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Governmental authorities are forced by law to make decisions within the framework of European, national and regional directives in the fields of spatial planning, groundwater and environmental protection. These tasks can be supported by a decision-support system, which integrates data from various sources and helps to make decision processes more effective and transparent. Basic work for such a decision support system has been done in a transnational and interdisciplinary project (Interreg II C: KATER), including metadata definition, metadata system, cartographic tools and GIS tools. The direct integration of these tools and information in the decision process will be implemented in the next few years (project KATER II).  相似文献   
Redistribution of HFSE elements during rutile replacement by titanite   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Titanite growth at the expense of rutile during retrograde hydration of eclogite into amphibolite is a common phenomenon. We investigated an amphibolite sample from the Tromsø eclogite facies terrain in Northern Norway to gain insight into the trace element distribution between rutile and titanite during incomplete resorption of the rutile by titanite. Patchy compositional zoning of Al, Ti, and F in titanite relates to the presence of a fluid with variable Ti/Al and/or F during its growth. Laser ablation ICP–MS and electron microprobe data for high field strength elements (HFSE: Nb, Zr, Ta, and Hf) of rutile resorbed by titanite indicate a pronounced enrichment of these elements in the rim of a large single rutile crystal (~8 mm) and a systematic decrease towards uniform HFSE contents in the large core. HFSE contents of smaller rutile grains (~0.5 mm) and rutile inclusions (<100 μm) in the titanite overgrowth are similar or higher than in the rims of large rutile crystals. Element profiles from the rim inward demonstrate that HFSE enrichment in rutile is controlled by diffusion. HFSE ratios in diffusion-altered rutile show systematic variations compared with the uniform core composition of the large rutile. Modelling of Zr and Nb diffusion in rutile indicates that diffusion coefficients in rutile in fluid-dominated natural systems must be considerably higher than those determined experimentally at 1 bar in dry systems. Variations of HFSE contents in the newly formed titanite show no systematic spatial distribution. HFSE ratios in titanite and the rims of rutile are different, indicating different solid/fluid distribution coefficients in these minerals. Element fractionation by diffusion into the relict rutile and during fluid-mediated growth of new titanite could substantially change the HFSE budget of these minerals and could affect their use for geochemical tracing and other applications, such as Zr-based geothermobarometry.  相似文献   
During German R/V Meteor M67/2 expedition to Campeche Knolls, southern Gulf of Mexico, a set of 2D high resolution seismic data was acquired to study the near-surface sediment structure and its relationship with hydrocarbon seepages in this salt province. The comprehensive survey covered 20 individual bathymetric highs or ridges and identified three principle structural types: Passive Type, Chaopopte Type, and Asymmetric Flap Type. The first type is the result of passive diapirism, whereas the latter two were initialized by a regional compressional event in the Miocene, but are later differently modified by salt tectonism. Chapopote Type structures appear as symmetrical domes, with uplifted coarse-grained Miocene sediments in their cores and rather thin syn-kinematic sediments covering the crests. Asymmetric Flap Type structures are also first folded as domes or ridges, but one flap later subsided together with salt evacuation, resulting in single uplifted monoclines. With the coarse-grained pre-kinematic sediments as reservoir units, both structural types can focus and accumulate hydrocarbons. The geometries of the structures suggest that hydrocarbons are accumulated in the center of the Chapopote Type structures and in the subsided flaps of the Asymmetric Flap Type structures. Hydrocarbon leakage from these thinly sealed reservoirs is regarded as the principle mechanism for the seepage in the study area, and accordingly the most seepage-prone positions are above these reservoirs. The seep locations suggested by analysis of sea-surface oil slick images of SAR satellite data are also examined in this study. These independently derived seep locations confirm the seepage-prone positions to be above the shallow buried reservoirs. This study suggest that the shallow sediment structures control the distribution of the hydrocarbon seeps of the north-western Campeche Knolls, although the hydrocarbons are sourced from the greater depth.  相似文献   

We examine the response of stably stratified airflow to a slab‐symmetric diabatic forcing associated with condensation in long‐lasting precipitation bands. The steady‐state linearized Boussinesq equations are used to model the diagnostic relationship between the vertical motion field, the heating source and the ambient flow. The basic‐state flow is assumed to be horizontally uniform and non‐rotating, but the static stability and wind vary in the vertical. Linear theory shows that the speed of the along‐band wind component is unimportant for slab‐symmetric heating since it cannot contribute towards the advection of buoyancy or vertical motion.

