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Atsumu Ohmura 《GeoJournal》1984,8(3):221-228
Seasonal change in the energy balance on the arctic tundra is presented. The thermal stability of a dry snow cover is investigated in detail. In addition to high reflection by the snow cover, a significant absorption of solar radiation on the very surface of the snow cover was found responsible for the thermal stability. The efficient absorption of solar radiation by the surface rather than the interior of the snow cover and the almost immediate removal of the absorbed energy through radiative emission and turbulent heat fluxes keep the temperature of the snow cover low.The energy balances for the melt and postmelt period for various arctic surfaces are compared. The most important difference of the energy balance between the tundra and tther low attitude arctic surface, such as the sea and ablation areas of glaciers, is not the net radiation but the latent heat of fusion. Extremely small heat cosuumption through the melt on the tundra is the basis for higher temperature, characteristics to the tundra climate in the Arctic.  相似文献   
The total solar irradiance (TSI, or solar constant) acquired a new value: 1361 W m?2 instead of 1365 W m?2. However a long-term variation of TSI was not detected. The solar irradiance at the earth's surface is considerably smaller (170 W m?2) than previously believed (e.g. 198 W m?2 of IPCC AR4). The previous overestimation is due to the underestimation of the absorption of solar radiation in the atmosphere. The absorption of solar radiation in the atmosphere at about 90 W m?2, or 25–28% of the primary solar radiation from space. The global mean atmospheric downward terrestrial radiation is much larger (345 W m?2) than previously assumed (325 W m?2 of IPCC AR4). The Arctic has regions of negative annual net radiation, a very rare phenomenon on the globe. These regions are the Central Arctic Ocean with its multi-year ice coverage and the accumulation area of the Greenland ice sheet. The energy balance of these regions is presented. Long-wave incoming radiation has been increasing in the Arctic at a rate of 4–5 W m?2/Decade. The Greenland ice sheet exhibits a large vertical difference in net radiation from the ablation area to the dry snow zone in summer. It ranges from 80 W m?2 in the ablation area to 20 W m?2 at the equilibrium line and to 10 W m?2 in the dry snow zone. This gradient determines the melt gradient on the ice sheet, and is mainly caused by the altitude variation in atmospheric long-wave radiation, seconded by the albedo variation. The effect of albedo in summer for various surfaces is discussed. Simulation capabilities of radiation for many GCMs are investigated.  相似文献   
Annual precipitation,evaporation,and calculated accumulation from reanalysis model outputs have been investigated for the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS),based on the common period of 1989-2001.The ERA-40 and ERA-interim reanalysis data showed better agreement with observations than do NCEP-1 and NCEP-2 reanalyses.Further,ERA-interim showed the closest spatial distribution of accumulation to the observation.Concerning temporal variations,ERA-interim showed the best correlation with precipitation observations at five synoptic stations,and the best correlation with in situ measurements of accumulation at nine ice core sites.The mean annual precipitation averaged over the whole GrIS from ERA-interim (363 mm yr 1) and mean annual accumulation (319 mm yr 1) are very close to the observations.The validation of accumulation calculated from reanalysis data against ice-core measurements suggests that further improvements to reanalysis models are needed.  相似文献   
Seasonal change in the energy balance on the arctic tundra is presented. The thermal stability of a dry snow cover is investigated in detail. In addition to high reflection by the snow cover, a significant absorption of solar radiation on the very surface of the snow cover was found responsible for the thermal stability. The efficient absorption of solar radiation by the surface rather than the interior of the snow cover and the almost immediate removal of the absorbed energy through radiative emission and turbulent heat fluxes keep the temperature of the snow cover low. The energy balances for the melt and postmelt period for various arctic surfaces are compared. The most important difference of the energy balance between the tundra and tther low attitude arctic surface, such as the sea and ablation areas of glaciers, is not the net radiation but the latent heat of fusion. Extremely small heat cosuumption through the melt on the tundra is the basis for higher temperature, characteristics to the tundra climate in the Arctic.  相似文献   
The ability of a high resolution (T106) version of the ECHAM3 general circulation model to simulate regional scale surface radiative fluxes has been assessed using observations from a new compilation of worldwide instrumentally-measured surface fluxes (Global Energy Balance Archive, GEBA). The focus is on the European region where the highest density of observations is found, and their use for the validation of global and regional climate models is demonstrated. The available data allow a separate assessment of the simulated fluxes of surface shortwave, longwave, and net radiation for this region. In summer, the incoming shortwave radiation calculated by the ECHAM3/T106 model is overestimated by 45 W m–2 over most of Europe, which implies a largely unrealistic forcing on the model surface scheme and excessive surface temperatures. In winter, too little incoming shortwave radiation reaches the model surface. Similar tendencies are found over large areas of the mid-latitudes. These biases are consistent with deficiencies in the simulation of cloud amount, relative humidity and clear sky radiative transfer. The incoming longwave radiation is underestimated at the European GEBA stations predominantly in summer. This largely compensates for the excessive shortwave flux, leading to annual mean net radiation values over Europe close to observations due to error cancellation, a feature already noted in the simulated global mean values in an earlier study. Furthermore, the annual cycle of the simulated surface net radiation is strongly affected by the deficiencies in the simulated incoming shortwave radiation. The high horizontal resolution of the GCM allows an assessment of orographically induced flux gradients based on observations from the European Alps. Although the model-calculated and observed flux fields substantially differ in their absolute values, several aspects of their gradients are realistically captured. The deficiencies identified in the model fields are generally consistent at most stations, indicating a high degree of representativeness of the measurements for their larger scale setting.  相似文献   
