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应用生物地球化学方法在沙漠条件下普查铀矿的经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏联地质保矿部,苏联科学院维尔纳茨基地球化学和分析化学研究所及苏联科学院西伯利亚分院地质和地球物理研究所关于在干燥条件下,用分析植物灰的方法普查金属矿床的远景尚题在文献  相似文献   
吴限  黎明江 《寒旱区科学》2017,9(5):175-178,14
Pin1(protein interaction with NIMA1)是一种具有高度保守性的肽脯氨酰顺反异构酶,通过特异性识别并结合磷酸化的丝/苏-脯氨酸(Ser/Thr-Pro)氨基酸序列,催化顺反异构酶的酰胺键,改变蛋白生物活性和磷酸化水平。Pin1与肿瘤、阿尔茨海默症、神经系统退行性疾病的发生、发展有着重要联系。然而越来越多的研究发现除肿瘤以外,Pin1与人体其他系统的疾病也存在密切关系。本文就Pin1的结构功能及相关疾病的最新研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   
Significant anomalous tracks were observed when the severe tropical storm Goni(0907) and typhoon Morakot(0908) in September 2009 were evaluated in short distances.The relationship between the two is regarded as a case of binary interaction.Based on an MM5 model(fifth-generation mesoscale model of Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research),in this study a series of sensitivity experiments were designed to determine the binary interaction between them.The sensitivity of the storm characteristics to the binary interaction was demonstrated through modeling experiments with different TC intensities and sizes based on the bogus vortices initialization.Furthermore,the contributions of large-scale environmental flow and the effects of interaction between the motions of the cyclones were distinguished by numerical experiments using only one of the TC vortices.Results from these experiments show that Morakot(0908) had a greater impact on the motion of Goni(0907),whereas Goni(0907) had a relatively limited impact on Morakot(0908).At the upper level,the northeasterly jet flow in the third quadrant of Morakot(0908) enhanced the upper-level divergence of Goni(0907) and had an important role in maintaining and increasing Goni’s(0907) intensity.And at the lower level,Morakot(0908),with strong convergence and ascending airflow,made a stable transport channel of southwesterly warm and wet flow,thus supporting the lower-level water vapor convergence of Goni(0907).Goni(0907),which was located upriver of the southwesterly flow,intercepted part of the water vapor transportation in the southwesterly flow,causing the water vapor convergence to strengthen while the water vapor convergence of Morakot(0908) weakened.  相似文献   
本文所提出的γ辐射仪校正方法的基础是等效原理,即具有点状镭源的水-空气模型的γ射线的散射等效于平衡铀含量均匀分布的半矿层对γ辐射的散射。众所周知,用点状镭源的直射γ射线把野外γ辐射仪校正成剂量强度单位(微伦琴/小时)是一种具有极大条件性的校正[2,5]。用不同型号的辐射仪测量同样物体的γ放射性的数据是不同的。用MG型盖革-缪勒计数管测量的结果近似闪烁辐射仪的测量结果的三分之二到二分之一。如果具有百分之一平衡铀当量含量(均匀的)的矿层所造成的γ场值或用该值的导出值作为  相似文献   
在分析总结前人科研、勘探、生产资料的基础上,通过大量野外观察、样品采集及室内综合对比研究认为,广东石人嶂钨矿区隐伏花岗岩体稀土元素含量远比世界的平均水平要低,轻稀土元素相对于重稀土元素富集,随着岩浆的分异演化,负铕异常慢慢增强,并向下有增强趋势;且该区花岗岩类具有高的δ18O值;因而该岩体应为同源岩浆结晶分异的产物,具有相同的物质来源,岩浆在结晶过程中存在着显著的斜长石分离结晶作用,矿区花岗岩类岩浆为地壳熔融产物。  相似文献   
Using the 1949-2007 western North Pacific tropical cyclones (TCs) best-track data archived at the Shanghai Typhoon Institute of China Meteorological Administration for the western North Pacific from 1949 to 2007,both the characteristics of binary and multiple TCs and samples of interactions among TCs and multi-TCs are identified and statistically analyzed.According to the various features of individual TC tracks and interacting tracks,seven distinct types are proposed to describe the binary system of TCs and their interaction samples.The mean trajectories of the west and east component of binary TCs in each type are obtained using a new cluster analysis technique.These types are then analyzed in terms of landfall process,occurrence seasonality,coexistent lifetime,especially the large-scale patterns of atmospheric circulation.Finally,typical steering flows and conceptual models of the binary TCs at different phases are established based on six-hourly flow maps of the binary system and the averages are determined of the mean steering flow of ten representative binary TCs.Then,typical steering flows and conceptual models at the beginning,middle and final phase in each type are established to describe the large-scale circulation patterns of the binary system interaction types.  相似文献   
西北太平洋双热带气旋相互作用统计分类及其特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用中国气象局与上海台风研究所提供的1949-2007年西北太平洋热带气旋最佳路径资料,统计分析了西北太平洋上的双(多)热带气旋相互作用现象.针对统计出的双热带气旋样本,根据相互作用两气旋的单独移动路径和它们相互作用的路径特征,归纳得到7种相互作用类型( A~G),并用聚类分析方法拟合得到每种类型的平均回归路径.分析讨...  相似文献   
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