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In Sidi Bouzid plain, rainfall alone is insufficient to satisfy crop water requirements. Within this framework, and in order to improve water resources in the region, the Tunisian State adopted non-conventional water mobilization techniques, among which artificial spate irrigation. The objective of the study is to evaluate the impact of spate irrigation of flood water on the mitigation of agricultural drought and the enhancement of groundwater recharge. Annual and monthly rainfall data as well as flood water volumes were monitored. The study focused on the groundwater drawdown monitoring. Results showed a high flood water contribution to crop water requirements that exceeded rainfall. This water prevented drought in the spate perimeters. The groundwater drawdown was found to fluctuate over time, with an average decreasing rate of 0.4 to 0.5 m/year. Groundwater recharge was found to be highly correlated with flood water contribution through spate irrigation (R 2 = 84 %). Out of the spate zone, a high decrease in the groundwater level was noted. The lowest rate of 1 m/year was that of the farthest piezometer from the spate perimeters. This is influenced by the excessive pumping out of the spate zone. In 1980, groundwater flew from the west to the east. In 2015, the flow movement from the east to the center of the plain did not change due to the presence of the spate perimeters. Nevertheless, excessive pumping around sabkhas changed the flow directions at the outlet zone. A variation in groundwater salinity was observed in both space and time. In 1975, salinity was very low. The outlet zone was the most affected where the drawdown reached several meters, causing saltwater intrusion from the surrounding sabkhas.  相似文献   
Groundwater in Sfax City (Tunisia) has been known since the beginning of the century for its deterioration in quality, as a result of wastewater recharge into the aquifer. An average value of 12 × 106 m3 of untreated wastewater reaches the groundwater aquifer each year. This would result not only in a chemical and biological contamination of the groundwater, but also in an increase of the aquifer piezometric level. Quantitative impacts were evaluated by examining the groundwater piezometric level at 57 surface wells and piezometers. The survey showed that, during the last two decades, the groundwater level was ever increasing in the urban area with values reaching 7 m in part; and decreasing in Sidi Abid (agricultural area) with values exceeding −3 m. Groundwater samples for chemical and microbial analysis were collected from 41 wells spread throughout the study area. Results showed significantly elevated levels of sodium, chlorides, nitrates and coliform bacteria all over the urban area. High levels (NO3: 56–254 mg/l; Na >1,500 mg/l; Coliforms >30/100 ml) can be related to more densely populated areas with a higher density of pit latrine and recharge wells. Alternatively results showed a very variable chemical composition of groundwater, e.g. electrical conductivity ranges from 4,040 to19,620 μs/cm and the dry residual varies between 1.4 and 14 g/l with concentrations increasing downstream. Furthermore a softening of groundwater in Set Ezzit (highly populated sector) was observed.  相似文献   
The study was done to assess the effect of the river Sutlej on arsenic (As) contamination. Sampling was done from the alluvial plain with increasing distance from the river Sutlej in district Vehari and compared with the study done in the proximity of River Sutlej. Sixty (60) groundwater samples mostly from shallow depths were collected and analyzed for As concentrations. Multivariate statistical tools (PCA and CA), saturation index, piper plots and Gibbs diagrams were used to detect evidence about the interrelationship and sources of As and other water quality variables responsible for groundwater contamination. Results revealed that As concentration ranged from below detection limit to 156 µg/L indicating that 50% samples exceeding the WHO guidelines (10 µg/L) and 17% exceeding the Pakistan National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) limits (50 µg/L) Sutlej. The piper plot revealed that water chemistry of the study area was Ca–HCO3?, Ca–Mg–Cl, type. Correlations between As and HCO3? (r2?=?0.433) was positive, while negative correlations were observed between As–Mn2+ and As–Fe2+ (r2?=???0.102), (r2?=?0.107) respectively. Geochemical signatures of the groundwater in the study area showed that the As could be released by oxidative dissolution to some extent and elevated evaporation in the arid environment of the study area under the stimulus of alkaline water and high pH (range 7.1–8.4). Although the concentrations are exceeding the WHO limit in 50% of the water samples but, are less than the previous study done in Mailsi near River Sutlej. Further, the concentrations decreased as the distance from the River increased which shows the probable role of sediments deposited by the River Sutlej.  相似文献   
This study examines spatial and temporal variability of rainfall in Bizerte-Ichkeul Watershed. The basin, located in the extreme north of Tunisia, covers an area of 3084 km2. Thirteen rainfall stations, with continuous monthly precipitation records over the period (1970–2011), were considered in the analysis. Two methods were used. In the first, the dimensionless standardized precipitation ratio is applied to examine precipitation temporal variation. The second method is represented by continuous wavelet analysis for the precipitation spatial analysis and the identification of the origin of its variability. The study of temporal variability of annual rainfall showed severe persistent and recurrent drought episodes over the period (1977–2001). Wavelet analysis resulted in detecting the modes and origins of precipitation variability. Three energy bands were clearly identified: (1, 2–4, and 4–8 years) for the entire watershed. The visualization of the power distribution showed that the observed modes of variability are different in their power distributions from one station to another. The approach adopted allowed the identification of two groups with the same precipitation frequency and temporal variation. These groups were defined according to the difference in occurrence of the frequency band for each station.  相似文献   
