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(广东省气象管理规定}于3月23日正式实施。她是我们广东气象事业发展史上的一件大事,是发展我省气象事业,保障人民生命财产的安全,促进经济建设和社会发展的法律保证。今天,我代表广东省气象局谈几个问题。1制定(管理规定》的必要性和迫切性我省地处亚热带,气候资源丰富,又面临南海,台风、暴雨、雷雨大风等气象灾害频繁,给国民经济和人民生命财产造成严重威胁。因此,气象工作在国民经济建设和保障人民生命财产安全等方面具有重要的作用。近年来,在中国气象局、广东省委、省政府的重视和直接领导下,在各部门各单位的支持下,经…  相似文献   
第一部分1991~1993年气象工作回顾1、气象现代化建设立了一个新台阶1·1区域中心计算机网络进一步完善。广州区域气象中心已与国家气象中心、上海和武汉等区域气象中心连成国家级气象专用计算机网络,具备迂回路由功能。区域中心内各省区之间,已通过专线话路实现联网,同时还开通了广州一香港、广州一澳门的9600bPS速率的气象专线活路,网内能直接进行图像、图形、文件和数据的传输。省内广域计算机网络进展加快。除潮州和揭阳两个新市台需采用新办法外,省一市气象局(台)计算机联网已全部实现,其中通过专线联网的市局(台)有12个。…  相似文献   
1.1994年工作回顾1.1气象服务经受了重大考验并有新发展1994年,我省遭受了多次重大灾害性天气的袭击,春季粤西旱情严重,6月上旬热带气旋、冰雹、龙卷风肆虐,6月中旬遭暴雨袭击造成西江、北江近百年一遇的洪涝,7月中下旬“卷水重来”,再遭严重洪涝,全年共有6个台风登陆或影响我省。气象灾害范围之广,造成损失之大,是建国以来最严重的一年。在如此严峻复杂的异常天气面前,我省各级气象部门全力以赴,基本做到预报准确、服务及时,为保护人民生命财产的安全作出了应有有贡献。1.1.l重大灾害性天气服务作出贡献广州中心气象台和湛…  相似文献   
过去的一年,是广东气象事业深化改革、较快发展的一年,全省气象部门在党的十四大和十四届三中全会的精神指引下,群策群力,艰苦奋斗,在改革、建设、服务、创收、精神文明建设等各方面都取得了新的进展。今年,是我们国家加快改革开放、加快发展至关重要的一年。全国将有多项重要改革陆续出台与实施,我们要用新思路、新措施、新方法迎接新的考验,把握新的发展机遇,努力促进广东气象事业再上一个新的台阶。l去年的Xi作回顾1.l各项改革顺利稳步推进1.1.1进一步解放了思想,更新了观念。全省气象人员在实际工作中进一步加深对“发展…  相似文献   
Ever since 1984, the Journal Of Tropical Meteorology (Chinese version ), an academic journal devoted to the field in China, has been in continuous circulation for 12 years. Up to the present stage, however, it has stopped short of fully playing the role of international exchanges due to language barriers. For foreign colleagues who are interested in the research and advances of tropical meteorology in China,the official publication of the journal in English version, which comes after a period of preparation, is designed to make it things of the past to get informed from just a few lines of English Abstracts. On behalf of the Guangzhou Regional Meteorological Center and subordinate institutions of operation and scientific research, I would like to exploit the occasion to express my warm congratulations to its publication!Tropical meteorology is one of the important branches of the whole atmospheric sciences. The state and changes in the tropical atmosphere have essential influence on the weather and climate across our planet. The advance in the research of tropical meteorology has become a subject equally concerned by the community in many nations. I think that the all--English Journal of TrOPical Meteorology will help colleagues overseas to know more of China's achievements in the field on a timely basis. In the meantime, I also welcome the interested writers abroad to present academic papers of their own in this journal and make common efforts to operate it so that the science of tropical meteorology better contributes to the well--being of every people.  相似文献   
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