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黄海冷水域水化学要素的垂直分布特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄海夏季深层冷水(简称黄海冷水), 又称为黄海冷水团, 已为海洋物理学家进行过较多的研究。该水域化学研究开展较晚,近年来顾宏堪首先报道了黄海夏季溶解氧垂直分布最大值与黄海冷水密切相关。黄海冷水与其它水团一样,理、化、生物等特性是相互关联的统一体。遗憾的是,迄今尚未见到有关于此的多学科综合性的研究报道。 本文根据1959年海洋调查资料,对黄海冷水域主断面水文化学要素的垂直分布特性进行了研究,并讨论了该冷水形成及诸参数变化的原因。  相似文献   
汪志亮  王志贤 《地震》1995,(3):240-245
深入研究了全国地电台网内M_s≥5.0的45次地电前兆震例,用统计方法按大震、强震、中强地震分别研究其地电前兆特征。 通过研究得到:大震地电阻率异常范围,其半径超过200km,在700km以内,异常时间在12—20个月内发震的概率最高,为97.8%;强震地电阻率异常范围大多在300km以内,趋势异常的时间在12个月以内发震的概率最高,为86.5%;中强地震地电阻率异常范围,半径一般在200km以内,趋势异常时间在180天之内发震的概率最高,为95.0%。大震、强震、中强地震地电趋势异常时间似乎存在着20个月、12个月、6个月三个不同的异常时间段。 临震异常类型一般可分为加速型、转向型和波动型三类。对7级和7级以上大震能观测到临震异常前兆的震例只有33.3%、强震和中强地震能观测到临震异常前兆的震例均为50.0%。出现临震异常后1—20天发震的概率最高,达94.4%。 1988年11月以来,西部地区先后发生澜沧-耿马7.6、巴塘6.7、天祝6.2级地震。震前都曾依据地电前兆短临异常特征,作过某种程度的监测预报工作,取得了较好的短临预报效果。  相似文献   
青岛冷水团的消亡机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于多年月平均水温资料,分析了青岛冷水团的长消过程,并利用气候态月平均大气数据和数值模拟结果,探讨了青岛冷水团的消亡机理。结果表明,青岛冷水团3月出现,4月成型,5月最盛,6月减弱,7月消失;南黄海6-7月间偏南风的增强和温跃层以下反气旋涡的减弱是青岛冷水团消亡的动力机制,而海面净热通量的下传和水平热量的输入则是青岛冷水团消亡的热力机制。  相似文献   
信息流在社会空间结构研究尤其是在城市和区域空间结构研究中,占据了越来越重要的地位,本文以网络的基础设施-网络带宽数据为基础,分析了信息流的等级结构和结构模式,揭示了目前河北省互联网网络结构的空间特征,并对其未来的发展提出初步的设想。  相似文献   
When a vessel is damaged, seawater floods into the damaged compartments and subsequently influences the motion of the vessel. Furthermore, the vessel’s behaviour affects the floodwater motion. In this paper, a Navier-Stokes (NS) solver with a free surface capturing technique, i.e., the volume of fluid (VOF) method, was developed to numerically simulate water flooding into a damaged vessel. To verify the developed solver, a 2-D and a 3-D dam break problems were tested. The numerical results coincide well with the experimental results and with the published numerical results. Additionally, it was used to solve the problems of linear and non-linear liquid sloshing in a hexahedral tank. The numerical results are satisfactory in comparison with the experimental results and analytical solutions. Finally, the phenomenon of water flooding into a damaged compartment of a Ro-Ro ferry was simulated numerically. The computed results are in good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   
Abstract. The Ta'ergou tungsten deposit in Gansu province, northwestern China, is located in the western part of the North Qilian Caledonian orogen, and consists of scheelite skarn bodies and wolframite quartz veins. The tungsten‐bearing skarn developed by the replacement of carbonate layers intercalated in the Precambrian schist and amphibolite whereas wolframite‐quartz ore veins developed along a group of fractures that cut through horizontal skarns. The Ta'ergou tungsten deposit is genetically related to the Caledonian Yeniutan granodiorite intrusion and occurs ca. 500 m wide in the exo‐contact zone 300 ~ 500 m apart from the intrusion. The granodiorite displays a lower grade of differentiation, low content of SiO2 and high contents of mafic components. There