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In the upper Chesapeake Bay (Maryland, U.S.A.) field surveys were conducted at 18 multiple longshore sand bar sites. The multiple bar systems were found in water depths less than approximately 2 m (mean sea level), and exhibited mild bottom slopes of 0·0052 or less. The number of bars composing each system ranged from four to 17 and the spacing between the crests typically increased in the offshore direction, ranging from 12 to 70 m. Bar height also typically increased with distance offshore and ranged from 0·03 to 0·61 m. A grain size analysis of crest and trough sediment did not reveal any significant differences and the sediment was categorized as ‘fine sand’. A review of the literature data indicated that the Chesapeake Bay multiple bars possessed similar characteristics to those found in Gelding Bay (Baltic Sea); similarities in fetch, wave height and tidal range between the two bays may account for this finding. The surf-scaling parameter indicated that the multiple bar systems were extremely dissipative with regard to wave energy, and wave height appeared to be an important factor in controlling bar spacing and bar height. A multiple wave break point hypothesis was discussed as a possible mechanism for the formation of Chesapeake Bay multiple longshore bars, and limited observational evidence appeared to support such a mechanism.  相似文献   
Elastic–plastic deformations in pavements consisting of layers of different frictional materials are investigated. The upper bound, kinematic shakedown theorem is used to obtain estimates of the critical shakedown loads. Fully general three-dimensional deformations are considered. The influence of the loading distribution, interactions between loads, and the effect of varying the thickness, stiffness and strength of the layers are explored. Consequences of this investigation for particular existing designs of flexible pavements are investigated. In particular, it is found that the strength of the subgrade has no effect on the magnitude of the critical shakedown load.  相似文献   
The self-starter is improved using the operator of the split-step Pade solution. In addition to providing greater stability and being applicable closer to the source, the improved self-starter is an efficient forward model for geoacoustic inversion. It is necessary to solve only O(10) tridiagonal systems of equations to obtain the acoustic field on a vertical array located O(10) wavelengths from a source. This experimental configuration is effective for geoacoustic inverse problems involving unknown parameters deep in the ocean bottom. For problems involving depth-dependent acoustic parameters, the improved self-starter can be used to solve nonlinear inverse problems involving O(10) unknown sediment parameters in less than a minute on the current generation of workstations  相似文献   
We discuss MAXIPOL, a bolometric balloon-borne experiment designed to measure the E-mode polarization anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) on angular scales of 10 to 2°. MAXIPOL is the first CMB experiment to collect data with a polarimeter that utilizes a rotating half-wave plate and fixed wire-grid polarizer. We present the instrument design, elaborate on the polarimeter strategy and show the instrument performance during flight with some time domain data. Our primary dataset was collected during a 26 h turnaround flight that was launched from the National Scientific Ballooning Facility in Ft. Sumner, New Mexico in May 2003. During this flight five regions of the sky were mapped. Data analysis is in progress.  相似文献   
In a global examination of mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) glasscompositions, we find that Na8–Fe8–depth variationsdo not support modeling of MORBs as aggregates of melt compositionsgenerated over a large range of temperature and pressure. However,the Na8–Fe8 variations are consistent with the compositionalsystematics of solidus melts in the plagioclase–spinellherzolite transition in the CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–Na2O–FeO(CMASNF) system. For natural compositions, the P–T rangefor melt extraction is estimated to be 1·2–1·5GPa and 1250–1280°C. This PT range is a closematch with the maximum PT conditions for explosive pressure-releasevaporization of carbonate-bearing melts. It is proposed thatfracturing of the lithosphere induces explosive formation andescape of CO2 vapor. This provides the vehicle for extractionof MORBs at a relatively uniform T and P. The upper portionof the CO2-bearing and slightly melted seismic low-velocityzone flows toward the ridge, rises at the ridge axis to lower-lithospheredepths, melts much more extensively during this rise, and releasesMORB melts to the surface driven by explosively escaping CO2vapor. The residue and overlying crust produced by this meltingthen migrate away from the ridge axis as new oceanic lithosphere.The entire process of oceanic lithosphere creation involvesonly the upper 140 km. When lithospheric stresses shift fractureformation