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Safe pipeline transportation of carbon dioxide is a critical issue in the developing field of carbon capture and storage technology. Inadequate fluid thermo- and regimes for on- and offshore transport through high-pressurized pipelines can induce pipe material obsolescence or even pipeline rupture. In such cases, CO2 (Carbon dioxide) will be released and dispersed in the ambient medium. The dispersion is influenced by the total amount of released fluid, jet pressure and direction, the released concentrations, leakage hole size, ambient material properties and is also affected by the dynamical conditions of the environmental medium. The goal of this study is the hydrodynamical characterization of carbon dioxide jet expansion and dispersion in the ambient atmosphere in case of onshore pipeline accidental leaks. Numerical simulations were carried out by means of a 3D turbulent CFD (computational fluid dynamics) code which includes multi-component flow treatment. The influence of the jet release pressure and size of the leakage hole on harmful CO2 concentration distances will be analyzed.  相似文献   
Matyasovszky  István  Makra  László  Tusnády  Gábor  Csépe  Zoltán  Nyúl  László G.  Chapman  Daniel S.  Sümeghy  Zoltán  Szűcs  Gábor  Páldy  Anna  Magyar  Donát  Mányoki  Gergely  Erostyák  János  Bodnár  Károly  Bergmann  Karl-Christian  Deák  Áron József  Thibaudon  Michel  Albertini  Roberto  Bonini  Maira  Šikoparija  Branko  Radišić  Predrag  Gehrig  Regula  Rybníček  Ondřej  Severova  Elena  Rodinkova  Victoria  Prikhodko  Alexander  Maleeva  Anna  Stjepanović  Barbara  Ianovici  Nicoleta  Berger  Uwe  Seliger  Andreja Kofol  Weryszko-Chmielewska  Elżbieta  Šaulienė  Ingrida  Shalaboda  Valentina  Yankova  Raina  Peternel  Renata  Ščevková  Jana  Bullock  James M. 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2018,133(1-2):277-295
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - The drivers of spatial variation in ragweed pollen concentrations, contributing to severe allergic rhinitis and asthma, are poorly quantified. We analysed the...  相似文献   
The ecosystem dynamics in the vadose zone, the unsaturated layer between the surface and the groundwater table, was studied in five caves located in northwestern Romania. Hypogean and epigean copepod assemblages collected in drip water and in the associated pools were analyzed over a period of 12 and 7 months, respectively. The temporal variation of fauna in both habitats was related to a series of environmental parameters (pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, forest cover, precipitation, type of limestone, hydrographic basin, substrate and volume of the pools). Canonical Correspondence Analysis was used to explore the relationships. Over the year, total abundances in pools were much lower than the abundances observed in drips and showed steep raising values in December only. It is shown that forest cover might be one of the most important driving factor influencing the copepod diversity and abundance. Occurrence of epigean species underground was influenced by precipitation and drip rates. The occurrence of hypogean species was related to electrical conductivity, as an indicator of residence time of water in the vadose zone. Pools on limestone harbored a more diverse and abundant fauna than those with clay sediments. Pools with calcite precipitation were preferred by hypogean species.  相似文献   
In order to perform calculations of biologically effective irradiance, the usual procedure is to modulate the ground-measured spectral solar irradiance with a specific biological action function. The inconvenience is that only a few meteorological stations worldwide are equipped to measure the spectral solar irradiance in the ultraviolet range. This motivates the search for a numerical substitute, which constitutes the subject of this report. An innovative approach based on generalized mean is used to infer the effective atmospheric transmittance. Its illustration resulted in a new parametric model for computing the biological dose under clear sky. The action spectrum for the growth response of plants, as a carrier of biological effects, is encapsulated into the atmospheric transmittance, leading to the calculation of the effective irradiance by simple algebra. The overall results indicate that the new parametric model performs accurately enough to be routinely used in practice. The procedure is general; therefore, it is described in detail to guide potential users in developing similar models incorporating other biological action spectra as needed. For speed-intensive applications, an executable file intended to run on any PC, which computes the effective irradiance with the proposed model, is provided.  相似文献   
