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通过详实的地质填图,在辽宁开原地区清河断裂以北新发现一套变质表壳岩组合,主要岩性为斜长角闪岩、黑云角闪斜长变粒岩、黑云角闪斜长片麻岩、浅粒岩及角闪石岩的岩石组合,与红透山岩组基本可以对比。岩石地球化学特征表明,其原岩主要为一套中、中基性的火山岩建造,形成于岛弧环境。该套岩石组合普遍发生强烈的构造变形作用,常见构造样式包括透入性片麻理、石香肠构造、变质分异条带、肠状褶皱等一系列的固态流变构造。对该套变质表壳岩组合中的斜长角闪岩进行LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年,结果表明其形成于(2 524±18)Ma,变质年龄为(2 477±21)Ma,从形成到发生变质相隔约为47Ma。该套变质表壳岩组合的发现,表明了清河断裂以北也曾存在太古宙结晶基底,清河断裂与寇河断裂之间的区域在构造环境上与清原地区一样,均属于新太古代绿岩带。  相似文献   
基于现有规范与文献研究提出的减小桩靴踩脚印附加响应的相关措施,首先基于耦合欧拉—拉格朗日(CEL)定量分析了传统纺锤形桩靴与新型桩靴在不同工况条件下插桩时桩靴地基土体相互作用机制,明确了最不利桩靴踩脚印工况时的插桩偏心距与桩坑深度。基于该最不利工况条件,对比分析了新型六孔莲蓬形桩靴、试踩法与地基钻孔法3种桩靴踩脚印应对措施的适用性与有效性。结果表明,相较于传统纺锤形桩靴,采用六孔莲蓬形桩靴使桩靴倾斜角与桩腿偏移距分别降低了33.13%和48.26%,说明结构在位稳定性更高。此外,通过对比分析得出,采用最佳设置方式进行试踩与钻孔处理后再进行桩靴贯入时,桩靴受到的水平滑动力峰值与桩腿RP1处弯矩峰值相较于未处理时分别降低了29.47%、29.17%、34.7%、37.7%。可见,3种应对措施均能有效降低桩靴踩脚印后产生的不利影响,提高桩靴结构的在位稳定性。以最终减小不利附加响应程度作为评定标准:地基钻孔法>新型六孔莲蓬形桩靴>试踩法,由于地基钻孔法与试踩法均需增设额外机械设备及施工工序,大幅提高了工程造价,因此,在实际工程中,需要根据实际情况恰当选择应对措施。研究成果可为实际工程中应对桩靴踩脚印工况响应提供一定参考与借鉴。  相似文献   
土壤湿度初始异常对东亚区域气候模拟影响的敏感性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用耦合了CLM3.5陆面模式的区域气候模式RegCM4.0,通过敏感性试验,探讨了人为减小春季初始土壤体积水含量对短期时间尺度东亚夏季气候模拟的可能影响。结果表明:较低的初始土壤湿度场能够明显改变区域的地表能量平衡,引起地表净长波辐射和感热通量的显著增加,进而加强了地表对大气的加热,因而引起东亚大范围地区特别是中国东部、印度北部和中亚地区地表温度、气温的升高。与气温不同,初始土壤湿度场对降水的影响很小而且有较大的不确定性,同时偏暖的下垫面使得对流层中高层出现暖高压异常,但这些影响均不显著。综合来看,土壤湿度初始场的初始异常,对RegCM4.0 模式东亚气候模拟的结果有一定影响,特别是在地表温度、气温和能量平衡方面,应在以后的模拟中加以考虑。  相似文献   
Land-atmosphere coupling is a key process of the climate system, and various coupling mechanisms have been proposed before based on observational and numerical analyses. The impact of soil moisture(SM) on evapotranspiration(ET) and further surface temperature(ST) is an important aspect of such coupling. Using ERA-Interim data and CLM4.0 offline simulation results, this study further explores the relationships between SM/ST and ET to better understand the complex nature of the land-atmosphere coupling(i.e., spatial and seasonal variations) in eastern China, a typical monsoon area. It is found that two diagnostics of land-atmosphere coupling(i.e., SM-ET correlation and ST-ET correlation) are highly dependent on the climatology of SM and ST. By combining the SM-ET and ST-ET relationships, two "hot spots" of land-atmosphere coupling over eastern China are identified: Southwest China and North China. In Southwest China, ST is relatively high throughout the year, but SM is lowest in spring, resulting in a strong coupling in spring. However, in North China, SM is relatively low throughout the year, but ST is highest in summer, which leads to the strongest coupling in summer. Our results emphasize the dependence of land-atmosphere coupling on the seasonal evolution of climatic conditions and have implications for future studies related to land surface feedbacks.  相似文献   
Geological mapping and zircon U–Pb laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) dating has identified a Mesoarchean (2857 ± 17 Ma) geological unit in the Luanjiajie area of the northern margin of the North China Craton, within the northern part of Liaoning Province, China. This unit is dominated by tonalitic and trondhjemite gneisses that form part of a typical tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) rock assemblage. These Mesoarchean gneisses are enriched in Na and depleted in K, yield K2O/Na2O ratios of 0.34–0.50, have Rittmann index (σ) values of 1.54–3.04, and are calc-alkaline. They have EuN/EuN* values of 0.77–1.20 (average of 1.03), indicating that these samples have negligible Eu anomalies, and yield high LaN/YbN values (4.92–23.12). These characteristics indicate that these Mesoarchean gneisses have fractionated rare earth element (REE) compositions that are enriched in the light REE (LREE) and depleted in the heavy REE (HREE), with steeply dipping chondrite-normalized REE patterns. These gneisses are also enriched in Rb, Th, K, Zr, and Hf, and are relatively depleted in Ta, Nb, P, and Ti. In summary, the magma that formed these tonalitic and trondhjemite gneisses was most likely derived from the partial melting of lower-crustal basaltic rocks during subduction. The timing of formation (2.85 Ga) of the Luanjiajie tonalite and trondhjemite gneisses probably represents the timing of initiation of plate tectonics within the LongGang Block during a SE-directed subduction event. The presence of inherited zircons with ages of >3.0 Ga within the Luanjiajie gneisses suggests that this area may contain as yet undiscovered rocks that formed before 3.0 Ga.  相似文献   
This study investigates the variability of extreme rainfall (temperature) events in the twenty-first century based on 18 (24)-member multimodel simulations of models participating in phase 5 of the Couple Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). The study employed extreme indices defined by the WMO’s Experts Team on Climate Change Detection Indices, under two radiative forcing scenarios: RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. Two 30-year time periods, mid- (2021–2050) and end (2071–2100) of the twenty-first century, are considered for investigation of extremes, relative to the baseline period (1961–1990). Mann–Kendall test statistic and Sen’s slope estimator are used to investigate trend. Temperature shows a remarkable increase with an increase in radiative forcing. A sharp augmentation in temperature is projected towards the end of the twenty-first century. There will be almost zero cool days and cold nights by the end of the century. Very wet and extremely very wet days increase, especially over Uganda and western Kenya. Variation in maximum 1-day precipitation (R × 1 day) and maximum 5-day precipitation amount shows a remarkable increase in variance towards the end of the twenty-first century. Although the results are based on relatively coarse resolution data, they give likely conditions that can be utilized in long-term planning and be relied on in advanced studies.  相似文献   
Gao  Chujie  Li  Gen  Xu  Bei  Li  Xinyu 《Climate Dynamics》2020,54(9):3845-3861
Climate Dynamics - Extreme precipitation events (EPEs) over the Yangtze River basin (YRB) exert widespread impacts on regional ecological environment and people’s life. Using observed...  相似文献   
Sun  Shanlei  Chen  Haishan  Ju  Weimin  Wang  Guojie  Sun  Ge  Huang  Jin  Ma  Hedi  Gao  Chujie  Hua  Wenjian  Yan  Guixia 《Climate Dynamics》2017,48(11-12):3779-3797
Climate Dynamics - Under the exacerbation of climate change, climate extreme events, especially for drought, happened frequently and intensively across the globe with greater spatial differences....  相似文献   
冬季雪深再分析资料在欧亚中高纬地区的适用性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧亚中高纬地区的积雪是影响气候的重要因子,但是观测台站稀疏且记录只到1996年,导致积雪观测资料严重缺乏。基于目前国际上应用较为广泛的3套再分析资料:美国国家大气海洋局(NOAA)的20世纪再分析资料(NCAR-20th century reanalysis)、欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)的再分析资料(ERA-Interim)及日本气象厅(JMA)的全球大气再分析资料(JRA-55),利用前苏联站点观测的雪深资料评估雪深再分析资料在欧亚大陆区域的适用性。结果表明:3套再分析资料对积雪的时空变化均具有一定的描述能力;其中,尤以JRA-55再分析资料与观测事实最为接近,能较好揭示欧亚中高纬雪深变化的空间分布特征,反映雪深的长期变化趋势。JRA-55再分析资料揭示的欧亚雪深与169站观测有90%吻合,20世纪再分析资料有76%一致,而ERA-Interim再分析资料只有一半。区域尺度上,JRA-55再分析资料揭示的欧洲、西伯利亚南部雪深在1961~1990年的变化与观测是正相关,相关系数达到0.91、0.87,而20世纪再分析资料仅有0.77、0.32。长时间序列的雪深资料(JRA-55)表明欧亚大陆积雪存在年代际的变化特征:1960年代积雪偏少;1970年代偏多;从1980年代开始呈现减少趋势,持续至20世纪末,并且积雪的减少是高纬度积雪变化造成的。  相似文献   
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