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The study presented herein investigated the main characteristics of carbon monoxideintraseasonal variability and evaluated its possible impact factors using the upper troposphere and lowerstratosphere (UT/LS) Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) observations over Tibetan Plateau and itsadjacent areas in summer (June to August) of 2005 and 2006. Observations show a persistent constituentextreme extending up into the UT/LS throughout summer, as well as a temporally reversed phase variationbetween the carbon monoxide and ozone in UT/LS. The intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) of carbonmonoxide during summer are investigated by using methods of wavelet and band pass filter analysis. It isfound that ISOs over the Tibetan Plateau have periods of 10 to 20 days and 30 to 60 days. The formermainly appeared in upper troposphere while the latter in lower stratosphere. Further analysis shows thatthese two periods of ISOs in UT/LS are mainly in phase to the activities of convection over the south of theplateau and the variation of South Asia High, respectively. The above two factors and their dynamicalcoupling may be responsible for the tracer ISOs at different levels.  相似文献   
In this paper, statistics were analyzed concerning correlation between the storm rainfall far from typhoon and non-zonal upper-level jet stream. The results show that the jet stream at 200 hPa is constantly SW (90.2 %) during the period in which storm rainfall occurs. Rainfall area lies in the right rear regions of the jet axes. While the storm intensifies, the jet tends to be stronger and turn non-zonal. With the MM4 model, numerical simulation and diagnosis were carried out for Typhoon No.9711 (Winnie) on August 19 to 20, 1997. The distant storm rainfall is tightly correlative to the jet and low-level typhoon trough. The divergence field of jet is related to the v component. The upper level can cause the allobaric wind convergence at low level. This is the result of the form of low-level typhoon trough and the strength of the storm. By scale analysis, it is found that there is a branch of middle scale transverse inverse circulation in the right entrance regions behind the jet below the 300-hPa level, which is very important to the maintenance and strengthening of storm rainfall. This branch of inverse circulation is relative to the reinforcement of jet's non-zonal characteristics. From the field of mesoscale divergence field and non-zonal wind field, we know that the stronger symmetry caused by transverse circulation in the two sides of the jet, rainfall’s feedback and reinforcement of jet’s non-zonal characteristics had lead to positive feedback mechanism that was favorable of storm rainfall’s strengthening.  相似文献   
本文叙述了马鞍山硅藻土矿地质、矿床、矿石特征及硅藻土在新时代的应用前景。  相似文献   
辽宁丹东四道沟金矿床流体包裹体特征及矿床成因   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
四道沟金矿床为辽东南地区重要的蚀变岩型矿床,其空间产出受断裂构造、盖县组变质地层及区内岩浆活动的联合制约.流体包裹体研究表明:成矿早期流体为中温、低盐度且富含CO2及CH4等挥发分的热液;主成矿阶段成矿流体为中温、高盐度的热液体系;矿区晚期阶段矿化流体具有较低的温度及盐度特征.综合分析认为:四道沟金矿床早期成矿流体与区内燕山晚期三股流花岗闪长岩体活动有关;主成矿阶段流体可能来自其后的花岗斑岩等类脉岩活动;成矿晚期阶段流体则主要来自大气降水.四道沟金矿床是燕山晚期不同来源及性质的热液先后叠加成矿作用的产物.  相似文献   
杨帅  郑伟  尹文杰  刘杰 《地球物理学报》2021,64(9):3068-3082
本文围绕GRACE数据在信号处理过程中存在泄露误差开展了探索性研究.第一,在传统尺度因子法的基础上,根据模型与CSR-SHc数据的均方根误差和相关性赋予权重,构建了新型尺度因子校正法.第二,以长江流域为例,评估该方法的校正效果,研究结果表明:新型尺度因子校正法校正结果综合GLDAS(Global Land Data A...  相似文献   
