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Turbidite bed thickness distributions are often interpreted in terms of power laws, even when there are significant departures from a single straight line on a log–log exceedence probability plot. Alternatively, these distributions have been described by a lognormal mixture model. Statistical methods used to analyse and distinguish the two models (power law and lognormal mixture) are presented here. In addition, the shortcomings of some frequently applied techniques are discussed, using a new data set from the Tarcău Sandstone of the East Carpathians, Romania, and published data from the Marnoso‐Arenacea Formation of Italy. Log–log exceedence plots and least squares fitting by themselves are inappropriate tools for the analysis of bed thickness distributions; they must be accompanied by the assessment of other types of diagrams (cumulative probability, histogram of log‐transformed values, q–q plots) and the use of a measure of goodness‐of‐fit other than R2, such as the chi‐square or the Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistics. When interpreting data that do not follow a single straight line on a log–log exceedence plot, it is important to take into account that ‘segmented’ power laws are not simple mixtures of power law populations with arbitrary parameters. Although a simple model of flow confinement does result in segmented plots at the centre of a basin, the segmented shape of the exceedence curve breaks down as the sampling location moves away from the basin centre. The lognormal mixture model is a sedimentologically intuitive alternative to the power law distribution. The expectation–maximization algorithm can be used to estimate the parameters and thus to model lognormal bed thickness mixtures. Taking into account these observations, the bed thickness data from the Tarcău Sandstone are best described by a lognormal mixture model with two components. Compared with the Marnoso‐Arenacea Formation, in which bed thicknesses of thin beds have a larger variability than thicknesses of the thicker beds, the thinner‐bedded population of the Tarcău Sandstone has a lower variability than the thicker‐bedded population. Such differences might reflect contrasting depositional settings, such as the difference between channel levées and basin plains.  相似文献   
Abstract– Nineteen nonporphyritic pyroxene and pyroxene/olivine chondrules, chondrule fragments, and irregular objects were studied from two equilibrated chondrites, the ordinary (L/LL5) Knyahinya chondrite and the Rumuruti type (R4) Ouzina chondrite. Major element contents for almost all objects in the chondrites are disturbed from their chondritic ratios, most probably during metamorphic re‐equilibration. However, the volatile elements (Na2O + K2O) in Ouzina scatter around the CI line, probably the result of being generated and/or processed in different environments as compared with those for Knyahinya. All studied objects from Knyahinya and Ouzina possess systematically fractionated trace element abundances. Depletion of LREE with respect to HREE and ultra‐refractory HFSE documents variable degrees of LREE transport into an external mineral sink and restricted mobility of most of the HREE and HFSE. Moderately volatile elements preserve volatility‐controlled abundances. Strongly fractionated Rb/Cs ratios (up to 10× CI) in all studied objects suggest restricted mobility of the large Cs ion. All studied objects sampled and preserved Y and Ho in solar proportions, a feature that they share with the nonporphyritic chondrules of unequilibrated ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   
Development studies and postcolonial studies conceptualize and examine the Third World in different ways, yet works associated with the two fields can usefully be combined to illuminate key issues in our time. This article focuses on postcolonial transitions in parts of Africa where the state actively injures or kills a local citizenry, sometimes in the name of development. Using Zimbabwe and Rwanda as very different examples of such transitions, and drawing on selected development and postcolonial writings – fact and 'fiction'– I argue for framing such cases as examples of the 'bare life', 'camp' biopolitics articulated by Georgio Agamben. These concepts enable us to see the widening spaces of exception to law that a postcolonial state can create in periods of crisis and defend on the grounds of post-coloniality, that is, as states always already injured by colonialism and its biopolitical development project. The terrain such states enter might be termed 'fascism'– a location of political economy that development studies has generally neglected in recent years but that novels depicting postcolonial contexts can make vivid.  相似文献   
Abstract— Impact cratering is an important geological process on the terrestrial planets and rocky and icy moons of the outer solar system. Impact events generate pressures and temperatures that can melt a substantial volume of the target; however, there remains considerable discussion as to the effect of target lithology on the generation of impact melts. Early studies showed that for impacts into crystalline targets, coherent impact melt rocks or “sheets” are formed with these rocks often displaying classic igneous structures (e.g., columnar jointing) and textures. For impact structures containing some amount of sedimentary rocks in the target sequence, a wide range of impact‐generated lithologies have been described, although it has generally been suggested that impact melt is either lacking or is volumetrically minor. This is surprising given theoretical constraints, which show that as much melt should be produced during impacts into sedimentary targets. The question then arises: where has all the melt gone? The goal of this synthesis is to explore the effect of target lithology on the products of impact melting. A comparative study of the similarly sized Haughton, Mistastin, and Ries impact structures, suggests that the fundamental processes of impact melting are basically the same in sedimentary and crystalline targets, regardless of target properties. Furthermore, using advanced microbeam analytical techniques, it is apparent that, for the structures under consideration here, a large proportion of the melt is retained within the crater (as crater‐fill impactites) for impacts into sedimentary‐bearing target rocks. Thus, it is suggested that the basic products are genetically equivalent but they just appear different. That is, it is the textural, chemical and physical properties of the products that vary.  相似文献   
Noble Metal Enrichment Processes in the Merensky Reef, Bushveld Complex   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14  
We have analysed sulphides, silicates, and chromites of theMerensky Reef for platinum-group elements (PGEs), Re and Auusing laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryand synthetic pyrrhotite standards annealed with known quantitiesof noble metals. Os, Ir and Ru reside in solid solution in pyrrhotiteand pentlandite, Rh and part of the Reef’s Pd in pentlandite,whereas Pt, Au, Re and some Pd form discrete phases. Olivineand chromite, often suspected to carry Os, Ir and Ru, are PGEfree. All phases analysed contain noble metals as discrete micro-inclusionswith diameters typically <100 nm. Inclusions in sulphidescommonly have the element combinations Os–Ir–Ptand Pt–Pd–Au. Inclusions in olivine and chromiteare dominated by Pt ± Au–Pd. Few inclusion spectracan be related to discrete noble metal phases, and few inclusionshave formed by sub-solidus exsolution. Rather, some PGE inclusions,notably those in olivine and chromite, are early-magmatic nuggetstrapped when their host phases crystallized. We suggest thatthe silicate melt layer that preceded the Merensky Reef wasPGE oversaturated at early cumulus times. Experiments combinedwith available sulphide–silicate partition coefficientssuggest that a silicate melt in equilibrium with a sulphidemelt containing the PGE spectrum of the Merensky ore would indeedbe oversaturated with respect to the least soluble noble metals.Sulphide melt apparently played little role in enriching thenoble metals in the Merensky Reef; rather, its role was to immobilizea pre-existing in situ stratiform PGE anomaly in the liquid-stratifiedmagma chamber. KEY WORDS: Bushveld Complex; Merensky Reef; laser-ablation ICP-MS; platinum-group mineralization  相似文献   
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