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为了促进现代化的实现,作者试图找出中国与发达国家之间的经济差距,并选取了世界银行公布数据的三个指标,代入自己设计的简便公式,测得中国与韩国、希腊的经济差距为26年(以2000年基准)。于是作者将发达国家分为一般发达国家和高度发达国家,把发展中国家分为一般发展中国家和发展中的发达国家。作者预计2020年中国将达到发展中的发达国家水平。并预测中国将在2007年经济总量超英国;中国与英国的人均水平差距约为34年。中国与美国经济总量的差距约为35年,中美之间的人均水平差距约为44年,动态差距将在50年以上。结论,中国在2030年将可达到一般发达国家水平,即可实现现代化。  相似文献   
基于钴的化学性质及在岩浆、热液和表生作用过程中的地球化学行为,系统梳理了全球和我国钴矿产特征和资源分布,将钴矿床成因划分为11个四级类型。研究显示:在镁铁-超镁铁质岩浆中,早期以类质同象分散到造岩矿物和副矿物中,随后在岩浆体系中逐渐下降进入硫化物中;在热液中以含氯化物、氢氧化物和二硫化氢的水溶液络合物形式发生运移,受流体性质、温度和盐度等因素影响;在表生作用中主要包括镁铁-超镁铁质岩石风化作用和现代海底铁锰结核和结壳化学沉积作用;建立钴的来源-分配-迁移-沉淀富集机制。建议在今后工作中,应进一步细化钴成矿类型,追溯钴金属来源,识别关键控矿因素,精细刻画钴的迁移沉淀机制,尤其是硫化物矿床岩浆期后叠加改造对矿体的二次富集作用。同时,提升钴矿产的选矿工艺,加大钴资源的综合利用。  相似文献   
利用2004年5月"实验3"号船在南海南部陆架区观测站(109°40′E,06°05′N)连续48h观测得到的温度、溶解氧浓度、叶绿素浓度数据,分析了观测点的叶绿素和溶解氧的垂向分布、日变化特征及其同水温和盐度等物理环境要素的相关关系。结果表明,叶绿素和溶解氧垂向分布与温度有着显著的负相关关系,与盐度有着显著的正相关关系,溶解氧和叶绿素的日变化与温度和盐度的相关性则不显著,跃层深度和海流等对溶解氧的日变化有一定的影响作用。  相似文献   
The three dimensional structure of the western boundary current east of the Vietnam coast was determined from measurements by Argo profiling floats which deployed near the east of the Vietnam Coast in October 2007. The trajectories of the Argo floats provided robust evidence that there does exist southward flowing current along the Vietnam coast. The southward current begins at about 15°N, 111°E, flowing along the 1 000 m isobath and extending to 5°N south. The estimated surface and parking depth velocities obtained from the floats suggest that this southward current can extend to 1 000 m depth. The mean surface velocity of the western boundary current is about 49 cm/s, with the maximum speed exceeding 100 cm/s occurring at 11.6°N, 109.5°E in the direction of 245°. The mean parking depth (1 000 m) velocity is 12–16 cm/s with the maximum speed of 36 cm/s occurring at 12.1°N, 109.7°E in the direction of 239°.  相似文献   
The three dimensional structure of the western boundary current east of the Vietnam coast was determined from measurements by Argo profiling floats which deployed near the east of the Vietnam Coast in October 2007. The trajectories of the Argo floats provided robust evidence that there does exist southward flowing current along the Vietnam coast. The southward current begins at about 15°N, 111°E, flowing along the 1 000 m isobath and extending to 5°N south. The estimated surface and parking depth velocities obtained from the floats suggest that this southward current can extend to 1 000 m depth. The mean surface velocity of the western boundary current is about 49 cm/s, with the maximum speed exceeding 100 cm/s occurring at 11.6°N, 109.5°E in the direction of 245°. The mean parking depth (1 000 m) velocity is 12–16 cm/s with the maximum speed of 36 cm/s occurring at 12.1°N, 109.7°E in the direction of 239°. The water mass analysis suggests that the Kuroshio surface water and NPIW are not apparent in the western boundary current although this time was the favored season for the Kuroshio intrusion into Luzon Strait. The mean geostrophic currents suggest that the Kuroshio intrusion into Luzon Strait during October to December 2007 is very weak, as most of the intruding water was carried eastward at 14°N near the western boundary and little flowed southward along the western boundary, providing an explanation for the absence of Kuroshio surface water and NPIW in the water mass analysis. There is a strong cyclonic circulation in the SSCS during this time, which induces a strong mixing in the western boundary companied by a homogeneous salinity layer between 300–600 m in the salinity vertical distribution. No reversal undercurrent occurred at the intermediate depth along the western boundary east of the Vietnam coast during October to December 2007.  相似文献   
