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A regional ocean circulation model with four-dimensional variational data assimilation scheme is configured to study the ocean state of the Indian Ocean region (65°E–95°E; 5°N–20°N) covering the Arabian Sea (AS) and Bay of Bengal (BoB). The state estimation setup uses 10 km horizontal resolution and 5 m vertical resolution in the upper ocean. The in-situ temperature and salinity, satellite-derived observations of sea surface height, and blended (in-situ and satellite-derived) observations of sea surface temperature alongwith their associated uncertainties are used for data assimilation with the regionally configured ocean model. The ocean state estimation is carried out for 61 days (1 June to 31 July 2013). The assimilated fields are closer to observations compared to other global state estimates. The mixed layer depth (MLD) of the region shows deepening during the period of assimilation with AS showing higher MLD compared to the BoB. An empirical forecast equation is derived for the prediction of MLD using the air–sea forcing variables as predictors. The surface and sub-surface (50 m) heat and salt budget tendencies of the region are also investigated. It is found that at the sub-surface, only the advection and diffusion temperature and salt tendencies are important.  相似文献   
The effect of river runoff over the northern Indian Ocean(NIO) especially over the Bay of Bengal(Bo B) has been studied using global Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean(NEMO). Two sensitivity experiments, with and without river runoff are conducted and the influence of river runoff on the Indian Ocean hydrography,stratification and circulation features are studied. It is found that due to river runoff surface salinity over the northern Bo B decreases by more than 5 and the East India Coastal Current strengthens by 2 cm/s during post monsoon season. The fresh river water reaches up to 15°N in the Bo B and is the main cause for low salinity there.Sea surface temperature in the northwestern Bo B increases by more than 0.2℃ due to the river runoff in summer monsoon while surface cooling upto 0.2℃ is seen in north-west part of Bo B in winter season. The seasonal mixed layer depth in the region is found to be dependent on river runoff. The effect of vertical shear and Brunt Vaisala frequency on stratification is also examined. The ocean water becomes highly stratified up to 3 035 m due to the river runoff. It is found that the energy required for mixing is high in the northern and coastal Bo B.  相似文献   
In this paper, effort is made to demonstrate the quality of high-resolution regional ocean circulation model in realistically simulating the circulation and variability properties of the northern Indian Ocean(10°S–25°N,45°–100°E) covering the Arabian Sea(AS) and Bay of Bengal(BoB). The model run using the open boundary conditions is carried out at 10 km horizontal resolution and highest vertical resolution of 2 m in the upper ocean.The surface and sub-surface structure of hydrographic variables(temperature and salinity) and currents is compared against the observations during 1998–2014(17 years). In particular, the seasonal variability of the sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity, and surface currents over the model domain is studied. The highresolution model's ability in correct estimation of the spatio-temporal mixed layer depth(MLD) variability of the AS and BoB is also shown. The lowest MLD values are observed during spring(March-April-May) and highest during winter(December-January-February) seasons. The maximum MLD in the AS(BoB) during December to February reaches 150 m (67 m). On the other hand, the minimum MLD in these regions during March-April-May becomes as low as 11–12 m. The influence of wind stress, net heat flux and freshwater flux on the seasonal variability of the MLD is discussed. The physical processes controlling the seasonal cycle of sea surface temperature are investigated by carrying out mixed layer heat budget analysis. It is found that air-sea fluxes play a dominant role in the seasonal evolution of sea surface temperature of the northern Indian Ocean and the contribution of horizontal advection, vertical entrainment and diffusion processes is small. The upper ocean zonal and meridional volume transport across different sections in the AS and BoB is also computed. The seasonal variability of the transports is studied in the context of monsoonal currents.  相似文献   
The drainage basin of the Kalyani river, a tributary of Gomati river has been mapped and delineated using Survey of India toposheets (1:50,000 scale) and remote sensing satellite data. The digitization, slope map preparation and statistical calculations have been carried out with the help of geographical information system (Arc GIS 10). Kalyani a fifth order river exhibits meandering behavior having 2.45 sinuosity index (SI). The Kalyani river basin has about 1235 km2area with NW-SE sloping trend. The total number of first, second, third, and fourth order streams are 373, 71, 12 and 2 respectively, showing dominance of first order streams in the basin. The mean bifurcation ratio (Rb) of the entire basin is 4.8, which indicates that the drainage is not much influenced by geological structures and exhibits dendritic drainage pattern. Relief ratio (Rr) indicates low to medium surface run-off, and low stream power for erosion. The analysis of river bank height ‘r’ (escarpment) and longitudinal profile of the river closely reveals neotectonic activity at some locations in the basin. To prepare a comprehensive watershed development and management plan, it is important to understand the topography and drainage characteristics of the region.  相似文献   
