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A series of new radio-continuum (λ=20 cm) mosaic images focused on the NGC?300 galactic system were produced using archived observational data from the VLA and/or ATCA. These new images are both very sensitive (rms?=60 μJy) and feature high angular resolution (<10?″). The most prominent new feature is the galaxy’s extended radio-continuum emission, which does not match its optical appearance. Using these newly created images a number of previously unidentified discrete sources have been discovered. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a joint deconvolution approach to imaging this complete data-set is inferior when compared to an immerge approach.  相似文献   
As a result of climate change and unsustainable land use management in the recent past, droughts have become one of the most devastating climatic hazards whose impacts may prolong from months to years. This study presents analysis of droughts for two major cropping seasons, i.e., Kharif (May–September) and Rabi (October–April), over the Potwar Plateau of Pakistan. The analysis is performed using various datasets viz. observational, reanalysis, and Regional Climate Models (RCMs), for the past (1981–2010) and future (2011–2100) time periods. The following two methods for the identification of dry and wet years, also referred to as drought and wetness, are applied: (1) the percentile rank approach and (2) the drought indices, Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI). Future projections of droughts are investigated using RCM (RegCM4.4 and RCA4) outputs from CORDEX South Asia domain under two Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. Generally, the indices show non-significant decreasing trends of drought severity in the recent past for all cases; however, significant increasing trends are observed for annual (0.006) and Kharif (0.007) cases under RCP4.5 scenario. The analysis of large-scale atmospheric dynamics suggests the significant role of low-level geopotential height anomalies over Tibetan Plateau (northwest of Pakistan) during Kharif (Rabi) season in controlling drought occurrence by transporting moisture from the Bay of Bengal (Arabian Sea). Moreover, composites of vertically integrated moisture transport, moisture flux convergence/divergence, and precipitable water anomalies show their marked contribution in maintaining the drought/wetness conditions over the Potwar region.  相似文献   
This study examines the PNA associated atmospheric diabatic heating by linearly isolating the influence of ENSO. The analysis is based on the NCEP–NCAR and ERA-40 reanalyses and a 1,000-year-long integration of the CCCma coupled climate model. Both the vertically integrated and three-dimensional diabatic heating are examined. The Rossby wave sources in association with the PNA are also diagnosed. The PNA-related heating is confined outside the tropics and is dominated by anomalies in the eastern Pacific, with a north–south dipole structure in mid-latitudes and the northern subtropics. The heating anomalies change sign with height in mid-latitudes but have the same sign throughout the troposphere in the northern subtropics. Relatively weak heating anomalies also appear in mid-latitudes, downstream of the heating dipole over North America and the western North Atlantic. The heating anomalies are largely supported by the advections related to the mean state throughout the troposphere, and partially damped by the advections related to the eddy effect, particularly at the upper troposphere over the North Pacific. Broadly similar patterns are seen from the NCEP–NCAR and ERA-40 reanalyses. Yet anomalous heating centers are generally located at relatively lower troposphere for the ERA-40 with respect to the NCEP–NCAR. The tropical heating anomalies are rather weak, remarkably different from those related to ENSO variability. In addition, the Rossby wave source collocates with the atmospheric diabatic forcing in the mid-high latitudes over the PNA sector, and shows no forcing source in the tropics. The results demonstrate possible forcing in the mid-high latitudes, regardless of tropical heating for the PNA teleconnection. The modeled heating and wave forcing anomalies in association with the modeled PNA compare reasonably well with the reanalysis-based estimates, increasing confidence in the observational results. The analysis provides further evidence of the independence of the PNA on ENSO from the diabatic heating point of view.  相似文献   

Trends in Canadian temperature and precipitation during the 20th century are analyzed using recently updated and adjusted station data. Six elements, maximum, minimum and mean temperatures along with diurnal temperature range (DTR), precipitation totals and ratio of snowfall to total precipitation are investigated. Anomalies from the 1961–1990 reference period were first obtained at individual stations, and were then used to generate gridded datasets for subsequent trend analyses. Trends were computed for 1900–1998 for southern Canada (south of 60°N), and separately for 1950–1998 for the entire country, due to insufficient data in the high arctic prior to the 1950s.

