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Based on field documentation, we produce a comparative analysis of soft sediment deformation and other sedimentary signatures indicative of paleotsunami at two beach sites on the west coast of India. Trench profiles from these sites depict major differences in morphology of the structures as a result of greater overpressure from terrigenous backwash deposition at Dive Agar compared to Guhagarh, where the backwash flow escaped through an estuarine outlet. The occurrence of sporadic boulders, wedge-shaped heavy mineral sand layers and capping of the deposit by a pedogenic surface at Guhagarh depicts an older tsunami of larger magnitude compared to Dive Agar. The collective orientation of the characteristic signatures suggests two different sources of tsunami at Dive Agar (from Sunda arc in the SE) and Guhagarh (from Makran in the NW) that are further modeled to suggest the probable paleo-oceanographic conditions. The style of paleotsunami signatures are thus indicative of the coastal response to the arriving tsunami which is further controlled by the direction of source and the morphology of the coast. The study of paleotsunami records therefore provides useful information on the local coastal response to an arriving tsunami which is essential for vulnerability studies and better preparedness.  相似文献   
The main goal of this paper is to estimate a set of optimal seasonal, daily, and hourly values of atmospheric turbidity and surface radiative parameters Ångström’s turbidity coefficient (β), Ångström’s wavelength exponent (α), aerosol single scattering albedo (ωo), forward scatterance (Fc) and average surface albedo (ρg), using the Brute Force multidimensional minimization method to minimize the difference between measured and simulated solar irradiance components, expressed as cost functions. In order to simulate the components of short-wave solar irradiance (direct, diffuse and global) for clear sky conditions, incidents on a horizontal surface in the Metropolitan Area of Rio de Janeiro (MARJ), Brazil (22° 51′ 27″ S, 43° 13′ 58″ W), we use two parameterized broadband solar irradiance models, called CPCR2 and Iqbal C, based on synoptic information. The meteorological variables such as precipitable water (uw) and ozone concentration (uo) required by the broadband solar models were obtained from moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor on Terra and Aqua NASA platforms. For the implementation and validation processes, we use global and diffuse solar irradiance data measured by the radiometric platform of LabMiM, located in the north area of the MARJ. The data were measured between the years 2010 and 2012 at 1-min intervals. The performance of solar irradiance models using optimal parameters was evaluated with several quantitative statistical indicators and a subset of measured solar irradiance data. Some daily results for Ångström’s wavelength exponent α were compared with Ångström’s parameter (440–870 nm) values obtained by aerosol robotic network (AERONET) for 11 days, showing an acceptable level of agreement. Results for Ångström’s turbidity coefficient β, associated with the amount of aerosols in the atmosphere, show a seasonal pattern according with increased precipitation during summer months (December–February) in the MARJ.  相似文献   
Spatial and temporal precipitation variability in Chhattisgarh State in India was examined by using monthly precipitation data for 102 years (1901–2002) from 16 stations. The homogeneity of precipitation data was evaluated by the double-mass curve approach and the presence of serial correlation by lag-1 autocorrelation coefficient. Linear regression analysis, the conventional Mann–Kendall (MK) test, and Spearman’s rho were employed to identify trends and Sen’s slope to estimate the slope of trend line. The coefficient of variation (CV) was used to analyze precipitation variability. Spatial interpolation was done by a Kriging process using ArcGIS 9.3. Results of both parametric and non-parametric tests and trend tests showed that at 5 % significance level, annual precipitation exhibited a decreasing trend at all stations except Bilaspur and Dantewada. For both annual and monsoon precipitation, Sen’s test showed a decreasing trend for all stations, except Bilaspur and Dantewada. The highest percentage of variability was observed in winter precipitation (88.75 %) and minimum percentage variability in annual series (14.01 %) over the 102-year periods.