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In this study, winter precipitation variability associated with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) over the Korean Peninsula was investigated using a 5-pentad running mean data because significant correlation pattern cannot be revealed using seasonal-mean data. It was found a considerably significant positive correlation between Niño3 sea-surface temperature and precipitation during early winter (from Mid-November to early-December), when the correlation coefficient is close to 0.8 in early-December; the correlation is distinctively weakened during late winter. It is demonstrated that such sudden intraseasonal change in relation to ENSO is associated with the presence of anticyclonic flow over the Kuroshio extension region (Kuroshio anticyclone). In early winter, there is strong southerly wind over the Korean Peninsula, which is induced by the Philippine Sea anticyclone and Kuroshio anticyclone. However, in January, although the Philippine Sea anticyclone develops further, the Kuroshio anticyclone suddenly disappears; as a result, the impact of ENSO is considerably weakened over the Korean Peninsula. These results indicate that the Kuroshio anticyclone during El Niño peak phase plays a critical role by strongly affecting Northeast Asia climate, including the Korean Peninsula. In addition, it is also found that there are distinctive interdecadal changes of the relationship between ENSO and precipitation over the Korean Peninsula. In particular, the strong correlation in early winter is clearer in the recent 30 years than that in the previous period of 1950–1979.  相似文献   
Modern and fossil benthic foraminifera were examined from nine surface sediments and two piston cores along the ~131°W transect in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. This study was conducted to clarify the biotic response of abyssal benthic foraminifera during the last 220 ka to changes in the seasonal extent of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The abundance of modern benthic foraminifera was high at stations between the equator and 6°N, whereas it was low at stations north of 6°N, which is generally consistent with the latitudinal CaCO3 distribution of surface sediments. The northward increase of Epistominella exigua from the equator to ~6°N is similar to the seasonal variations in chlorophyll-a concentrations in the surface water and ITCZ position along ~131°W. This species was more common at core PC5103 (~6°N) than at core PC5101 (~2°N) after ~130 ka, when the Shannon-Wiener diversity (H’) between the two cores started to diverge. Hence, the presentday latitudinal difference in benthic foraminifera (E. exigua and species diversity) between ~2°N and ~6°N along ~131°W has been generally established since ~130 ka. According to the modern relationship between the seasonality of primary production and seasonal ITCZ variations in the northern margin of the ITCZ, the latitudinal divergence of benthic foraminiferal fauna between ~2°N and ~6°N since ~130 ka appear to have been induced by more distinct variations in the seasonal movement of ITCZ.  相似文献   
Bhavya  P. S.  Min  Jun-Oh  Kim  Min-Seob  Jang  Hyo Keun  Kim  Kwanwoo  Kang  Jae Joong  Lee  Jae Hyung  Lee  Dabin  Jo  Naeun  Kim  Myung Joon  Kim  Yejin  Lee  Junbeom  Lee  Chang Hwa  Bae  Hyeonji  Yoo  Hyeju  Park  Sanghoon  Yun  Mi Sun  Lee  Sang Heon 《Ocean Science Journal》2019,54(4):515-528
Ocean Science Journal - Investigations on marine N2 fixation have gained momentum since 1960s with eventual establishments of relevant methodologies to identify species involved and quantify the...  相似文献   
Over the past three decades, dike constructions along the shores and dredging activities for navigation purposes have caused significant sedimentologic/morphologic modifications of a mid-channel bar situated in the tidal seaway of outer Asan Bay, Korea, as shown by a comparison of two sediment datasets collected in the channel and over the bar in 1977 and 2008. In addition, three hydrographic charts published in 1976, 1989, and 2006 were analyzed using GIS to estimate sand volume budgets and any bar migration. The bar is currently about 15 km long and 2–5 km wide, with a relief of 15 m. It is elongated in the tidal flow direction, but asymmetric in cross section. Chart analyses reveal a dramatic reduction in size and volume over the study period. An approximate 19% net loss in total sediment volume was calculated between 1976 and 1989. Since then, a net gain of about 7% has been estimated. The surface areas between selected depth contours reveal a similar pattern, i.e., substantial shrinking until 1989, followed by slight expansion up to 2006. Comparing selected textural parameters (mean grain size, sorting) of a 2008 sediment sampling campaign with those of a 1977 survey, it was found that mean grain sizes have decreased by as much as 1-phi interval, and that the sediments have become more poorly sorted in the vicinity of the bar over the 30-year study period, probably due to a sudden decrease in tidal energy flux after completion of the adjacent dikes. A particular feature is the temporary response of the bar to man-made impacts, characterized by substantial shrinking along its southwestern flank, and slight expansion along its northeastern flank. The observed changes in bar morphology can plausibly be explained by a sudden decrease in sediment supply resulting from a reduction in tidal prism in the wake of diking. The bar initially shrunk, but since 1989 has begun to gradually recover. To compensate the deficit, the bar has lowered its base level by scouring troughs along both flanks.  相似文献   
