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A new operational paradigm is presented for small‐scale aquifer storage and recovery systems (ASR) in saline aquifers. Regular ASR is often not feasible for small‐scale storage in saline aquifers because fresh water floats to the top of the aquifer where it is unrecoverable. In the new paradigm, fresh water storage is combined with salt water extraction from below the fresh water cone. The salt water extraction counteracts the buoyancy due to the density difference between fresh water and salt water, thus preventing the fresh water from floating up. The proposed approach is applied to assess the feasibility of ASR for the seasonal storage of fresh water produced by desalination plants in tourist resorts along the Egyptian Red Sea coast. In these situations, the continuous extraction of salt water can be used for desalination purposes. An analytical Dupuit solution is presented for the steady flow of salt water toward a well with a volume of fresh water floating on top of the cone of depression. The required salt water discharge for the storage of a given volume of fresh water can be computed with the analytical solution. Numerical modeling is applied to determine how the stored fresh water can be recovered. Three recovery approaches are examined. Fresh water recovery rates on the order of 70% are achievable when salt water is extracted in high volumes, subsurface impermeable barriers are constructed at a distance from the well, or several fresh water recovery drains are used. The effect of ambient flow and interruptions of salt water pumping on the recovery efficiency are reported.  相似文献   
Successful estimation of airgun-array signatures from near-field measurements depends on the accuracy of poorly controlled model parameters such as the effective sea surface reflection coefficient and source depth. We propose a method for prediction of robust source signatures, which are insensitive to fluctuations of the latter parameters. The method uses vertical pairs of near-field hydrophones to measure near-field pressure and its vertical gradient, combination of which eliminates sea surface reflections from the near-field data. This excludes the uncertainty related to the fluctuating sea state and source depth from the process of inversion of the near-field data for source signature. The method explicitly separates the recorded near-field pressure into its up and down going components, which allows one to measure the effective frequency- and angle-dependent sea surface reflection coefficient right at the source, as well as to estimate the actual source depth. Tests on synthetic and field data demonstrate robust performance of the method.  相似文献   
Hydrogeology Journal - Groundwater sustainability is challenged by the difference between legal and scientific understanding of groundwater, as well as the lack of focused attention to regulatory...  相似文献   
What could happen to the Netherlands if, in 2030, the sea level starts to rise and eventually, after 100 years, a sea level of 5 m above current level would be reached? This question is addressed by studying literature, by interviewing experts in widely differing fields, and by holding an expert workshop on this question. Although most experts believe that geomorphology and current engineering skills would enable the country to largely maintain its territorial integrity, there are reasons to assume that this is not likely to happen. Social processes that precede important political decisions – such as the growth of the belief in the reality of sea level rise and the framing of such decisions in a proper political context (policy window) – evolve slowly. A flood disaster would speed up the decision-making process. The shared opinion of the experts surveyed is that eventually part of the Netherlands would be abandoned.  相似文献   
The last few years there has been a growing number of body-wave observations in noise records. In 1973, Vinnik conjectured that P-waves would even be the dominant wavemode, at epicentral distances of about 40 degrees and onwards from an oceanic source. At arrays far from offshore storms, surface waves induced by nearby storms would not mask the body-wave signal and hence primarily P-waves would be recorded. We measured at such an array in Egypt and indeed found a large proportion of P-waves. At the same time, a new methodology is under development to characterize the lithosphere below an array of receivers, without active sources or local earthquakes. Instead, transmitted waves are used which are caused by distant sources. These sources may either be transient or more stationary. With this new methodology, called seismic interferometry, reflection responses are extracted from the coda of transmissions. Combining the two developments, it is clear that there is a large potential for obtaining reflection responses from low-frequency noise. A potential practical advantage of using noise instead of earthquake responses would be that an array only needs to be deployed for a few days or weeks instead of months, to gather enough illumination. We used a few days of continuous noise, recorded with an array in the Abu Gharadig basin, Egypt. We split up the record in three distinct frequency bands and in many small time windows. Using array techniques and taking advantage of all three-component recordings, we could unravel the dominant wavemodes arriving in each time window and in each frequency band. The recorded wavemodes, and hence the noise sources, varied significantly per frequency band, and – to a lesser extent – per time window. Primarily P-waves were detected on the vertical component for two of the three frequency bands. For these frequency bands, we only selected the time windows with a favorable illumination. By subsequently, applying seismic interferometry, we retrieved P-wave reflection responses and delineated reflectors in the crust, the Moho and possibly the Lehmann discontinuity.  相似文献   
