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地球物理   2篇
  2008年   2篇
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Tsunami induced by earthquake is an interaction problem between liquid and solid.Shallow-water wave equation is often used to modeling the tsunami,and the boundary or initial condition of the problem is determined by the displacement or velocity field from the earthquake under sea floor,usually no interaction between them is consid-ered in pure liquid model.In this study,the potential flow theory and the finite element method with the interaction between liquid and solid are employed to model the dynamic processes of the earthquake and tsunami.For model-ing the earthquake,firstly the initial stress field to generate the earthquake is set up,and then the occurrence of the earthquake is simulated by suddenly reducing the elastic material parameters inside the earthquake fault.It is dif-ferent from seismic dislocation theory in which the relative slip on the fault is specified in advance.The modeling results reveal that P,SP and the surface wave can be found at the sea surface besides the tsunami wave.The surface wave arrives at the distance of 600 km from the epicenter earlier than the tsunami 48 minutes,and its maximum amplitude is 0.55 m,which is 2 times as large as that of the sea floor.Tsunami warning information can be taken from the surface wave on the sea surface,which is much earlier than that obtained from the seismograph stations on land.The tsunami speed on the open sea with 3 km depth is 175.8 m/s,which is a little greater than that pre-dicted by long wave theory,(gh)1/2=171.5 m,and its wavelength and amplitude in average are 32 km and 2 m,respectively.After the tsunami propagates to the continental shelf,its speed and wavelength is reduced,but its amplitude become greater,especially,it can elevate up to 10 m and run 55 m forward in vertical and horizontal directions at sea shore,respectively.The maximum vertical accelerations at the epicenter on the sea surface and on the earthquake fault are 5.9 m/s2 and 16.5 m/s2,respectively,the later is 2.8 times the former,and therefore,sea water is a good shock  相似文献   
蔡永恩  赵志栋 《地震学报》2008,30(6):594-604
海底地震引起的海啸过程在力学上是一个流固耦合问题。地震引起的海底变形会影响流体的运动,流体运动会影响地震引起的海底变形。海啸的数值模拟,通常采用浅水波控制方程,把地震引起的海底变形作为海啸波动的边界条件或初始条件,不考虑它们之间的相互作用。本文采用势流体的流固耦合有限元方法模拟了地震和海啸的全过程。地震过程的模拟与地震位错模型不同,在位错模型中,断层的位错是事先指定的;而在本文中,首先形成自重作用下的初始应力场,然后通过断层材料的突然软化引起的错动,模拟地震震源的动力学过程。模拟结果显示,在海面除了可以看到大振幅的海啸波外,还可以发现体波震相和面波震相。在600 km的海面震中距上,它们要比海啸波早到48分钟,在此处面波的最大平均振幅可达0.55 m,是相同震中距海底面波最大平均振幅的2倍。因此,海啸预警信息在海面可以比在地表更早地得到。海啸波的传播速度在水深3 km的开阔海面是175.8 m/s,它要比理想长波理论预测的大,其平均振幅为2 m,波长可达32 km. 到达大陆架后其速度、波长都减小,在岸边可以激起10 m高的巨浪,水平方向深入陆地达53 m。震中附近海面和地震断层上的最大垂直加速度分别为5.9 m/s2和16.3 m/s2,后者是前者的2.8倍。由此看来,海水是很好的减震器。海啸波的加速度到达岸边会衰减10倍。与加速度不同,海面震中处的振动速度为3.2 m/s, 是海底震源处的1.4倍。震源处的最大位移小于震中海面的最大位移, 其差就是海啸波源的振幅。值得注意的是,海底地震的最大位错在震后23 s达到,不是发生在断层滑动的开始。   相似文献   
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