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A geographical information system (GIS) has proved to be a valuable tool in the Direct/Delayed Response Project—a comprehensive examination of the future, long-term chemical response of surface waters to acidic deposition. The role of the GIS within the project includes aggregation, analysis and display of various forms, scales and projections of environmental data related to acidic deposition. The GIS is particularly valuable for effectively communicating key scientific findings and results of regional, national and international importance to a diverse audience.  相似文献   
Abstract— We have used the Manchester ISOLAB 54 ion microprobe to make in situ measurements of the 17O/16O and 18O/16O ratios of olivine grains in the Julesburg (L3.6) and Allende (CV3) chondrites. We have discovered a population of olivines in Julesburg characterised by (1) the most 16O-rich compositions yet reported for olivine from an ordinary chondrite; (2) cores of low-Fa olivine, which frequently shows blue cathodoluminesce; (3) thick coats of more Fa-rich (Fa ~20) olivine, which is also 16O-enriched. In an O isotopic plot, the Julesburg 16O-rich grains form a roughly linear array that is offset from the Allende mixing line. The presence of very low Fa olivine and, sometimes, well-defined Fa-rich coats indicates that these grains experienced significantly less thermal metamorphism than most of the olivine in the meteorite. Some 16O-rich Julesburg grains are associated with minor feldspar or pyroxene and are probably chondrule fragments. They are isotopically indistinguishable from forsterite in Allende; however, Allende forsterite grains do not have the thick Fa20 coats typical of those in Julesburg. These 16O-rich forsterite grains appear to be related to the “blue olivine” of Steele (1986). Both cores and coats of 16O-rich grains in Julesburg are isotopically distinct from olivine in Semarkona group A and group B chondrules.  相似文献   
Fountains in Magma Chambers   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
Cyclic layering is a common feature of the ultramafic zone oflayered intrusions and is usually attributed to the entry ofnew pulses of dense magma into the chamber. Since the crystallizationof olivine and bronzite lowers the density of the magma, a newpulse of the parent magma will be denser than the fractionatedmagma in the chamber. If the new pulse enters with excess momentumit will initially rise up into the host magma to form a fountain,then fall back around the feeder when negative buoyancy forcesovercome the initial momentum of the pulse. Laboratory experimentsusing aqueous solutions with both point and line sources havebeen conducted to obtain a quantitative understanding of thefluid-dynamical processes that are important in fountains. Itis observed that convection within the fountain is highly turbulent,resulting in appreciable entrainment of the host magma. A gravity-stratifiedhybrid layer develops at the floor and this breaks up into aseries of double-diffusive convecting layers if the new pulseis hotter than the host magma. The number of layers that formdepends on a number of factors, especially R, the ratio of thecontributions of composition and heat to the total density differencebetween the host magma and the new pulse. Raising the valueof R, results in the formation of more, thinner layers. The thickness of the hybrid layer at any time t is given byH = h0+(V0/A)t where V0 is the volume flux through the feederand A is the horizontal area of the chamber. h0 is related tothe initial steady-state height of the fountain and, for a linesource, is given by h0=CU04/3 d–1(g/)–2/3 whereU0 is the volume flux per unit length, g is the accelerationdue to gravity, d is the width of the feeder, is the densityof the host magma, is the density difference between the magmasand C is a constant. Calculations based on these results and the consideration ofthe flow in the feeder dykes below the chamber indicate thata fountain will rise at least 350 m in a continental magma chamberif the feeder width is greater than 10 m. This will lead toextensive mixing between the new pulse and the fractionatedmagma in the chamber, producing a zoned hybrid layer at thefloor that is commonly over 1000 m thick. If the chamber receivesmany pulses of dense magma, the resulting zoning may persistthroughout much of the life of the chamber, especially if thefirst pulse to enter becomes contaminated by light magma releasedby melting at the margins. The highest Mg/Fe ratio for olivineand pyroxenes from cyclic units from the ultramafic zones oflayered intrusions is often well below the value expected forminerals crystallizing from a melt derived directly from themantle, supporting the hypothesis that new pulses of dense magmacan mix extensively with the fractionated magma in the chamber. The feeder dykes to some oceanic magma chambers, such as theBay of Islands Ophiolite, are believed to be narrower, so thatfountains do not rise more than a few metres above the floorof the chamber. This restricts mixing between the input magmaand the host magma and can result in the formation of a hybridzone that is only a few metres thick.  相似文献   
