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丁旋  魏明军 《地球科学》2005,30(5):565-572
弗洛勒斯海位于印度尼西亚穿越流通道上,它的古海洋学特征对于理解LGM以来穿越流活动历史,及其与全球气候变化的关系具有重要意义.通过对弗洛勒斯海SHI9011岩心δ^18O、δ^13C浮游有孔虫组合及碳酸盐含量等古海洋学记录的研究,认为研究区沉积速率不高,生物生产力却并不低于高沉积速率的近陆地区.冰期时海平面下降,陆源物质输入量增加,使得古生产力上升.冰消期终止期IA海平面快速上升,陆源营养物质供应减少,同时穿越流活动增强,抑制了下部水体向上运动,古生产力开始下降.8~6ka前后,强烈的东南季风使得研究区上升流活动增强.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the intrusion of dry air into the convective boundary layer (CBL) originating from the top of the CBL. Aircraft in-situ measurements from the IHOP_2002 field campaign indicate a prevalence of negative skewness of the water vapour distribution within the growing daytime CBL over land. This negative skewness is interpreted according to large-eddy simulations (LES) as the result of descending dry downdrafts originating from above the mixed layer. LES are used to determine the statistical properties of these intrusions: their size and thermodynamical characteristics. A conditional sampling analysis demonstrates their significance in the retrieval of moisture variances and fluxes. The rapid CBL growth explains why greater negative skewness is observed during the growing phase: the large amounts of dry air that are quickly incorporated into the CBL prevent a full homogenisation by turbulent mixing. The boundary-layer warming in this phase also plays a role in the acquisition of negative buoyancy for these dry tongues, and thus possibly explains their kinematics in the lower CBL. Budget analysis helps to identify the processes responsible for the negative skewness. This budget study underlines the main role of turbulent transport, which distributes the skewness produced at the top or the bottom of the CBL into the interior of the CBL. The dry tongues contribute significantly to this turbulent transport.  相似文献   
Production rates of22Na (T1/2 = 2.6years) from aluminium by the action of cosmic rays are measured at the Mont Blanc (altitude 4600 m), the Aiguille du Midi (3840 m), and the Col du Lautaret (2070 m). They are2.3 ± 0.5,1.8 ± 0.3,and0.77 ± 0.18 atoms min?1 kg?1, respectively, in good agreement with the calculated production rates, 2.4, 1.7 and 0.6 atoms min?1 kg?1, respectively, at the three stations.Production rates of24Na (T1/2 = 15hours) from aluminium and magnesium are also measured at the Aiguille du Midi; the observed rates of3.4 ± 0.4and6.0 ± 1.7 atoms min?1 kg?1, respectively, agree well with the theoretically expected rates of 3.7 and 5.6 atoms min?1 kg?1.The production rates of3H,7Be,10Be,14C,22Na,26Al,36Cl,37Ar,39Ar,53Mn,54Mn, and55Fe in terrestrial rocks by the action of cosmic rays are calculated in order to show the possibility of applying the measurements of these cosmogenic radionuclides to the earth science.  相似文献   
Magnetic properties of sediments from a core (10 m long) in the southern basin of the Caspian Sea have been investigated. Varying concentrations of greigite (Fe3S4) dominate the magnetic fraction in Late Pleistocene sediments. The synsedimentary formation of greigite indicates that the Late Pleistocene Caspian Sea was a brackish or fresh-water, poorly ventilated basin and suggests a water level higher than at the present. The variation in magnetic parameters, with the detrital magnetite-bearing fraction remaining constant, is interpreted in terms of greigite grain-size variation and related to the slight variation in water salinity. The Holocene sediments are characterized by detrital magnetite. This indicates better ventilation of the basin and suggests lower water levels than in the Late Pleistocene. The gradual change in magnetic properties of the sediments between 90 and ≈60 cm depth, with decreasing quantities of greigite, indicates stepwise establishment of oxic conditions in the Holocene.  相似文献   
During the Hydrological-Atmospheric Pilot Experiment (HAPEX)-Sahel, which took place in Niger in the transitional period between the wet and dry seasons, two French aircraft probed the Sahelian boundary layer to measure sensible and latent heat fluxes. The measurements over the Niamey area often revealed organised structures of a few km scale that were associated with both thermals and dry intrusions. We study the impact of these coherent structures using a single day’s aircraft-measured fluxes and a numerical simulation of that day with a mesoscale model. The numerical simulation at high horizontal resolution (250 m) contains structures that evolve from streaks in the early morning to cells by noon. This simulation shows distribution, variance and skewness similar to the observations. In particular, the numerical simulation shows dry intrusions that can penetrate deeply into the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), and even reach the surface