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Simultaneousindependent measurements of NOy and NOx(NOx= NO + NO2) by high-sensitivitychemiluminescence systems and of PAN (peroxyacetylnitrate) and PPN (peroxypropionyl nitrate) by GC-ECDwere made at Spitsbergen in the Norwegian Arcticduring the first half year of 1994. The average mixingratio of the sum of PAN and PPN (denoted PANs)increased from around 150 pptv in early winter to amaximum of around 500 pptv in late March, whereasepisodic peak values reached 800 pptv. This occurredsimultaneously with a maximum in ozone which increasedto 45–50 ppbv in March–April. The average NOxmixing ratio was 27 pptv and did not show any cyclethrough the period. The NOy mixing ratio showeda maximum in late March, while the difference betweenNOy and PAN decreased during spring. This is anindication of the dominance of PAN in the NOybudget in the Arctic, but possible changes in theefficiency of the NOy converter could alsocontribute to this. Although most PAN in theArctic is believed to be due to long range transport,the observations indicate local loss and formationrates of up to 1–2 pptv h-1 in April–May.Measurements of carbonyl compounds suggest thatacetaldehyde was the dominant, local precursor ofPAN.Now at 1.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the exploration history of the Barents Sea part of the Norwegian continental shelf. The main structural elements which so far have been identified in the Troms/Finnmark/Barents Sea region are outlined and discussed. Special attention is given to the selected Area I outside Troms, where according to latest government plans, drilling will start in 1978. At least two different fault systems are discribed in Area I. The salt diapirs in the Tromsø Basin and their location relative to the fault pattern are discussed. A schematic structural model for Area I is suggested.  相似文献   
New computations of massive stars follow the evolution up to advanced stages and include:
  • -A large and flexible nuclear network consisting of 174 nuclear species that are linked by 1742 nuclear reactions.
  • -Semiconvection, overshooting and mass loss.
  • -Modern rates for both strong and weak interaction processes as well as the latest rates for the neutrino processes.
  • -Improved grid distribution and a large number of grid points.
  • The nuclear network and the diffusion equation are solved for each time step during the whole evolution. In this way the accuracy of nuclear yields and chemical abundances are mainly limited by uncertainties in the diffusion coefficient found from the convection theories. Several instability mechanisms may affect the mass loss rates of massive stars and thereby the structure and abundances of WR stars. Due to heavy mass loss at the LBV and WR stages, the masses at the pre-SN stage may be less than 5M . Yields and abundances throughout the stars are discussed together with the amount of all elements expelled.  相似文献   
    Rate coefficients for the association reactions of NO+ ions with N2 and CO2, O2+ with N2, and N+ and N2+ with N2 have been determined as a function of gas temperature in a laboratory experiment employing a variable-temperature drift-tube apparatus. The measured rate coefficients were fitted to power laws of the form k = C (T300)x where the exponents x ranged from 2.2 to 4.3. The strong temperature dependence observed in the case of the reaction of NO+ with N2 (x = 4.3) supports the thesis by Arnold et al. (1979) that the temperature variability of D-region ion densities is a result of this reaction step in the ion clustering sequence.  相似文献   
    Interpretation of deep seismic reflection data across the Gascoyne Margin reveals six distinct seismic facies units related to the tectono-magmatic breakup history. On the outer Exmouth Plateau four large scale units are identified: (1) an extensively block-faulted upper crust; (2) a middle-crustal unit of discontinuous, undulatory reflectors; (3) a reflection-free deep crustal unit; and (4) a lower-crustal band of low-frequency, high-amplitude reflectors. Two additional units are found near the continent-ocean boundary (COB); (5) seaward-dipping reflectors (SDR); and (6) landward-dipping reflectors in the lower crust below the SDR. The lower-crustal high-reflectivity band, located near the top of a high-velocity unit (Vp > 7 kms–1), is interpreted as magmatic underplating. There is a spatial correlation between the underplated area and the presence of extensive upper-crustal block-faulting and intrusive rocks in the shallow crust. The undulatory middle-crustal reflector unit is also only identified in the outer plateau area, and is interpreted as a zone in which the upper-crustal faults terminate. The inner parts of the margin consist of a deep basin showing little upper-crustal faulting and no evidence of middle crustal deformation or underplating. Theoretical modeling of the effect of rifting and magmatic underplating on crustal strength profiles suggests that the brittle-ductile transition may migrate at least 5 km upwards during several million years after the underplating event. Based on the seismic interpretation and crustal strength modeling we propose that the seismic structure of the outer Exmouth Plateau is severely modified by a transient change in the crustal rheological structure associated with magmatic underplating.  相似文献   