The quantitative assay of clay minerals, soils, and sediments for Fe(II) and total Fe is fundamental to understanding biogeochemical cycles occurring therein. The commonly used ferrozine method was originally designed to assay extracted forms of Fe(II) from non-silicate aqueous systems. It is becoming, however, increasingly the method of choice to report the total reduced state of Fe in soils and sediments. Because Fe in soils and sediments commonly exists in the structural framework of silicates, extraction by HCl, as used in the ferrozine method, fails to dissolve all of the Fe. The phenanthroline (phen) method, on the other hand, was designed to assay silicate minerals for Fe(II) and total Fe and has been proven to be highly reliable. In the present study potential sources of error in the ferrozine method were evaluated by comparing its results to those obtained by the phen method. Both methods were used to analyze clay mineral and soil samples for Fe(II) and total Fe. Results revealed that the conventional ferrozine method under reports total Fe in samples containing Fe in silicates and gives erratic results for Fe(II). The sources of error in the ferrozine method are: (1) HCl fails to dissolve silicates and (2) if the analyte solution contains Fe3+, the analysis for Fe2+ will be photosensitive, and reported Fe(II) values will likely be greater than the actual amount in solution. Another difficulty with the ferrozine method is that it is tedious and much more labor intensive than the phen method. For these reasons, the phen method is preferred and recommended. Its procedure is simpler, takes less time, and avoids the errors found in the ferrozine method.  相似文献   
Despite the various opening models of the southwestern part of the East Sea (Japan Sea) between the Korean Peninsula and the Japan Arc, the continental margin of the Korean Peninsula remains unknown in crustal structure. As a result, continental rifting and subsequent seafloor spreading processes to explain the opening of the East Sea have not been adequately addressed. We investigated crustal and sedimentary velocity structures across the Korean margin into the adjacent Ulleung Basin from multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection and ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) data. The Ulleung Basin shows crustal velocity structure typical of oceanic although its crustal thickness of about 10 km is greater than normal. The continental margin documents rapid transition from continental to oceanic crust, exhibiting a remarkable decrease in crustal thickness accompanied by shallowing of Moho over a distance of about 50 km. The crustal model of the margin is characterized by a high-velocity (up to 7.4 km/s) lower crustal (HVLC) layer that is thicker than 10 km under the slope base and pinches out seawards. The HVLC layer is interpreted as magmatic underplating emplaced during continental rifting in response to high upper mantle temperature. The acoustic basement of the slope base shows an igneous stratigraphy developed by massive volcanic eruption. These features suggest that the evolution of the Korean margin can be explained by the processes occurring at volcanic rifted margins. Global earthquake tomography supports our interpretation by defining the abnormally hot upper mantle across the Korean margin and in the Ulleung Basin.  相似文献   
Jaehoon Yoo   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(8-9):1089-1095
A surface panel method treating a boundary-value problem of the Dirichlet type with the free surface is presented to design a three-dimensional body corresponding to a prescribed pressure distribution. The free surface boundary condition is linearized with respect to the oncoming flow, and computed by four-point finite difference scheme. Sample designs for submerged spheroids and Wigley hull are carried out to demonstrate the stable convergence, the effectiveness and the robustness of the method. The design of a 5500TEU container carrier is performed with respect to reduction of the wave resistance. To reduce the wave resistance, calculated pressure on the hull surface is modified to have the lower fluctuation, and is applied as a Dirichlet type dynamic boundary condition on the hull surface. The designed hull form is verified to have the lower wave resistance than the initial one not only by computation but also by experiment.  相似文献   