in some cases, which is in accordance with the observed highly negatively skewed water vapour fluctuations. Dry intrusions and thermals organised at a few km scale give skewed flux statistics and can introduce large errors in measured fluxes. We use the numerical simulation to: (i) evaluate the contribution of the organised structures to the total flux, and (ii) estimate the impact of the organised structures on the systematic and random errors resulting from the 1D sampling of the aircraft as opposed to the 2D numerical simulation estimate. We find a significant contribution by the organised structures to the total resolved fluxes. When rolls occur, and for a leg length of about 30 times the ABL depth, the 1D sampled flux is shown to be sometimes 20% lower than the corresponding 2D flux when the 1D sampling direction is the same as the main axis of the rolls, whereas the systematic error is much lower when the direction of the leg is transverse to the rolls. In the case of cells, an underestimate of around 10% can still be observed with the 1D approach independent of direction, due to poor sampling of the energy-containing scales.  相似文献   
Pollen analysis was carried out on the Core MD982194 of 29.78 m retrieved from the Middle Okinawa Trough which was dated as old as~200 ka BP.The results revealed that pollen assemblages mainly presented an alternation of coniferous and herb pollen.The coniferous saccate pollen,principally Pinus and Tsuga,predominated in most parts of the core,especially highlighted in the interstadial stages including MIS 1,3,5 and MIS7,whereas the herb pollen significantly increased in the glacial periods.Thus the pollen flora and their percentages showed the sensitive changes under the influence of ice volume during the glacial and interglacial periods.Our record from this core has first documented that the percentage of Cyperaceae was extremely high in the glacial stages with a notable increase in Artemisia,Gramineae,Asteraceae,Chenopodiaceae,and freshwater algae,which can be used as a proxy for sea-level change at the study site because of their close negative correlation of the orbital-scale changes in sea level.The distance between the continental coastline and the Okinawa Trough has deeply shortened due to the sea-level drop in the LGM.As a result,the sediment materials from Yangtze River were extensively deposited on the flat,exposed continental shelf owing to the rapid decline of river flow speed,leading to that pollen grains from Okinawa Trough are derived mainly from the flat coastal vegetation of exposed continental shelf at glacial stages.Changes of pollen assemblage were consistent with the variation of temperature and humidity,which showed that the percentage of arboreal pollen was highly augmented at MIS 7,5 and MIS 1,corresponding to the strengthening of the East Asian summer monsoon and increasing of rainfall.Moreover,the peak of Pinus percentage in MIS 5.3,5.1 and MIS 3.3 may be closely linked by orbital and sub-orbital cycles of solar radiation and monsoonal variability.The present study of core MD981294 implied lower temperature and precipitation during the lowest sea-level stage(LGM),and more visibly testified that the vegetation of the flat plain on the exposed continental shelf was dominated by intrazonal communities such as halophyte grasslands and freshwater wetlands instead of zonal steppe or semi-arid desert.All above evidence demonstrated that the fundamental changes of pollen assemblage and their origins in Okinawa Trough since~200 ka BP were affected by combine factors including the coastline position and climate fluctuation.Moreover,the substantial shortening of distance between shoreline and the Okinawa Trough driven by orbital insolation cycles was clearly indicated by the pollen spectra,whereas the source-area climate signal of the pollen record was largely weakened.  相似文献   
Recently, a new conceptual framework for deep convection scheme triggering and closure has been developed and implemented in the LMDZ5B general circulation model, based on the idea that deep convection is controlled by sub-cloud lifting processes. Such processes include boundary-layer thermals and evaporatively-driven cold pools (wakes), which provide an available lifting energy that is compared to the convective inhibition to trigger deep convection, and an available lifting power (ALP) at cloud base, which is used to compute the convective mass flux assuming the updraft vertical velocity at the level of free convection. While the ALP closure was shown to delay the local hour of maximum precipitation over land in better agreement with observations, it results in an underestimation of the convection intensity over the tropical ocean both in the 1D and 3D