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The plasma-wave experiment ASPI (analysis of spectra of plasma waves and instabilities) on board the INTERBALL spacecraft is a combined wave diagnostics experiment. It performs measurements of the DC and AC magnetic field vector by flux-gate and searchcoil sensors, the DC and AC electric field vector by Langmuir double probes and the plasma current by Langmuir split probe. Preliminary data analysis shows the low noise levels of the sensors and the compatibility of new data with the results of previous missions. During several months of in-orbit operation a rich collection of data was acquired, examples of which at the magnetopause and plasma sheet are presented in second part of the paper.  相似文献   
The interplay between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the large scale ocean circulation is inspected in a twentieth century simulation conducted with a state-of-the-art coupled general circulation model. Significant lead–lag covariance between oceanic and tropospheric variables suggests that the system supports a damped oscillatory mode involving an active ocean–atmosphere coupling, with a typical NAO-like space structure and a 5 years timescale, qualitatively consistent with a mid-latitude delayed oscillator paradigm. The two essential processes governing the oscillation are (1) a negative feedback between ocean gyre circulation and the high latitude SST meridional gradient and (2) a positive feedback between SST and the NAO. The atmospheric NAO pattern appears to have a weaker projection on the ocean meridional overturning, compared to the gyre circulation, which leads to a secondary role for the thermohaline circulation in driving the meridional heat transport, and thus the oscillatory mode.  相似文献   
In this paper we report about a small region on the northern scarp of Olympus Mons showing an increase of the 3 μm hydration band in the OMEGA spectra, together with low superficial temperatures. Although water ice clouds can occurs on the flank of big martian volcanoes, radiative transfer modeling indicates that atmospheric water ice alone cannot justify the shape of the observed band. A fit of the 1.9–3 μm absorption features is obtained by hypothesizing that the study region consists of a mixture of dust and water ice covered by an optically thin (τ=0.08 at 3 μm) layer of dust. Thermal modeling also suggests that water ice in this region may be stable during most of the martian year due to the saturation of the atmosphere. If water ice is responsible for the observed spectral behavior, it might consist of a number of ice or snow patches possibly deposited in small depressions.  相似文献   
The Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR) is one of the modules of EChO, the Exoplanets Characterization Observatory proposed to ESA for an M-class mission. EChO is aimed to observe planets while transiting by their suns. Then the instrument had to be designed to assure a high efficiency over the whole spectral range. In fact, it has to be able to observe stars with an apparent magnitude Mv?=?9–12 and to see contrasts of the order of 10?4–10?5 necessary to reveal the characteristics of the atmospheres of the exoplanets under investigation. VNIR is a spectrometer in a cross-dispersed configuration, covering the 0.4–2.5 μm spectral range with a resolving power of about 330 and a field of view of 2 arcsec. It is functionally split into two channels respectively working in the 0.4–1.0 μm and 1.0–2.5 μm spectral ranges. Such a solution is imposed by the fact the light at short wavelengths has to be shared with the EChO Fine Guiding System (FGS) devoted to the pointing of the stars under observation. The spectrometer makes use of a HgCdTe detector of 512 by 512 pixels, 18 μm pitch and working at a temperature of 45 K as the entire VNIR optical bench. The instrument has been interfaced to the telescope optics by two optical fibers, one per channel, to assure an easier coupling and an easier colocation of the instrument inside the EChO optical bench.  相似文献   
The realization of a Laue lens for astronomical purposes involves the mass production of a series of crystalline tiles as optical components, allowing high-efficiency diffraction and high-resolution focusing of photons. Crystals with self-standing curved diffraction planes is a valid and promising solution. Exploiting the quasi-mosaic effect, it turns out to be possible to diffract radiation at higher resolution. In this paper we present the realization of 150 quasi-mosaic Ge samples, bent by grooving one of their largest surface. We show that grooving method is a viable technique to manufacture such crystals in a simple and very reproducible way, thus compatible with mass production. Realized samples present very homogenous curvature. Furthermore, with a specific chemical etch, it is possible to fine adjust one by one the radius of curvature of the grooved samples. Realized crystals was selected for the ASI’s Laue project, that involves the implementation of a prototype of a Laue lens for hard X- and soft γ-ray astronomy.  相似文献   
