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THE PROVENANCE OF THE DHARAMSALA FORMATION1 NajmanY ,GarzantiE .ReconstructingearlyHimalayantectonicevolutionandpaleogeographyfromTertiaryforelandbasinsediments,NorthernIndia[J].GSABulletin ,2 0 0 0 .inpress 2 OliverGJH ,JohnsonMRW ,FallickAE .AgeofmetamorphismintheLesserHimalayaandthemainCentralThrustzone ,GarhwalIndia :resultsofillitecrystallinity ,4 0 Ar 3 9ArfusionandK Arstudies[J].GeolMag 1995 ,132 (2 ) :139~149. 3 PognanteU ,CastelliD ,BennaP ,eta…  相似文献   
The Budyko framework characterizes landscape water cycles as a function of climate. We used this framework to identify regions with contrasting hydroclimatic change during the past 50 years in Sweden. This analysis revealed three distinct regions: the mountains, the forests, and the areas with agriculture. Each region responded markedly different to recent climate and anthropogenic changes, and within each region, we identified the most sensitive subregions. These results highlight the need for regional differentiation in climate change adaptation strategies to protect vulnerable ecosystems and freshwater resources. Further, the Budyko curve moved systematically towards its water and energy limits, indicating augmentation of the water cycle driven by changing vegetation, climate and human interactions. This finding challenges the steady state assumption of the Budyko curve and therefore its ability to predict future water cycles. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We examine the dynamics of turbulence subgrid (or sub-filter) scales over a lake surface and the implications for large-eddy simulations (LES) of the atmospheric boundary layer. The analysis is based on measurements obtained during the Lake-Atmosphere Turbulent EXchange (LATEX) field campaign (August–October, 2006) over Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Wind velocity, temperature and humidity profiles were measured at 20 Hz using a vertical array of four sonic anemometers and open-path gas analyzers. The results indicate that the observed subgrid-scale statistics are very similar to those observed over land surfaces, suggesting that the effect of the lake waves on surface-layer turbulence during LATEX is small. The measurements allowed, for the first time, the study of subgrid-scale turbulent transport of water vapour, which is found to be well correlated with the transport of heat, suggesting that the subgrid-scale modelling of the two scalars may be coupled to save computational resources during LES.  相似文献   
Upper North Grain (UNG) is a heavily eroding blanket peat catchment in the Peak District, southern Pennines, UK. Concentrations of lead in the near‐surface peat layer at UNG are in excess of 1000 mg kg−1. For peatland environments, these lead concentrations are some of the highest globally. High concentrations of industrially derived, atmospherically transported magnetic spherules are also stored in the near‐surface peat layer. Samples of suspended sediment taken during a storm event that occurred on 1 November 2002 at UNG, and of the potential catchment sources for suspended sediments, were analysed for lead content and the environmental magnetic properties of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM). At the beginning of the storm event, there is a peak in both suspended sediment and associated lead concentration. SIRM/ARM values for suspended sediment samples throughout the storm reveal that the initial ‘lead flush’ is associated with a specific sediment source, namely that of organic sediment eroded from the upper peat layer. Using the magnetic ‘fingerprinting’ approach to discrimination of sediment sources, this study reveals that erosion of the upper peat layer at UNG is releasing high concentrations of industrially derived lead (and, by inference, other toxic heavy metals associated with industrial particulates) into the fluvial systems of the southern Pennines. Climate‐change scenarios for the UK, involving higher summer temperatures and stormier winters, may result in an increased flux both of sediment‐associated and dissolved heavy metals from eroding peatland catchments in the southern Pennines, adversely affecting the quality of sediment and water entering reservoirs of the region. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Geomorphological controls and catchment sediment characteristics control the formation of floodplains and affect their capacity to sequester carbon. Organic carbon stored in floodplains is typically a product of pedogenic development between periods of mineral sediment deposition. However, in organically-dominated upland catchments with a high sediment load, eroded particulate organics may also be fluvially deposited with potential for storage and/or oxidation. Understanding the redistribution of terrestrial carbon laterally, beyond the bounds of river channels is important, especially in eroding peatland systems where fluvial particulate organic carbon exports are often assumed to be oxidised. Floodplains have the potential to be both carbon cycling hotspots and areas of sequestration. Understanding of the interaction of carbon cycling and the sediment cascade through floodplain systems is limited. This paper examines the formation of highly organic floodplains downstream of heavily eroded peatlands in the Peak District, UK. Reconstruction of the history of the floodplains suggests that they have formed in response to periods of erosion of organic soils upstream. We present a novel approach to calculating a carbon stock within a floodplain, using XRF and radiograph data recorded during Itrax core scanning of sediment cores. This carbon stock is extrapolated to the catchment scale, to assess the importance of these floodplains in the storage and cycling of organic carbon in this area. The carbon stock estimate for the floodplains across the contributing catchments is between 3482-13460 tonnes, equating on an annualised basis to 0.8-4.5% of the modern-day POC flux. Radiocarbon analyses of bulk organic matter in floodplain sediments revealed that a substantial proportion of organic carbon was associated with re-deposited peat and has been used as a tool for organic matter source determination. The average age of these samples (3010 years BP) is substantially older than Infrared Stimulated Luminesence dating which demonstrated that the floodplains formed between 430 and 1060 years ago. Our data suggest that floodplains are an integral part of eroding peatland systems, acting as both significant stores of aged and eroded organic carbon and as hotspots of carbon turnover. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
TESTING THE VALIDITY OF Ar/Ar SINGLE-CRYSTAL WHITE MICA AGES FOR EROSION, EXHUMATION AND PROVENANCE STUDIES:RECENT SEDIMENTS FROM THE GANGA RIVER, NORTH INDIA1 CopelandP ,HarrisonTM .EpisodicrapidupliftintheHimalaya[J].Geology ,1990 ,18:35 4~ 35 7. 2 FrankW ,MillerCh ,GrassemannB .Ar/AragesofdetritalmicasandpalaeogeographicprovenanceofProterozoicclasticsedimentsintheHimalayas[J].10thHimalayan Karakorum TibetWorkshop[C],As…  相似文献   
Over the last few years there has been growing concern over the mobilisation of anthropogenically derived, atmospherically deposited Pb from upland blanket peat soils to receiving surface waters. The near-surface layer of blanket peat soils of the Peak District, southern Pennines, UK, is severely contaminated with high concentrations of Pb. Erosion of peat soils in this upland area may be releasing large quantities of previously deposited Pb into the fluvial system. Samples of fluvial sediments (suspended, floodplain, streamside fan, trash-line and channel bed) were collected from a severely eroding blanket peat catchment in the Peak District in order to investigate Pb contamination of fluvial sediments, to determine the mechanism for fluvial Pb transport and to determine if erosion of contaminated peat soils in the catchment is releasing Pb into the fluvial system. Concentrations of Pb associated with fluvial sediments are considerably higher than those in the catchment geology, but not as high as those in peat soils in the catchment. Intra- and inter-storm variability in the Pb content of suspended sediments can be explained by differences in organic matter content of these sediments and differences in erosion processes operating within the catchment. High Pb concentrations are associated with suspended sediments that have a high organic matter content. The results of this study suggest that organic matter is the principle vector for sediment-associated Pb in the fluvial system. Erosion of contaminated peat soils in the Peak District is releasing Pb into the fluvial system. The extent to which this is a problem in other peatland environments is an area requiring further research.  相似文献   
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