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Primary and pseudosecondary fluid inclusions occur in oscillatory-and sector-zoned omphacite in eclogitic veins from the Monviso ophiolitic complex in the Western Alps. The inclusions contain aqueous brines and daughter crystals of halite, sylvite, calcite, dolomite, albite, anhydrite and/or gypsum, barite, baddeleyite, rutile, sphene, Fe oxides, pyrite and monazite. This daughter mineral suite indicates high solubilites of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zr, Ti, P, Ba, Ce, La, Th, and S species and provides direct evidence for transport of high-fieldstrenght, large-ion-lithophile, and light-rare-earth elements as dissolved species during subduction. Fluid-inclusion heterogeneities preserved within and between adjacent grains in the veins, however, suggest that the scale of fluid equilibration was small. A crack-seal geometry in some of the veins implies that fluid release in pulses rather than steady flow controlled mineral deposition and growth in the veins. From these observations, we develop a model of fluid release and entrapment in which pulses of fluid are associated in time with increments of shear and tensile failure; the rate of fluid release and the reduction in porosity both depend on the rate of plastic flow. Vein fluids may initially be derived from decreptitation of early fluid inclusions in the host eclogites, Small-scale fluid heterogeneities implied by the fluid inclusions in the veins are best interpreted in terms of limited fluid flow, and hence limited metasomatism. We conclude that element recycling into the mantle wedge during subduction will depend at least as strongly on fluid transport mechanisms as on element solubilities in the fluid phase. At Monviso, despite evidence for high trace element solubilities in saline brines, the elements were not removed from the downgoing slab prior to teaching depths of 40 km.  相似文献   
This paper is the continuation of a previous work [6] in which we have obtained the set of all possible equilibria of a gyrostat satellite attracted by n points mass by solving two algebraical equations P1=0 and P2=0. It results that there is a maximum of 24 isolated equilibrium orientations for the satellite. Sufficient conditions of stability for these relative equilibria are given.Here we consider only the elementary case n=1. We show that the coefficients of the two algebrical equations depend on four parameters j1, j3, K and v2. The two first parameters depend only on the direction of the internal angular momentum of the rotors, the third being only function of the principal moments of inertia of the satellite and the last parameter is a decreasing function of one of the components of . We show that the two polynomials P1 and P2 are unvariant within two transformations of the parameters j1 and j3. It is then possible to reduce the range of variation of these parameters.For some particular values of the parameters, it is possible to give the minimum number of real roots of equations P1=0 and P2=0. In general cases, a computing program is written to obtain the number of real roots of these equations according to the values of the parameters. We show that among the roots found, few of them corresponds to stable equilibrium orientations.  相似文献   
It is shown that, to any change of variables:q i=qi(r, t) (i=1,..., n; =1,...,n+m; mn) increasing the number of variables, it is possible to associate a Mathieu's transformation and conversely. The results are applied to the theory of the osculating plane of motion.
Resumé On montre qu'à toute transformation:q i=qi(r, t)(i=1,..., n; =1,...,n+m; mn) augmentant le nombre de variables, on peut associer une transformation de Mathieu et réciproquement. Les résultats sont appliqués à la théorie du plan osculateur du mouvement.
A simplified model of the planar Three-Body Problem is considered in which two particles, forming a close binary, orbit a distant point. A small parameter , related to the distance separating the binary and the remaining mass is defined. The time is eliminated from the equations of motion and an angular variable is used instead. A two-variable expansion procedure is used to find an asymptotic solution. The solution obtained is known completely up to the order ten in , and it is valid for almost arbitrary initial conditions. Specification of the initial conditions leads to a solution which is periodic with respect to a modified time variable.
Résumé On considère un modèle simplifé du Problème Plan des Trois Corps, dans lequel deux particules, formant une binaire proche, sont en orbite par rapport à un troisième point éloigné des deux autres. On définit un petit paramètre , lié à la distance séparant la binaire de la particule restante. On élimine le temps des équations du mouvement et on utilise une variable angulaire comme nouvelle variable indépendante. Une méthode de développement à deux échelles est utilisée permettant d'obtenir une solution asymptotique du problème. La solution obtenue est connue complètement jusqu'àl'ordre dix en , et elle est valable pour des conditions initiales très générales. Pour des conditions initiales bien déterminées, on obtient une solution périodique par rapport à une nouvelle variable temporelle.
