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Mass flux and undertow in a surf zone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mass of water carried shoreward by the breaking waves in a surf zone will, in a two-dimensional situation, be compensated by a seaward return flow, the undertow. It is shown that the undertow is driven by the local difference between radiation stress and the set-up pressure gradient which only balance each other in average over the depth. Turbulent shear stresses are required to maintain a steady situation. Comparison with measurements confirms the theoretical results.  相似文献   
山西铝土矿矿石中鲕、豆、碎屑等组构均具红土性质,结合化学成分特征、稀土元素特征、氧同住素特征、锆石等副矿物特征及含矿岩系底部岩层与下伏中奥陶纪灰岩关系和矿床分布与古陆、古岛的依赖关系等方面分析,铝土矿的成矿物质多是异源的,多为古陆上的铝硅酸盐岩红土风化产物,经流水以机械碎屑形式被搬运至海盆,沉积成矿  相似文献   
Using the Hubble Space Telescope's Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph we have obtained for the first time spatially resolved 2000-3000 Å spectra of Io's Prometheus plume and adjoining regions on Io's anti-jovian hemisphere in the latitude range 60° N-60° S, using a 0.1″ slit centered on Prometheus and tilted roughly 45° to the spin axis. The SO2 column density peaked at 1.25×1017 cm−2 near the equator, with an additional 5×1016 cm−2 enhancement over Prometheus corresponding to a model volcanic SO2 output of 105 kg s−1. Apart from the Prometheus peak, the SO2 column density dropped fairly smoothly away from the subsolar point, even over regions that included potential volcanic sources. At latitudes less than ±30°, the dropoff rate was consistent with control by vapor pressure equilibrium with surface frost with subsolar temperature 117.3±0.6 K, though SO2 abundance was higher than predicted by vapor pressure control at mid-latitudes, especially in the northern hemisphere. We conclude that, at least at low latitudes on the anti-jovian hemisphere where there are extensive deposits of optically-thick SO2 frost, the atmosphere is probably primarily supported by sublimation of surface frost. Although the 45° tilt of our slit prevents us from separating the dependence of atmospheric density on solar zenith angle from its dependence on latitude, the pattern is consistent with a sublimation atmosphere regardless of which parameter is the dominant control. The observed drop in gas abundance towards higher latitudes is consistent with the interpretation of previous Lyman alpha images of Io as indicating an atmosphere concentrated at low latitudes. Comparison with previous disk-resolved UV spectroscopy, Lyman-alpha images, and mid-infrared spectroscopy suggests that Io's atmosphere is denser and more widespread on the anti-jovian hemisphere than at other longitudes. SO2 gas temperatures were in the range of 150-250 K over the majority of the anti-jovian hemisphere, consistent with previous observations. SO was not definitively detected in our spectra, with upper limits to the SO/SO2 ratio in the range 1-10%, roughly consistent with previous observations. S2 gas was not seen anywhere, with an upper limit of 7.5×1014 cm−2 for the Prometheus plume, confirming that this plume is significantly poorer in S2 than the Pele plume (S2 /SO2<0.005, compared to 0.08-0.3 at Pele). In addition to the gas absorption signatures, we have observed continuum emission in the near ultraviolet (near 2800 Å) for the first time. The brightness of the observed emission was directly correlated with the SO2 abundance, strongly peaking in the equatorial region over Prometheus. Emission brightness was modestly anti-correlated with the jovian magnetic latitude, decreasing when Io intersected the torus centrifugal equator.  相似文献   
Beach and shoreface sediments deposited in the more than 800-km long ice-dammed Lake Komi in northern European Russia have been investigated and dated. The lake flooded the lowland areas between the Barents–Kara Ice Sheet in the north and the continental drainage divide in the south. Shoreline facies have been dated by 18 optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates, most of which are closely grouped in the range 80–100 ka, with a mean of 88±3 ka. This implies that that the Barents–Kara Ice Sheet had its Late Pleistocene maximum extension during the Early Weichselian, probably in the cold interval (Rederstall) between the Brørup and Odderade interstadials of western Europe, correlated with marine isotope stage 5b. This is in strong contrast to the Scandinavian and North American ice sheets, which had their maxima in isotope stage 2, about 20 ka. Field and air photo interpretations suggest that Lake Komi was dammed by the ice advance, which formed the Harbei–Harmon–Sopkay Moraines. These has earlier been correlated with the Markhida moraine across the Pechora River Valley and its western extension. However, OSL dates on fluvial sediments below the Markhida moraine have yielded ages as young as 60 ka. This suggests that the Russian mainland was inundated by two major ice sheet advances from the Barents–Kara seas after the last interglacial: one during the Early Weichselian (about 90 ka) that dammed Lake Komi and one during the Middle Weichselian (about 60 ka). Normal fluvial drainage prevailed during the Late Weichselian, when the ice front was located offshore.  相似文献   

The design of a spar buoy, employed as one component of a current monitoring system deployed during 1980 in Davis Strait, and some of its response characteristics to ocean waves are presented. The buoy was 36.5 ft (11.13 m) in length with upper and lower masts 0.5ft (15.2 cm) in diameter and buoyancy hulls, centrally located, 2 ft (61.0 cm) in diameter. Power for the system was supplied from lead‐acid batteries in a ballast tank on the lower end. Telemetry electronics were located in a 1‐ft (30.5‐cm) diameter case on the upper end, below the antenna. The buoy weighed about 1,635 lb (746kg) and could be man‐handled at sea with relatively light lifting equipment. It had a damped period of 16s and a significant heave response of about 62% of the significant wave height of the forcing spectrum. Scale model tests indicated that the buoy would be operational in heavy sea swell up to about 20ft in height with pitching angles of less than 10° off vertical. Observations at sea have shown that the buoy followed swell waves better than the 62% heave response figure would imply and had negligible pitching motions except during severe storms. The design was judged to be successful in providing a stable base for VHF transmission and is recommended for use in other applications.  相似文献   