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the suitability of spring water for drinking and irrigation purposes in a part of eastern Himalaya, south Sikkim. There are many anthropogenic and geogenic factors contributing as a source of major cations and anions in the spring water. The spring water chemistry show a variation in EC, pH, TDS, Temperature, Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Fe2+, Pb, Mn, Cu, HCO3-, Cl-, PO43-, NO3-, F- and SO42-. Mainly two types of water quality indexing has been used, one for suitability of spring water for drinking purposes and the other for irrigation purposes. For drinking purposes, Piper diagram used for determination of water type, water quality index (WQI) for quality monitoring and saturation index for mineral dissolution in water. % Na, RSC (Residual Sodium Carbon) and SAR (sodium absorption ratio) have been used for irrigation suitability. Piper diagram shows that CaHCO3 type of water was dominant in the study area. The WQI depicted excellent category and SAR, percent sodium and RSC (Residual Sodium Carbon) depict excellent, good and permissible category for irrigation purposes. Principle component analysis (PCA) was used to determine the major influencing factor responsible for the variability in the parameters analysed of spring water.  相似文献   
We present here comprehensive petromineralogic, mineral magnetic and lithologic observations from five stratigraphic sections representing the Barail Group, Middle and Upper units of Bhuban Formation, Bokabil Formation and Tipam Group in the Mizoram area. These stratigraphic units mainly display interplay of the grey and buff colored sandstones of the clast compositions varying from sub-lithic to lithic arenites (Q79F4L17 to Q55F3L42) including sedimentary, meta-sedimentary and subordinate igneous rock fragments. The buff sandstones with higher lithic fragments [Q69F4L27 (Ls61Lm38Lv1)] are dominated by recycled components with higher clast angularity (VA1A15SA51SR24R8WR0.4) relative to the grey sandstones. Mineral magnetic studies decipher bimodal (ferri- and antiferromagnetic) mineralogy with higher concentration in buff sandstones relative to the unimodal ferrimagnetic nature of the grey sandstones. The study infers that the buff sandstones mark the regressive phases driven by hinterland uplifts; whereas the growth of the grey sandstone facies is marked by transgressive basinal processes. Gradual increase in the frequency and appearance of the buff sandstones in the Surma stratigraphy, therefore, can be related to the evolution of the Indo-Burmese ranges.  相似文献   
Erosion in a watershed exhibits spatial and temporal variability, and its determination is fundamental to determining sediment yield which is a key to proper watershed management. In this study, we propose a relationship between the curve number (SCS 1956) and Sediment Yield Index (SYI) using cubic splines. The method is illustrated with a case study of one watershed of Narmada Basin located in Mandla district of Madhya Pradesh, India. Cubic splines are found to perform satisfactorily with Nash efficiency of 63.64%, absolute prediction error of 2.64%, integral square error of 1.22%, coefficient of correlation of 93.78% and degree of agreement of 0.99%. The relation between observed and computed SYI values is correlated with a coefficient of determination (R 2) of 0.87. Such a relationship can be used to determine SYI from the available CN value, which may be quite useful in field applications.  相似文献   
Mineral magnetic analysis including thermo-magnetic studies and clay mineralogy on bed load and floodplain sediments from the Godavari river indicate distinct mineral assemblages. The floodplain sediments up to the delta region are characterised by unimodal ferrimagnetic mineralogy marked by the presence of maghemite and single domain magnetites derived from Deccan basalts. On the other hand the bed loads show varied magnetic mineral assemblages depicting greater local mixing from the non-basaltic bedrock province. The temperature dependent magnetic susceptibility and clay mineralogy of the floodplain samples show titanomagnetites (Fe3O4-Fe2TiO4), maghemite (χ LF-Fe2O3) and smectite that are characteristic of the Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP). Presence of this ferrimagnetically dominant unimodal assemblage up to the delta region and probably into the Bay of Bengal off the Godavari river is attributed to extensive chemical weathering of the basalt. The quantitative approach of mineral magnetism, therefore, can be used to study the paleomonsoon variability and its relation to Deccan basalt weathering from the Godavari-Bengal fan system.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to investigate the association of geomagnetic storms with the component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) perpendicular to the ecliptic (\(Bz\)), the solar wind speed (\(V\)), the product of solar wind speed and \(Bz\) (VBz), the Kp index, and the sunspot number (SSN) for two consecutive even solar cycles, Solar Cycles 22 (1986?