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涡致混合扩散是物理海洋研究中的热点和难点问题。本文基于“有效扩散”理论,研究示踪物等值线在海表地转湍流的多尺度搅拌作用下,发生拉伸、扭曲、变形、折叠等改变其几何拓扑结构的现象,并探讨了等值线分形长度的变化与混合效率的关系。研究结果表明,在地转流场的搅拌下,示踪物的等值线会被迅速拉长,并产生丰富的精细结构。这种分形式的增长可达原长度的10~20倍,是混合效率提高的主要原因;而涡丝和锋面伴随的梯度增强虽然也有贡献,但为次要因素。另一方面,在示踪物模拟过程中,小尺度扩散会通过不可逆混合对示踪物进行均匀化,从而抹平等值线的精细结构,抑制等值线的增长,限制混合效率的提高。基于“数盒子”算法计算了等值线的分形维度,其数值在1.4到1.6之间,介于一维和二维之间。但由于地转湍流数据分辨率的限制,无法考虑更小尺度(次中尺度过程)的搅拌作用,可能低估了等值线的分形长度和混合效率。本研究将海洋混合与等值线几何特征联系了起来,初步得到了分形长度和混合效率两者的经验关系式,未来可以利用图像识别等成熟遥感技术将海洋示踪物等值线的几何特征直接转换为混合效率,为诊断分析海洋混合及其参数化提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   
对1973—2008年1月全国160站的温度和降水资料进行联合EOF分析发现,2008年1月低温雨雪天气与第一模态和第三模态有关,两个模态组合能够解释2008年1月南方地区温度和降水异常的90%以上。与第一模态相关的环流场主要反映了西伯利亚高压偏强且位置偏西,其与前秋中亚-蒙古以北的雪盖面积异常偏大以及北太平洋冷海温异常与关。与第三模态相关环流场则主要反映了副热带高压的增强和南支槽的加深,前秋印度洋暖海温异常有利于次年1月副热带高压增强,而前秋北大西洋和黑潮延伸区暖海温异常与次年1月南支槽的加深有关。   相似文献   
ATOVS亮温资料同化在台风数值模拟中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用三维变分同化技术,通过将ATOVS(Advanced TIROS-N Operational Vertical Sounder)(包括AMSUA和AMSUB微波辐射探测器及高分辨率红外辐射探测器HIRS)亮度温度资料直接同化进中尺度数值预报模式WRF中,以提高模式对台风路径的模拟精度。针对两个台风个例鲇鱼(2010)和纳沙(2011)进行了同化试验,结果表明:1)同化卫星亮温资料能够改善台风初始场结构(大气流场、温度场和水汽场),进而提高对台风路径的模拟精度;2)不同资料的同化效果不一样,同化AMSUA资料对台风的路径模拟有较明显的改善效果,而同化HIRS3资料和AMSUB资料则无明显改善效果;3)卫星资料同化对于改变环境引导气流有较大作用,可以通过影响副高的强弱和位置改变环境气流场,从而影响台风的路径。  相似文献   
Global climate models predict that the increasing Amazonian-deforestation rates cause rising tempera- tures (increases of 1.8℃ to 8℃ under different conditions) and Amazonian drying over the 21st century. Observations in the 20th century also show that over the warmer continent and the nearby western South At- lantic Ocean, the lower-layer equatorial westerly wind (LLEWW) strengthens with the initiation of tropical cyclones (TCs). The warmer-continent-related LLEWW can result from the Coriolis-force-induced deflection of the cross-equatorial flow (similar to the well-known heat-island effect on sea breeze) driven by the enhanced land-sea contrast between the warmer urbanized continents and relatively cold oceans. This study focuses on the processes relating the warmer-continent-related LLEWW to the TC initiation and demonstrates that the LLEWW embedded in trade easterlies can directly initiate TCs by creating cyclonic wind shears and forming the intertropical convergence zone. In addition to this direct effect, the LLEWW combined with the rotating Earth can boost additional updraft vapor over the high sea-surface temperature region (factor 1), facilitating a surface-to-midtroposphere moist layer (factor 2) and convective instability (factor 3) followed by diabatic processes. According to previous studies, the diabatic heating in a finite equatorial region also activates TCs (factor 4) on each side of the Equator with weak vertical shear (factor 5). Factors 1-5 are favorable conditions for the initiation of severe TCs. Statistical analyses show that the earliest signal of sustained LLEWW not only leads the earliest signal of sustained tropical depression by >3 days but also explains a higher percentage of total variance.  相似文献   