Glacier mass balance and secular changes in mountain glaciers and ice caps are evaluated from the annual net balance of 137 glaciers from 17 glacierized regions of the world. Further, the winter and summer balances for 35 glaciers in 11 glacierized regions are analyzed. The global means are calculated by weighting glacier and regional surface areas. The area-weighted global mean net balance for the period 1960?C2000 is ?270 ± 34 mm a?1 w.e. (water equivalent, in mm per year) or (?149 ± 19 km3 a?1 w.e.), with a winter balance of 890 ± 24 mm a?1 w.e. (490 ± 13 km3 a?1 w.e.) and a summer balance of ?1,175 ± 24 mm a?1 w.e. (?647 ± 13 km3 a?1 w.e.). The linear-fitted global net balance is accelerating at a rate of ?9 ± 2.1 mm a?2. The main driving force behind this change is the summer balance with an acceleration of ?10 ± 2.0 mm a?2. The decadal balance, however, shows significant fluctuations: summer melt reached its peak around 1945, followed by a decrease. The negative trend in the annual net balance is interrupted by a period of stagnation from 1960s to 1980s. Some regions experienced a period of positive net balance during this time, for example, Europe. The balance has become strongly negative since the early 1990s. These decadal fluctuations correspond to periods of global dimming (for smaller melt) and global brightening (for larger melt). The total radiation at the surface changed as a result of an imbalance between steadily increasing greenhouse gases and fluctuating aerosol emissions. The mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet and the surrounding small glaciers, averaged for the period of 1950?C2000, is negative at ?74 ± 10 mm a?1 w.e. (?128 ± 18 km3 a?1 w.e.) with an accumulation of 297 ± 33 mm a?1 w.e. (519 ± 58 km3 a?1 w.e.), melt ablation ?169 ± 18 mm a?1 w.e. (?296 ± 31 km3 a?1 w.e.), calving ablation ?181 ± 19 mm a?1 w.e. (?316 ± 33 km3 a?1 w.e.) and the bottom melt-21 ± 2 mm a?1 w.e. (?35 ± 4 km3 a?1 w.e.). Almost half (?60 ± 3 km3 a?1) of the net mass loss comes from mountain glaciers and ice caps around the ice sheet. At present, it is difficult to detect any statistically significant trends for these components. The total mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet is considered to be too premature to evaluate. The estimated sea-level contributions in the twentieth Century are 5.7 ± 0.5 cm by mountain glaciers and ice caps outside Antarctica, 1.9 ± 0.5 cm by the Greenland ice sheet, and 2 cm by ocean thermal expansion. The difference of 7 cm between these components and the estimated value with tide-gage networks (17 cm) must result from other sources such as the mass balance of glaciers of Antarctica, especially small glaciers separated from the ice sheet.  相似文献   
Enhanced temperature variability in high-altitude climate change   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the present article, monthly mean temperature at 56 stations assembled in 18 regional groups in 10 major mountain ranges of the world were investigated. The periods of the analysis covered the last 50 to 110?years. The author found that the variability of temperature in climatic time scale tends to increase with altitude in about 65?% of the regional groups. A smaller number of groups, 20?%, showed the fastest change at an intermediate altitude between the peaks (or ridges) and their foot, while the remaining small number of sites, 15?%, showed the largest trends at the foot of mountains. This tendency provides a useful base for considering and planning the climate impact evaluations. The reason for the amplification of temperature variation at high altitudes is traced back to the increasing diabatic processes in the mid- and high troposphere as a result of the cloud condensation. This situation results from the fact that the radiation balance at the earth??s surface is transformed more efficiently into latent heat of evaporation rather than sensible heat, the ratio between them being 4 to 1. Variation in the surface evaporation is converted into heat upon condensation into cloud particles and ice crystals in the mid- and high troposphere. Therefore, this is the altitude where the result of the surface radiation change is effectively transferred. Further, the low temperature of the environment amplifies the effect of the energy balance variation on the surface temperature, as a result of the functional shape of Stefan?CBoltzmann law. These processes altogether contribute to enhancing temperature variability at high altitudes. The altitude plays an important role in determining the temperature variability, besides other important factors such as topography, surface characteristics, cryosphere/temperature feedback and the frequency and intensity of an inversion. These processes have a profound effect not only on the ecosystem but also on glaciers and permafrost.  相似文献   
This paper describes an intercomparison between the Väisälä, VIZ and Swiss (used at upper-air station 06610) radiosondes. The field experiment was supported by a series of carefully implemented laboratory tests. The results show that the temperature sensor data from the SMI and VIZ sondes both require additional radiation compensation for daylight ascents whilst the Swiss sonde's pressure sensor has particularly large errors in the 200–100 mb region. New correction parameters have been determined for the SMI and VIZ sondes and these have now been built into the systems' software.  相似文献   
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