Vulnerability of Aboriginal health systems in Canada to climate change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate change has been identified as potentially the biggest health threat of the 21st century. Canada in general has a well developed public health system and low burden of health which will moderate vulnerability. However, there is significant heterogeneity in health outcomes, and health inequality is particularly pronounced among Aboriginal Canadians. Intervention is needed to prevent, prepare for, and manage climate change effects on Aboriginal health but is constrained by a limited understanding of vulnerability and its determinants. Despite limited research on climate change and Aboriginal health, however, there is a well established literature on Aboriginal health outcomes, determinants, and trends in Canada; characteristics that will determine vulnerability to climate change. In this paper we systematically review this literature, using a vulnerability framework to identify the broad level factors constraining adaptive capacity and increasing sensitivity to climate change. Determinants identified include: poverty, technological capacity constraints, socio-political values and inequality, institutional capacity challenges, and information deficit. The magnitude and nature of these determinants will be distributed unevenly within and between Aboriginal populations necessitating place-based and regional level studies to examine how these broad factors will affect vulnerability at lower levels. The study also supports the need for collaboration across all sectors and levels of government, open and meaningful dialogue between policy makers, scientists, health professionals, and Aboriginal communities, and capacity building at a local level, to plan for climate change. Ultimately, however, efforts to reduce the vulnerability of Aboriginal Canadians to climate change and intervene to prevent, reduce, and manage climate-sensitive health outcomes, will fail unless the broader determinants of socio-economic and health inequality are addressed.  相似文献   
While there are extensive macro‐ and microfossil records of a range of plants and animals from the Quaternary, earthworms and their close relatives amongst annelids are not preserved as fossils and therefore the knowledge of their past distributions is limited. This lack of fossils means that clitellate worms (Annelida) are currently underused in palaeoecological research, even though they can provide valuable information about terrestrial and aquatic environmental conditions. Their DNA might be preserved in sediments, which offers an alternative method for detection. Here we analyse lacustrine sediments from lakes in the Polar Urals, Arctic Russia, covering the period 24 000–1300 cal. a BP, and NE Norway, covering 10 700–3300 cal. a BP, using a universal mammal 16S rDNA marker. While mammals were recorded using the marker (reindeer was detected twice in the Polar Urals core at 23 000 and 14 000 cal. a BP, and four times in the Norwegian core at 11 000 cal. a BP and between 3600–3300 cal. a BP), worm extracellular DNA ‘bycatch’ was rather high. In this paper we present the first reported worm detection from ancient DNA. Our results demonstrate that both aquatic and terrestrial clitellates can be identified in late‐Quaternary lacustrine sediments, and the ecological information retrievable from this group warrants further research with a more targeted approach.  相似文献   
The agri-food sector must adapt to changes in climate variability, while also helping to mitigate climate change. Measures termed ‘triple-win’ mitigate and adapt to climate change, while also improving soil health, thereby increasing yields. These measures might appear to be the easiest to implement, but in practice, barriers prevent full realisation. This study aims to move beyond previous research efforts that identify and categorise barriers by (i) revealing hidden barriers, (ii) understanding the interactions between barriers and (iii) exploring ways to address barriers. A case study focusing on crop rotation as a triple-win strategy in Ukraine demonstrates how a participant-driven iterative research approach can achieve these objectives. During semi-structured interviews with farmers and stakeholders, crop rotation emerged as an area of considerable dissensus with stakeholders commonly citing the greedy behaviour of producers as the problem. Further discussion indicated that the political economy of Ukraine caused financial constraints for producers and Q methodology allowed for additional clarity on the opposing views of crop rotation. Three factors emerged: producer insecurity, national insecurity and business insecurity. These three perspectives reveal contrasting priorities with producer insecurity and business insecurity concerned with the conditions under which producers must operate, while national insecurity has a focus on improving agricultural production to benefit the nation. Consensus statements across all factors could provide first steps to addressing barriers and an opportunity to open discussions amongst stakeholders. Finally, barriers arising from political processes demonstrate that climate policy needs to be integrated with other sector-specific policy decisions.  相似文献   
Recently, the sediment stratigraphy and geochronology of the well‐known Palaeolithic site Byzovaya in northern Russia were investigated. New technological analyses of the artefacts suggest a Middle Palaeolithic Mousterian culture, and occupation by Neanderthals, not Modern humans as previously thought. We present here a new and detailed documentation of the stratigraphy, including the geological context of the artefacts and faunal remains. From sedimentological criteria we confidently interpret the find‐bearing strata as debris‐flow deposits, covered by aeolian sediments. The chronology is based on radiocarbon and luminescence (OSL) dates from the find‐bearing and overlying strata. The results are utilized to reconstruct the geological history at the excavation area. The stratigraphy varies considerably across the excavation area. The most intact and undisturbed part of the sequence was found inside the most recent Excavation II. In this part the artefacts and bones appear to have been permanently sealed and protected by aeolian sand. The older Excavation I shows a more complicated stratigraphy, as the finds may have been temporarily exposed during the early Holocene owing to ravine incision and slumping activity. The individual radiocarbon dates that were collected from different parts of the site and from various stratigraphic positions are re‐investigated in this study. By using Bayesian statistics the conclusion is that the site was occupied during a restricted period around 30.6–34.7 ka. A series of partly unpublished OSL dates of coversand from different sites demonstrates a regional aeolian signal during the Lateglacial in northern Russia, 15–14 ka.  相似文献   
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