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This paper analyzes the development of environmental concern by using the three waves of the environmental modules of the International Social Survey Programme. First, we discuss the measurement of environmental concern and construct a ranking of countries according to the new 2010 results. Second, we analyze the determinants of environmental concern by employing multilevel models that take individual as well as context effects into account. Third, we explore the longitudinal aspect of the data at the macro level in order to uncover the causal relation between countries’ wealth and environmental concern. The results show that environmental concern is closely correlated with the wealth of the nations. However, environmental concern decreased in almost all nations slightly during the last two decades. The decline was lower in countries with improving economic conditions suggesting that economic growth helps to maintain higher levels of environmental concern.  相似文献   
Shrimp farming is growing in Bangladesh due to suitable agro-climatic conditions, adequate water resources, cheap labour force, international donor agencies and the involvement of multinational corporations. Although it provides immediate economic benefits, contributes to poverty reduction and food security, as well as generates employment from seed collectors to exporters, it has also been facing a host of challenges. They hinder the sustainable development of this otherwise thriving sector. This paper aims to expound the hindrances and challenges for sustainable shrimp farming in Bangladesh by means of reviewing the available scientific literature. It finds that socioeconomic impacts such as traditional livelihood displacement, social unrests and market fluctuations are hindering the sustainable development of shrimp farming in Bangladesh. Similarly, environmental impacts such as mangrove degradation, salt water intrusion, sedimentation, pollution and disease outbreaks are found to be obstacles for the development of sustainable shrimp farming. Inappropriate management practices and inadequate plans regarding water quality, seed supply, irrigation facilities and fishery resources, added to institutional weaknesses, jeopardize the future growth of shrimp farming. Therefore, this paper shall provide substantial input to set the directions that research for alternatives can take and that can contribute to the sustainability of shrimp farming.  相似文献   
In this paper, we concentrate on the analysis of the anisotropic Rankine-Hugoniot equations for perpendicular and oblique fast shocks. In particular, as additional information to the anisotropic set of equations, the threshold conditions of the fire-hose and mirror instability are used to bound the range of the pressure anisotropy downstream of the discontinuity. These anisotropic threshold conditions of the plasma instabilities are obtained via a kinetic approach using a generalized Lorentzian distribution function, the so-called kappa distribution function. Depending on up-stream conditions, these instabilities further define stable and unstable regions with regard to the pressure anisotropy downstream of the shock. The calculations are done for different upstream Alfvén Mach numbers. We found that low values of the parameter kappa reduce the pressure anisotropy downstream of the shock.  相似文献   
Documentation of pressure–temperature (P–T) histories across an epidote‐amphibolite facies culmination provides new insight into the tectono‐thermal evolution of the Brooks Range collisional orogen. Thermobarometry reveals that the highest grade rocks formed at peak temperatures of 560–600 °C and at pressures of 8–9.5 kbar. The thermal culmination coincides with the apex of a structural dome defined by oppositely dipping S2 crenulation cleavages suggesting post‐metamorphic doming. South of the thermal culmination, greenschist facies and lowermost epidote‐amphibolite facies rocks preserve widespread evidence for an early blueschist facies metamorphism. In contrast, no evidence for an early blueschist facies metamorphism was found in similar grade rocks of the northern flank, indicating that the southern flank underwent initial deeper burial during southward underthrusting of the continental margin. Thus, while the dome shows a symmetric distribution of peak temperatures, the P–T paths followed by the two flanks must have varied. This variation suggests that final thermal re‐equilibration to greenschist and epidote–amphibolite facies conditions did not result from a simple process of southward underthrusting followed by thermal re‐equilibration from the bottom upward. The new data are inconsistent with a previous model that invokes such re‐equilibration, along with northward thrusting of epidote–amphibolite facies rocks over lower grade rocks presently on the southern flank of the culmination, to produce an inverted metamorphic field gradient. Instead, it is suggested that following blueschist facies metamorphism, rocks of the southern and northern flanks were juxtaposed, during which time the more deeply buried south flank was partially emplaced above rocks to the north, where they escaped Albian epidote–amphibolite facies overprinting. Porphyroblast growth, which post‐dates the main fabric on the north flank of the culmination may be the result of Albian thermal re‐equilibration following this deformation. Post‐metamorphic doming resulted from a combination of Albian‐Cenomanian extension and Tertiary deformation.  相似文献   
