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区域可持续发展评价:进展与展望   总被引:55,自引:4,他引:55  
可持续发展的评价是目前可持续发展研究的热点和前沿。当前评价可持续发展的单项指标和指标体系在指标与可持续性的关系、指标权重的选择、指标的定量化、可持续性的总体判别方法、资本替代性与替代速度、指标阈值的确定等方面具有不同的局限性 ,这也是可持续发展评价的主要难点。可持续发展的评价必然要落实到不同尺度的空间地理单元上 ,区域发展是评价的对象 ,因而可持续发展的评价必然具有显著的区域性 ,不同区域的评价指标或指标体系必然会有所不同。社会、经济与人口的发展是人类社会发展的主要目标 ,而发展的可持续性依赖于自然环境的质量 ,包括自然资源的再生或替代、生命支持系统与生物多样性的维持或改善。据此 ,论文构建了区域可持续发展评价的理论框架和发展——可持续性二维评价坐标体系 ,并提出了“自上而下”和“自下而上”的指标遴选方法。  相似文献   
斑井岩体位于徐淮推覆体中北部皇藏峪复背斜北段西翼,由于研究重点和关注度不同,对其成因类型及年代学特征研究较少。故此,本次研究将依托于钻孔XZK01中的7个岩石样品,通过大量的主微量元素地球化学分析及锆石U-Pb年代学分析,深入探讨斑井岩体的成因机制、形成年代及其地质意义。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学分析结果揭示斑井岩体的结晶年龄为126.4Ma±2.1Ma,侵位时代为中生代早白垩世,为地球动力学背景转变期间形成的岩体。本次6个样品的主量元素分析结果中w(SiO2)变化范围为56.54%~59.29%,全碱w(Na2O+K2O)变化范围为4.98%~5.68%,为中性岩;里特曼组合指数σ介于1.77~1.98之间,σ<3.3,属于钙碱性岩。其次,该组样品微量元素w(Sr)介于589×10^-6~728×10^-6之间,平均值为659×10^-6;w(Y)介于11.3×10^-6~12.8×10^-6之间,平均值为12.1×10^-6;w(Yb)介于1.13×10^-6~1.4×10^-6之间,平均值为1.23×10^-6;w(Cr)介于100×10^-6~660×10^-6之间,平均为377×10^-6;Mg#值介于47.17~68.14之间,平均值为58.21。该结果指示斑井岩体具富Sr,Sr/Y,贫Y,Yb的特征,指示其源区具有高压的环境,Mg#的变化特征揭示斑井岩体并非来自下地壳镁铁质岩石部分熔融,且w(Cr)的变化特征指示地幔橄榄岩也可能参与其中。此外,LREE/HREE介于6.91~10.98之间,平均值为8.895;LaN/YbN值在7.68~12.95之间,平均值为10.17,为轻稀土较强富集;大离子亲石元素Rb(23.9×10^-6~44.8×10^-6),K(11373×10^-6~14610.6×10^-6),Ba(513×10^-6~694×10^-6),Th(1.5×10^-6~2.5×10^-6),U(0.51×10^-6~0.79×10^-6)相对富集;高场强元素Nb(3.2×10^-6~4.7×10^-6),Ti(3056.7×10^-6~3536.2×10^-6)等表现出明显负异常。  相似文献   
In our trials, from 2007 to 2008, of mass production of seedlings of Hizikia fusiformis using synchronization techniques, problems of a dark thalli phenomenon and epiphytes contamination severely threatened the health of juvenile seedlings. In this investigation, we optimized conditions for improving the growth of juvenile seedlings. Seven string collectors were seeded with zygotes and a series of experiments were conducted including direct exposure to solar irradiance, co-culture with Ulva spp. and treatme...  相似文献   
During sexual reproduction of seaweeds, spermatozoid (sperm) discharge is triggered by chemical messengers (pheromones) released by the female gametes. The chemotactic ability of the sperm ensures fertilization success. Using unialgal male and female gametophyte material under designated standard gametogenesis testing (SGT) conditions, the potential life-span of the sperm of two seaweeds, Saccharina japonica and Undaria pinnatifida, was assessed by their ability to fertilize eggs. Results show that within 20-30 min after being discharged, sperm of both species could complete fertilization without an apparent decline in fertilization rate. Although fertilization rate 60–120 min after sperm discharge dropped significantly in both species, some sperm were viable enough to fertilize the eggs. In S. japonica, at 12°C, some sperm were able to fertilize eggs up to 12 h after discharge. In both species, egg discharge rates (EDR) in the male and female mixed positive controls were significantly higher than those of all the sperm-testing groups. Doubling the seeded male gametophytes of S. japonica in the SGT tests significantly increased the EDR, further confirming the effect of the presence of the male on the female in terms of facilitating egg discharge from oogonia.  相似文献   
