows that the transverse seismic response is greatly influenced by the water mass in the aqueduct, but the shaking water play a TLD role. If the whole water is appended aqueduct body, it will magnify seismic iner-tia action. When aqueduct cross-section is selected, the influence of ratio of depth and width to pier seismic re-sponse should be considered in order to reduce seismic action.  相似文献   
考虑流-固耦合梁式矩形渡槽横向地震响应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据豪斯纳尔(Housner)理论, 建立了考虑槽内水体与渡槽槽身流-固耦合的横向地震响应计算模型,分析了槽身断面深宽比变化对渡槽结构抗震的影响,并对某大型渡槽进行了多工况地震时程响应计算. 结果表明,在地震波作用下,渡槽槽内大质量水体对渡槽的横向地震响应有较大的影响, 但水体的晃荡作用有明显的TLD效应. 若将水体视为刚体, 质量全部附加到槽体上,将严重地夸大水的地震惯性力作用,且在渡槽槽身断面选择时应考虑深宽比对墩身地震响应的影响, 以减小地震力.   相似文献   
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