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Lithocodium aggregatum and Bacinella irregularis are now extinct, shallow marine life forms of unknown taxonomic origin. Forming part of the tropical platform biota during much of the Mesozoic, these organisms experienced bloom periods and temporarily replaced rudist–coral assemblages during parts of the Early Aptian. Within the limitations of time resolution, this ‘out‐of‐balance’ facies is coeval with the Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a‐related black shale deposition in oceanic basins but the triggering factors remain poorly understood. Here, a platform‐wide comparison of Lithocodium–Bacinella geobodies and morphotypes from the Sultanate of Oman is presented and placed in its environmental, bathymetric and physiographic context. Lithocodium–Bacinella geobodies reach from kilometre‐scale ‘superstructures’ to delicate centimetre‐sized growth forms. Clearly, scale matters and care must be taken when drawing conclusions based on spatially limited observational data. Whilst the factors that cause Lithocodium–Bacinella expansion should probably be considered in a global context, regional to local factors affected growth patterns in a more predictable manner. Here, the unresolved taxonomic relationship remains the main obstacle in any attempt to unravel the response of Lithocodium–Bacinella to specific or interlinked environmental parameters as different organisms respond differently to changing environment. Acknowledging these limitations, the following tentative patterns are observed: (i) Lithocodium–Bacinella tolerated a wide range of hydrodynamic levels and responded to differences in energy level or physiographic settings (margin, intrashelf basin, inner platform) by obtaining characteristic growth forms. (ii) Lithocodium–Bacinella favoured low‐sediment input but had the ability to react to higher sedimentation rates by enhanced upward growth; a feature perhaps pointing to a phototrophic metabolism. Circumstantial evidence for continuous growth within the upper‐sediment column is debated. (iii) The availability of accommodation space had a direct influence on the maximum size of geobodies formed. (iv) Fluctuating nutrient levels and sea water alkalinity may have affected the growth potential of Lithocodium–Bacinella. Understanding the relationship between Lithocodium–Bacinella morphogenesis on a wide range of scales and local environmental parameters allows for better prediction of the spatial distribution of reservoir properties and also results in an improved interpretation of palaeoenvironments. This study might represent a useful first step in this direction.  相似文献   
Fabric characteristics of subaerial slope deposits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The clast fabrics of certain types of terrestrial slope deposits are reviewed and compared, including the deposits of rockfalls, solifluction, debris flows, dry grain flows, frost-coated clast flows and run-off. The analysis is based on modern deposits in active environments. The study shows that fabric characteristics allow discrimination between ‘collective’and individual movement of rock particles. The individual particle movement generally results in a random clast orientation, whereas the processes of ‘collective’movement typically create distinct preferred orientations. The highest fabric strengths together with low values of spherical variance are found in solifluction deposits. A survey of Pleistocene slope deposits indicates, however, that clast fabric has to be used with caution in the identification of past slope dynamics, because significant post-depositional changes may occur during ageing and burial of deposits. The diagnostic significance of fabric characteristics may also be low due to the overlap of the statistical values that typify different processes.  相似文献   
A new reconstruction of the interaction between the Saalian Drente glaciation ice margin and the Rhine–Meuse fluvial system is presented based on a sedimentary analysis of continuous core material, archived data and a section in an ice-pushed ridge. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) was applied to obtain independent age control on these sediments and to establish a first absolute chronology for palaeogeographical events prior to and during the glaciation. We identified several Rhine and Meuse river courses that were active before the Drente glaciation (MIS 11-7). The Drente glaciation ice advance into The Netherlands (OSL-dated to fall within MIS 6) led to major re-arrangement of this drainage network. The invading ice sheet overrode existing fluvial morphology and forced the Rhine–Meuse system into a proglacial position. During deglaciation, the Rhine shifted into a basin in the formerly glaciated area, while the Meuse remained south of the former ice limit, a configuration that persisted throughout most of the Eemian and Weichselian periods. An enigmatic high position of proglacial fluvial units and their subsequent dissection during deglaciation by the Meuse may partially be explained by glacio-isostatic rebound of the area, but primarily reflects a phase of high base level related to a temporary proglacial lake in the southern North Sea area, with lake levels approximating modern sea levels. Our reconstruction indicates that full 'opening' of the Dover Strait and lowering of the Southern Bight, enabling interglacial marine exchange between the English Channel and the North Sea, is to be attributed to events during the end of MIS 6.  相似文献   