The Gas Hydrate Research and Development Organization (GHDO) of Korea successfully accomplished both coring (hydraulic piston and pressure coring) and logging (logging-while-drilling, LWD, and wireline logging) to investigate the presence of gas hydrate during the first deep drilling expedition in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea of Korea (referred to as UBGH1) in 2007. The LWD data from two sites (UBGH1-9, UBGH1-10) showed elevated electrical resistivity (>80 Ω-m) and P-wave velocity (>2000 m/s) values indicating the presence of gas hydrate. During the coring period, the richest gas hydrate accumulation was discovered at these intervals. Based on log data, the occurrence of gas hydrate is primarily controlled by the presence of fractures. The gas hydrate saturation calculated using Archie’s relation shows greater than 60% (as high as ∼90%) of the pore space, although Archie’s equation typically overestimates gas hydrate saturation in near-vertical fractures. The saturation of gas hydrate is also estimated using the modified Biot-Gassmann theory (BGTL) by Lee and Collett (2006). The saturation values estimated rom BGTL are much lower than those calculated from Archie’s equation. Based on log data, the hydrate-bearing sediment section is approximately 70 m (UBGH1-9) to 130 m (UBGH1-10) in thickness at these two sites. This was further directly confirmed by the recovery of gas hydrate samples and pore water freshening collected from deep drilling core during the expedition. LWD data also strongly support the interpretation of the seismic gas hydrate indicators (e.g., vent or chimney structures and bottom-simulating reflectors), which imply the probability of widespread gas hydrate presence in the Ulleung Basin.  相似文献   
A bio-optical dataset collected during the 1998?C2007 period in the Yellow and East China Seas (YECS) was used to provide alternative empirical ocean-color algorithms in the retrieval of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), total suspended matter (TSM), and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption coefficients at 440 nm (ag440). Assuming that remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs) could be retrieved accurately, empirical algorithms for TChl (regionally tuned Tassan??s Chl-a algorithm) in case-1 waters (TChl2i in case-2 waters), TTSM (regionally tuned Tassan??s TSM algorithm), and Tag440 or Cag440 (regionally tuned Tassan??s or Carder??s ag440 algorithm) were able to retrieve Chl-a, TSM, and ag440 with uncertainties as high as 35, 46, and 35%, respectively. Applying the standard SeaWiFS Rrs, TChl was not viable in the eastern part of the YECS, which was associated with an inaccurate SeaWiFS Rrs retrieval because of improper atmospheric correction. TChl behaved better than other algorithms in the turbid case-2 waters, although overestimation was still observed. To retrieve more reliable Chl-a estimates with standard SeaWiFS Rrs in turbid water (a proxy for case-2 waters), we modified TChl for data with SeaWiFS normalized water-leaving radiance at 555 nm (nLw555) > 2 mW cm?2 ??m?1 sr?1 (TChl2s). Finally, with standard SeaWiFS Rrs, we recommend switching algorithms from TChl2s (for case-2 waters) to MOCChl (SeaWiFS-modified NASA OC4v4 standard algorithm for case-1 waters) for retrieving Chl-a, which resulted in uncertainties as high as 49%. To retrieve TSM and ag440 using SeaWiFS Rrs, we recommend empirical algorithms for TTSM (pre-SeaWiFS-modified form) and MTag440 or MCag440 (SeaWiFS Rrs-modified forms of Tag440 or Cag440). These could retrieve with uncertainties as high as 82 and 52%, respectively.  相似文献   
Radionuclide activities of 210Pb and 226Ra were measured to determine bioturbation coefficients (Db) in seven sediment cores from the Korean licensed block for polymetallic nodules in the Clarion–Clipperton Fracture Zone. Variability in Db is considered in the context of the sedimentological, geochemical, and geotechnical properties of the sediments. Db values in the studied cores were estimated using a steady-state diffusion model and varied over a wide range from 1.1 to 293 cm2/yr with corresponding mixing depths (L) of 26 to 144 cm. When excepting for spurious results obtained from cores where diffusive mixing does not apply, Db values range from 1.1 to 9.0 cm2/yr with corresponding mixing depths (L) of 26 to 63 cm. Such wide variability in Db and L values is exceptional in sites with water depths of ~5000 m and is attributed in this study to an uneven distribution of sediment layers with different shear strengths and total organic carbon (TOC) contents, caused by erosion events. The studied cores can be grouped into two categories based on lithologic associations: layers with high maximum shear strength (MSS) and low TOC content, showing a narrow range of Db values (1.1–9.0 cm2/yr); and layers with low MSS and high TOC content, yielding much higher Db values of over 30 cm2/yr. The distribution of different lithologies, and the resultant spatial variability in MSS and labile organic matter content, controls the presence and maximum burrowing depth of infauna by affecting their mobility and the availability of food. This study provides a unique case showing that shear strength, which relates to the degree of sediment consolidation, might be an important factor in controlling rates of bioturbation and sediment mixing depths.  相似文献   
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