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利用1998年"大洋一号"调查船近海底作业所获的深拖海底电视和照相系统资料,对中国开辟区不利开采地形类型及其分布特征进行了研究,并对海底地形的坡度进行了计算,结果表明:(1)中国开辟区东、西两区海底的东向坡和西向坡是均衡分布的。东、西两区海底地形坡度的分布特征明显不同,东区海底地形坡度以0~15°为主,而西区坡度大于3°的地形则很少。坡度大于5°的地形主要分布于坡脚处,特别是坡度超过15°的地形总是出现在水深变化的转折点处。(2)研究区不利开采地形可分为坡度为5~15°和大于15°两种类型,东区地形坡度大于5°的不利开采地形比西区多14%,东区坡度大于15°的地形为3.6%,比西区(仅为1.4%)多,东、西两区都有少量坡度近90°的地形出现,并且这种地形在东区所占比率比西区大,说明东区断崖、陡坎和断裂沟槽比西区多,地形也更为复杂多变。  相似文献   
The ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge(SWIR) to the east of the Melville fracture zone is characterized by very low melt supply and intensive tectonic activity. Due to its weak thermal budget and extremely slow spreading rate, the easternmost SWIR was considered to be devoid of hydrothermal activity until the discovery of the inactive Mt. Jourdanne hydrothermal field(27°51′S, 63°56′E) in 1998. During the COMRA DY115-20 cruise in2009, two additional hydrothermal fields(i.e., the Tiancheng(27°51′S, 63°55′E) and Tianzuo(27°57′S, 63°32′E)fields) were discovered. Further detailed investigations of these two hydrothermal sites were conducted by Chinese manned submersible Jiaolong in 2014–2015. The Tiancheng filed can be characterized as a lowtemperature(up to 13.2°C) diffuse flow hydrothermal field, and is hosted by fractured basalts with hydrothermal fauna widespread on the seafloor. The Tianzuo hydrothermal field is an inactive sulfide field, which is hosted by ultramafic rocks and controlled by detachment fault. The discovery of the three hydrothermal fields around Segment #11 which receives more melt than the regional average, provided evidence for local enhanced magmatism providing heat source to drive hydrothermal circulation. We further imply that hydrothermal activity and sulfide deposits may be rather promising along the easternmost SWIR.  相似文献   
A new geo-acoustic model for gas-bearing sediment is proposed based on the work of Dvorkin and Prasad, and Biot theory. Only five geophysical parameters: sediment mineral composition, free gas saturation, tortuosity (also known as the structure factor), permeability, and porosity, are considered in the model. A benefit of this model is that we need only five parameters instead of ten parameters in the Biot’s formulas for acoustic velocity and attenuation calculation. Here the model is demonstrated with the in-situ experimental data collected from the Hangzhou Bay, China. The results of this study suggest that free gas content in sediment is the most critical condition resulting in a low acoustic velocity (compressional wave). The respective contributions of the other four parameters in the model are also discussed.  相似文献   
海底声学底质分类技术的研究现状与前景   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对海底声学底质分类技术的研究现状进行了分析。介绍了目前典型的底质分类设备、软件以及可采取的分类方法,探讨了我国开展海底声学底质分类技术研究、开发的可行性与具体实现的思路。  相似文献   
近年来,国际海底地形命名分委会(SCUFN,Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names)以不涉及国家间的主权争端为原则,开展全部或者主体(50%以上)位于领海以外的海底地形特征命名的审议工作.提案申请的地形名称一经采纳,将直接被写入  相似文献   
印尼海啸区附近海域沉积物声速测量及声学特性分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了沉积物柱状样超声透射法测量方法和原理.对印尼海啸区附近海域沉积物柱状样进行了现场测量,通过测量数据的处理和分析,给出了沉积物的垂向声速剖面.讨论了声速与频率的关系,指出声速具有随频率的0.1次方增大的频散特性.分析沉积深度、结构以及生物扰动等方面的因素对声学测量结果的影响,结果表明海底地震引起的沉积物变迁、沉积物结构扰动、气体的混入等对声速的测量结果均产生影响.  相似文献   
近年来,中国大洋矿产资源研究开发协会组织了多个针对大洋中脊海底热液活动的航次调查.自从2007年在西南印度洋中脊49.6°E发现了第一个海底热液活动区以来,已经在西南印度洋中脊和东太平洋海隆赤道地区发现了十几个海底热液区[1~4].2009年11~12月,大洋21航次在南大西洋中脊13°~14°S段发现了两个新的海底热液活动区,这是我国第一次在大西洋中脊发现海底热液活动区,也是当时发现的位于大西洋中脊最南端的两个热液活动区.  相似文献   
A new geo-acoustic model for gas-bearing sediment is proposed based on the work of Dvorkin and Prasad, and Biot theory. Only five geophysical parameters: sediment mineral composition, free gas saturation, tortuosity (also known as the structure factor), permeability, and porosity, are considered in the model. A benefit of this model is that we need only five parameters instead of ten parameters in the Biot's formulas for acoustic velocity and attenuation calculation. Here the model is demonstrated with the in-situ experimental data collected from the Hangzhou Bay, China. The results of this study suggest that free gas content in sediment is the most critical condition resulting in a low acoustic velocity (compressional wave). The respective contributions of the other four parameters in the model are also discussed.  相似文献   
多频海底声学原位测试系统研制和试用   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
海底沉积物的声学特性(最重要的是声速和声衰减)以及它们与物理(包括土力学)特性之间的关系是沉积物声学中两个重要的研究项目.介绍了新研制的实时监控多频海底声学原位测试系统.该系统可测量浅表层沉积物的声速.探测频率为8,10,12,15 kHz,可根据实际情况选择发射波形、接收增益和采样长度,采样率为0.5~2.0 MHz,工作水深为300 m.系统具有倾斜传感器、8通道扩充等功能.用该系统在杭州湾测得了四种频率的沉积物原位声速.  相似文献   
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