Coleman & Lee's discovery that aragonite is a widespreadmetamorphic mineral in California glaucophane schists is confirmedand amplified. Methods of microscopic distinction between aragonite,calcite, and dolomite, including a universal-stage technique,are described. Further data are recorded regarding the paragenesisof aragonite-bearing glaucophane and lawsonite schists. Carbonatesin the greenschist facies are found to be exclusively calciteand dolomite. In many Californian metamorphic aragonites partialinversion to calcite has been observed. This appears to be anequal-volume replacement in which an a axis and an edge [f:f] of calcite—both directions of Closest spacing of Ca++ions—commonlyare parallel to of the crystal axes a, b, and c of aragonite. The problem of survival of metamorphic aragonite through a necessarilylong period of post-metamorphic unloading is approached by experimentalexploration of the kinetics of the aragonite calcite transformation.It is found that Californian aragonite could survive unloadingfrom a depth of 20 km if the linear temperature gradient were10? C per km, but not appreciably higher. Available experimentaldata are consistent with crystallization of aragonite, jadeite,and lawsonite at depths of 20–30 km if a gradient of 10?C per km is assumed. The corresponding conditions of the glaucophane-schistfacies (T = 2OO?-3OO? C, P = 6000-9000 bars) are attributedessentially to deep burial in regions (subsiding geosyn-clines)of unusually low temperature gradient (10? C per km).  相似文献   
正China’s Ministry of Land and Resources announced on 27th February 2014 that proven reserves of oil,natural gas and coal continued to increase significantly,and that their production shows a steady increase.This greatly improves China’s support capacity of fossil fuel resources.Oil resources:In 2013,China newly discovered oil geological reserves yielded 10.84×108 t,and  相似文献   
Tibetan Plateau vortices(TPVs) are mesoscale cyclones originating over the Tibetan Plateau(TP) during the extended summer season(April–September).Most TPVs stay on the TP,but a small number can move off the TP to the east.TPVs are known to be one of the main precipitation-bearing systems on the TP and moving-off TPVs have been associated with heavy precipitation and flooding downstream of the TP(e.g.,in Sichuan province or over the Yangtze River Valley).Identifying and tracking TPVs is difficult because of their comparatively small horizontal extent(400–800 km) and the limited availability of soundings over the TP,which in turn constitutes a challenge for short-term predictions of TPV-related impacts and for the climatological study of TPVs.In this study,(i) manual tracking(MT) results using radiosonde data from a network over and downstream of the TP are compared with(ii) results obtained by an automated tracking(AT) algorithm applied to ERA-Interim data.Ten MT-TPV cases are selected based on method(i) and matched to and compared with the corresponding AT-TPVs identified with method(ii).Conversely,ten AT-TPVs are selected and compared with the corresponding MT-TPVs.In general,the comparison shows good results in cases where the underlying data are in good agreement,but considerable differences are also seen in some cases and explained in terms of differences in the tracking methods,data availability/coverage and disagreement between sounding and ERA-Interim data.Recommendations are given for future efforts in TPV detection and tracking,including in an operational weather forecasting context.  相似文献   
Mafic and ultramafic xenoliths in a basaltic cone at The Anakies in south-eastern Australia are geochemically equivalent to continental basaltic magmas and cumulates. The xenolith microstructures range from recognizably meta-igneous for intrusive rocks to granoblastic for garnet pyroxenites. Contact relationships between different rock types within some xenoliths suggest a complex petrogenesis of multiple intrusive, metamorphic and metasomatic events at the crust/mantle boundary during the evolution of south-eastern Australia. Unaltered spinel lher-zolite, typical of the uppermost eastern Australian mantle, is interleaved with or veined by the metamorphosed intrusive rocks of basaltic composition. Geothermobarometry calculations by a variety of methods show a concordance of equilibration temperatures ranging from 880°C