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Groundwater samples were collected from 11 springs in Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in southern Nevada and seven springs from Death Valley National Park in eastern California. Concentrations of the major cations (Ca, Mg, Na and K) and 45 trace elements were determined in these groundwater samples. The resultant data were subjected to evaluation via the multivariate statistical technique principal components analysis (PCA), to investigate the chemical relationships between the Ash Meadows and Death Valley spring waters, to evaluate whether the results of the PCA support those of previous hydrogeological and isotopic studies and to determine if PCA can be used to help delineate potential groundwater flow patterns based on the chemical compositions of groundwaters. The results of the PCA indicated that groundwaters from the regional Paleozoic carbonate aquifers (all of the Ash Meadows springs and four springs from the Furnace Creek region of Death Valley) exhibited strong statistical associations, whereas other Death Valley groundwaters were chemically different. The results of the PCA support earlier studies, where potentiometric head levels, δ18O and δD, geological relationships and rare earth element data were used to evaluate groundwater flow, which suggest groundwater flows from Ash Meadows to the Furnace Creek springs in Death Valley. The PCA suggests that Furnace Creek groundwaters are moderately concentrated Ash Meadows groundwater, reflecting longer aquifer residence times for the Furnace Creek groundwaters. Moreover, PCA indicates that groundwater may flow from springs in the region surrounding Scotty's Castle in Death Valley National Park, to a spring discharging on the valley floor. The study indicates that PCA may provide rapid and relatively cost‐effective methods to assess possible groundwater flow regimes in systems that have not been previously investigated. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The endemic argan woodlands cover large parts of South Morocco and create a characteristic landscape with areas of sparsely vegetated and bare soil surfaces between single trees. This unique ecosystem has been under extensive agrosilvopastoral management for centuries and is now at risk of degradation caused by overgrazing and increasing scarcity and variability of rainfall. To investigate susceptibility to wind erosion, we conducted an experimental–empirical study including wind tunnel tests and a drone-generated digital elevation model and quantified wind-erodible material on five different associated surface types by means of sediment catchers. The highest emission flux was measured on freshly ploughed surfaces (1875 g m–2 h–1), while older ploughed areas with a re-established crust produced a much lower emission flux (795 g m–2 h–1). Extensive tillage may have been a sustainable practice for generations, but increasing drought and uncertainty of rainfall now lead to an acute risk of severe soil erosion and dust production. The typical crusted surfaces characterized by residual rock fragment accumulation and wash processes produced the second highest emission flux (1,354 g m–2 h–1). Material collected from tree-shaded areas (933 g m–2 h–1) was revealed to be a considerable source of organic material, possibly affecting substrate conditions positively on a larger regional scale. The lowest flux was measured on rock fragment-covered surfaces (301 g m–2 h–1). The data show that open argan woodland may be a considerable source for wind erosion and dust production, depending on surface characteristics strongly related to management. An adapted management must include the conservation of argan trees to offer a promising approach to prevent severe wind erosion and dust production and mitigate possible impacts of land-use change and climate change related shifts in wind and rainfall patterns. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   
Corrected groundwater 14C ages from the carbonate aquifer in Yucca Flat at the former Nevada Test Site (now the Nevada National Security Site), USA, were evaluated by comparing temporal variations of groundwater 36Cl/Cl estimated with these 14C ages with published records of meteoric 36Cl/Cl variations preserved in packrat middens (piles of plant fragments, fecal matter and urine). Good agreement between these records indicates that the groundwater 14C ages are reasonable and that 14C is moving with chloride without sorbing to the carbonate rock matrix or fracture coatings, despite opposing evidence from laboratory experiments. The groundwater 14C ages are consistent with other hydrologic evidence that indicates significant basin infiltration ceased 8,000 to 10,000 years ago, and that recharge to the carbonate aquifer is from paleowater draining through overlying tuff confining units along major faults. This interpretation is supported by the relative age differences as well as hydraulic head differences between the alluvial and volcanic aquifers and the carbonate aquifer. The carbonate aquifer 14C ages suggest that groundwater velocities throughout much of Yucca Flat are about 2 m/yr, consistent with the long-held conceptual model that blocking ridges of low-permeability rock hydrologically isolate the carbonate aquifer in Yucca Flat from the outlying regional carbonate flow system.