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A short-core paleolimnological investigation was carried out to acquire knowledge of the recent history of Lake Pihlajavesi, Saimaa Lake complex, and define its natural state before cultural disturbances. In the natural state, with negligible human interference, the basin was oligotrophic and oxygen-rich. The bioproductivity in the littoral zone was low and the profundal benthic quality was good according to Wiederholm's Benthic Quality Index.Based on diatom analyses, no significant changes have taken place in the phytoplankton communities during the past decades. Sedimentary chironomid communities reveal, however, slight changes on profundal life in the Pihlajavedenselkä basin, near the main pollution sources, whereas there were no significant changes in the outer basin. Three stages could be distinguished in the pollution history of Pihlajavedenselkä: (1) 'The natural state' up until the 1960s, (2) 'the period of increasing loading' during the 1960s and 1970s, and (3) 'the recovery of the basin' during the past two decades.Untreated municipal waste water from the town of Savonlinna was partly responsible for the commencement of eutrophication in the Pihlajavedenselkä basin in the 1960s. The paper and pulp industry in Varkaus, some 40 kilometres upstream from Lake Pihlajanvesi, has also increased eutrophication, especially during the worst period of water quality in the 1960s and 1970s. More effective waste water purification has markedly reduced effluent loading and led to a general recovery of the area. Neverthless the effects of slight nutrient loading can still be seen, especially in littoral bioproductivity.Our paleolimnological data indicate that the present ecosystem will offer living conditions for the endemic Saimaa ringed seal population that are similar to those that existed prior to human disturbances.  相似文献   
Granitoid rock samples from the assumed center of the Keurusselkä impact site were subjected to a systematic study of fluid‐inclusion compositions and densities in various microstructures of the shocked quartz. The results are consistent with the following impact‐induced model of formation. After cessation of all major regional tectonic activity and advanced erosional uplift of the Fennoscandian shield, a meteorite impact (approximately 1.1 Ga) caused the formation of planar fractures (PFs) and planar deformation features (PDFs) and the migration of shock‐liberated metamorphic fluid (CO2 ± H2O) to the glass in the PDFs. Postimpact annealing of the PDFs led to the formation of CO2 (±H2O) fluid‐inclusion decorated PDFs. The scarce fluid‐inclusion implosion textures (IPs) suggest a shock pressure of 7.6–10 GPa. The postimpact pressure release and associated heating initiated hydrothermal activity that caused re‐opening of some PFs and their partial filling by moderate‐salinity/high temperature (>200 °C) H2O (+ chlorite + quartz) and moderate‐density CO2. The youngest postimpact endogenic sub‐ and nonplanar microfractures (MFs) are characterized by low‐density CO2 and low‐salinity/low‐temperature (<200 °C) H2O.  相似文献   
Since its discovery in 1990, UW CrB (also known as MS1603+2600) has remained a peculiar source without firm classification. Our current understanding is that it is an accretion disc corona (ADC) low-mass X-ray binary. In this paper, we present results from our photometric campaign dedicated to studying the changing morphology of the optical light curves. We find that the optical light curves show remarkable evidence for strongly evolving light curve shapes. In addition, we find that these changes show a modulation at a period of ∼5 d. We interpret these changes as either due to strong periodic accretion disc warping or due to other geometrical changes because of disc precession at a period of 5 d. Finally, we have detected 11 new optical bursts, the phase distribution of which supports the idea of a vertically extended asymmetric accretion disc.  相似文献   
Long‐term fluctuations in lake‐water optical properties were examined using a Holocene sediment sequence and multi‐proxy palaeolimnological approach in Lake Einstaken, Nordaustlandet, Svalbard. UV‐absorbance of sedimentary cladoceran remains provided information on underwater UV exposure and changes in lake‐catchment coupling processes were inferred from sediment geochemistry. In addition, aquatic community succession was used as an indicator for lake‐water bio‐optical properties and a Holocene record of sun activity (sunspots) was utilized to evaluate long‐term solar forcing. The results indicated that the UV‐absorbance of cladoceran remains was highest (i.e. maximum UV‐induced pigmentation) for a short period during the early Holocene and for several millennia during the mid‐Holocene. Sun activity was high during these time intervals, probably impacting the UV intensities, but it is probable that the amount of UV‐attenuating compounds (e.g. dissolved organic