Changes in paleoecology and climate of northern Tunisia during the last 3000 years were reconstructed based on the flood history interpreted from a 172-cm sediment core of Lake Ichkeul (NW Tunisia). Seven wet/dry episodes were identified based on biological (ostracods, foraminifera and mollusks) and biotic indices (H and E index, species richness and abundance). These proxy-based environmental changes were supported by correspondence analyses (CAs) and ecophenotypic responses of the brackish taxon Cyprideis torosa in addition to a grain-size study. Two dry episodes were identified in the lower (EP1) and upper (EP7) parts of the core. These were marked by the dominance of the brackish ostracod C. torosa. High water salinity was indicated by the presence of the brackish ostracod Loxoconcha elliptica, the foraminifer Ammonia sp. and lagoonal mollusks. The occurrence of the freshwater ostracods Ilyocypris sp., Herpetocypris sp., Dawinula stevensoni and Limnocythere inopinata was associated with high species richness and ecophenotypic changes of C. torosa valves indicating lower salinity during three major wet episodes (EP2, EP4, and EP6). The ecological and environmental changes, occurring between 3050 and 50 cal. year BP, are most likely linked to an increase of fluvial inputs which are also recognized in several other Mediterranean lakes. The humid episodes were interrupted by two saline periods (EP3 and EP5) during which freshwater ostracod assemblages declined, diversity indices dropped to the lowest values, and fine-grained sediments became dominant. The top of the core is characterized by the remarkable dominance of L. elliptica coupled with C. torosa, the absence of freshwater ostracods, and the changes in grain-size sediment parameters which are most likely the result of anthropogenic activities. The changes in hydrochemistry and sedimentology were attributed to the deepening of the Bizerte navigation canal, main wadis damming, and Tinja sluice construction which mostly occurred in the XXth century.  相似文献   
Iron is the most abundant transition metal in the atmosphere and can play a significant role in cloudwater chemistry where its reactivity is closely related to the partitioning between Fe(II) and Fe(III). The objective of this work is to determine the total iron content and the iron speciation in a free tropospheric site, and to understand which factors influence these parameters. We collected 147 samples of cloudwater during 34 cloud events over a period of four years at the puy de Dôme summit. Besides iron we measured other chemical compounds, solar radiation, physico-chemical and meteorological parameters potentially connected with iron reactivity. The total iron concentrations ranged from 0.1 to 9.1 μM with the major frequency occurring at low levels. The pH and presence of organic complexants seem to be the most significant factors connected with total dissolved iron; while the iron oxidation state seems to be an independent factor. Light intensity, presence of complexants or oxidants (H2O2) do not influence the Fe(II)/Fe(Total) ratio, that was quite constant at about 0.75. This could be due to the potential redox that forces the Fe(II)-Fe(III) couple to the reduced form or, more probably to the complexation by Natural Organic Matter, that can stabilize iron in its reduced form and prevent further oxidation. Our field measurements did not show the diurnal cycle observed in surface water and predicted by models of atmospheric chemistry. This result prompts a more careful review of the role of iron and, by analogy, all the transition metals in atmospheric liquid phase, often over-estimated in the literature.  相似文献   
This study presents an application of the model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to simulate daily and monthly water flow and sediment fluxes in the Wadi Hatab watershed (2200 km2) located in central Tunisia. The study basin is characterized by a significant climatic contrast, abrupt topography, and soil fragility, resulting thereby in flash floods and important water erosion rates. This alarming situation requires urgent interventions in order to preserve water and soil resources, implying the need for a decision tool for proper integrated management of the watershed. The model was calibrated and validated based on a comparison of simulated and observed flow rates at the basin outlet (hydrometric station Khanguet Zazia), during the periods 1987–1988 and 1989–1990, respectively. The comparison was based not only on visual inspection of the agreement between observed and simulated time series, but also on statistical parameters. Indeed, for the daily time step application, the Nash—Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) values were 0.52 and 0.61, and the coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.54 and 0.61 for calibration and validation, respectively. As for the monthly time-step application, the obtained NSE values were 0.67 and 0.89 while R2 values were 0.83 and 0.87 for calibration and validation, respectively. This clearly shows the reasonably good agreement between simulated and observed flow rates. In terms of erosion, the model gave sediment yield values ??of 1.15 and 5.37 t/ha/year during the periods of calibration and validation, respectively.  相似文献   
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