Methane occurrences displaying signatures of a possible abiotic origin had previously been reported in the South‐West Carpathians (Romania). Such an accumulation, at Tisovi?a, was intercepted by a well drilled in an ophiolitic rocks massif, whereas in two other localities—situated tens of kilometres faraway—the concerned methane is released via thermal groundwater outflows that are apparently not associated with any ultramafic products. By using groundwater ionic compositions, corroborated with previously published isotopic (13C‐CH4, 2H‐CH4, 3He/4He) and molecular gas analyses, we assessed in more detail the conjectured abiotic provenance of methane, and quantitatively investigated the hypothesis of a progressive mixing between two, abiotic and thermogenic, methane end‐members. The corresponding geofluids behaviour was modelled by hypothesizing a “concealed” ophiolite serpentinization setting (largely similar to that at Tisovi?a), whose abiotic methane production was “diverted” towards remote discharges at ground surface, via a ~20‐km‐long flowpath supposedly generated by recently operating extensional tectonics.  相似文献   
Many plot‐scale studies have shown that snow‐cover dynamics in forest gaps are distinctly different from those in open and continuously forested areas, and forest gaps have the potential to alter the magnitude and timing of snowmelt. However, the watershed‐level impacts of canopy gap treatment on streamflows are largely unknown. Here, we present the first research that explicitly assesses the impact of canopy gaps on seasonal streamflows and particularly late‐season low flows at the watershed scale. To explicitly model forest–snow interactions in canopy gaps, we made major enhancements to a widely used distributed hydrologic model, distributed hydrology soil vegetation model, with a canopy gap component that represents physical processes of snowpack evolution in the forest gap separately from the surrounding forest on the subgrid scale (within a grid typically 10–150 m). The model predicted snow water equivalent using the enhanced distributed hydrology soil vegetation model showed good agreement (R2 > 0.9) with subhourly snow water equivalent measurements collected from open, forested, and canopy gap sites in Idaho, USA. Compared with the original model that does not account for interactions between gaps and surrounding forest, the enhanced model predicted notably later melt in small‐ to medium‐size canopy gaps (the ratio of gap radius (r) to canopy height (h) ≤ 1.2), and snow melt rates exhibited great sensitivity to changing gap size in medium‐size gaps (0.5 ≤ r/h ≤ 1.2). We demonstrated the watershed‐scale implications of canopy gaps on streamflow in the snow‐dominated Chiwawa watershed, WA, USA. With 24% of the watershed drainage area (about 446 km2) converted to gaps of 60 m diameter, the mean annual 7‐day low flow was increased by 19.4% (i.e., 0.37 m3/s), and the mean monthly 7‐day low flows were increased by 13.5% (i.e., 0.26 m3/s) to 40% (i.e., 1.76 m3/s) from late summer through fall. Lastly, in practical implementation of canopy gaps with the same total gap areas, a greater number of distributed small gaps can have greater potential for longer snow retention than a smaller number of large gaps.  相似文献   
We examine summer temperature patterns in the Wenatchee River and two of its major tributaries Icicle and Nason Creeks, located in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Through model simulations we evaluate the cooling effects of mature riparian vegetation corridors along the streams and potential increases due to global warming for the 2020s–2080s time horizons. Site potential shade influences are smaller in the mainstream due to its relatively large size and reduced canopy density in the lower reaches, proving a modest reduction of about 0.3°C of the stream length average daily maximum temperature, compared with 1.5°C and 2.8°C in Icicle and Nason Creeks. Assuming no changes in riparian vegetation shade, stream length-average daily maximum temperature could increase in the Wenatchee River from 1–1.2°C by the 2020s to 2°C in the 2040s and 2.5–3.6°C in the 2080s, reaching 27–30°C in the warmest reaches. The cooling effects from the site potential riparian vegetation are likely to be offset by the climate change effects in the Wenatchee River by the 2020s. Buffers of mature riparian vegetation along the banks of the