A method is presented which seeks to overcome a number of disadvantages that are inherent in the conventional practice of plotting the Tromp curve and analysing it for its various measures, e.g., specific gravity of separation, probable error and error area. A sufficient condition is established for extracting the appropriate criteria of the sharpness of classification, which are independent of coal-feed distribution in specific gravity. Partition area, a modified areal measure, similar to the conventional error area, of the equipment's deviation from ideal classification behavior is derived from the theoretical partition function. A purely numerical procedure is developed for locating the specific gravity of separation and the partition area. Unlike the Tromp-curve-based conventional procedure, the proposed histogram-based method is fast, more convenient and objective for analysing the coal-cleaning plant data.  相似文献   
Water Resources - This paper reports a series of experimental studies done to simulate the flow behavior over crump and ogee type of weirs. The transition of subcritical to supercritical flow, as...  相似文献   
Impervious surfaces have a significant impact on urban runoff, groundwater, base flow, water quality, and climate. Increase in Anthropogenic Impervious Surfaces (AIS) for a region is a true representation of urban expansion. Monitoring of AIS in an urban region is helpful for better urban planning and resource management. Cost effective and efficient maps of AIS can be obtained for larger areas using remote sensing techniques. In the present study, extraction of AIS has been carried out using Double window Flexible Pace Search (DFPS) from a new index named as Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index (NDAISI). NDAISI is developed by enhancing Biophysical Composition Index (BCI) in two stages using a new Modified Normalized Difference Soil Index (MNDSI). MNDSI has been developed from Band 7 and Band 8 (PAN) of Landsat 8 data. In comparison to existing impervious surface extraction methods, the new NDAISI approach is able to improve Spectral Discrimination Index (SDI) for bare soil and AIS significantly. Overall accuracy of mapping of AIS, using NDAISI approach has been found to be increased by nearly 23% when compared with existing impervious surface extraction methods.  相似文献   
The unconfined aquifer supported by the extensive Holocene coastal plain of southern Brazil is found dissected at several places by tidally forced streams. One such unit of coastal plain, falling within the watershed limits of Perequê Stream in Paraná state, was analyzed using MODFLOW to assess the surface and subsurface water components under different stress conditions. The steady-state simulation suggests that ~23,000 m3/day of water forms the total budget of the designated aquifer zone and this zone discharges ~16,000 m3/day across the interface between the freshwater aquifer zone and the sea as direct submarine discharge. The maximum evaporation loss was assumed to be 2,700 m3/day. Any change in effective aquifer storage was insignificant, as there is no large-scale exploitation of local groundwater reserves. A calibration exercise, based on field measurements lasting 1 year, supports validity of the model considered. Simulations representing two different transient conditions point to the dynamic hydraulic response exhibited by the aquifer. A schematic map, showing directions and velocity of subsurface flows, and a three-dimensional model of the groundwater reserve helped to visualize the hydrogeologic changes and to formulate management plans.  相似文献   
The high-resolution Bay of Bengal circulation modeling in the region [80E–95E; 5N–22N] is performed with a horizontal resolution of 10 km and the highest vertical resolution of 5 m near the surface. The intercomparison experiments, with ocean model forced with the near-surface (1) National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis winds and (2) blended seawinds data (a combination of remotely sensed scatterometer and in situ observations) are carried out for a period of 17 years during 1998–2014. The seasonal variability of the realistically simulated surface hydrographic (temperature and salinity) and circulation (currents) variables from both the experiments is compared and contrasted with the observational data. The mixed layer depth seasonal variability of the region is also studied. The mesoscale features of currents at 50 and 100 m are also studied. The volume transport across different sections in the Bay of Bengal is computed and its relation with summer monsoon rainfall is investigated. The results suggest that there is no real advantage of using high-resolution blended seawinds over the much coarser NCEP reanalysis winds.  相似文献   
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