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对2009年8月—2012年8月广东省地基GPS反演的可降水量(GPS/PWV)资料进行分析,建立了该资料的质量控制方案。该方案能合理剔除取值不合理的"离群"资料及与背景场偏差较大的资料。选取2010年5月6—7日及2012年4月27—28日两次前汛期降水过程进行数值试验,经过质量控制,只允许与背景场偏差较小的GPS/PWV资料进入GRAPES三维变分同化系统。并对初始湿度场进行合理调整,使数值预报模式的24 h累积降水量的量级和落区的预报得到明显改进,从而提高数值预报模式的降水预报能力。  相似文献   
We first analyzed GPS precipitable water vapor (GPS/PWV) available from a ground-based GPS observation network in Guangdong from 1 August 2009 to 27 August 2012 and then developed a method of quality control before GPS/PWV data is assimilated into the GRAPES 3DVAR system. This method can reject the outliers effectively. After establishing the criterion for quality control, we did three numerical experiments to investigate the impact on the precipitation forecast with and without the quality-controlled GPS/PWV data before they are assimilated into the system. In the numerical experiments, two precipitation cases (on 6 to 7 May, 2010 and 27 to 28 April, 2012 respectively) that occurred in the annually first raining season of Guangdong were selected. The results indicated that after quality control, only the GPS/PWV data that deviates little from the NCEP/PWV data can be assimilated into the system, has reasonable adjustment of the initial water vapor above Guangdong, and eventually improves the intensity and location of 24-h precipitation forecast significantly.  相似文献   
同化雷达估算降水率对暴雨预报的影响   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
选取2009年3月28日广东省广州市大暴雨过程,考察了变分校准前后Z-I关系估算雷达降水率的区别。变分校准后的降水率资料具有较高的单点精度与合理的梯度分布。降水率资料能够反映大气动力特征和水汽分布等重要信息,是模拟中小尺度系统的关键因子。基于GRAPES (Global/Regional Analysis and Prediction System) 区域三维变分系统,将FSU (Florida State University) 对流参数化方案作为观测算子的同化试验指出,同化降水率资料后同时增强了低层大气的辐合和高层大气的辐散,从而使整层气柱的不稳定能量增加。沙氏指数和K指数诊断分析也表明,同化降水率资料后有利于触发强对流天气。此外,低空辐合有利于水汽垂直输送,维持对流发展,改进降水模拟。逐小时数值模拟结果表明:同化校准后的雷达估算降水率不仅可以改进降水分布,而且使中尺度对流系统的发展和消亡清晰地表现出来。  相似文献   
集合卡尔曼滤波(EnKF)目前在资料同化的科研和业务中已得到广泛应用,可为集合预报提供较好的初始场,其影响半径的选取对同化结果影响显著。2017年5月7日在珠三角(珠江三角洲)一带出现极强降水,尤以广州的花都、黄埔、增城区为盛,甚至出现了极为罕见的特大暴雨。以本次极强降水过程为例,分析影响半径对EnKF同化效果的影响。结果发现利用EnKF方法同化观测站的10 m风和2 m温度资料后,可以较好地模拟出此次强降水过程,但仍存在着位置偏南,强度偏大,局地虚报和过报的现象。当水平影响半径取值过大时,大量虚假信息引入,产生过犹不及的效果,使得强降水过程南移较快,最终导致降水落区显著偏南偏东。且水平影响半径对模拟效果极为重要,因此取值要适当。   相似文献   
Nowadays, ensemble forecasting is popular in numerical weather prediction (NWP). However, an ensemble may not produce a perfect Gaussian probability distribution owing to limited members and the fact that some members significantly deviate from the true atmospheric state. Therefore, event samples with small probabilities may downgrade the accuracy of an ensemble forecast. In this study, the evolution of tropical storms (weak typhoon) was investigated and an observed tropical storm track was used to limit the probability distribution of samples. The ensemble forecast method used pure observation data instead of assimilated data. In addition, the prediction results for three tropical storm systems, Merbok, Mawar, and Guchol, showed that track and intensity errors could be reduced through sample optimization. In the research, the vertical structures of these tropical storms were compared, and the existence of different thermal structures was discovered. One possible reason for structural differences is sample optimization, and it may affect storm intensity and track.  相似文献   