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that iodine oxides, IOx, could play a significant role in the ozone destruction in the lower stratosphere. To investigate this suggestion, spectra from nine SAOZ uv-visible spectrometer balloon flights were examined for the IO absorption signature between 405 and 450 nm. IO was not detected, either at mid- or high latitude, in the morning or the evening, in summer or winter. An upper limit of 0.2 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) at 20 km and 0.1 pptv at 15 km at the 95% confidence level (2), was derived from the best measurements at 90° SZA at sunset and sunrise. Since a photochemical model shows that 70% of inorganic iodine should be in the form IO at that time, it is concluded that unless iodine chemistry is different from that assumed at the moment, the role of iodine in stratospheric ozone depletion is small.  相似文献   
A geophysical investigation of a landfill area was conducted as inextricable phase of a preliminary geotechnical, geological and hydrogeological study of the area under investigation. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), one of the most promising prospecting techniques mainly concerning its effective contribution to resolve several environmental problems, was applied for the geophysical modeling. ERT is a robust imaging method the theory and implementation of which are well documented in geophysical research literature. The survey site is located in Akrotirion Peninsula, about 7 km east of Chania city in Crete I. The geological setting comprises Trypalion limestones, marly limestones and a clayed weathered layer. Cavities are also identified at various scales which are recent tectono-karstic voids. Due to the above-mentioned geological singularity and in the light of the requirement for an environmentally safe construction of the landfill, an ERT survey was carried out. Specifically, seven geoelectrical tomographies were conducted reaching the prospecting depth of 36 m. The resulted images conduced, to overcome geotechnical problems since the spatial distribution of karstic voids was determined, to plan the future sites for waste disposal as the geological conditions were studied in detail and to reliably estimate the thickness of the already deposited wastes. The resulted images were confirmed using available borehole logs and ambient noise measurements.  相似文献   
We estimate the corner frequencies of 20 crustal seismic events from mainshock–aftershock sequences in different tectonic environments (mainshocks 5.7 < M W < 7.6) using the well-established seismic coda ratio technique (Mayeda et al. in Geophys Res Lett 34:L11303, 2007; Mayeda and Malagnini in Geophys Res Lett, 2010), which provides optimal stability and does not require path or site corrections. For each sequence, we assumed the Brune source model and estimated all the events’ corner frequencies and associated apparent stresses following the MDAC spectral formulation of Walter and Taylor (A revised magnitude and distance amplitude correction (MDAC2) procedure for regional seismic discriminants, 2001), which allows for the possibility of non-self-similar source scaling. Within each sequence, we observe a systematic deviation from the self-similar \( M_{0} \propto \mathop f\nolimits_{\text{c}}^{ - 3} \) line, all data being rather compatible with \( M_{0} \propto \mathop f\nolimits_{\text{c}}^{ - (3 + \varepsilon )} \) , where ε > 0 (Kanamori and Rivera in Bull Seismol Soc Am 94:314–319, 2004). The deviation from a strict self-similar behavior within each earthquake sequence of our collection is indicated by a systematic increase in the estimated average static stress drop and apparent stress with increasing seismic moment (moment magnitude). Our favored physical interpretation for the increased apparent stress with earthquake size is a progressive frictional weakening for increasing seismic slip, in agreement with recent results obtained in laboratory experiments performed on state-of-the-art apparatuses at slip rates of the order of 1 m/s or larger. At smaller magnitudes (M W < 5.5), the overall data set is characterized by a variability in apparent stress of almost three orders of magnitude, mostly from the scatter observed in strike-slip sequences. Larger events (M W > 5.5) show much less variability: about one order of magnitude. It appears that the apparent stress (and static stress drop) does not grow indefinitely at larger magnitudes: for example, in the case of the Chi–Chi sequence (the best sampled sequence between M W 5 and 6.5), some roughly constant stress parameters characterize earthquakes larger than M W ~ 5.5. A representative fault slip for M W 5.5 is a few tens of centimeters (e.g., Ide and Takeo in J Geophys Res 102:27379–27391, 1997), which corresponds to the slip amount at which effective lubrication is observed, according to recent laboratory friction experiments performed at seismic slip velocities (V ~ 1 m/s) and normal stresses representative of crustal depths (Di Toro et al. in Nature in press, 2011, and references therein). If the observed deviation from self-similar scaling is explained in terms of an asymptotic increase in apparent stress (Malagnini et al. in Pure Appl Geophys, 2014, this volume), which is directly related to dynamic stress drop on the fault, one interpretation is that for a seismic slip of a few tens of centimeters (M W ~ 5.5) or larger, a fully lubricated frictional state may be asymptotically approached.  相似文献   
