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Extreme events have gained considerable scientific attention recently due to their potentially catastrophic impacts. Heat waves are thought to be more pronounced now in most parts of the world, and especially in South Asia, but doubts remain. The aim of this study is to calculate the frequency and intensity of heat waves in South Asia, focusing on Pakistan and identifying the regions within Pakistan that are most vulnerable to heat waves. Analyses have been performed both at provincial and country levels from 1961 to 2009. The provincial level analysis shows positive trends for heat waves of magnitudes ≥40°C and ≥45°C for 5 and 7 consecutive days. Events of magnitude ≥40°C and ≥45°C for 10 consecutive days also increased in frequency in Punjab, Sindh, and Balochistan. These regions are therefore considered to be the regions most vulnerable to heat wave events in Pakistan. The Balochistan region shows a consistently increasing trend throughout the study period, which may lead to more frequent drought in the future. The country level analysis indicates an increase in the frequency of 5 and 7 consecutive days heat waves at all defined temperature thresholds. The 10-days heat waves spells show a slight increase at ≥40°C and no significant change at ≥45°C. The Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu & Kashmir areas reported no events at ≥45°C for 5, 7 and 10 continuous days. It is anticipated that with a long term rise in temperatures around the globe, heat waves will become more frequent and intense in all parts of the world, including Pakistan.  相似文献   
Considered is a case of the cumulonimbus cloud development in the southwestern part of Saudi Arabia with a very high precipitation intensity. The height of the cloud top amounted to 14 km and the radar reflectivity, to 60 dBZ. Carried out is the comparison of remote methods of measuring the intensity of precipitation from the cloud under study: the radar (using the relationship between the reflectivity and precipitation intensity) and satellite IR-radiometric (based on the results of sounding with the SEVERI radiometer installed at the Meteosat-8 satellite) methods. A split-window technique was used for detecting the position of the cloud top from the radiometric observations. The analysis enabled to select the best relationships for estimating the precipitation intensity from the data of radar and satellite measurements. The computations based on these relationships correspond most closely to the ground-based measurements with the precipitation gage.  相似文献   
Western disturbances (WDs) and Indian summer monsoon (ISM) led precipitation play a central role in the Himalayan water budget. Estimating their contributions to water resource is although a challenging but essential for hydrologic understanding and effective water resource management. In this study, we used stable water isotope data of precipitation and surface waters to estimate the contribution of ISM and WDs to the water resources in three mountainous river basins - Indus, Bhagirathi and Teesta river basins of western, central and Eastern Himalayas. The study reveals distinct seasonality in isotope characteristics of precipitation and surface waters in each river basin is due to changes in moisture source, hydrometeorology and relief. Despite steady spatial variance in the slope and intercept of regression lines from the Teesta to Indus and the Bhagirathi river basins, the slope and intercept are close to the global meteoric water line and reported local meteoric water line of other regions in the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau. The two-component end-member mixing method using d-excess as tracer were used to estimate the contribution from ISM and WD led precipitation to surface water in aforementioned river basins. The results suggest that the influence of the ISM on the water resources is high (>72% to annual river flow) in Teesta river basin (eastern Himalayas), while as the WDs led precipitation is dominantly contributing (>70% average annual river flow) to the surface waters in the Indus river basin (western Himalayas). The contribution of ISM and WD led precipitation in Bhagirathi river basin is 60% and 40%, respectively. The findings demonstrate that the unusual changes in the ISM and WD moisture dynamics have the potential to affect the economy and food security of the region, which is dependent on the availability of water resources. The obtained results are of assistance to policy makers/mangers to make use of the information for better understanding hydrologic response amid unusual behaviour of the dual monsoon system over the region.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Changes in climate, associated hazards, local adaptations in agriculture, and socioeconomic factors affecting adaptation were investigated using data from a large survey of 2310...  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess trace metal contamination of drinking water in the Pearl Valley, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (Pakistan). The objectives were to determine physical properties and the dissolved concentration of five trace metals, i. e., lead, copper, nickel, zinc, and manganese, in drinking water samples collected from various sites of municipal water supply, natural water springs and wells in the valley. Concentrations of the metals in the water samples were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Results showed physical parameters, i. e., appearance, taste and odor within acceptable limits and pH was between 5.5 and 7.0. The observed concentrations of the metals varied between sources of water samples and between sampling sites. Maximum dissolved concentration observed was 4.7 mg/L for Pb and Mn, 4.6 mg/L for Zn, 2.9 mg/L for Ni and 2.8 mg/L for Cu. The observed concentrations of the metals were compared with the World Health Organization's guideline values for drinking water. Overall, the quality of water samples taken from the water springs at Mutyal Mara and Bonjosa was good; however, the water quality was unsuitable for drinking in Kiraki, Kharick, and Pothi Bala localities particularly. Finally, the authors discuss possible causes for increased concentrations of the trace metals in drinking water in the study area.  相似文献   
