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River related tourism in Europe — an overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Josef Steinbach 《GeoJournal》1995,35(4):443-458
This paper gives an overview of different types of river-oriented tourism in Europa. All of them belong to the growing sectors of the business. They are based on essential characteristics of river landscapes as common factors of attractiveness. A series of supply-oriented indicators is used to draw up a ranking of the European river-cruise-districts. The cruising market is characterized by extensive investment strategies of some leading companies. In order to attract also younger people and families, they have to develop new structures of supply. The canal-systems of Western Europe form the most important prerequisite for houseboat-tourism. It's main districts can be ranked by the indicator: number of the types of charterable boats. The rising request for adventures and progress in kayak- and raft-technology are driving factors to whitewater-tourism. It's more important districts in the Alps, Pyrenees as well as in different medium mountains are shown. The shift into higher mountain regions causes ecological problems and severe personal risks. Biking has become a prefered leisure activity with river basins as the main goal areas. Some essential characteristics are given by the examples of two most significant routes: the Austrian Danubetrail and the Bavarian Altmühl-route. Finally, the planning concept of integral management of river basins is discussed which should support and coordinate the different styles of river-oriented tourism.  相似文献   
New continental crust was formed in the Svecofennian domain of the Baltic Shield c. 1.9 Ga ago. Approximately 0.1–0.15 Ga later, new crust accreted to the SW part of the Shield. In this paper an attempt is made, on the basis of gravity measurements and lithogeochemistry, to describe the tectonic processes responsible for the continental growth c. 1.75–1.8 Ga ago. The Transscandinavian Granite Porphyry Belt (TGPB) separates the Svecofennian domain from the polymetamorphic terrain of the SW Swedish gneiss region. Red orthogneisses occurring immediately west of the TGPB are the deformed equivalents of the TGPB type granitoids, while grey orthogneisses, displaying a tonalitic-granodioritic trend and situated further west, were generated in a »volcanic arc« environment. The TGPB granitoids and the red SW Swedish gneisses represent a transition from this volcanic arc type rock to contemporaneous »within-plate« type granites intruded in the Svecofennian crust. The volcanic arc was forced against the Svecofennian crust in which large tensional fracture zones ensued with strike directions normal to the collision front. In such tensional environments the »withinplate« type granites were generated. In the collision zone the crust was down-warped, and huge amounts of granitic melts were generated at the base of the crust. This TGPB Magma rose upwards utilizing the fracture zone between the arc rocks, generated slightly earlier, and the Svecofennian crust. A relatively thin upper part of the TGPB that spread laterally westwards became strongly deformed during the collision (i.e. the red SW Swedish gneisses), while the major deep-reaching TGPB root zone that was not completely solidified yet, acted as a buffer against the foliation front.
Zusammenfassung Vor 1,9 Milliarden Jahren kam es zur Neubildung von kontinentaler Kruste im svecofennischen Bereich des Baltischen Schildes. Ungefähr 100–150 Millionen Jahre später wurde im Südwesten des Schildes neue Kruste hinzugefügt. In diesem Artikel wird auf der Basis von Gravimetriemessungen und Lithogeochemie der Versuch unternommen die tektomschen Vorgänge, die zu diesem 1,75–1,8 Milliarden Jahre alten Krustenzuwachs führten, zu beschreiben.Der Transskandinavische-Granit-Porphyr-Gürtel (Transscandinavian-Granite-Porphyry-Belt/TGPB) trennt das Svecofennium von der polymetamorphen, im Südwesten Schwedens gelegenen Gneis-Region. Ein direkt westlich des TGPB gelegenes Vorkommen roter Orthogneise entspricht den deformierten TGPB Granitoiden. Graue Orthogneise, die weiter im Westen aufgeschlossen sind, zeigen eine mehr tonalitische bis granodioritische Zusammensetzung und werden auf einen vulkanischen Inselbogen zurückgeführt. Die TGPB Granitoide und die roten südwest-schwedischen Gneise stellen einen Übergang von den Inselbogen-Vulkaniten zu den zeitgleichen »Intra-Platten-Graniten« der svecofennischen Kruste dar. Der Inselbogen kollidierte mit der svecofennischen Kruste, es entstanden großräumige Bruchzonen mit Streichrichtungen senkrecht zur Kollisionsebene. Während des Zustands der hohen Druckspannung des Gebietes intrudierten die »Intra-Platten-Granite«. Innerhalb des Kollisionsbereiches wurde die Kruste nach unten gebogen, und so entstanden an der Basis der Kruste große Mengen granitischen Magmas. Dieses TGPB Magma stieg entlang der Störungszone innerhalb der Inselbogengesteine, die nur wenig älter sind, und der svecofennischen Kruste, auf. Nur ein, von relativ geringer Mächtigkeit, weiter westlich gelegener Teil des TGPB, die roten südwest-schwedischen Gneise, wurde während der Kollision intensiv deformiert. Dagegen war der Hauptanteil der tiefreichenden TGPB Wurzelzone noch nicht vollständig erstarrt und wirkte deshalb wie eine Pufferzone gegen die Schieferungsfront.

