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The properties of salinity in the South China Sea (SCS), a significant marginal sea connecting the Pacific andIndian Oceans, are greatly influenced by the transport of fresh water flux between the two oceans. However, the long-termchanges in the intermediate water in the SCS have not been thoroughly studied due to limited data, particularly in relationto its thermodynamic variations. This study utilized reanalysis data products to identify a 60-year trend of freshening in theintermediate waters of the northern South China Sea (NSCS), accompanied by an expansion of low-salinity water. Thestudy also constructed salinity budget terms, including advection and entrainment processes, and conducted an analysis ofthe salinity budget to understand the impacts of external and internal dynamic processes on the freshening trend of theintermediate water in the NSCS. The analysis revealed that the freshening in the northwest Pacific Ocean and theintensification of intrusion through the Luzon Strait at intermediate levels are the primary drivers of the salinity changes inthe NSCS. Additionally, a weakened trend in the intensity of vertical entrainment also contributes to the freshening in theNSCS. This study offers new insights into the understanding of regional deep sea changes in response to variations in boththermodynamics and oceanic dynamic processes.  相似文献   
A study of the circulation in the northern South China Sea (SCS) is carried out with the aid of a three-dimensional, high-resolution regional ocean model. One control and two sensitivity experiments are performed to qualitatively investigate the effects of surface wind forcing, Kuroshio intrusion, and bottom topographic influence on the circulation in the northern SCS. The model results show that a branch of the Kuroshio in the upper layer can intrude into the SCS and have direct influence on the circulation over the continental shelf break in the northern SCS. There are strong southward pressure gradients along a zonal belt largely seaward of the continental slope. The pressure gradients are opposite in the southern and northern parts of the Luzon Strait, indicating inflow and outflow through the strait, respectively. The sensitivity experiments suggest that the Kuroshio intrusion is responsible for generating the imposed pressure head along the shelf break and has no obvious seasonal variations. The lateral forcing through the Luzon Strait and Taiwan Strait can induce the southwestward slope current and the northeastward SCS Warm Current in the northern SCS. Without the lateral forcing, there is the continental slope. The wind forcing mainly causes the The wind-induced water pile-up results in the southward no high-pressure-gradient zonal belt seaward of seasonal variation of the circulation in the SCS. high pressure gradient along the northwestern boundary of the basin. Without the blocking of the plateau around Dongsha Islands, the intruded Kuroshio tends to extend northwest and the SCS branch of the Kuroshio becomes wider and stronger. The analyses presented here are qualitative in nature but should lead to a better understanding of the oceanic responses in the northern SCS to these external influence factors.  相似文献   
TS50全站仪配合徕卡多测回测角软件能够自动瞄准、自动观测,具有高智能、高精度的特点,从而在地铁基坑监测领域得到广泛的应用.文章结合济南市轨道交通R1线前大彦站基坑监测项目实践,对测量方法、数据处理、监测效果等方面进行论述.实际应用表明:基于TS50全站仪的多测回测角软件能提供及时可靠的监测数据,科学指导基坑施工,保证...  相似文献   
热带西太平洋热状况年代际和年际变化特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用谐波分析和EOF分析方法,对比研究了暖池区域表层热状况(海表温度距平SST'表征)和浅层热状况(热含量距平HS'和次表层海温距平ST'表征)在1月和7月的年代际、年际尺度时空特征.分析结果表明:⑴不同季节的年代际、年际尺度SST'和HS'都存在两个显著模态,HS'1月的年代际、年际尺度结构最简单,而SST'7月的年代际和1月年际结构最复杂;⑵ 1970年代末和1980年代初发生的年代际跃变HS'晚于SST', 且SST'(HS')呈增温(减少)趋势;⑶ HS'的年际异常与ENSO关系密切,而SST'与ENSO关系不显著.  相似文献   