It is important to have qualitative as well as quantitative understanding of the hydraulic exchange between lake and groundwater for effective water resource management. Dal, a famous urban fresh water lake, plays a fundamental role in social, cultural and economic dynamics of the Kashmir Valley. In this paper geochemical, isotopic and hydrological mass balance approaches are used to constrain the lake water–groundwater interaction of Dal Lake and to identify the sources of lake water. Water samples of precipitation (n = 27), lake water (n = 18) and groundwater (n = 32) were collected across the lake and its catchment for the analysis of δ18O and δ2H. A total of 444 lake water samples and 440 groundwater samples (springs, tube wells and dug wells) were collected for the analysis of Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3 ?, SO4 2?, Cl?, NO3 ?, Na+ and K+. Water table and lake water level were monitored at 40 observation locations in the catchment. Water table map including pH and EC values corroborate and verify the gaining nature of the Dal Lake. Stable isotopes of lake water in Boddal and Gagribal basins showed more deviation from the global meteoric water line than Hazratbal and Nigeen basins, indicating the evaporation of lake water. The isotopic and geochemical mass balance suggested that groundwater contributes a significant proportion (23–40%) to Dal Lake. The estimated average groundwater contribution to Dal Lake ranged from 31.2 × 103 to 674 × 103 m3 day?1 with an average of 276 × 103 m3 day?1. The study will be useful to delineate the possible sources of nutrients and pollutants entering the lake and for the management of lake water resources for sustainable development.  相似文献   
一次引发南亚大暴雨的季风低压结构、涡度与水汽收支分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
对2003年夏季风期间,7月24~28日印度季风槽内季风低压发展西移与阿拉伯海中尺度低压合并引发南亚的一次大暴雨过程进行了诊断分析,探讨了印度季风槽、季风低压的三维结构以及低压区域的涡度、水汽收支.揭示和确认了一些事实:1)印度季风槽区对流层中下层存在明显的风场切变,槽区高温高湿,为单一性质的热带气团,低层为对流不稳定,槽区对应正涡度区;2)季风低压是一较深厚系统.动力结构为低层正涡度,高层负涡度,低层辐合,高层辐散.其西移速度约500 km·d.季风低压北侧整层为深厚的东风,南侧在对流层中低层为西风,在高层为东风.热力结构在低层(700~800 hPa)间存在弱冷区,而中高层几乎为暖心结构.低压对应高湿区,低压中心西侧整层为相对湿度大值区;3)季风低压的发展过程中,低层的辐合场制造正涡度,促进低压的发展;4)低压区水汽强烈辐合,西边界输入量最大.在此研究工作的基础上,作者还比较了夏季风期间南亚印度季风槽和东亚梅雨锋系统的异同.  相似文献   
The East Asian monsoon has a tremendous impact on agricultural production in China. An assessment of the risk of drought disaster in maize-producing regions is therefore important in ensuring a reduction in such disasters and an increase in food security. A risk assessment model, EPIC(Environmental Policy Integrated Climate) model, for maize drought disasters based on the Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator crop model is proposed for areas with the topographic characteristics of the mountainous karst region in southwest China. This region has one of the highest levels of environmental degradation in China. The results showed that the hazard risk level for the maize zone of southwest China is generally high. Most hazard index values were between 0.4 and 0.5,accounting for 47.32% of total study area. However,the risk level for drought loss was low. Most of the loss rate was 0.1, accounting for 96.24% of the total study area. The three high-risk areas were mainlydistributed in the parallel ridge–valley areas in the east of Sichuan Province, the West Mountain area of Guizhou Province, and the south of Yunnan Province.These results provide a scientific basis and support for the reduction of agricultural drought disasters and an increase in food security in the southwest China maize zone.  相似文献   
Diverse vulnerabilities of Bangladesh's agricultural sector in 16 sub-regions are assessed using experiments designed to investigate climate impact factors in isolation and in combination. Climate information from a suite of global climate models (GCMs) is used to drive models assessing the agricultural impact of changes in temperature, precipitation, carbon dioxide concentrations, river floods, and sea level rise for the 2040–2069 period in comparison to a historical baseline. Using the multi-factor impacts analysis framework developed in Yu et al. (2010), this study provides new sub-regional vulnerability analyses and quantifies key uncertainties in climate and production. Rice (aman, boro, and aus seasons) and wheat production are simulated in each sub-region using the biophysical Crop Environment REsource Synthesis (CERES) models. These simulations are then combined with the MIKE BASIN hydrologic model for river floods in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) Basins, and the MIKE21 Two-Dimensional Estuary Model to determine coastal inundation under conditions of higher mean sea level. The impacts of each factor depend on GCM configurations, emissions pathways, sub-regions, and particular seasons and crops. Temperature increases generally reduce production across all scenarios. Precipitation changes can have either a positive or a negative impact, with a high degree of uncertainty across GCMs. Carbon dioxide impacts on crop production are positive and depend on the emissions pathway. Increasing river flood areas reduce production in affected sub-regions. Precipitation uncertainties from different GCMs and emissions scenarios are reduced when integrated across the large GBM Basins’ hydrology. Agriculture in Southern Bangladesh is severely affected by sea level rise even when cyclonic surges are not fully considered, with impacts increasing under the higher emissions scenario.  相似文献   
利用太阳光度计CE318资料,对新疆地区3个观测站点(阿克达拉、乌鲁木齐、塔中)所代表的草场、城市和沙漠下垫面的440 nm波长处气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)和440~870 nm之间的Angstrom波长指数(AE)进行了统计分析,结果表明:三个站点的AOD年均值塔中站最大、乌鲁木齐站次之、阿克达拉站最小。其中阿克达拉站点的AOD全年变化不大,其月均值均小于0.3;乌鲁木齐站点AOD则表现出明显的季节性变化,冬春季的AOD月均值是夏秋季节的2.17倍;塔中站全年的AOD表现为单峰型,大值时段主要集中在3-7月。三个站点的AE年均值阿克达拉站最大、乌鲁木齐站次之、塔中站最小。阿克达拉和乌鲁木齐站点的AOD以人为排放等小粒径气溶胶为主,塔中站的AOD主要为沙尘等大粒径气溶胶。从年际变化来看,乌鲁木齐站AOD总体呈下降趋势,塔中站和阿克达拉站AOD总体呈上升趋势。乌鲁木齐霾天气的AOD日均值分布在0.35~1.21之间,塔中站沙尘天气的AOD日均值范围为0.30~2.05。  相似文献   
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