For typical atmospheric stratification and a moving heating source associated with a cloud band, the Taylor‐Goldstein equation is solved numerically. The numerical results show that the cross‐band wind shear tilts the updraft core and broadens it. While the magnitude of the shear is increased, the circulation becomes stronger. The details of the wind profile are also important in determining the intensity and structure of the circulation. When the wind profile indicates a convex bulge (i.e. the low‐level shear is weaker than the upper‐level shear), the circulation becomes slightly weaker in comparison with the linear wind profile. Conversely, the circulation becomes stronger when the wind profile has a concave shape. Increasing the concave bulge tends to enhance the circulation but not in a monotonic fashion. This non‐monotonic relation between the vertical motion and the parabolic wind profile is interpreted in terms of kinetic energy changes of parcels that interchange their altitudes.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird eine Übersichtskarte für die Serra Negra (Ostrand der Espinhaço-Zone) im Maßstab 1250 000 vorgelegt.Lithologische Faziesübergänge und das Vorkommen ultrabasischer bis basischer Gesteine belegen einen mio-/eugeosynklinalen Übergangsbereich der Minas-Geosynklinale. In der jüngeren, die Minas-Serie diskordant überlagernde São-Francisco-Serie (Macaúbas-Fazies) wurden erstmals magmatische Gesteine nachgewiesen.Die metamorphen Mineralneubildungen in der Minas-Serie weisen auf eine nach Osten zunehmende Regionalmetamorphose hin. Der größte Teil des Arbeitsgebietes liegt im Übergangsbereich Grünschiefer-/Amphibolit-Fazies.
A regional study of the Serra Negra (eastern region of the Serra do Espinhaço) was carried out at the scale 1250 000.Lithologic facies changes and occurences of ultrabasic and basic rocks allow to delimit a mio/eugeosynclinal transition within the Precambrian Minas-Geosyncline. Within a post-Minas sequence (Macaúbas-Facies of the São Francisco Series) magmatic rocks have been encountered for the first time.Regional metamorphism within the Minas-Series is increasing to the east. The major part of the area belongs to a transitional zone between the greenshist- and amphibolite-Facies.

Resumo Foi mapeada a região da Serra Negra (margem oriental da Serra do Espinhaço) na escala 1250 000.Mudanças de fácies, ocorrênicias de rochas ultrabásicas e básicas permitiram delimitar uma região de transição entre condições mio- e eugeossinclinais na Série Minas. Dentro da fácies Macaúbas, na Série São Francisco, discordante da Série Minas, foram reconhecidas rochas magmáticas pela primeira vez.O metamorflsmo regional da Série Minas cresce em direção leste. A maior parte da área em estudo situa-se na região de transição entre a fácies xisto verde e a anfibolítica.

