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Terrestrial radon-222 flux density for the Asian continent, integrated over distances of 4500 km, is estimated in two 20° latitudinal bands centred on 48.8°N and 63.2°N. The evaluation is based on three years of wintertime radon measurements at Sado Island, Japan, together with meteorological and trajectory information. A selection of 18% of observations are suitable for evaluation of an analytical expression for the continental surface flux. Various meteorological assumptions are discussed; it is found that there is a substantial effect of increased complexity of the formulation on the flux estimates obtained. The distribution of spatially integrated radon flux over the Asian landmass is reported for the first time. Expressed as geometric means and 1σ-ranges, estimated fluxes are 14.1 mBq m−2 s−1 (1σ-range: 18 mBq m−2 s−1) and 8.4 mBq m−2 s−1 (1σ-range: 10 mBq m−2 s−1) for the lower and higher latitude bands. These results constitute an annual minimum in flux densities for these regions, and are higher than previously reported. The existence of a latitudinal gradient in the continental radon source function is confirmed; the present estimate for Asia (−0.39 mBq m−2 s−1 per degree of latitude) is in agreement with the northern hemisphere terrestrial radon flux gradient proposed previously.  相似文献   
Abstract   The manned submersible Shinkai 2000 investigated yellow patches on the near-summit slope of Shiribeshi Seamount in the Japan Sea. Yellowish patches are often associated with seepage, and the possibility of seepage at Shiribeshi Seamount was tested by the following four lines of observation: (i) high subsurface temperature was measured at a ring-like patch, although no increase in subsurface temperature was observed at other patches; (ii) high gamma ray (γ-ray) intensity from the thorium series was recorded in the patch zone; (iii) the yellowish deposit was composed of calcite, quartz and amorphous iron compound, as seen at the yellowish patches in other seeps and volcanoes; (iv) lipid phosphate, a measure of microbial abundance, in sediments of the ring-like patch was determined, and the recorded microbial abundance was higher inside the patch than outside it. The four lines of observation are explained consistently by postulating that the seepage of warm fluid contained Fe and γ-ray sources. A hydrothermal origin of the yellow patches is not ruled out for the extinct but young (0.9 Ma) arc volcano.  相似文献   
The bulk composition of the continental crust throughout geological history is thought by most previous workers to be andesitic. This assumption of an andesitic bulk composition led to an early hypothesis by 72 ) that the continental crust was created by arc magmatism. This hypothesis for the origin of continental crust was challenged by several authors because: (i) the mean rate of arc crust addition obtained by 50 ) is too small to account for some certain phases of rapid crustal growth; and (ii) the bulk composition of ocean island arcs, the main contributor to the Archean and early Proterozoic crust, is basaltic rather than andesitic ( 4 ; 49 ). New data from the Northern Izu–Bonin arc are presented here which support the 72 ) hypothesis for the origin of the continental crust by andesitic arc magma. A geological interpretation of P wave crustal structure obtained from the Northern Izu–Bonin arc by 66 ) indicates that the arc crust has four distinctive lithologic layers: from top to bottom: (i) a 0.5–2-km-thick layer of basic to intermediate volcaniclastic, lava and hemipelagite (layer A); (ii) a 2–5-km-thick basic to intermediate volcaniclastics, lavas and intrusive layer (layer B); (iii) a 2–7-km-thick layer of felsic (tonalitic) rocks (layer C); and (iv) a 4–7-km-thick layer of mafic igneous rocks (layer D). The chemical composition of the upper and middle part of the northern Izu–Bonin arc is estimated to be similar to the average continental crust by 73 ). The rate of igneous addition of the Northern Izu–Bonin arc since its initial 45-Ma magmatism was calculated as 80 km3/km per million years. This rate of addition is considered to be a reasonable estimate for all arcs in the western Pacific. Using this rate, the global rate of crustal growth is estimated to be 2.96 km3/year which exceeds the average rate of crustal growth since the formation of the Earth (1.76 km3/year). Based on this estimate of continental growth and the previously documented sediment subduction and tectonic erosion rate (1.8 km3/year, 24 ), several examples of growth curves of the continental crust are presented here. These growth curves suggest that at least 50% of the present volume of the continental crust can be explained by arc magmatism. This conclusion indicates that arc magmatism is the most important contributor to the formation of continental crust, especially at the upper crustal level.  相似文献   
The results of a controlled source seismic reflection–refraction experiment carried out in 1992 reveal the following characteristics of the northern Izu–Bonin (Ogasawara) oceanic island arc–trench system. (1) The crust rapidly thickens from the Shikoku back-arc basin to the arc, is thickest beneath the active rifts, and then gradually thins to the forearc. The thickness of the crust beneath the arc rift zone and the back-arc basin are ∼ 20 km and 8 km, respectively. (2) The Moho vanishes beneath the forearc. Velocities rapidly decrease eastwards beneath the inner trench wall. (3) The velocity of the lower crust of the arc and the back-arc basin is 7.1–7.3 km/s. This velocity is higher than the typical oceanic lower crust whose velocity is ∼ 6.7 km/s. (4) The velocity of the middle crust of the arc is ∼ 6 km/s. This layer does not exist beneath the back-arc basin. (5) A slight difference in the velocity gradient of the middle crust exists between the arc rift zone and the forearc. Based on these findings and previous studies, it is inferred that: (i) the middle crust is probably granitic rock and formed in more than two episodes; (ii) the lower crust formed by igneous underplating which may also have affected part of the back-arc basin; and (iii) the root of the serpentinite diapir on the inner trench wall is a low-velocity mantle wedge that was probably caused by large amounts of water released from the subducting Pacific plate at depths shallower than 30 km.  相似文献   
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