The continuous improvement of analytical procedures using multi‐collector technologies in ICP‐mass spectrometry has led to an increased demand for isotope standards with improved homogeneity and reduced measurement uncertainty. For magnesium, this has led to a variety of available standards with different quality levels ranging from artefact standards to isotope reference materials certified for absolute isotope ratios. This required an intercalibration of all standards and reference materials, which we present in this interlaboratory comparison study. The materials Cambridge1, DSM3, ERM‐AE143, ERM‐AE144, ERM‐AE145, IRMM‐009 and NIST SRM 980 were cross‐calibrated with expanded measurement uncertainties (95% confidence level) of less than 0.030‰ for the δ25/24Mg values and less than 0.037‰ for the δ26/24Mg values. Thus, comparability of all magnesium isotope delta (δ) measurements based on these standards and reference materials is established. Further, ERM‐AE143 anchors all magnesium δ‐scales to absolute isotope ratios and therefore establishes SI traceability, here traceability to the SI base unit mole. This applies especially to the DSM3 scale, which is proposed to be maintained. With ERM‐AE144 and ERM‐AE145, which are product and educt of a sublimation–condensation process, for the first time a set of isotope reference materials is available with a published value for the apparent triple isotope fractionation exponent θapp, the fractionation relationship ln α(25/24Mg)/ln α(26/24Mg).  相似文献   
Lead isotope amount ratios are commonly used in diverse fields such as archaeometry, geochemistry and forensic science. Currently, five reference materials with certified lead isotope amount ratios are available, namely NIST SRM 981, 982 and 983, GBW‐04442 and NMIJ 3681‐a. Only NIST SRM 981 and NMIJ 3681‐a have approximately natural isotopic compositions, and NIST SRM 981 is predominantly used for correcting mass discrimination/mass fractionation in the applied mass spectrometric procedures. Consequently, there is no other certified reference material available to be used for validation and/or quality control of the analytical procedures applied to lead isotope amount ratio measurements. To fill this gap, two new reference materials have been produced and certified for their lead isotope amount ratios. For both certified reference materials, complete uncertainty budgets have been calculated and SI traceability has been established. This provides the users with independent means for validating and verifying their analytical procedures and for conducting quality control measures. ERM‐EB400 is a bronze material with a nominal lead mass fraction of 45 mg kg?1 and certified lead isotope amount ratios of n(206Pb)/n(204Pb) = 18.072(17) mol mol?1, n(207Pb)/n(204Pb) = 15.578(18) mol mol?1 and n(208Pb)/n(204Pb) = 38.075(46) mol mol?1 with the associated expanded uncertainties (= 2) given in brackets. ERM‐AE142 is a high‐purity solution of lead in 2% nitric acid with a nominal mass fraction of 100 mg kg?1 and certified Pb isotope amount ratios of n(206Pb)/n(204Pb) = 21.114(17) mol mol?1, n(207Pb)/n(204Pb) = 15.944(17) mol mol?1 and n(208Pb)/n(204Pb) = 39.850(44) mol mol?1 with the associated expanded uncertainties (= 2) given in brackets. Both materials are specifically designed to fall within the natural lead isotopic variation and to assist users with the validation and verification of their analytical procedures. Note that while one of these reference materials requires the chemical separation of Pb from its matrix (ERM‐EB400), the other does not (ERM‐AE142). As additional information, δ208/206PbNIST SRM981 values are provided for both materials. For ERM‐AE142, a delta value of δ208/206PbNIST SRM981 = ?28.21(30)‰ was obtained, and for ERM‐EB400, a delta value of δ208/206PbNIST SRM981= ?129.47(38)‰ was obtained, with the associated expanded uncertainties (= 2) given in brackets.  相似文献   
Isotopic reference materials are essential to enable reliable and comparable isotope data. In the case of boron only a very limited number of such materials is available, thus preventing adequate quality control of measurement results and validation of analytical procedures. To address this situation a unique set of two boron isotope reference materials (ERM‐AE102a and ‐AE104a) and three offset δ11B reference materials (ERM‐AE120, ‐AE121 and ‐AE122) were produced and certified. The present article describes the production and certification procedure in detail. The isotopic composition of all the materials was adjusted by mixing boron parent solutions enriched in 10B or 11B with a boron parent solution having a natural isotopic composition under full gravimetric control. All parent solutions were analysed for their boron concentration as well as their boron isotopic composition by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TIMS) using isotope dilution as the calibration technique. For all five reference materials the isotopic composition obtained on the basis of the gravimetric data agreed very well with the isotopic composition obtained from different TIMS techniques. Stability and homogeneity studies that were performed showed no significant influence on the isotopic composition or on the related uncertainties. The three reference materials ERM‐AE120, ERM‐AE121 and ERM‐AE122 are the first reference materials with natural δ11B values not equal to 0‰. The certified δ11B values are ?20.2‰ for ERM‐AE120, 19.9‰ for ERM‐AE121 and 39.7‰ for ERM‐AE122, each with an expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of 0.6‰. These materials were produced to cover about three‐quarters of the known natural boron isotope variation. The 10B enriched isotope reference materials ERM‐AE102a and ERM‐AE104a were produced for industrial applications utilising 10B for neutron shielding purposes. The certified 10B isotope abundances are 0.29995 for ERM‐AE102a and 0.31488 for ERM‐AE104a with expanded uncertainties (k = 2) of 0.00027 and 0.00028, respectively. Together with the formerly certified ERM‐AE101 and ERM‐AE103 a unique set of four isotope reference materials and three offset δ11B reference materials for boron isotope determination are now available from European Reference Materials.  相似文献   
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