MCC转为带状MCSs过程中水平涡度的变化与暴雨的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用实况资料和WRF中尺度数值模式对2010年6月18—19日的一次MCC转带状MCSs的暴雨过程进行数值模拟与诊断分析。结果表明:850 hPa西南涡和切变线的形成与维持是影响此次暴雨产生的中尺度系统,前期MCC的形成到成熟以低涡降水为主,后期的圆形MCC转为带状MCSs主要为切变线降水。在雨区附近,u、v的垂直切变所形成的强水平涡度造成的旋转,对应垂直环流的上升支可触发暴雨产生,垂直方向上u、v不同的分布可形成不同的垂直环流。低涡与切变线附近的水平涡度有明显差异,这种差异导致暴雨形成的原因不同,低涡暴雨主要由v的垂直切变造成,切变线暴雨主要由u、v的垂直切变共同作用,本次过程中v的垂直切变构成了沿切变线的东西向雨带,u的垂直切变沿纬向的不均匀性引起的垂直运动与切变线上MCSs的生成、发展和多雨团的形成关系密切。低涡、切变线降水中心附近的正倾侧项(水平涡度向垂直正涡度转换)也有类似的差异,低涡的转换主要由?v/?p<0决定,切变线的转换主要由-?u/?p>0决定。水平涡度向垂直涡度的转换尺度较小,易在平均状态下被忽略。倾侧项主要有利于暴雨的加强,但对西南涡、切变线的发展贡献较小。   相似文献   
不同雨强台风的诊断对比与数值试验研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
通过对不同雨强台风的诊断对比及数值试验得出一些结论。台风暴雨与锋区、高低空急流有关。强锋区可导致200hpa西南风高空急流与右后房非地转辐散的加强,并在其作用下,激发重力惯性波。其调整过程,即为暴雨的突然增幅过程。调整时间约3 ̄6小时。调整过程使低空急流加强,加大向暴雨区的水汽动量输送,有利于降水加强。调整过程结束后,雨量变化平稳。  相似文献   
2000—2009年5、6月华南暖区暴雨形成系统统计分析   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
利用2000—2009年5月和6月的NCEP 1 °×1 °再分析资料和气象台站常规资料,对产生华南暖区暴雨的500 hPa及以下的环流特征进行统计分析,并将影响暖区暴雨的环流系统划分为三大类型,即切变线型、低涡型和偏南风风速切变辐合型(简称偏南风型)。切变线型在南海夏季风爆发前以冷式切变为主,季风爆发后以暖式切变为主;低涡型在季风爆发前的发生次数远少于季风爆发后,在低涡中心的东北-东南方向最易产生暖区暴雨;偏南风型总体以西风风速切变辐合为主,而南风风速切变辐合在季风爆发后的比例有所增加。对影响暖区暴雨的高空槽分析发现,高原槽对暖区暴雨影响明显,其次为南支槽。低涡型最易受高空槽影响。对各种类型暖区暴雨的合成分析发现,各类型暖区暴雨500 hPa高空槽的位置特点均不相同,暴雨辐合中心均在850 hPa以下的低层,副高脊线距雨区约6~8纬距是产生华南暖区暴雨的重要天气形势。   相似文献   
本文利用NCEP分析资料、多普勒雷达观测资料、常规气象观测资料以及数值模拟结果,对2016年7月30日发生在华北、辽宁附近的一次强飑线过程中后向入流的演变及成因进行研究。结果表明,此次飑线发生在中纬度新生冷涡槽前,低层有水汽辐合区和地面辐合线对应,且过程中伴有较强的对流有效位能释放。飑线后部中层(冷涡槽后)一直存在α中尺度西风大值带,此大风速带造成了上下层相反的水平涡度,并形成喇叭形环流结构,该结构不同于经典飑线结构。飑线后部水平方向上水平涡度分布不均匀,并形成水平涡度旋度上正下负的分布,即导致中层强风区上部上升运动、下部下沉运动,该下沉运动引发飑线中的后向入流和低层强风速带形成。在中层,飑线的后部边缘始终有较强的风速大值带伴随飑线的发展,该大值带的形成与对流强弱和非热成风涡度有关,对流过程中低层非热成风涡度为负,中上层非热成风涡度为正,导致飑线后部中层西风加速和低层西风减速,有利于后向入流的发展和飑线的维持,当对流减弱时,非热成风涡度与后向入流均减弱。文中给出了后向入流形成演变的概念模式。  相似文献   
The horizontal vorticity equation used in this study was obtained using the equations of motion in the pressure coordinate system without considering friction, to reveal its relationship with vertical shear. By diagnostically analyzing each term in the horizontal vorticity equation during a squall line process that occurred on 19 June 2010, we found that the non-thermal wind term had a negative contribution to the local change of upward movement in the low-level atmosphere, and that its impact changed gradually from negative to positive with altitude, which could influence upward movement in the mid- and upper-level atmosphere greatly. The contribution of upward vertical transport to vertical movement was the largest in the low-level atmosphere, but had negative contribution to the upper-level atmosphere. These features were most evident in the development stage of the squall line. Based on analysis of convection cells along a squall line, we found that in the process of cell development diabatic heating caused the subsidence of constant potential temperature surface and non- geostrophic motion, which then triggered strong convergence of horizontal acceleration in the mid-level atmosphere and divergence of horizontal acceleration in the upper-level atmosphere. These changes of horizontal wind field could cause a counterclockwise increment of the horizontal vorticity around the warm cell, which then generated an increase of upward movement. This was the main reason why the non-thermal wind term had the largest contribution to the strengthening of upward movement in the mid- and upper-level atmosphere. The vertical transport of large value of horizontal vorticity was the key to trigger convection in this squall line process.  相似文献   
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