In this paper, we first analyzed cloud drift wind(CDW) data distribution in the vertical direction, and then reassigned the height of every CDW in the research domain in terms of background information, and finally, conducted contrast numerical experiments of assimilating the CDW data before and after reassignment to examine the impacts on the forecast of the track of Typhoon Chanthu(1003) from 00:00(Coordinated Universal Time) 21 July to 00:00 UTC23 July, 2010. The analysis results of the CDW data indicate that the number of CDWs is mainly distributed in the midand upper-troposphere above 500 h Pa, with the maximum number at about 300 h Pa. The height reassigning method mentioned in this work may update the height effectively, and the CDW data are distributed reasonably and no obvious contradiction occurs in the horizontal direction after height reassignment. After assimilating the height-reassigned CDW data, especially the water vapor CDW data, the initial wind field around Typhoon Chanthu(1003) became more reasonable, and then the steering current leading the typhoon to move to the correct location became stronger. As a result, the numerical track predictions are improved.  相似文献   
首先分析了FY-2E云迹风资料在不同高度上的分布,并利用背景场信息对云迹风资料的高度进行整体调整,然后进行数值对比试验,即将高度调整前和高度调整后的云迹风资料分别同化到GRAPES-3DVAR系统中,比较分析同化这两种资料对2010年7月21日0000 UTC—23日0000 UTC的台风路径预报的影响。结果表明,在垂直方向上,500 hPa以上才有云迹风资料,大约在300 hPa的资料最多;文中提出的重定高方法能有效地重新调整云迹风资料的高度,调整后的云迹风分布没有明显的矛盾,分布合理;同化重定高后的云迹风资料后,尤其是水汽通道的云迹风资料,能合理地对初始风场进行调整,使"灿都"台风周围的引导气流有利于其向实测路径靠近,进而有效改进台风路径预报。  相似文献   
集合预报是从一定误差范围内的一组初值出发,这组初值(样本)代表了大气状态的概率分布,集合预报中集合样本的好坏严重影响分析质量。质量较差样本进入集合预报中难免会降低集合预报的整体质量。由于集合样本是模拟大气可能状态的概率分布,因此样本的优选是提高分析质量的关键。通过对集合样本优胜劣汰来分析样本优选对模拟效果的影响。由于台风预报中台风路径的模拟至关重要,因此样本优选的方案为将样本模拟的路径信息与观测的台风报文路径相比较后,保留误差较低的样本,剔除误差较高的样本,从而提升样本的整体质量。但过多的样本被替换将导致集合离散度的大幅下降,因此替换样本的数量要适度。研究结果表明样本优选极可能有利于热带气旋路径和强度模拟的改进,其中对“妮妲”路径误差的改进为4% ~13%,对“鲇鱼”路径误差的改进为11%~28%,对“妮妲”的强度误差改进为5%~37%,“鲇鱼”的强度误差改进为1%~27%。   相似文献   
三维变分同化雷达视风速的改进方案及其数值试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
用雨滴末速度改进了万齐林等2005年提出的一种直接同化多普勒雷达径向风和回波强度时空变化所包含的风场信息——视风速的变分同化方法。通过理论推导和尺度分析发现,中尺度系统中雨滴末速度具有较大的量级,故该项在雷达回波守恒方程中起着重要作用。在原方案的基础上考虑雨滴末速度的影响,可以避免云团的局地增长作用对视风速的干扰,视风速能更准确地表示雷达回波的平流信息。台风风神的雷达观测资料分析表明,改进方案计算的视风速分布紧密、有规则,能较好地表现台风云系内的中尺度辐合辐散结构。运用中国气象科学研究院研发的三维变分同化系统(GRAPES-3D-Var)进行了一组模拟观测试验表明,改进方案的水平风场增量和位势高度增量都与模拟观测减自由积分的差值场相似,呈偶极型环流,径向风的垂直变化也得到明显改进。改进的视风速与径向风共同反演出的大气水平风场更准确。原方案的模拟观测试验则不能表现出以上特征。使用改进方案同化广州雷达观测资料后,敏感性试验的初始场中台风的中心位置与实况观测更接近,初始风场的气旋性环流更明显。敏感性试验模拟的6h降水分布与实况观测更相似,降水中心强度较小,但优于控制试验。  相似文献   
In a limited number of ensembles, some samples do not adequately reflect the true atmospheric state and can in turn affect forecast performance. This study explored the feasibility of sample optimization using the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) for a simulation of the 2014 Super Typhoon Rammasun, which made landfall in southern China in July 2014. Under the premise of sufficient ensemble spread, keeping samples with a good fit to observations and eliminating those with poor fit can affect the performance of EnKF. In the sample optimization, states were selected based on the sample spatial correlation between the ensemble state and observations. The method discarded ensemble states that were less representative and, to maintain the overall ensemble size, generated new ensemble states by reproducing them from ensemble states with a good fit by adding random noise. Sample selection was performed based on radar echo data. Results showed that applying EnKF with optimized samples improved the estimated track, intensity, precipitation distribution, and inner-core structure of Typhoon Rammasun. Therefore, the authors proposed that distinguishing between samples with good and poor fits is vital for ensemble prediction, suggesting that sample optimization is necessary to the effective use of EnKF.  相似文献   
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