to 980°C and pressures of 12 to 18 kbar (1200-1800 mPa). These physical conditions span the gabbro to granulite to eclogite transition boundaries. The water-vapour pressure during equilibration is estimated to be about 0.5% of the load pressure, using amphibole breakdown data. Large fluid inclusions of pure CO2 are abundant in the mineral phases in the xenoliths, and it is suggested that flux of CO2 from the mantle has been an important heat source and fluid medium during metamorphism of the mafic and ultramafic protoliths at the lower crust/upper mantle boundary. The calculated pressures and temperatures suggest that the south-eastern Australian crust has sustained a high geothermal gradient. In addition, the nature of the mineral assemblages and the contact relationships of granulitic rock with spinel lherzolite, characteristic of mantle material, suggest that the Moho is not a discrete feature in this region, but is represented by a transition zone approximately 20 km thick. These inferences are in agreement with geophysical data (including seismic, heat-flow and electrical resistivity data) determined for south-eastern Australia. Underplating at the crust/mantle boundary by continental basaltic magmas may be an important alternative or additional mechanism to the conventional andesite model for crustal accretion.  相似文献   
The lowermost Carboniferous rocks in the Cockburnspath area of east Berwickshire (southern Scotland) are interpreted as coastal floodplain sediments. A lower mudstone-dominated unit is composed of silty mudstones and shales with subordinate sandstones and argillaceous ferroan dolomites (cementstones). These are interpreted as distal floodplain sediments with periodic crevasse-splay deposition. The dark grey colour of the mudrocks suggests deposition in reducing conditions, probably in floodplain lakes. Most of the cementstones are concretionary, some with septarian cracks, suggesting an early diagenetic origin. An immature palaeosol suggests periodic pedogenesis under improved drainage. A synsedimentary erosion surface indicates incision of a valley into the floodplain, presumably in response to base-level lowering. An upper sandstone-dominated unit starts with fine-grained rippled sandstones, cut by small channel sandstones. These are interpreted as floodplain lake deposits fed by crevasse channels. A distinctive conglomerate with cementstone clasts, wood fragments and fish remains is interpreted as a major overbank deposit, dumped into a pre-existing floodplain lake. A bivalve fauna was established in the overlying mudstones, followed by a thin limestone with a restricted marine fossil assemblage, showing that seawater flooding of the lakes occurred at times. Mudrocks throughout the sequence contain no pyrite, except for the marine band which has an organic-carbon/sulphur ratio and degree of pyritization value typical of marine sediments. The concretionary cementstones have δ13C values around —4 to —6%0/00 PDB which are interpreted as indicative of anaerobic oxidation of organic matter. The combined geochemical data suggest a significant involvement of iron reduction in cementstone formation, although the δ13C values are ambiguous in assessing the relative involvement of methanogenesis and methane oxidation. Limited seawater inundation of the floodplains might have supplied magnesium and calcium ions for dolomite formation assuming that any H2S derived as a result of sulphate reduction was oxidized by iron reduction. Alternatively a weathering source for solutes might have been involved.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Alexander von Humboldt's influence in British North America during the nineteenth century was filtered mainly through British imperial applications of “Humboldtian” sciences, including geomagnetism and biogeography. The best‐known examples include Edward Sabine and John Henry Lefroy, Royal Artillery officers who, during the 1830s and 1840s, transformed British North American outposts and territories, including Rupert's Land, into Humboldtian sites and regions in Great Britain's imperial “magnetic crusade.” Important groundwork had already been laid by John Richardson, who applied data accrued during John Franklin's overland Arctic expeditions during the 1820s to systematize Humboldtian inquiries into the habitability of Canada's Great Northwest. Despite both the relative decline of Humboldtian sciences by midcentury and Humboldt's own reservations about the political ramifications of his science, his “cosmic” outlook circulated in Canada to refine territorial expansionists' scientistic arguments justifying annexation of Rupert's Land after the monopoly of the Hudson's Bay Company expired in 1869.  相似文献   
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