In 1967, the US Geological Survey (USGS) published the results of 141 pumping tests carried out throughout the Pakistani Punjab to establish representative hydraulic parameters of its large aquifer. Many authors have since concluded that the USGS had over-estimated the horizontal hydraulic conductivity (k r) by 25–100 %, leaving vertical anisotropy and aquifer depth unresolved. No test wells have ever been drilled below 450 m to reach the base of the aquifer, although petroleum explorations mention depths between 1,500 and 4,500 m. After comparison and re-evaluation of all related papers, this study concludes that the USGS interpretation was correct, that its hydraulic values still stand without change, and that the USGS’s applied distance drawdown interpretation is valid to prevent influence of partial penetration on the results. This study also uniquely resolved vertical anisotropy and aquifer thickness by using early- and late-time drawdowns separately and proper scaling of the coordinates, which has often been omitted. With appropriate scaling, all interpretations match the data. The representative hydraulic aquifer values are: k r?=?65 m/d, vertical anisotropy k r/k z?=?25 and aquifer depth 500–1,500 m. The conclusion is that these values can be used, at least as first estimates, for groundwater studies in the Pakistani Punjab.  相似文献   
Pokhrel  Pranisha  Zhou  Yangxiao  Smits  Frank  Kamps  Pierre  Olsthoorn  Theo 《Hydrogeology Journal》2023,31(5):1291-1309

Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is increasingly used to secure drinking water supply worldwide. The city of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) depends largely on the MAR in coastal dunes for water supply. A new MAR scheme is proposed for the production of 10 × 106 m3/year, as required in the next decade. The designed MAR system consists of 10 infiltration ponds in an artificially created sandbank, and 25 recovery wells placed beneath the ponds in a productive aquifer. Several criteria were met for the design, such as a minimum residence time of 60 days and maximum drawdown of 5 cm. Steady-state and transient flow models were calibrated. The flow model computed the infiltration capacity of the ponds and drawdowns caused by the MAR. A hypothetical tracer transport model was used to compute the travel times from the ponds to the wells and recovery efficiency of the wells. The results demonstrated that 98% of the infiltrated water was captured by the recovery wells which accounted for 65.3% of the total abstraction. Other sources include recharge from precipitation (6.7%), leakages from surface water (13.1%), and natural groundwater reserve (14.9%). Sensitivity analysis indicated that the pond conductance and hydraulic conductivity of the sand aquifer in between the ponds and wells are important for the infiltration capacity. The temperature simulation showed that the recovered water in the wells has a stable temperature of 9.8–12.5 °C which is beneficial for post-treatment processes. The numerical modelling approach is useful and helps to gain insights for implementation of the MAR.

Rates of accommodation and sediment supply are the principal controls on stacking patterns in siliciclastic basin fills. Stratigraphic inversion is aimed at reconstruction of these controls from the detrital record. Efforts to ‘explain’ siliciclastic basin fills have been focused on analysis and numerical modelling of sequence geometry in response to changes in accommodation, whereas comparatively few studies have attempted to address the role of sediment supply. The compositional and textural properties of siliciclastic basin fills are linked with the evolution of drainage basins through the principle of climatic–physiographic control of sediment production and supply. Application of this principle leads to a method of compositional analysis for distinguishing sequences controlled by high-frequency changes in the rate of accommodation from sequences controlled by high-frequency variations in the rate of sediment supply (order of 10 kyr). This method does not require detailed time control. Changes in rate and type of sediment supplied to depositional systems in response to environmental perturbations in drainage basins are explored in greater detail by means of a numerical model of sediment production under various scenarios of climatic and tectonic forcing. Simulation experiments suggest that drainage basins respond differently to high-frequency tectonic and climatic perturbations. Synthetic time series of cyclically forced sediment production display different types of asymmetric variations in grain size, accumulation rate and residence time of sediments in response to tectonic and climatic forcing. The results also highlight the role of vegetation as the principal modulator of climate forcing, and show that the nonlinear response to climate change may frustrate any attempts at providing broad generalizations of the system's responses. The modelling results confirm the usefulness of a combined analysis of sediment composition and sequence geometry, and the mathematically rich behaviour of the system suggests that further development of this approach is likely to increase our ability to reconstruct forcing mechanisms and initial boundary conditions from the detrital record.  相似文献   
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