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1INTRODUCTIONClusters,definedasgeographicallyproximategroupsofinterconnectedcompaniesandassociatedinstitutionsinparticularfields,linkedbycommonalitiesandcomple-mentarities(PORTER,2000),havearousedanintenseinterestofurbanandregionalplanningresearchersandpolicymakersoverthepastdecades.Itiswidelyrecog-nizedthatclusterscanpromoteproductivityandinno-vation,developlocalcompetitiveadvantages.Popular-izedbyMichaelPORTERinhisbook“TheCompetitiveAdvantageofNationsin1990,theclusterisnotanewcon…  相似文献   
A new species of Liagora,L.perennis sp.nov.from Hawai’i,is described.Unlike dpecies of this genus in China,it is carpotetrasporangial,and at the place of expected carposporangia bears cruciately di-vided tetrasporangia,a detail which differentiates it from the usual species of Liagora without tetraspores that have been reported in China.Notes are provided on other Liagora species that have an impact on the taxonomy of species found in China.  相似文献   
LU  Peidong 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(2):219-226
The phase one project of the twin jetties at the Tao-er Estuary yields no effect on the flow, and there is a large area of deposition. A numerical model is employed to simulate the flow field, and the scouring and silting in the channel be-tween the two jetties are analyzed. The results show that the effective tidal flux between the two jetties is reduced due to the notch located at the heel of the east jetty, and the effect of contraction-flush is not obvious. As for the regulation of this kind of estuary under the tide action, the capability of tidal flux should be fully used.  相似文献   
中国石油工程建设(集团)公司(中文简称:中国石油工程公司,英文缩写:CPECC)是中国最早进入国际工程承包市场的公司之一。1980年经国务院批准,开始经营对外工程承包和劳务合作业务,现已发展成为中国石油天然气集团公司在国际油气工程建设领域最具有代表性的公司,是中国最大的国际工程总承包企业之一。  相似文献   
含预制软弱带的岩石破裂过程的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
考虑到岩石脆性破坏过程中介质的不均匀性之特点,对岩石样品中含预制弱介质条带的岩石样品破坏过程进行二维有限元数值模拟,并对弱介质带的破坏贯通过程、新的断层的产生和有关的地震活动进行了研究.数值模型展示了岩石从变形、微观破坏到整体破坏的全过程以及微震活动的时空分布特征.应力、应变和微震活动的时空分布形象地描绘了岩石变形的局部化和时空迁移等现象,这与实际地壳中所观测到的现象是一致的.此外,模拟结果与实验观测结果也是一致或相似的.   相似文献   
Introduction Concerning about research on grouped-earthquake seismogenic and occurrence, at present it is only limited on the stage of the theoretical analysis and numerical model. For instance, ZHANG (1987) simulated the grouped-earthquake generation and physical mechanism making use of spring-block principle. Applying for non-linear dynamic model, referring to Chinese continental plate as object, LI, et al (1997) performed the numerical simulation on the seismogenic and occurring of group…  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheoaf~ansed~arewidelydistributedinSouthetna,fromtheYanalCratondPborminnorthtocontinentalmarginofsoutheastern~insouth.ThePreSentpaperdiscussesmainlytheEarlyOrdovidan(thehoeofHirmtodontussimplex~tothebaseofNemopagngraciliszone,Wangatal.,1992)sealeVelchangeSandtheirworldwidecorrelationbasedonasyntheticalstudyofseqUenCe,bioshatiglaphyandaretratigl'aphy.Thisapproachwillfillinthe~instudyoftheOrdovidanofChina,andimprovethesu~ionandCO~ionofbio--,litho--andcbronostheigraphy.Mea…  相似文献   
Geologic marks related to extraterrestrial impact events, such as impact split gravels, impact brecciate layers, impact dikes, microirghizites, microtektites, especially meteoritic residues, were discovered on the boundary between Sinian/Cambrian at Tianmenshan of Western Hunan, which may possibly demonstrate that an extraterrestrial impact event has ever occurred there on the S/C boundary.  相似文献   
As one of the most powerful tools to reduce the earthquake loss, the Earthquake Disaster Management [EDM] and Insurance [EI] have been highlighted and have had a great progress in many countries in recent years. Earthquake disaster management includes a series of contents, such as earthquake hazard and risk analysis, vulnerability analysis of building and infrastructure, earthquake aware training, and building the emergency response system. EI, which has been included in EDM after this practice has been done for many years, include these contents: insurance model, financing. This paper presents the development of china in EDM and EI. The main contents include: (1) the statue and trend of earthquake disaster management and insurance in china; (2) the progresses and new methods about the seismic risk zonation and vulnerability analysis, and the future developing trend, the application of GIS in earthquake disaster assessment is introduced; (3) the way and illustration in building the earthquake disaster e  相似文献   
Based on the existing Land Surface Physical Process Models(Deardorff, Dickinson, LIU, Noilhan, Seller, ZHAO), a Comprehensive Land Surface Physical Process Model (CLSPPM) is developed by considering the different physical processes of the earth‘s surface-vegetation-atmosphere system more completely. Compared with SiB and BATS, which are famous for their detailed parameterizations of physical variables, this simplified model is more convenient and saves much more computation time. Though simple, the feas...  相似文献   
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