Christophe Pascal   《Tectonophysics》2006,425(1-4):83-99
Gravitational potential stresses (GPSt) are known to play a first-order role in the state of stress of the Earth's lithosphere. Previous studies focussed mainly on crust elevation and structure and little attention has been paid to modelling GPSt using realistic lithospheric structures. The aim of the present contribution is to quantify gravitational potential energies and stresses associated with stable lithospheric domains. In order to model realistic lithosphere structures, a wide variety of data are considered: surface heat flow, chemical depletion of mantle lithosphere, crustal thickness and elevation. A numerical method is presented which involves classical steady-state heat equations to derive lithosphere thickness, geotherm and density distribution, but additionally requires the studied lithosphere to be isostatically compensated at its base. The impact of varying surface and crustal heat flow, topography, Moho depth and crust density on the signs and magnitudes of predicted GPSt is systematically explored. In clear contrast with what is assumed in most previous studies, modelling results show that the density structure of the mantle lithosphere has a significant impact on the value of the predicted GPSt, in particular in the case of thick lithospheres. Using independent information from the literature, the method was applied to get insights in the state of stress of continental domains with contrasting tectono-thermal ages. The modelling results suggest that in the absence of tectonic stresses Phanerozoic and Proterozoic lithospheres are spontaneously submitted to compression whereas Archean lithospheres are in a neutral to slightly tensile stress state. These findings are in general in good agreement with global stress measurements and observed geoid undulations.  相似文献   
Danian marine sedimentation in the Paris Basin occurred between two major erosional phases. The earlier was responsible for the stripping of presumably deposited Maastrichtian sediments and of a variable thickness of Campanian chalk. The later occurred during the late Palaeocene and resulted in the erosion of almost all Danian deposits, which are now limited to small and scattered outcrops. One of these outcrops corresponds to reefal and peri‐reefal limestones of middle to late Danian age, exposed in the quarries of Vigny (NW of Paris). Danian deposits here show intricate relations with the surrounding Campanian chalk. Danian sedimentation was contemporaneous with faulting, which generated signifiant sea‐floor relief and resulted in contrasting depositional areas: topographic highs with coralgal reefs, and depressions where calcirudite channel fill accumulated. Normal faulting occurred along WNW–ESE master faults. The generation of submarine fault scarps gave rise to various types of gravity‐driven phenomena, including the sliding and slumping of large blocks of reefal limestone and the deposition of carbonate debris flows. Along with the redeposition of the Danian carbonates, flows of fluidized and reworked Campanian chalk resulted from the peculiar physical properties of the undercompacted chalks. Erosion and faulting occurred predominantly during the Palaeocene and represent a major episode in the physiographic evolution of the Paris Basin.  相似文献   
In the Haushi-Huqf (Eastern Central Oman) as in other parts of the Arabian platform, a major sedimentary break is recorded between the Early Aptian carbonates (Shu'aiba Formation) and the Albian orbitolinid-rich marls (Nahr Umr Formation). The unconformity corresponds to a succession of events: (1) a brusque interruption of the regressive sequence of the Shu'aiba limestone (algae and small rudistid build-ups); (2) a stratigraphic gap related to the Late Aptian; (3) the development of a thick ferruginous crust (hardground) that covered the top surface of the Shu'aiba; the hardground is related to a forced flooding surface; (4) the Shu'aiba was rapidly drowned and buried under the Nahr Umr marls. Moreover, the Shu'aiba limestone was subject to faulting NW–SE-trending normal faults before lithification and formation of the ferruginous crust. The faulting episode is clearly dated: post-Early Aptian and pre-Albian. The signification of the faulting remains hypothetical. The syndiagenetic NW–SE normal faults may correspond to ‘en echelon’ faults, combined with transcurrent fault movements (for example the Haushi-Nafun Fault). The possible causes of these intra-platform transcurrent movements are discussed. To cite this article: C. Montenat, P. Barrier, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 781–787.  相似文献   
Stress measurements were carried out in the Arc syncline using drifs in a lignite mine. Eleven sites were investigated using the flat jack and hydraulic fracturing (or stimulating) methods. Two stress states were found to coexist, one isotropic, the other highly anisotropic. The orientations of the principal stresses are not homogeneous and an orientation ranging from E-W to NE-SW predominates locally. This does not accord with the regional stress field. The vertical stresses are systematically underestimated.  相似文献   
The WNW–ESE trending Toulourenc Fault Zone (TFZ) is the western segment of the major Ventoux–Lure Fault Zone, which separates the Provençal platform from the Baronnies Vocontian Basin. The TFZ was subject to polyphased Mid-Cretaceous movements, during the Early Aptian and Middle–Late Albian times. The latter faulting episode generated conglomerates and olistoliths resulting from dismantled faultscarps cutting Barremian–Bedoulian limestones. The deformation is related to compressional wrench faulting (NE–SW sinistral faults; dextral component for the TFZ). It induced the uplift of the northwestern corner of the platform, as indicated by a mid-Cretaceous hiatus (Early Aptian pro parte to Early Albian) narrowly delimited in space. The opening of submeridian grabens within the platform favoured the northward transit of channelised coarse-grained Albian sands originating from a southern area. To cite this article: C. Montenat et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
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