tributaries could prevent additional water temperature increases associated with climate change. By the end of the century, assuming site potential shade, the tributaries could have a thermal condition similar to today’s condition which has less shade. In the absence of riparian vegetation restoration, at typical summer low flows, stream length average daily mean temperatures could reach about 16.4–17°C by the 2040s with stream length average daily maxima around 19.5–20.6°C, values that can impair or eliminate salmonid rearing and spawning. Modeled increases in stream temperature due to global warming are determined primarily by the projected reductions in summer streamflows, and to a lesser extent by the increases in air temperature. The findings emphasize the importance of riparian vegetation restoration along the smaller tributaries, to prevent future temperature increases and preserve aquatic habitat.  相似文献   
Synthetic data have long been employed in hydrology for model development and testing. The objective of this study was to generate a synthetic dataset of hydrologic response with higher spatial and temporal resolution than could presently be obtained in the field, spanning a longer period than the typical duration of monitoring campaigns in experimental catchments. The synthetic dataset was generated for a rangeland catchment with the Integrated Hydrology Model (InHM), and is presented for future use by the community. The InHM boundary‐value problem is based upon the previously reported hypothetical reality of Tarrawarra‐like hydrologic response. Whereas the emphasis in developing the hypothetical reality was on parameterising InHM to reproduce observations from the Tarrawarra catchment, the emphasis in generating the synthetic dataset is on developing an internally valid hydrologic‐response dataset that extends well beyond the period of observations at Tarrawarra. The synthetic dataset spans 11 years of continuous forcing and response data (e.g. integrated response, distributed fluxes, state variable dynamics). The dataset should be useful for a wide range of problems including evaluation of simple rainfall runoff modelling techniques, design of measurement networks, development of data‐assimilation algorithms, and studies on information theory. The dataset is available at: ftp://pangea.stanford.edu/pub/loague/ . Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We investigated, through hydrologic modelling, the impact of the extent and density of canopy cover on streamflow timing and on the magnitude of peak and late summer flows in the upper Tuolumne basin (2600–4000 m) of the Sierra Nevada, California, under current and warmer temperatures. We used the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model for the hydrologic modelling of the basin, assuming four vegetation scenarios: current forest (partial cover, 80% density), all forest (uniform coverage, 80% density), all barren (no forest) and thinned forest (partial cover, 40% density) for a medium‐high emissions scenario causing a 3.9 °C warming over a 100‐year period (2001–2100). Significant advances in streamflow timing, quantified as the centre of mass (COM) of over 1 month were projected for all vegetation scenarios. However, the COM advances faster with increased forest coverage. For example, when forest covered the entire area, the COM occurred on average 12 days earlier compared with the current forest coverage, with the rate of advance higher by about 0.06 days year?1 over 100 years and with peak and late summer flows lower by about 20% and 27%, respectively. Examination of modelled changes in energy balance components at forested and barren sites as temperatures rise indicated that increases in net longwave radiation are higher in the forest case and have a higher contribution to melting earlier in the calendar year when shortwave radiation is a smaller fraction of the energy budget. These increases contributed to increased midwinter melt under the forest at temperatures above freezing, causing decreases in total accumulation and higher winter and early spring melt rates. These results highlight the importance of carefully considering the combined impacts of changing forest cover and climate on downstream water supply and mountain ecosystems. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
如复理石沉积那样的垂向连续型韵律序列的研究能揭示有关生成过程和沉积区域的重要信息。无论不同岩性的垂向组合是否随机的,甚至没有沉积层序的优选次序,也能进行马尔科夫链分析这样的统计分析。此类分析适用于下塔尔克乌砂岩组(罗马尼亚东喀尔巴吁山)的复理石沉积,注意这些沉积物保存的发生程序并给以储存,而那些沉积物(至少被研究的层段)是浊流作用的产物,这些浊积物堆积在水道化沉积亚环境(诸如水道化的中深海扇之类)具良好分带的沉积区中。  相似文献   
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