PDO源地与机制的若干争论   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
综述了PDO机制的研究进展,尤其是近年来关于PDO是热带和南半球起源的观点,强调PDO是一种太平洋海盆尺度的现象.讨论了SST异常的维持机制、大气在PDO机制中的作用及不同相位中大气的变化特征.最后提出自己的看法只考虑北太平洋PDO信号是没有构成回路的,实际上北太平洋的PDO冷、暖期的交替可能是对南太平洋闭合回路的一种反应.  相似文献   
2014年春季季风间期东印度洋赤道及其邻近海域硅藻群落   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
薛冰  孙军  丁昌玲  王东晓 《海洋学报》2016,38(2):112-120
2014年4月10日至5月13日在东印度洋赤道区及其邻近海域(10.08°N-6.00°S,80.00°~96.10°E)进行硅藻物种组成和群落结构的调查。分析了45个网采样品,共鉴定出浮游硅藻34属113种(包括变种、变形及未定名种),大部分物种为热带外洋性种以及暖海外洋性种,与该海区的热带及亚热带的环境特征一致。优势种为佛氏梯形藻(Climacodium frauenfeldianum)、地中海细柱藻(Leptocylindrus mediterraneus)、密聚角毛藻(Chaetoceros coarctatus)、美丽漂流藻(Planktoniella foromsa)、大西洋角毛藻那不勒斯变种(Chaetoceros atlanticus var. neapolitanus)、距端假管藻(Pseudosolenia calcar-avis,即距端根管藻Rhizosolenia calcaravis)、圆柱几内亚藻(Guinardia cylindrus)、达蒂角毛藻(Chaetoceros dadayi)、伏氏海线藻(Thalassionema frauenfeldii)、离心列海链藻(Thalassiosira excentrica)、瘤面角毛藻(Chaetoceros bacteriastroides)以及笔尖根管藻粗径变种(Rhizosolenia styliformis var. latissima)等。硅藻的平均细胞丰度为1.855×103个/m3,其平面分布不均匀,赤道断面细胞丰度较低,高值区出现在海区北部。聚类分析发现有7种生态类群,这些硅藻的种类和丰度平面分布与上层水体(200 m以浅)温度、盐度及营养盐的水柱平均值有较好的对应关系。  相似文献   
介绍了西沙岛缘水文气象远程实时监测系统的组成,并对部分监测资料进行了初步的分析.该监测系统由水文监测单元和气象监测单元构成,监测数据实时发送,远方用户可同步接收、显示和保存.文章对0801号台风过程的风速、风向进行了分析,还对2008年9月23日至10月4日期间受其他3个台风影响的波浪、风和气压进行了初步的分析.分析结果表明,西沙岛缘水文气象远程实时监测系统可用于海洋环境监测,特别是灾害性海洋环境的监测.  相似文献   
南海上层海洋热结构的年循环与半年循环   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
根据南海季风试验(SCSMEX)期间南海内区的三个ATLAS(Autonomous Temperature Line Acquisition System)锚碇浮标资料(1998年4月~1999年4月),采用谐波分析方法对南海上层海洋水温年循环、半年循环加以分离,发现无论在年循环还是在半年循环尺度上,18°N附近SCS1站与13°N附近SCS3站的水温变化次表层与表层呈反位相;15°20′N附近SCS2站水温变化基本上次表层与表层同位相.这说明不同区域上层海洋热变化受不同的正压与斜压模态控制.其次,SCS2、SCS3两点水温年循环振幅均在次表层达到极值;而SCS1在表层达到极大值,在100 m深度达到次极大值.3个站位水温半年循环振幅极值均出现在次表层内,这说明该层内的水温半年循环在温度变化趋势中所占的权重比在表层的权重大.  相似文献   
The oscillation characteristics of 1948 - 2003 South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon intensity (SCSSMI) is analyzed by wavelet transform and the relationship between SCSSMI filtered by Lanczos filter at different time scale and oceanic thermal conditions is studied. The results show that SCSSMI exhibits dominant interannual (about 4 a), decadal (about 9 a) and interdecadal (about 38 a) oscillation periods. The interannual variation is the strongest and the interdecadal variation the weakest. The region of significant correlation between SCS summer monsoon intensity and oceanic thermodynamic variables at different time scale is greatly different. Significant correlation area of interannual variation of SCSSMI is concentrated in near equatorial region. Corresponding correlation displays quasi-biannual variability. If positive anomalies of SST and the depth of thermocline happen in eastern equatorial Indian Ocean and western equatorial Pacific, and negative anomalies of SST and the depth of thermocline happen in western equatorial Indian Ocean and eastern equatorial Pacific in previous autumn and winter, the interannual variation of SCSSMI will enhance. If the condition is contrary, interannual variation of SCSSMI will weaken. The interannual variation of SCSSMI will influence SST. The region surrounding SCS and east of Australia shows significantly negative correlation in autumn, and significantly positive correlation exhibits in west equatorial Indian Ocean, eastern equatorial Pacific and equatorial Atlantic in winter. The decadal variation of SCSSMI is modulated by PDO. Interdecadal variation of SCSSMI is relevant to the global warming and PDO.  相似文献   
海洋对全球变暖的响应及南海观测证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了世界各大洋和若干区域海洋的海平面、热含量、温盐结构及珊瑚变化等方面的主要成果,并对中国南海温盐结构的长期变化趋势进行了初步分析。结果表明,对全球增暖的响应,南海中层水盐度的长期变化表现出一定的淡化趋势。  相似文献   
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