Cold water coral covered carbonate mounds at the south‐west margin of the Rockall Trough form ridges several kilometres long and up to 380 m high. Piston cores obtained at three mound crests reveal the complex internal structure of the mound build up, with alternating unlithified coral‐dominated intervals and lithified intervals. The most recent lithified interval is covered by corals embedded in a fine‐grained matrix, comprising ca 11 000 years of continuous mound evolution. Before this time 230Th/U dating shows the presence of several hiatuses in mound build‐up. Aragonitic coral material is absent or only present as mouldic porosity in the lithified intervals and coccoliths display widespread overgrowth. Downcore X‐ray fluorescence scanning, computer tomography scan images and petrographic observations indicate different degrees of diagenetic alteration. The upper boundary of the most recent lithified interval shows some erosional features, but petrographic observations indicate that initial lithification of the sediments is not related to this erosive event or to long‐term non‐sedimentation, but to earlier sub‐surface diagenesis. Organic matter oxidation and the subsequent lowering of the saturation state of the carbonate system drives dissolution of the unstable aragonitic coral skeletons. Depending on the openness of the system, this can lead to precipitation of a more stable low‐magnesium carbonate. A model is presented describing the sedimentary and diagenetic processes leading to the formation of lithified intervals.  相似文献   
The Hennisdijk fluvial system in the central Rhine-Meuse delta is an abandoned Rhine distributary that was active on a wide floodplain from 3800 to 3000 years BP . Cross-sectional geometry, lithological characteristics and planform patterns of the channel-belt deposits indicate lateral migration of the Hennisdijk palaeochannel. Channel-belt deposits are around 10 m thick and 200–400 m wide. A gravelly facies near the base of the channel-belt deposits represents channel-lag and lower point-bar deposits. The axis of the channel belt is dominated by a sandy facies (medium and coarse sand), showing an overall fining upward trend with multiple cycles. This facies is interpreted as lower and middle point-bar deposits. The sandy facies is capped by a muddy facies, which is 1–2 m thick near the axis of the channel belt and thickens to 5–6 m along the margins. It laterally interfingers with the sandy facies that occurs near the channel-belt axis, but it has sharp, erosive outer contacts marking the edges of the channel belt. The muddy facies comprises inclined heterolithic stratification (IHS) (fine/medium sand–mud couplets) in its upper part. The relatively thin muddy facies with IHS that occurs near the channel-belt axis is interpreted as upper point-bar deposits with lateral accretion surfaces, formed under marine influence. Along the margins of the channel belt the muddy facies consists of thick, fairly homogeneous, successions of mud with variable sand content, and fine sand. Based on facies geometry and position, this part of the muddy facies is interpreted as counterpoint deposits, formed along the upstream limb of the concave bank of a channel bend. Counterpoint accretion seems to have been associated with the confined nature of the channel belt, which was the result of low stream power (4·5–7·8 W m−2, based on reconstructions of palaeodischarge and channel slope) and cohesive bank material, i.e. clayey floodbasin deposits with intercalated peat beds occurring next to the channel belt. In the literature, counterpoint accretion is mostly reported from alluvial valleys, where meandering is confined by limited floodplain width, whereas muddy lateral accretion surfaces are commonly reported from much wider marine-influenced floodplains. The present study shows juxtaposition of both forms of muddy channel deposits in a low-energy, wide coastal plain setting, where preservation potential is considerable.  相似文献   