Serra Negra ( Espinhaco) 1 : 250000. / . - ( Macaubas), . . .
Zusammenfassung Chemische Präzipitate bleiben als Sedimente nur so lange erhalten, als sie mit der darüberstehenden Lösung, dem Bodenwasser des Salinarbeckens, im chemischen Gleichgewicht stehen. Die in dem Laugenkörper solcher Meeresbecken bestehenden, horizontalen Dichtegrenzen, die auf Konzentrationsunterschieden beruhen, können sich durch klimatische, meeresgeographische u. a. Veränderungen vertikal verschieben. Dadurch ist das Sediment (der Bodenkörper) Umbildungen ausgesetzt. Verdünnung der Lauge bringt entweder totale Wiederauflösung oder selektive Rücklösung der leichtestlöslichen Sediment-Anteile mit sich: durch NaCl-Auflösung bei Haliten ein tonig-anhydritisches Residuum (hardground), Sylvinitisierung (bis Halitisierung) durch Ent-Carnallitisierung (MgCl2-Wegführung) bei Kalisalzen. Tiefgreifende Umkristallisationen und Entstehung von polygonalen Pfeilern erheblicher Tiefenerstreckung sprechen für Stillstand der Sedimentation und für subaquatische Verkarstung. Auf mechanische Umformungen durch Wellenschlag gehen wohl Augensalze und Knollenanhydrite zurück (Tempestite). An paläogeographisch geeigneten Positionen entstanden durch Gleitbewegungen (slumping) Breccienbänke und Falten erheblichen Ausmaßes in Anhydriten und Kalisalzen. Alle diese Vorgänge werden in das früheste Stadium der Diagenese eingeordnet.Zur Vermeidung der aus zwei verschiedenen Sprachen zusammengesetzten Wortkombination Frühdiagenese wird die BezeichnungEodiagense hiermit in Vorschlag gebracht.
Chemical deposits are only preserved as sediments when they are in chemical equilibrium with the lowermost part of the brine basin. The brine bedding, caused by density, or concentration respectively, can be disturbed by changes of climate, by currents a. s. o. When the brine boundaries are shifted in vertical direction the bottom sediment may be transformed. A thinning of the brine will give rise either to total re-dissolution or to any selective removal of the highest soluble substance, f. i. NaCl from rock salt, by leaving anhydritic or marly residuals (hardground), or MgCl2 from Carnallite, by leaving Sylvite etc. Breaks within the progressive sedimentation produce polygonal structures reaching several meters down into the pre-existing halite sediment. And thatone may be recrystallized in big scale. Physical influence, as movement in the waterbody by wind and waves, gave rise to so-called augensalz, fragmental anhydrites a. s. o. Brecciated anhydrites as well as huge creeping folds in anhydrites and in potash beds have to be explaned by slumping.All these transformations are caused by early diagenesis. For avoiding the term early diagenesis≓ which is composed by 2 words of different languages, the wordEodiagenesis is proposed herewith.

Résumé Les sédiments chimiques ne sont conservés qu'aussi longtemps qu'ils sont en équilibre chimique avec la partie basale de la saumure qui se trouve au-dessus d'eux. Les plans de stratification, dûs aux différences de densité liées à la concentration en sels dans la saumure peuvent se déplacer verticalement sous l'action d'influences climatiques, océaniques, tectoniques etc., ce qui expose le sédiment déposé à des transformations. Une dilution de la saumure peut provoquer une redissolution totale ou une dissolution sélective des sels suivant leur solubilité. Par example: dans les halites normales, la solubilisation du NaCl laissera comme résidu un »hardground« composé d'une substance argiloanhydritique; dans les sels potassique, par la dissolution sélective du MgCl2, la carnallitite sera transformée en sylvinite. — Dans nombre de gisements de halite des structures en pilliers polygonaux de quelques mètres de puissance, où la halite peut Être complètement récrystallisée sont probablement à attribuer à un arrÊt de la sédimentation et à une karstification.Des textures »conglomératiques« observées dans les anhydrites et dans les halites (»Knollenanhydrit«, »Augensalz«), sont à rapporter à l'action des vagues et pourraient donc Être des »tempestites«. Des bancs bréchoides et les plis d'ampleur considérable dans les anhydrites et les sels potassiques ne peuvent Être expliqués que par des glissements subaquatiques.Tous ces événements sont à classer dans un stade très précoce de la diagénèse. Pour éviter le terme de »Frühdiagenese« qui provient de deux langues différentes, il est proposé ici, de désigner ces changements diagénétique précoces sous le nom de »éodiagénèse«.

, . , . — « » — . , , , - — hardground —, — — . . . . . , , « » «».
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