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对流层平流层气溶胶粒子的形态和化学组成   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
分析研究了1993年和1994年的8月、9月在香河地区上空采集的单个气溶胶粒子的形态及化学元素和化合物的组成。结果表明:1993年,在对流层大气中的气溶胶颗粒经常出现不规则形的粒子,可能是土壤粒子;而在平流层大气中的颗粒以具有“卫星”结构的硫酸粒子为主;硫酸铵粒子则经常出现在对流层的中、下部。香河地区上空颗粒物的化学元素组成比较复杂,单一化学元素组成的粒子较少,粒子主要含有Si,Fe,Al和S等元素。气溶胶的化合物有硫酸盐、硅酸盐、硝酸盐和磷酸盐等  相似文献   
Thin film methods and X ray energy dispersive technique were applied to analyze sulfate-containing particles in Beijing in order to examine their features and sources. Atmospheric aerosol particles were collected on electron mi-croscope meshes according to two size ranges: coarse particles (r>0.5μm) and fine particles (0.5μm≥r≥0.1μm) by using a two-stage impactor. It was found fiat more than seventy percent of the fine particles and about twenty percent of the coarse particles were sulfate-containing particles. These particles were formed mainly through heterogeneous nucleation. The element composition analyses revealed that the atmospheric aerosol particles in Beijing were domi-nated by crustal particles and construction dust.  相似文献   
大气臭氧与气溶胶垂直分布的高空气球探测   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
本文给出了1993年9月12日利用高空科学气球在河北省香河地区探测到的大气臭氧和气溶胶的垂直分布。结果发现:(1) 大气臭氧的数密度在整个对流层较低(~10[12]mol/cm3),并从地面到对流层顶略有下降;对流层顶以上开始快速增加,极值层高度在~24 km,其值为4.78×10[12]mol/cm3;臭氧分压有类似的分布特征,极值146×10[-4]Pa,位于同一高度;(2) 在平流层低层,臭氧分压有一个次极值62×10[-4]Pa,位于15~16 km;(3) 0~30 km大气气溶胶数密度呈现出三个峰值:143,8和1.1 个/cm[3],分别位于近地面、5 km和21 km;(4)气溶胶的数密度谱在对流层为双模态;在平流层,次峰消失。同时,我们还与其他观测结果作了比较分析。  相似文献   
The results of two balloon soundings during the summer and autumn of 1993 from the Xianghe Observation Station are being utilized in a study of the temporal and spatial distribution of the atmospheric aerosols.The balloon,gondola,instrumentation and atmospheric conditions during the observation period are described.The temporal and spatial characteristics of aerosol concentration,size ratio,mixing ratio,and size distribution for both troposphere and strato-sphere are presented and analyzed.  相似文献   
A numerical model for the computation of the wind field,air temperature and humidity in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) including the urbancanopy was developed for urban climate simulation. The governing equations of the modelare derived by applying ensemble and spatial averages to the Navier–Stokes equation, continuityequation and equations for heat and water vapour transfer in the air. With the spatial averagingprocedure, effects of buildings and other urban structures in the urban canopy can be accounted for byintroducing an effective volume function, defined as the ratio between the volume of air in acomputational mesh over the total volume of the mesh. The improved k - model accounts for the anisotropyof the turbulence field under density stratification. In the improved k - model, the transportof momentum and heat in the vertical direction under density stratification is evaluated based onthe assumption of a near-equilibrium shear flow where transport effects on the stresses andheat fluxes are negligible. The heating processes at surfaces of buildings and ground are alsomodelled. The comparison of the computational results obtained with the present modeland existing observational data and numerical models shows that the present model is capableof predicting the structure of turbulence in the urban canopy layer under density stratification.Numerical experiments with the new model show that the flow behaviour of the air in the urbancanopy layer is strongly affected by the existence of buildings and density stratification.  相似文献   
We propose a new approach to derive spatially-averaged momentum equations for an urban canopy model that resolves buildings vertically and not horizontally. First, in order to mathematically describe the actual momentum field as a completely continuous field, the underling concepts of the immersed boundary method are employed, where we assume that (i) the entire simulation space, including that occupied by buildings, is filled with a fluid, and (ii) an external body force field exists that reduces the wind speed to zero at all positions coinciding with the space occupied by the buildings. Then, in order to obtain the required spatially-averaged momentum equations in a self-consistent manner, a spatial-averaging operation is applied to the Navier–Stokes equations that include a term representing the external force field. The applied spatial-averaging operation is equivalent to the conventional spatial filtering operation used in large-eddy simulations. To examine the significance of the subgrid-scale (SGS) stresses of the spatially-averaged momentum equations, a numerical simulation is performed for a flow around a regular array of cubical blocks with a grid resolution that is sufficient to resolve the blocks. By estimating the individual terms in the spatially-averaged momentum equations using the simulation results, we show that the SGS stresses contribute significantly to the spatially-averaged momentum budget, and therefore they should not be neglected in urban canopy modelling.  相似文献   