Shear waves can provide valuable information about seismic anisotropy. On entering an anisotropic medium, a shear wave generally splits (shear-wave splitting) into a fast and a slow quasi-shear wave with polarizations fixed by the elastic properties of the medium and direction of travel. If the medium contains planar discontinuities with common normals, the fast shear wave will be suitably propagated if its polarization lies in the plane of the discontinuities. Measuring this polarization, using a VSP geometry with oriented three-component geophones in the borehole, offers the possibility of monitoring the orientation and density of the discontinuities as a function of depth. Such a shear-wave VSP was carried out in an uncased 0.3 m diameter borehole drilled to a depth of 120 m in the north of The Netherlands. The upper 80 m of the sequence, consisting of a glacial till and sands and clays of Pleistocene age, was studied. The clays in this sequence have been subjected to glacial deformation and as a result are overconsolidated and locally fissured. In our shallow VSP experiment, shear-wave splitting and therefore anisotropy was identified at various geophone depths for one source offset. Hodograms showed a consistent polarization of the fast shear-wave component over a large depth interval. Under the assumption that the anisotropy was caused by planar discontinuities with common normals, this polarization direction gives the strike of the fissures in this interval. The polarization direction of the fast S-wave did not correspond exactly with the strike which was obtained from geological information on the fissures. The geological information was from undisturbed oriented 70 mm core samples taken at 3 m intervals in the borehole. The discrepancy, however, could be explained in terms of dipping fissures, and such a dip was confirmed by the geological and geotechnical information. The orientation of fissures is an important factor in the directional deformation and strength characteristics of clays as far as geotechnical behaviour is concerned. This study thus illustrates a practical application of shear-wave splitting observed in shallow shear-wave VSP for geology and geotechnical engineering.  相似文献   
Microbial metabolism impacts the degree of carbonate saturation by changing the total alkalinity and calcium availability; this can result in the precipitation of carbonate minerals and thus the formation of microbialites. Here, the microbial metabolic activity, the characteristics and turnover of the extracellular polymeric substances and the physicochemical conditions in the water column and sediments of a hypersaline lake, Big Pond, Bahamas, were determined to identify the driving forces in microbialite formation. A conceptual model for organomineralization within the active part of the microbial mats that cover the lake sediments is presented. Geochemical modelling indicated an oversaturation with respect to carbonates (including calcite, aragonite and dolomite), but these minerals were never observed to precipitate at the mat–water interface. This failure is attributed to the capacity of the water column and upper layers of the microbial mat to bind calcium. A layer of high Mg‐calcite was present 4 to 6 mm below the surface of the mat, just beneath the horizons of maximum photosynthesis and aerobic respiration. This carbonate layer was associated with the zone of maximum sulphate reduction. It is postulated that extracellular polymeric substances and low molecular weight organic carbon produced at the surface (i.e. the cyanobacterial layer) of the mat bind calcium. Both aerobic and anaerobic heterotrophic microbes consume extracellular polymeric substances (each process accounting for approximately half of the total consumption) and low molecular weight organic carbon, liberating calcium and producing inorganic carbon. The combination of these geochemical changes can increase the carbonate saturation index, which may result in carbonate precipitation. In conclusion, the formation and degradation of extracellular polymeric substances, as well as sulphate reduction, may play a pivotal role in the formation of microbialites both in marine and hypersaline environments.  相似文献   
Variations in composition between and within Saalian till types of The Netherlands are demonstrated with reference to grain-size distribution, fine-gravel petrography and heavy-mineral composition. Several factors explain different aspects of the compositional variations. Firstly, a compositional layering results from differences in the amount of local material that has been assimilated in successive till hands. Secondly, a petrographic stratification is present in the erratic components, which is most strikingly expressed by the occurrence of flint-poor till overlying till rich in flints. This feature is interpreted to have been inherited from an englacial debris stratification which is related to the distribution of source rock types in the up-glacier area. Finally, a predominantly lateral variation in till composition is present, reflected best in the assemblages of the indicator pebbles, resulting from deposition by ice streams of different source and direction of flow.  相似文献   
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