–?1995) and 24 (2009?–?2017). A comparative study has been done using the superposed epoch method (Chree analysis). The results of the present analysis show that \(Bz\) is a geoeffective parameter. The correlation coefficient between Dst and \(Bz\) is found to be 0.8 for both Solar Cycles 22 and 24, which indicates that these two parameters are highly correlated. Statistical relationships between Dst and Kp are established and it is shown that for the two consecutive even solar cycles, Solar Cycles 22 and 24, the patterns are strikingly similar. The correlation coefficient between Dst and Kp is found to be the same for the two solar cycles (?0.8), which clearly indicates that these parameters are well anti-correlated. For the same studied period we found that the SSN does not show any relationship with Dst and Kp, while there exists an inverse relation between Dst and the solar wind speed, with some time lag. We have also found that VBz is a more relevant parameter for the production of geomagnetic storms, as compared to \(V\) and \(Bz\) separately. In addition, we have found that in Solar Cycles 22 and 24 this combined parameter is more relevant during the descending phase as compared to the ascending phase.  相似文献   
Jharkhand is one of the eastern states of India which has an agriculture-based economy. Uncertain and erratic distribution of precipitation as well as a lack of state water resources planning is the major limitation to crop growth in the region. In this study, the spatial and temporal variability in precipitation in the state was examined using a monthly precipitation time series of 111 years (1901–2011) from 18 meteorological stations. Autocorrelation and Mann–Kendall/modified Mann–Kendall tests were utilized to detect possible trends, and the Theil and Sen slope estimator test was used to determine the magnitude of change over the entire time series. The most probable change year (change point) was detected using the Pettitt–Mann–Whitney test, and the entire time series was sub-divided into two parts: before and after the change point. Arc-Map 9.3 software was utilized to assess the spatial patterns of the trends over the entire state. Annual precipitation exhibited a decreasing trend in 5 out of 18 stations during the whole period. For annual, monsoon and winter periods of precipitation, the slope test indicated a decreasing trend for all stations during 1901–2011. The highest variability was observed in post-monsoon precipitation (77.87 %) and the lowest variability was observed in the annual series (15.76 %) over the 111 years. An increasing trend in precipitation in the state was found during the period 1901–1949, which was reversed during the subsequent period (1950–2011).  相似文献   
We describe here a sequence of soft sediment deformation (SSD) structures at Dive Agar beach near Srivardhan in the west coast of India. The ~120-cm-thick sediment package is represented by a basal undeformed sand (layer A) sharply cut by ~30-cm-thick intermixed beach sand and terrigenous sand (layer B1) followed by complex load structures and convolutions (8?C15?cm) within a coarse sandy layer (B2). The layer B2 is scoured by terrigenous sand (layer C1) which is capped with a silty mud layer (C2). The entire sequence (B2?CC1?CC2) is intruded by sand dykes originating from the lower layer B1. This sediment package is further overlain by a heavy mineral reach marine sand (layer D) with liquefactions long axes inclined southward as a result of forceful long-shore drift. The profile ends up with coarse-grained, poorly sorted sand including angular clasts of terrigenous outwash deposits indicating return of distal inundations. Intense deformation (liquefaction) is restricted to the heavy mineral-rich marine and the intermixed sands (layers B2 and D), whereas the terrigenous sand layers show scoured bases with oscillatory and pebbly tops. The presence of complex load structures injecting into the underlying layers, the top-truncated sand dykes, macro-thrust faults, scouring, and inclusion of coral fragments can explain it as a record of tsunami in the west coast. Occurrence of un-decayed consumer plastic material within the deformed layers suggests it as one of the most recent tsunami events (i.e., 2004 IOT), the only reported event after 1945 in the west coast. Alternative marine and terrigenous sands are characteristic of tsunami run-up and backwash deposits, while the dimensions of SSDs may be related to the <2?m magnitude (height) of the 2004 IOT at Dive Agar.  相似文献   
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