The concentrations of H+, nitrate (NO3 -), and sulfate (SO4 2-) in rainwater and their temporal changes were analyzed on the basis of continuous observation from 1 July 1991 to 30 June 1992 at a suburb of Nagoya, Japan. The yearly average for pH was 4.4. In general, an increasing pH with increase in precipitation amount was observed for rain events. Relatively high pH rainwater was sometimes observed at the beginning of rainfall, even though high concentrations of NO3 - and SO4 2- were involved. The high pH values were considered to be caused by the neutralization process with particulate matter containing cations. The yearly averaged ratio of equivalent concentration of nitrate to sulfate (N/S) in rainwater was 0.58. In the early stage of rain, the N/S value was usually more than 1.0 due to the difference of scavenging process between NO3 - and SO4 2-. High values of N/S ranging from 5 to 10 were found under the atmospheric conditions of calm winds and low humidity, during which it is possible that atmospheric particles float for a long time in the air before a rain event. The adsorption of NO3 - in the early stage of rainfall by particulate matter was suggested from the difference in scavenging processes of NO3 - and SO4 2-. A possible scavenging process, called limb cloud scavenging, is presented to explain the interaction of particles and nitrate ions at the early stage of rain. In limb cloud scavenging, the repeated migration of cloud particles or raindrops between the inside and outside of clouds increases the absorption of ions to a highly condensed level, thus increasing the N/S value of rainwater. The influence of global scale seasonal phenomena with large amounts of particulates, such as typhoons or Asian dust storms, was also studied.  相似文献   
塔克拉玛干沙漠是亚洲沙尘气溶胶的重要源地。为探讨塔克拉玛干地区沙尘气溶胶的理化特性与时空变化,研究其环境与气候效应,本文分析了四个季节在中国敦煌(塔克拉玛干沙漠内)取得的探空气球观测数据,包括气溶胶的数浓度、粒径分布、质量浓度及在西风主导下的水平输送通量。气溶胶数浓度的垂直廓线显示,来自沙漠地区的矿物粒子对局地环境与气候有重要影响,且所有季节都存在长距离输送。粒子谱分布显示局地有大量粗粒子输入。结果说明,源于塔克拉玛干沙漠的沙尘气溶胶的背景输送有着重要的科学意义,需进一步研究其对东亚和西太平洋地区环境与气候的影响。  相似文献   
Sulfate-coated dust particles in the free troposphere over Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Airborne aerosol collections were performed over Wakasa bay (36°00′N, 135°30′E) in March and Kumano open sea (34°00′N, 136°50′E) and Seto (35°10′N, 137°10′E) in July 2001 at altitudes between 1.0 and 5.8 km. The particles were individually analyzed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Relatively large mineral-dust (mostly clay) particles were abundant in the March samples. They also dominated in July in the mid-troposphere higher than 4 km altitude, whereas sea salt and ammonium sulfate were more abundant at lower altitudes. Ca-coated grid samples show many traces of aqueous sulfate droplets. The proportions of former sulfate droplets to the total collected particles apparently increased with increasing relative humidity at the time of sampling. TEM analysis revealed that a significant fraction of these former droplets enclose mineral-dust particles as well as sea salt, soot, and fly ash. Some enclose mixtures of mineral-dust, sea-salt, soot, and fly ash particles. The results provide evidence that mineral dust from the Asian continent could acquire coatings of sulfate while being transported in the free troposphere. The mineral-dust particles probably acquired the sulfate coatings either through heterogeneous uptake of gaseous SO2 and subsequent oxidation or through coagulation with cloud or fog droplets. The presence of the mixed particles in sulfate droplets also indicates that aggregation of particles of different origins occurred through cloud processing. Such sulfate-coated dust particles would affect cloud formation, precipitation, and chemistry of the free troposphere.  相似文献   
To comprehensively understand the Arctic and Antarctic upper atmosphere, it is often crucial to analyze various data that are obtained from many regions. Infrastructure that promotes such interdisciplinary studies on the upper atmosphere has been developed by a Japanese inter-university project called the Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation Network (1UGONET). The objective of this paper is to describe the infrastructure and tools developed by IUGONET. We focus on the data analysis software. It is written in Interactive Data Language (IDL) and is a plug-in for the THEMIS Data Analysis Software suite (TDAS), which is a set of IDL libraries used to visualize and analyze satellite- and ground-based data. We present plots of upper atmospheric data provided by IUGONET as examples of applications, and verify the usefulness of the software in the study of polar science. We discuss IUGONET's new and unique developments, i.e., an executable file of TDAS that can run on the IDL Virtual Machine, IDL routines to retrieve metadata from the IUGONET database, and an archive of 3-D simulation data that uses the Common Data Format so that it can easily be used with TDAS.  相似文献   
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