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A search for low energy neutrinos of all flavours in correlation with 553 ray bursts detected by BATSE aboard the Compton Observatory has been performed by the LSD (Liquid Scintillator Detector) neutrino telescope. No excess ofe,, orv e,, candidate has been detected by LSD during the time interval in which BATSE detected the 90% of the photon flux for any of the GRBs analyzed. Upper limits on the neutrino fluxes are given in the paper.  相似文献   
The Eocene–Oligocene transition marks the passage from 'greenhouse' conditions to an 'icehouse' state, with progressive global cooling starting in the early middle Eocene. The late Eocene presents substantial evidence for extraterrestrial impacts whose effects on living organisms and climatic changes are still not completely clear. A high-resolution, microfloral and faunal investigation has been carried out in a 4-m-thick segment of the Massignano Global Stratotype Section and Point for the Eocene–Oligocene boundary. The studied interval includes a late Eocene (35.7 ± 0.4 Myr old) impactoclastic layer containing several cosmic signatures. The impact event recorded at Massignano had no abrupt, dramatic effects on marine biota in terms of extinction. However, significant quantitative changes in the calcareous plankton and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages occurred 60 kyr after the impact event. The observed pattern is intepreted as reflecting a long-term re-organization of water structure.  相似文献   

A central issue in tackling climate change is to understand to what extent different short-term mitigation strategies are consistent with long-term stabilization targets. The present article aims at cross-comparing emission paths derived by plausible short-term policies against those implied by long-term climate targets, comparing, for example, differences in peak periods. Short-term policies considered are, for instance, Kyoto-type targets with or without participation by the USA and/or by developing countries. Long-term targets focus instead on stabilization of CO2 concentrations, radiative forcing and the increase in atmospheric temperature relative to pre-industrial levels. In order to account for the uncertainty surrounding the climate cycle, for each long-term goal multiple paths of emission—the most probable, the optimistic and the pessimistic projections—are considered in the comparison exercise. Comparative analysis is performed using the FEEM-RICE model, a regional economy—climate model. The results suggest that some early policy action should take place for short-term emissions to be compatible with long-term targets. In particular, the Kyoto-type regimes appear to be on a compatible emission path, at least up to the second commitment period. However, this is no longer the case when assuming a pessimistic realization of the uncertain climate parameters.  相似文献   
Several experiments have been performed in many countries to observe gravitational waves or neutrino bursts. Since their simultaneous emission may occur in stellar collapses, we evaluate the effect of neutrino bursts on gravitational wave antennas and suggest the usefulness of a time correlation among the different detectors.  相似文献   
A principal component analysis of metallicity and other integral properties of 33 spiral galaxies is presented; the involved parameters are: morphological type, diameter, luminosity and metallicity. From the statistical analysis it is concluded that the sample has only two significant dimensions and additional tests, involving different parameters, show similar results. Thus it seems that only type and luminosity are independent variables, being the other integral properties of spiral galaxies correlated with them.  相似文献   
As karst systems are natural windows to the underground, speleology, combined with geological surveys, can be useful tools for helping understand the geological evolution of karst areas. In order to enhance the reconstruction of the structural setting in a gypsum karst area (Vena del Gesso, Romagna Apennines), a detailed analysis has been carried out on hypogeal data. Structural features (faults, fractures, tectonic foliations, bedding) have been mapped in the ”Grotta del Re Tiberio” cave, in the nearby gypsum quarry tunnels and open pit benches. Five fracture systems and six fault systems have been identified. The fault systems have been further analyzed through stereographic projections and geometric-kinematic evaluations in order to reconstruct the relative chronology of these structures. This analysis led to the detection of two deformation phases. The results permitted linking of the hypogeal data with the surface data both at a local and regional scale. At the local scale, fracture data collected in the underground have been compared with previous authors’ surface data coming from the quarry area. The two data sets show a very good correspondence, as every underground fracture system matches with one of the surface fracture system. Moreover, in the cave, a larger number of fractures belonging to each system could be mapped. At the regional scale, the two deformation phases detected can be integrated in the structural setting of the study area, thereby enhancing the tectonic interpretation of the area (e.g., structures belonging to a new deformation phase, not reported before, have been identified underground). The structural detailed hypogeal survey has, thus, provided very useful data, both by integrating the existing information and revealing new data not detected at the surface. In particular, some small structures (e.g., displacement markers and short fractures) are better preserved in the hypogeal environment than on the surface where the outcropping gypsum is more exposed to dissolution and recrystallization. The hypogeal geological survey, therefore, can be considered a powerful tool for integrating the surface and log data in order to enhance the reconstruction of the deformational history and to get a three-dimensional model of the bedrock in karst areas.  相似文献   
The results of a spectral analysis of some high-dispersion plates of the peculiar star HR 8911 ( Piscium) are reported, and the observational evidence for somer-only elements in the atmosphere of this object is discussed.Many uranium lines were observed, so that the presence of this element may be considered certain. The presence of uranium and of some elements with mass number around theA195 peak gives strong evidence for anr-process mechanism which originated the elemental peculiarities in this object. The implications about the origin of peculiar stars are discussed on the ground of an explosive origin of ther-process elements observed in this star. Finally, the uncommon element holmium seems very likely to be present in the atmosphere of this peculiar star.  相似文献   
The Selli Level is a marker-bed in the Umbria-Marche Apennines that represents the regional sedimentary expression of the Lower Aptain Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a. This one to three-metre-thick interval shows a remarkable uniformity on a regional scale, with a green to grey marly lower part overlain by black shales. Bulk geochemical studies and an examination of palynofacies were carried out on three sections in order to characterise the distribution and nature of the organic matter in the Selli Level which has been poorly known hitherto. The organic content is medium (0.5 to 2.9% TOC) in the basal part and higher (4.5% on average, and up to 18% TOC) in the black shales. Pyrolysis and palynological data indicate that the organic matter is mainly of marine origin. The geochemical characteristics of the Selli Level are compared to other, more or less organic-rich marker-beds in the Cretaceous succession of the Umbria-Marche Apennines.


Le Niveau Selli est un niveau-repère des Apennins d'Ombrie-Marches qui correspond à l'enregistrement régional de l'événement anoxique océanique 1a. Ce niveau, épais de un à trois mètres, présente une remarquable uniformité à l'échelle régionale avec une partie inférieure argileuse, verdâtre à grise, surmontée par des black shales. Des analyses géochimiques et l'examen des palynofacies ont été entreprises sur trois coupes afin de caractériser le contenu en matière organique du niveau Selli, jusqu'à présent mal connu. Les teneurs en carbone organique sont moyennes (0,5 à 2,9% COT) dans la partie basale et élevées (4,5% en moyenne et jusque 18% COT) dans les black shales. Les résultats de pyrolyse et des observations palynologiques indiquent que la matière organique est essentiellement d'origine marine. Les caractéristiques géochimiques du niveau Selli sont comparées aux autres niveaux repères, plus ou moins riches en carbone organique, qui émaillent la série du Crétacé du basin d'Ombrie-Marches.  相似文献   
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