configurations of the model. The specification of the updraft vertical velocity at the level of free convection appears to be a key aspect of the closure formulation, as it is weaker over tropical ocean than over land and weaker in moist mid-latitudes than semi-arid regions. We propose a formulation making this velocity increase with the level of free convection, so that the ALP closure is adapted to various environments. Cloud-resolving model simulations of observed oceanic and continental case studies are used to evaluate the representation of lifting processes and test the assumptions at the basis of the ALP closure formulation. Results favor closures based on the lifting power of sub-grid sub-cloud processes rather than those involving quasi-equilibrium with the large-scale environment. The new version of the model including boundary-layer thermals and cold pools coupled together with the deep convection scheme via the ALP closure significantly improves the representation of various observed case studies in 1D mode. It also substantially modifies precipitation patterns in the full 3D version of the model, including seasonal means, diurnal cycle and intraseasonal variability.  相似文献   
The diurnal cycle is an important mode of variability in the Tropics that is not correctly predicted by numerical weather prediction models. The African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses program provided for the first time a large dataset to document the diurnal cycle over West Africa. In order to assess the processes and mechanisms that are crucial for the representation of the diurnal cycle, four different regimes that characterize the varying conditions encountered over land along a surface-temperature gradient are selected. A single-column modelling framework is used in order to relate the features of the simulated diurnal cycle to physical processes in these four distinct cases. Particular attention is given to providing realistic initial and boundary conditions at the surface and in the atmosphere, enabling the use of independent data for the evaluation of the simulations. The study focuses on the simulation of the surface energy budget and low-level characteristics and analyzes the balance between cloud/surface/boundary-layer processes at the sub-diurnal time scale. The biases and drawbacks of the simulations are found to change along the temperature gradient but they always involve the representation of clouds. They also explain parts of the bias obtained with the same model when used in a less constrained configuration. Surface–atmosphere–cloud interactions arising at the sub-diurnal time scale are invoked to explain the distinct features of the low-level diurnal cycle observed over West Africa.  相似文献   
Climate Dynamics - North Africa experienced a severe heatwave in April 2010 with daily maximum temperatures ( $$T_{max}$$ ) frequently exceeding $$40\,^{\circ }\mathrm{C}$$ and daily minimum...  相似文献   
We document and characterize the climatology of the diurnal cycles encountered along a West African transect during the pre-monsoon and full-monsoon periods. The meridional gradient in low-level properties is fundamental for the monsoon dynamics and here, for the first time, it is studied based on a large set of observations from the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) campaign. A detailed analysis of surface energy budget, boundary-layer structures and cloud occurrence is carried out to investigate the diurnal cycles of the low levels. A relatively weak meridional gradient of net radiation is observed during the pre-monsoon period, and a large gradient in sensible heat flux is found over the transect with values increasing from south to north. This, as well as the boundary-layer structures, partly explains the large contrasts in the diurnal amplitude of potential temperature and specific humidity along the transect. During the monsoon period, the atmospheric regimes drastically change involving strong interactions between the surface, atmosphere and clouds. The maximum in net radiation is shifted northwards, towards the Sahel, which potentially has a significant impact on the monsoon circulation. The sensible heat flux is considerably reduced and the diurnal amplitude is strongly damped, while the daytime boundary-layer growth decreases significantly in the Sahel related to changes in the balance of boundary-layer processes. These results highlight the contrasted diurnal cycle regimes encountered over West Africa under dry, moist and wet conditions. They provide observationally-based diagnostics to investigate the ability of models to handle the representation of the diurnal cycle over land.  相似文献   
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