Résumé De la croûte continentale nouvelle s'est formée il y a 1,9 Ga dans le domaine des Svecofennides (Bouclier baltique). Environ 100 à 150 Ma plus tard, de la croûte nouvelle s'est accrétionnée à la bordure sud-ouest du bouclier. Cette note basée sur des mesures de gravité et la lithogéochimie, présente un essai d'analyse des processus tectoniques responsables de cette croissance continentale d'âge 1,75 à 1,8 Ga. Le «Transcandinavian Granite Porphygry Belt» (TGPB) sépare le domaine svécofennien des gneiss polymétamorphiques du sud-ouest de la Suède. Immédiatement à l'ouest de TGPB affleurent des orthogneiss rouges qui représentent l'équivalent déformé de granitoïdes du TGPB, tandis que des orthogneiss gris de tendance tonalitique-granodioritique, situés plus à l'ouest, ont été engendrées dans un environnement d'arc volcanique. Les granitoïdes du TGPB et les gneiss rouges du sud-ouest de la Suède représentent une transition entre ces produits d'arc volcanique et les granites intra-plaque de même âge intrudés dans la croûte svécofennienne. L'arc volcanique a été accrétionné à la croûte svécofennienne avec production dans celleci de grandes fractures d'extension perpendiculaires au front de collision. C'est dans ce domaine en extension que les granites intra-plaque se sont mis en place. Dans la zone de collision, la croûte s'est incurvée vers le bas et de grandes quantités de liquides granitiques ont été engendrées à la base de la croûte. Ces magmas TGPB sont montés à la faveur de la zone fracturée entre les roches de l'arc engendrée un peu plus tôt, et la croûte svécofennienne. Seule une fraction supérieure relativement mince du TGPB, développée vers l'ouest, a subi une déformation importante au cours de la collision, pour former les gneiss rouges du sud-ouest de la Suède; par contre, la partie principale de la racine profonde du TGPB, qui n'était pas encore entièrement solidifiée, a joné le role tampon en avant du front de foliation.

, 1,9 100–150 - . - (Transscandinavian Granite-Porphyry-Belt - TGPB) , - . TGPB , , , - , . TGPB - . , , . («within plate» type granites) , . . TGPB , , . TGPB, , - , . TGPB, , .
In order to decide whether the seeing conditions at SAAO/Sutherland justify the erection of a 3.5 m telescope and also to compare Sutherland with the Gamsberg/Namibia site, a seeing campaign covering 15 months has been carried out. For direct comparison with the results of the seeing campaign at Gamsberg twenty years before the same QUESTAR telescope was employed. The seeing is determined by the scattering of the star-trail exposed on a film in the focal plane of the telescope. The campaign commenced in February 1992. Up to May 1993, data for 204 nights, that is 47.3% of the total number of nights, were collected. Due to wind speeds above 30 km h-1, 25 out of the 204 nights were not considered in the final reduction. The useful 179 nights are evenly distributed over the campaign period. The median seeing value for the whole period is = 0.52. There are differences during the year: the best season gives = 0.42, the worst = 0.67. Each night was divided into three intervals, although data for each of the three intervals were not always available. Generally, there is an improvement in the seeing during the course of a night. The results are compared to the seeing values of Gamsberg/Namibia and ESO/La Silla.  相似文献   
In the years 2001–2003, we accomplished the experimental phase of the project CEMES by collecting long-period magnetotelluric data at positions of eleven permanent geomagnetic observatories situated within few hundreds kilometers along the south-west margin of the East European Craton. Five teams were engaged in estimating independently the magnetotelluric responses by using different data processing procedures. The conductance distributions at the depths of the upper mantle have been derived individually beneath each observatory. By averaging the individual cross-sections, we have designed the final model of the geoelectrical structure of the upper mantle beneath the CEMES region. The results indicate systematic trends in the deep electrical structure of the two European tectonic plates and give evidence that the electrical structure of the upper mantle differs between the East European Craton and the Phanerozoic plate of west Europe, with a separating transition zone that generally coincides with the Trans-European Suture Zone.  相似文献   
Summary The paper brings a brief geological asessment of the sedimentational cycles, analyses the methods of collection and investigation of samples and the representativeness of the results obtained. Problems of magnetic cleaning and the types of demagnetization curves investigated are discussed. The continuous nature of the variations of the magnetic declination, inclination and remanent magnetization, determined by palaeomagnetic investigation of Quaternary sediments, is also discussed. The conclusion contains the principal facts about the dynamics of the geomagnetic field in the Quaternary and points out the possibility of applying them to the theory of the geomagnetic field, as well as to geological correlations.  相似文献   
Summary For precise geodetic computations over larger distances the reference surface of an ellipsoid of rotation should be used. However it is often replaced by a sphere of an adequate radius. The formulae are derived from figures which usually represent the conditions in a cross-section of the ellipsoid and the reference sphere through the normal plane. Equation (9) is given for the differences s of the length of the ellipse arc of the normal section and the corresponding arc of the circle with radius R. Also Eq. (19) is given for the distance d between the ellipse of the normal section and the circle (at the end point). Both equations are applied for various radii of the reference sphere. Table 1 shows the values s, Tab. 2 and Fig. 2 give the d-values for chosen lengths. It was found that especially the distance between the ellipsoid and the sphere need not always be negligible.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird eine Methode für experimentelle Untersuchung der Frequenzkennlinien von Induktionsvariometern mit Aufnahmeschleifen nichttraditioneller Ausmasse beschrieben. Die Grundlage des beschriebenen Verfahrens bildet eine genaue Bestimmung jenes Teils des magnetischen Kraftflusses, der durch die Aufnahmeschleife durchgeht.  相似文献   
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