Magnetic fabric and rock magnetism studies were performed on 32 mafic dikes of a Proterozoic dike swarm from the southern São Francisco Craton (SFC; Minas Gerais State, SE Brazil). Magnetic anisotropies were determined by applying anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and anisotropy of remanent magnetization (ARM). The latter was performed imposing both anhysteretic (total (AAR) and partial pAAR)) and isothermal remanence magnetizations (AIRM). Partial anhysteretic remanence anisotropy was performed based on remanent coercivity spectra from a pilot specimen of each site. In most sites, AMS is dominantly carried by ferromagnetic minerals, however, in some sites, the paramagnetic contribution exceeds 70% of bulk susceptibility. Rock magnetism and thin section analysis allow classifying the dikes as non-hydrothermalized and hydrothermalized. Magnetic measurement shows that the mean magnetic susceptibility is usually lower than 5×10−3 (SI). Ti-poor titanomagnetites up to pure magnetite pseudo-single-domain (PSD) grain sizes carry the majority of magnetic fabrics for non-hydrothermalized dikes whereas coarse to fine grained Ti-poor titanomagnetites carry the majority of magnetic fabrics for hydrothermalized dikes.Three primary AMS fabrics are recognized which are coaxial with ARM fabric, except for two dikes, from both non-hydrothermalized and hydrothermalized dikes. Normal AMS fabric surprisingly is not dominant (31%). The parallelism between AMS, pAAR0–30, pAAR30–60 and pAAR60–90 fabrics in the hydrothermalized dikes indicates that magnetic grains formed due to late-stage crystallization or to remobilization of iron oxides due to hydrothermal alteration after dike emplacement have acquired a mimetic fabric coaxial with the primary fabric given by coarse-grained early crystallized Ti-poor titanomagnetites. This fabric is interpreted as magma flow in which the analysis of Kmax inclination permitted the inference that the dikes were fed by horizontal or subhorizontal fluxes (Kmax<30°). Intermediate AMS fabric is the most important (41%) in the investigated swarm. It is interpreted as due to vertical compaction of a static magma column with the minimum stress along the dike strike. ARM determinations for these sites also remained intermediate except for two dikes. In one of them, AIRM fabric resulted in normal AMS fabric while for the other AAR fabric resulted in inverse AMS fabric. A combination of AMS and ARM fabrics suggest that magmatic fabric for both dikes were overprinted by some late local event, probably related to Brasiliano orogenic processes after dike emplacement. InverseInverse AMS fabric is a minority (four dikes). ARM determinations also remained inverse suggesting a primary origin for inverse AMS fabric.  相似文献   
The moderate magnitude Chamoli earthquake that occurred in the Garhwal Higher Himalaya, in the early hours of March 29, 1999, caused intense damage to the ground and mountain slopes of the Alaknanda–Mandakini river valley and adjoining region. A systematic survey of this induced damage was conducted immediately after the earthquake occurred. Prominent shallow cracks of significant length, negligible width and indeterminate vertical extent, conspicuously tensile in nature, with little or no slip across the crack planes, were observed in the ground at several places along the surveyed route. These cracks had formed in the dynamic phase of the Chamoli earthquake process that is in the period of time during which the earthquake-generated seismic waves were passing through the geographic region of interest. However, we use the theory of earthquake-induced static (or long time) stress changes to visualize such cracks at some selected sites where ground damage was relatively more intense and varied to suggest lower bound estimates of the dynamic stress contributions of the main shock for their formation.Based on the results of our analysis we conclude that, just prior to the earthquake occurrence, under the influence of the local ambient stress field, the ground at these sites was already near failure in tension. To this, in its dynamic phase, the Chamoli earthquake induced stress perturbations, having, across the planes of the cracks, (i) shear components which were nearly equal and opposite to similar components of the ambient stress field and (ii) normal (tensile) components, necessary for triggering tensile failure of the ground. The σ3 (or minimum principal stress) component of the resultant perturbed failure stress field thus became sufficiently tensile while the transverse stresses became sufficiently insignificant. This facilitated formation of major tensile cracks in the ground there. Our static estimates of the tensile stress changes at the different sites are, in essence, estimates of the minimal triggering stress perturbations that was provided by the Chamoli earthquake in the dynamic state for the formation of the tensile cracks there.  相似文献   
Journal of Geographical Systems - We are able to collect vast quantities of spatiotemporal data due to recent technological advances. Exploratory space–time data analysis approaches can...  相似文献   
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