统计分析了广州市1951~2009年11月的降雨资料,结果表明:广州市11月平均降雨量为38.3 mm,日降雨概率为18.2%;11月12日亚运会开幕式日降雨概率为27.1%,最大日降雨量为47.1mm,总体而言,适宜举办各种赛事;然而,广州11月也曾有4 d发生过暴雨,而且,近年来,由于全球气候变暖,突发性强降雨有增多的趋势,为亚运气象保障带来了挑战。  相似文献   
Previous studies emphasize the important role of a "north-ridge versus south-trough" dipole (affecting the latitudes from 20° to 75° N around the Tibetan Plateau) of anomalous geopotential height ( Z ) in the early-2008 abnormal cryogenic freezing-rain-and-snow events in the southern part of China. The present study intends to extract the leading signal facilitating the dipole based on the numerical outputs of a full Z-linear model for diagnosing the global Z . Using this model built on full primitive equations in spherical-isobaric coordinates, we can further split the anomaly of Z-Zfζ-uβ (representing the Z component not explicitly associated with the Coriolis parameter f and its meridional derivative β ) into 15 components. With the model-output Zfζ-uβ (mainly accounting for the dipole under the geostrophic balance) and Z-Zfζ-uβ matrices as the left and right singular vectors respectively, a maximum covariance analysis (MCA) is performed to extract the significant 2-4-day leading signal carried by the MCA Z-Zfζ-uβ mode in the upstream area of the dipole. This leading signal is mainly attributed to 1) the abnormally strong westerlies centered around the exit region of the Atlantic jet-stream and 2) the corresponding anomalous 950-300 hPa anticyclone to the south of the abnormally strong center of westerlies. The energy of the positive wave center around this jet exit region favors the downstream north-ridge while the energy of the negative wave center associated with the anomalous anticyclone favors the downstream south-trough.  相似文献   
利用滤波、EOF和合成分析等统计方法及NCEP和NOAA提供的资料,分析了与2008年初我国南方罕见持续性冰冻雨雪天气有关的水汽输送演变情况,发现持续性与热带大气季节内振荡(MJO)和中低纬地区高低层环流的30 ~ 60天低频振荡关系体现为:当MJO活动以印度洋中东部赤道地区对流加强、印度尼西亚对流受抑制为特征时,印度地区700 hPa出现低频气旋有利于70 ~ 80 ?E的槽加深。与此同时,我国台湾以东洋面出现低频反气旋,有利于西太平洋副高加强。低压槽和副热带高压(副高)之间的偏南风导致孟加拉湾和南海的水汽同时向我国南方地区输送。与低层系统相配,200 hPa低频反气旋位于南压大陆,在该低频反气旋东北侧则为低频气旋,二者之间的低频西北风与低层的低频南风构成了反Hadley型局地经向环流,并导致高层西风急流入口区反气旋侧的高层辐散区向南偏移,使低频经向环流的上升支控制我国南方地区,该上升气流将来自孟加拉湾和南海的水汽抬升至高层,十分有利2008年初我国罕见冻雨的降水异常。通过对比分析相同时段降水异常偏少的1993年中低纬高低层低频环流场,发现1993年的低频环流分布形势与2008年的相反,说明了季节内振荡确实是造成2008年初我国南方地区持续性降水的重要因素之一。  相似文献   
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