This paper examines the changes in the time series of water discharge and sediment load of the Yellow River into the Bohai Sea. To determine the characteristics of abrupt changes and multi-scale periods of water discharge and sediment load, data from Lijin station were analyzed, and the resonance periods were then calculated. The Mann-Kendall test, order clustering, power-spectrum, and wavelet analysis were used to observe water discharge and sediment load into the sea over the last 62 years. The most significant abrupt change in water discharge into the sea occurred in 1985, and an abrupt change in sediment load happened in the same year. Significant decreases of 64.6% and 73.8% were observed in water discharge and sediment load, respectively, before 1985. More significant abrupt changes in water discharge and sediment load were observed in 1968 and 1996. The characteristics of water discharge and sediment load into the Bohai Sea show periodic oscillation at inter-annual and decadal scales. The main periods of water discharge are 9.14 years and 3.05 years, whereas the main periods of sediment load are 10.67 years, 4.27 years, and 2.78 years. The significant resonance periods between water discharge and sediment load are observed at the following temporal scales: 2.86 years, 4.44 years, and 13.33 years. Water discharge and sediment load started to decrease after 1970 and has decreased significantly since 1985 for several reasons. Firstly, the precipitation of the Yellow River drainage area has reduced since 1970. Secondly, large-scale human activities, such as the building of reservoirs and floodgates, have increased. Thirdly, water and soil conservation have taken effect since 1985.  相似文献   
何蕾  李国胜  李阔  张悦  郭腾蛟 《地理研究》2019,38(2):427-436
在全球增暖及海平面上升背景下,风暴潮极端事件愈加严重,修筑海防工程是沿海地区应对和适应风暴潮灾害的主要工程性措施。以珠江三角洲为研究区,基于风暴潮历史灾害数据,分析了风暴潮增水与社会经济损失的关联性;提出了定量评价工程性适应风暴潮灾害的经济损益理论关系模型;推算了未来极端事件情景下,珠江三角洲海防工程建设的适应效果。结果表明,珠江三角洲地区风暴潮灾害的灾损率与增水呈显著正相关。海防工程建设高度在1.69~11.85 m内处于收益状态,其中5.22 m时收益最大。基于2030年、2050年以及2100年海平面上升叠加风暴潮情景,将海防工程设防标准定为应对2100年20年一遇风暴潮时的收益最大,标准定为应对2100年100年一遇风暴潮时收益最小。  相似文献   
1959年来珠江三角洲地区的海平面变化与趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何蕾  李国胜  李阔  崔林林  任惠茹 《地理研究》2014,33(5):988-1000
验潮站资料的低空间分辨率与卫星数据的短时序是区域海平面变化研究存在的关键难题。本文结合卫星高度计海平面高度距平资料及验潮站数据,基于EOF和最小二乘法重建过去53 年(1959-2011 年)珠江三角洲海平面变化时空序列,并利用主成分分析方法建立区域统一海平面变化时间序列。结果显示,基于EOF和最小二乘法的海平面高度场重建方法能很好地解决卫星高度计资料时间序列不长和验潮站分布稀缺时间不连续等问题,对于海平面变化研究,尤其是关于过去长期的变化过程及特征研究适用性良好。对统一海平面变化时间序列线性拟合显示,近53 年珠江三角洲区域海平面平均变化速率为4.08 mm/yr,且存在近期加速上升趋势。与单站研究相比,该方法较好地表达了区域海平面主要变化特征并剔除可能存在的噪音。径流及厄尔尼诺现象也对珠江三角洲海平面空间变化产生影响。  相似文献   
刘冲  齐述华  汤林玲  何蕾 《地理研究》2016,35(12):2373-2383
蒸散是地球表层物质循环与能量交换过程的重要组成部分,了解其时空特征和影响因素具有重要的科学意义。以鄱阳湖流域为研究区,基于WaSSI-C生态水文模型,利用气象数据、叶面积指数数据和土壤数据等估算1983-2011年鄱阳湖流域蒸散,分析其时空特征,并通过情景模拟定量分析植被恢复和气候变化对蒸散的影响。研究表明:鄱阳湖流域蒸散多年均值变化范围为741~914 mm/a,植被和降水量分布是造成流域蒸散空间差异的主要原因;近三十年来鄱阳湖流域蒸散呈阶段性增长趋势,增长率为1.495 mm/a;植被、气温和降水对鄱阳湖流域蒸散的单独影响均为正向,但气温和降水的联合效应会导致蒸散下降;鄱阳湖流域蒸散变化的主导因素具有空间差异性,从整体上看,植被恢复是驱动蒸散呈增加趋势的主要原因,而气候变化是导致蒸散年际波动的主要原因。  相似文献   
本研究应用激光剥蚀技术测定了北大别黄土岭高温-高压长英质麻粒岩锆石3个结构域的U-Pb年龄.变质锆石成因的碎屑锆石域的207Pb/206Pb年龄范围为(2493±54) Ma~(2500±180) Ma, 岩浆成因的碎屑锆石域的207Pb/206Pb年龄范围为2628~2690Ma, 其最大的206Pb/238U年龄为(2790±150) Ma, 变质增生或变质重结晶锆石域的不一致线上交点年龄为(2044.7±29.3) Ma.长英质麻粒岩的矿物组合成分、主量元素地球化学, 尤其是锆石副矿物内部结构特征显示其原岩为沉积岩.这表明, 麻粒岩原岩物质来自具有复杂热历史的蚀源区, 该蚀源区曾发生过~2.8Ga的岩浆作用和~2.5Ga变质作用, 因此其原岩的沉积年龄不应早于2.5Ga.高温-高压麻粒岩相变质作用的精确年龄为(2.04±0.03) Ga, 表明黄土岭麻粒岩是一个晚古元古代超高温变质岩之残块.   相似文献   
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