From 1900–1998, the annual mean temperature has increased between 0.5 and 1.5°C in the south. The warming is greater in minimum temperature than in maximum temperature in the first half of the century, resulting in a decrease of DTR. The greatest warming occurred in the west, with statistically significant increases mostly seen during spring and summer periods. Annual precipitation has also increased from 5% to 35% in southern Canada over the same period. In general, the ratio of snowfall to total precipitation has been increasing due mostly to the increase in winter precipitation which generally falls as snow and an increase of ratio in autumn. Negative trends were identified in some southern regions during spring. From 1950–1998, the pattern of temperature change is distinct: warming in the south and west and cooling in the northeast, with similar magnitudes in both maximum and minimum temperatures. This pattern is mostly evident in winter and spring. Across Canada, precipitation has increased by 5% to 35%, with significant negative trends found in southern regions during winter. Overall, the ratio of snowfall to total precipitation has increased, with significant negative trends occurring mostly in southern Canada during spring.

Indices of abnormal climate conditions are also examined. These indices were defined as areas of Canada for 1950–1998, or southern Canada for 1900–1998, with temperature or precipitation anomalies above the 66th or below the 34th percentiles in their relevant time series. These confirmed the above findings and showed that climate has been becoming gradually wetter and warmer in southern Canada throughout the entire century, and in all of Canada during the latter half of the century.  相似文献   
本文利用模式识别方法,判定浙江省及其邻区的5.0级和5.5级地震的潜在震源区,并研究了它们的发震背景特征,同时与强震区的地震进行了对比。研究表明,两种地区的发震背景在地质构造和深部构造上存在一定的差异。本文还指出了未来有可能发生5.0级地震的地区。  相似文献   
Tropical forest embraces a large stock of carbon and contributes to the enormous amount of above- and below-ground biomass and the global carbon cycle. The carbon kept in the above-ground living biomass of trees is typically the largest pool and the most directly impacted by deforestation and degradation. Hence, quantifying carbon stock and fluxes from tropical forests by estimating the above-ground forest biomass is the critical step that will be investigated further in this paper. Remote sensing technology can provide many advantages in quantifying and mapping forest structure and monitoring and mapping above-ground biomass, and is both temporally and spatially accurate. Therefore, a good data-set of biomass which comprises canopy height and canopy structure can provide carbon sequestration potential for forest reserves. This paper reviews a thorough research of biomass estimation using remote sensing and geospatial technologies.  相似文献   
A series of new radio-continuum (λ=20, 13, 6 and 3 cm) mosaic images focused on the NGC 55 galactic system were produced using archived observational data from the Australia Telescope Compact Array. These new images are both very sensitive (down to rms=33 μJy) and feature high angular resolution (down to <4″). Using these newly created images, 66 previously unidentified discrete sources are identified. Of these sources, 46 were classified as background sources, 11 as H?ii regions and 6 as supernova remnant candidates. This relatively low number of SNR candidates detected coupled with the low number of large H?ii regions is consistent with the estimated low star formation rate of the galaxy at 0.06 M ?year?1. Our spectral index map shows that the core of galaxy appears to have a shallow spectral index between α=?0.2 and ?0.4. This indicates that the core of the galaxy is a region of high thermal radiation output.  相似文献   
The time series of the daily sums of global and direct irradiance recorded at Tartu-Tõravere Meteorological Station site (58°16′N, 26°28′E, 70 m a.s.l.) in 1955–2006 have been analyzed in seasonal timescales. The average daily ratio G/G clear of available global irradiance to its local climatic clear-sky value in the summer half-year corresponds to 65.5%, while that of the direct irradiance on the horizontal surface I′/I′ clear was 41% of the climatic clear-sky value. In the case of dry Rayleigh atmosphere as a reference, these ratios are 53.5% and 28%, respectively. The time series of the summer season totals reveal a longer interval of reduced values in 1976–1993 as well as two periods of frequent sunny summers in 1967–1975 and since 1994. The probability density distribution of the summer season totals during the observed period is strongly asymmetric; in spring, however, it is close to the normal distribution. In winter, there is a moderate negative correlation between the G/G clear and the North Atlantic Oscillation as well as the Arctic Oscillation indices.  相似文献   
本文利用1987年8月在江西省寻乌发生的三次5.0级以上地震的记录资料,讨论了我国东南地区π_g波的传播特征。结果表明:π_g波的初至波速为6.00km/s,与Press的结果相近;π_g波有明显的频散特征,其卓越周期为0.6—0.8秒,较多表现为正常频散,同时也有少量表现为反常频散,由π_g波的波数及波峰的水平合成矢量得到的振幅辐射图象,基本上与弱非均匀介质辐射图象相近;π_g波各波数水平到时与垂直到时存在明显的到时差。  相似文献   
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