日照水库是1959年建成的一座大(二)型水库,位于日照市东港区驻地以西16 km处的付疃河中游,控制流域面积548 km2,是日照城市及国民经济发展的最重要水源保障。近年来日照市经济社会飞速发展,特别随着"山东精品钢基地"等大项目的开工建设,供水安全形势愈发严峻,如何维护日照水库和保护这一水源地更是被提到了重要的议事日程。先行研究分析流域地质条件,是做好日照水库保护建设工作的重要基础。  相似文献   
The annual life cycle of the brown seaweed Undaria pinnatifi da(Harvey)Suringer comprises a macroscopic diploid sporophyte stage and a microscopic haploid gametophyte stage.In 2011,an unusual zoospore-derived monoecious gametophyte isolate(designated as line 10-5-3)of U.pinnatifi da was observed.To understand this phenomenon,a comprehensive screening of eighty-two previously identifi ed male gametophyte cultures,isolated from three randomly selected cultivars(lines 10,7,and 5)was performed.Thirty-six of the isolates developed both antheridia and oogonia on the same fi lamentous fragment in a standard gametogenesis test(SGT: 18°C,60 μmol photons/(m 2·s)).Selfi ng of the monoecious gametophyte or crossing it with a normal male gametophyte both gave rise to morphologically normal sporophytic offspring.However,crossing resulted in a much higher fertilization rate(89.7%).The hybrid and selfed sporophytic offspring were grown to maturity in fl ow tanks at an ambient temperature of 10–18°C over a period of 69 days.Active zoospores were released from both types of mature sporophylls.The majority of these developed into male gametophytes,while 15%–20% developed into the observed monoecious structures on the same fi lament.Using PCR amplifi cation it was found that all the monoecious gametophyte isolates and the sporophytic offspring resulting from the selfi ng and crossing lacked the femalelinked microsatellite sequence(a part of the locus Up-AC-2A8,GenBank accession No.AY738602.1),indicating their male nature.U.pinnatifi da is an invasive species in some regions and the implications of the above fi ndings for this species in nature are briefl y discussed.  相似文献   
5&#183;12汶川地震激发了龙门山风景区崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、堰塞湖等链状次生山地灾害。通过应急调查发现,该区已有堰塞湖5处,危害性崩塌、滑坡6处,已成灾泥石流沟1条,潜在泥石流沟11条,根据各处灾害的主要特征,确定堰塞湖的危险程度,提出山地灾害处理建议。  相似文献   
一种双向测距与时间同步系统的设计与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在研究双向单程伪距测量原理的基础上,设计了双向测距与时间同步(DRTS)终端系统总体构架,阐述了在系统中使用的技术,并搭建了基于DSP+FPGA的双向测距与时间同步系统软硬件平台。实验结果表明,此系统的码速率为5MHz、中心频率为15MI-Iz时,测距和时间同步的分辨率可达0.15cm和5ps(@1S),采用不同频率源时测距和时间同步的精度分别为1.038m和3.46ns,采用相同频率源时分别为0.28cm和9.43ps(参考频率稳定度1×10^-10/d量级)。与国外同类产品相比具有测量精度优势,但考虑通用性,此系统的硬件仍需进一步优化,软件上需要做到码速率可调。  相似文献   

煤基固体废弃物的清洁利用是矿区生态建设亟待解决的问题,重金属的结构形态是煤基固废清洁利用的关键。以安徽淮南矿区潘一矿煤矸石、粉煤灰为研究对象,利用XRF、XRD、SEM和FTIR等微区方法对煤基固废进行表征分析,探讨其精细化学结构及重金属嵌布方式,并结合RAC(Risk Assessment Code)生态风险评价对重金属潜在风险进行评估。结果表明,煤矸石主要粒径以黏粒(0~5 μm)和粗粉砂(10~50 μm)为主,粒度不规则,空间分布间距较大,主要矿物为石英(SiO2),IR谱线辅助验证了AlO4和SiO4的弯曲振动。粉煤灰粒径以粗粉砂(10~50 μm)和砂砾石(50~250 μm)为主,表面以球状包裹体和多孔颗粒组成,粒径大小不一,主要矿物相是莫来石(Al6Si2O13),IR谱线发现其存在有机硅Si-O-Si对称伸缩和反对称伸缩。煤矸石中Ni、Pb以有机结合态和铁锰氧化物结合态为主,Cr、Cd、As的赋存形态主要是残渣态;粉煤灰中As主要以残渣态和有机结合态存在,其余重金属元素均以残渣态存在。RAC生态风险评价结果表明,煤矸石和粉煤灰中Cr、As属于低风险水平,其余重金属均无风险。研究结果对煤基固废资源化利用及矿区生态环境保护具有重要的现实意义。

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