    In an attempt to anticipate possible futures of drylands of West Africa in the face of rapid socio-economic and environmental changes, we developed four scenarios based on recent survey data, the literature and our knowledge of the region. The four scenarios are inspired by those developed by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: (1) ‘downward spiral’ characterized by rapid climate change, expansion of agriculture and chaotic urban growth; (2) ‘integrated economy’ with integrated land management, food production for local markets and rural–urban exchanges; (3) ‘open doors’ characterized by large-scale out-migrations, land grabbing by foreign companies and development aid and (4) ‘climate change mitigation’ with an increase in biofuel crops, land management for carbon capture and development of off-farm activities. We conclude that the Sahel region is most likely moving away from being a highly climate-dependent region based on agriculture towards a more open and diversified economy. West African countries have to find a balance between the new opportunities and risks created by economic globalization.  相似文献   
    High resolution spectral observations between 500 MHz and 550 MHz on 1972 October 25, revealed an emission event of special interest. The main feature was bursts with a single frequency duration of about 0.09 s and with a bandwidth of the same order of magnitude as the band covered by the spectrograph. The bursts occurred in showers' which lasted for one or two minutes and which were separated by quiet intervals of roughly the same length. Frequently the activity assumed a periodic nature. Periods between 0.1 s and 0.3 s were found. The most remarkable feature of the records was a very large number of bursts with the same duration as the wide band bursts, but showing a bandwidth of a mere 1–2 MHz.The wide band bursts may be plasma waves excited by proton streams trapped in coronal magnetic fields and the narrow band bursts may possibly be explained as perpendicular electrostatic electron cyclotron waves.  相似文献   
    Burki, V., Hansen, L., Fredin, O., Andersen, T. A., Beylich, A. A., Jaboyedoff, M., Larsen, E. & Tønnesen, J.‐ F. 2009: Little Ice Age advance and retreat sediment budgets for an outlet glacier in western Norway. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 551–566. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00133.x. ISSN 0300‐9483 Bødalsbreen is an outlet glacier of the Jostedalsbreen Ice Field in western Norway. Nine moraine ridges formed during and after the maximum extent of the Little Ice Age (LIA). The stratigraphy of proglacial sediments in the Bødalen basin inside the LIA moraines is examined, and corresponding sediment volumes are calculated based on georadar surveys and seismic profiling. The total erosion rates (etot) by the glacier are determined for the periods AD 1650–1930 and AD 1930–2005 as 0.8 ± 0.4 mm/yr and 0.7 ± 0.3 mm/yr, respectively. These rates are based on the total amount of sediment delivered to the glacier margin. The values are almost one order of magnitude higher than total erosion rates previously calculated for Norwegian glaciers. This is explained by the large amount of pre‐existing sediment that was recycled by Bødalsbreen. Thus, the total erosion rate must be considered as a composite of eroded bedrock and of removed pre‐existing sediments. The total erosion rate is likely to vary with time owing to a decreasing volume of easily erodible, unconsolidated sediment and till under the glacier. A slight increase in the subglacial bedrock erosion is expected owing to the gradually increasing bedrock surface area exposed to subglacial erosion.  相似文献   
    Two years of individual nonmethane hydrocarbon (NMHC) measurements at a rural site close to the south coast of Norway show that there was a distinct annual cycle with a late winter maximum and late summer minimum in the slowly reacting NMHCs acetylene, ethane, propane and i- and n-butane. The average January—March concentrations were a factor 2–4 higher than the July-September concentrations. Also ethene, propene and the pentanes show a similar annual cycle, but the individual scatter in the measurements in particular of propene, is large. The highest concentrations of NMHC were found in winter for easterly transport on a regional scale (out to 1500 km from the site), and for southeasterly transport in the summer.  相似文献   
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