to other localities, escape of CO2 ceases, the vehiclefor transporting melt to the surface disappears, and ridgesdie. Inverse correlations of Na8 vs Fe8 for MORB glasses areexplained by mantle heterogeneity, and positive variations superimposedon the inverse variations are consistent with progressive extractionof melts from short, ascending melting columns. The uniformlylow temperatures of MORB extraction are not consistent withthe existence of hot plumes on or close to ocean ridges. Inthis modeling, the southern Atlantic mantle from Bouvet to about26°N is relatively homogeneous, whereas the Atlantic mantlenorth of about 26°N shows significant long-range heterogeneity.The mantle between the Charlie Gibbs and Jan Mayen fracturezones is strongly enriched in FeO/MgO, perhaps by a trappedfragment of basaltic crust. Iceland is explained as the productof this enrichment, not a hot plume. The East Pacific Rise,Galapagos Ridge, Gorda Ridge, and Juan de Fuca Ridge samplemantle that is heterogeneous over short distances. The mantlebeneath the Red Sea is enriched in FeO/MgO relative to the mantlebeneath the northern Indian Ocean.  相似文献   
Nutrient conditions off central California during the 1997–98 El Niño are described. Data were collected on 11 cruises from March 1997 to January 1999 along a hydrographic section off central California, as well as every two weeks at a coastal station in Monterey Bay. Perturbations associated with El Niño are shown as anomalies of thermohaline and nutrient distributions along this section. The anomalies were obtained by subtracting seasonal averages for the period from April 1988 to April 1991 from the 1997–98 observations. The first indications of El Niño conditions (high sea levels) were observed at Monterey between late May and early June 1997, but the coastal nutricline did not begin to deepen until August 1997. It reached maximum depth of 130 dbar in January 1998 at the time that maximum sea level anomalies were observed. During this period: (1) the highest subsurface temperature anomalies coincided with subsurface nutrient anomaly minima at the depth of the pycnocline; (2) southern saline and nutrient-poor waters occupied the upper 80 dbar of the water column along the entire section; and (3) nitrate levels were close to zero in the euphotic zone, collapsing the potential new primary production in the coastal domain. At the end of February 1998, the nutricline shoaled to 40 dbar at the coast although it remained anomalously deep offshore. Higher temperatures and lower nutrient levels were observed for the entire section through August 1998 although in contrast with the previous winter, there was a strong freshening mainly due to an onshore movement of subarctic waters.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton pigments and size-fractionated biomass in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas showed spatial and temporal variation during the spring and summer of 2002. Cluster analysis of pigment ratios revealed different assemblages over the shelf, slope and basin regions. In spring, phytoplankton with particle sizes greater than 5 μm, identified as diatoms and/or haptophytes, dominated over the shelf. Smaller (<5 μm) phytoplankton containing chlorophyll b, most likely prasinophytes, were more abundant over the slope and basin. Due to extensive ice cover at this time, phytoplankton experienced low irradiance, but nutrients were near maximal for the year. By summer, small prasinophytes and larger haptophytes and diatoms co-dominated in near-surface assemblages in largely ice-free waters when nitrate was mostly depleted. Deeper in the water column at 1–15% of the surface irradiance larger sized diatoms were still abundant in the upper nutricline. Phytoplankton from the shelf appeared to be advected through Barrow Canyon to the adjacent basin, explaining similar composition between the two areas in spring and summer. Off-shelf advection was much less pronounced for other slope and basin areas, which are influenced by the low-nutrient Beaufort gyre circulation, leading to a dominance of smaller prasinophytes and chlorophytes. The correlation of large-sized fucoxanthin containing phytoplankton with the higher primary production measurements shows promise for trophic status to be estimated using accessory pigment ratios.  相似文献   
An elongated sea bed depression (pit), 80 by 125 m and 10 m deep located on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland was identified on high resolution surficial geophysical survey lines and investigated using a manned submersible. The pit occurs at the termination of a long (greater than 3 km) iceberg scour, 1.5 m deep, and 80 m wide in 91 m of water. It is similar to other depressions in the region that indent the sea bed up to seven times deeper than the surrounding deepest iceberg furrows. The pit is interpreted to be the sea bed response to impact and loading by a rolling and grounding iceberg. The iceberg scour and pit appear to be of recent origin.  相似文献   
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