PCBs were analysed in surficial sediments and selected sediment cores collected between 2002 and 2008 in Central Vietnam coastal lagoons. The aim was to determine contamination levels and trends, and to evaluate the effects of anthropogenic pressures and natural events. Samples were mostly fine-grained with low total PCB concentrations (0.367-44.7 μg kg−1). Atmospheric transport and post depositional processes modify to some degree the fingerprint of PCB inputs to the environment favouring the predominance of 3, 4 and 5 chlorinated congeners. The similarity of congener distributions in contemporary surficial samples also suggests the presence of a unique source over the entire study area, probably connected to mobilisation and long range transports from land-based stocks. The removal of consistent sediment layers is hypothesised based on repeated samplings of the same area. Natural meteorological events (such as typhoons) are suspected to be responsible for these sediment losses.  相似文献   
Common and radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions of plagioclase and anti-perthitic feldspars from granulite-facies lower crustal xenoliths from the Labait Volcano on the eastern margin of the Tanzanian Craton have been measured via laser ablation MC-ICP-MS. Common Pb in plagioclase and a single stage Pb evolution model indicate that the lower crust of the Tanzanian Craton was extracted from mantle having a 238U/204Pb of 8.1 ± 0.3 and a 232Th/238U of 4.3 ± 0.1 at 2.71 ± 0.09 Ga (all uncertainties are 2σ). Since 2.4 Ga, some orthoclase domains within anti-perthites have evolved with a maximum 238U/204Pb of 6 and 232Th/238U of 4.3. The spread in Pb isotopic composition in the anti-perthitic feldspars yields single crystal Pb–Pb isochrons of ~ 2.4 Ga, within uncertainty of U–Pb zircon ages from the same sample suite. The Pb isotopic heterogeneities imply that these granulites resided at temperatures < 600 °C in the lower crust of the Tanzanian Craton from ca. 2.4 Ga to the present. In concert with the chemistry of surface samples, mantle xenoliths, and lower crustal xenoliths, our data imply that the cratonic lithosphere in Tanzania formed ca. ~ 2.7 Ga, in a convergent margin setting, and has remained undisturbed since 2.7 Ga.  相似文献   
During the ML = 5.6 and 5.8 earthquakes occurredin central Italy on 26 September 1997 the historiccentre of Nocera Umbra, lying on top of a 120 m highhill, was diffusely damaged (VII-VIII degrees of MCSintensity). Some recently built houses in the modernpart of the town suffered an even higher level ofdamage. A temporary seismic array was deployed toinvestigate a possible correlation between localamplifications of ground motion in this area and theobserved pattern of damage. After a geologic andmacroseismic survey, eight sites were selected asrepresentative of different local conditions, such astopographic irregularities, sharp hard-to-softlithology transitions, alluvium-filled valleys, andboth undisturbed and deformed rocks.Horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios for bothmicrotremor and earthquake recordings, as well asspectral ratios referred to undisturbed rock sites,were used to quantify local variations of groundmotion. In spite of the diffuse damage in the historiccentre of Nocera Umbra, a small amplification isobserved at the stations on the hill's top. Thissuggests that the higher vulnerability of the ancientbuildings mainly accounts for the diffuse damage inthat part of the town. In the frequency band ofengineering interest (1 to 10 Hz) the largestamplifications of ground motion are found at softsites: in the Topino river valley, where many episodesof severe structural damage occurred, spectralamplification is significant over a broad frequencyband ranging from 2 Hz to more than 20 Hz. Inparticular, in the central part of the valley highamplification (> 4) is found from 3 to 10 Hz,reaching a maximum of 20 around 4 Hz. At the edge ofthe valley, close to the soil-to-rock transition,amplification is as large as 10 in a frequency bandranging from 4 to more than 20 Hz. A significantamplification (by a factor of 10 around 10 Hz) isobserved also at one of the rock sites, possibly dueto the presence of a cataclastic zone related to theactivity of a regional fault that altered themechanical properties of the rock.  相似文献   
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