carbon (DOC)) also significantly affected the underwater UV environment and were low during high UV exposure. Benthic autotrophic communities also responded to the millennial changes in lake‐water optical properties. UV‐resistant Nostoc cyanobacterial colonies were established during the mid‐Holocene, indicative of high underwater UV intensities, and Fontinalis mosses thrived during the early Holocene, indicating a highly transparent water column. The results further suggested that underwater UV exposure decreased during the late Holocene, which is probably attributable to increased DOC and decreased solar forcing. Owing to the location of Lake Einstaken and its catchment in the periglacial barren landscape of the polar desert, the fluctuations of bio‐optical lake‐water properties were apparently forced by postglacial environmental processes and Holocene climate development. These factors controlled sea shoreline proximity, water discharge, ice‐cover duration and littoral‐benthic primary production and further affected the underwater UV environment. Although the role of solar forcing cannot be underestimated, the current record emphasizes the role of climate‐mediated lake‐catchment interactions in impacting bio‐optical properties and UV exposure of high arctic aquatic systems.  相似文献   
Wind and waves are major forces affecting the geomorphology and biota in coastal areas. We present a generally applicable method for measuring and calculating fetch length, fetch direction and wave exposure. Fetch length and direction, measured by geographic information system-based methods, are used along with wind direction and wind speed data to estimate wave height and period by applying forecasting curves. The apparent power of waves approaching the shore, used as a proxy for wave exposure, is then calculated by a linear wave model. We demonstrate our method by calculating fetch lengths and wave exposure indices for five areas with varying exposure levels and types of meteorological conditions in the Finnish Archipelago Sea, situated in the northern Baltic Sea. This method is a rapid and accurate means of estimating exposure, and is especially applicable in areas with geomorphologically varying and complicated shorelines. We expect that our method will be useful in several fields, such as basic biogeographical and biodiversity research, as well as coastal land-use planning and management.  相似文献   
UW CrB (MS 1603+2600) is a peculiar short-period X-ray binary that exhibits extraordinary optical behaviour. The shape of the optical light curve of the system changes drastically from night to night, without any changes in overall brightness. Here we report X-ray observations of UW CrB obtained with XMM–Newton . We find evidence for several X-ray bursts, confirming a neutron star primary. This considerably strengthens the case that UW CrB is an accretion disc corona system located at a distance of at least 5–7 kpc (3–5 kpc above the Galactic plane). The X-ray and Optical Monitor (ultraviolet–optical) light curves show remarkable shape variation from one observing run to another, which we suggest are due to large-scale variations in the accretion disc shape resulting from a warp that periodically obscures the optical and soft X-ray emission. This is also supported by the changes in phase-resolved X-ray spectra.  相似文献   
Subarctic ecohydrological processes are changing rapidly, but detailed and integrated ecohydrological investigations are not as widespread as necessary. We introduce an integrated research catchment site (Pallas) for atmosphere, ecosystems, and ecohydrology studies in subarctic conditions in Finland that can be used for a new set of comparative catchment investigations. The Pallas site provides unique observational data and high-intensity field measurement datasets over long periods. The infrastructure for atmosphere- to landscape-scale research in ecosystem processes in a subarctic landscape has recently been complemented with detailed ecohydrological measurements. We identify three dominant processes in subarctic ecohydrology: (a) strong seasonality drives ecohydrological regimes, (b) limited dynamic storage causes rapid stream response to water inputs (snowmelt and intensive storms), and (c) hydrological state of the system regulates catchment-scale dissolved carbon dynamics and greenhouse (GHG) fluxes. Surface water and groundwater interactions play an important role in regulating catchment-scale carbon balances and ecosystem respiration within subarctic peatlands, particularly their spatial variability in the landscape. Based on our observations from Pallas, we highlight key research gaps in subarctic ecohydrology and propose several ways forward. We also demonstrate that the Pallas catchment meets the need for sustaining and pushing the boundaries of critical long-term integrated ecohydrological research in high-latitude environments.  相似文献   
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