are three types of fluid inclusions in the wolframite‐quartz vein systems, i. e. aqueous, CO2‐H2O and CO2‐rich. The homogenization temperature of aqueous inclusion ranges from 140 to 380d?C and their salinities from 6.4 to 17.4 equivalent wt% NaCl. Laser Raman spectroscopy shows that the inclusions contain a relatively high content of CO2. The δ34S values of skarn type sulfides range from +8.1 to +12.7 per mil and those of quartz vein sulfides from +9.3 to +14.9 per mil, similar to sulfides of the granodiorite with from +6.0 to +11.7 per mil. The δ18O values of quartz are between +10.5 and +13.3 per mil and those of wolframite between +3.4 and +5.1 per mil. The δ18O water values of ore forming fluids range from +0.6 to +6.4 per mil and suggest the mixture of magmatic fluids with meteoric water formed the ore‐forming fluids. It has been proved that Precambrian strata in the west sector of North Qilian region are enriched in tungsten. We propose the strata were remelted to be tungsten‐granitoid during subduction. The polymetallic tungsten was gradually accumulated into the roof pendants of the granite intrusion by fractional crystallization and then was deposited by hydrothermal fluids during metasomatism and infilling along fractures. On the other hand, the granite intrusion also acted as “heating machine” to make hydrothermal fluids leach out the metals from Precambrian strata and these metals joined the ore‐forming hydrothermal system.  相似文献   
Abstract. Primary fluid inclusions in quartz and carbonates from the Kanggur gold deposit are dominated by aqueous inclusions, with subsidiary CO2-H2O inclusions that have a constant range in CO2 content (10–20 vol %). Microthermometric results indicate that total homogenization temperatures have a wide but similar range for both aqueous inclusions (120 to 310C) and CO2-H2O inclusions (140 to 340C). Estimates of fluid salinity for CO2-H2O inclusions are quite restricted (5.9∼10.3 equiv. wt% NaCl), whereas aqueous inclusions show much wider salinity ranging from 2.2 to 15.6 equivalent wt %NaCl.
The 6D values of fluid inclusions in carbonates vary from -45 to -61 %, in well accord with the published δD values of fluid inclusions in quartz (-46 to -66 %). Most of the δ18O and δD values of the ore-forming fluids can be achieved by exchanged meteoric water after isotopic equilibration with wall rock by fluid/rock interaction at a low water/rock ratio. However, the exchanged meteoric water alone cannot explain the full range of δ18O and δD values, magmatic and/or meta-morphic water should also be involved. The wide salinity in aqueous inclusions may also result from mixing of meteoric water and magmatic and/or metamorphic water.  相似文献   
黑潮延伸体上游区域的中尺度涡场的涡动能和涡特征尺度存在显著地年代际振荡,和黑潮延伸体路径的年代际变化有很好的相关性。当黑潮延伸体路径比较稳定时,其上游区域涡动能比较高,涡特征尺度比较大,反之相反。通过对黑潮延伸体上游区域的中尺度涡场进行集合分析发现:当黑潮延伸体处于稳定状态时,上游涡场几乎是各向均匀地,有轻微的径向伸长;而当黑潮延伸体处于不稳定状态时,上游的中尺度涡场有显著地纬向伸长。对与中尺度涡场的产生相关的线性斜压不稳定和正压不稳定进行了计算分析,结果显示,线性斜压不稳定不是控制中尺度涡场年代际变化的机制,而正压不稳定对中尺度涡场的年代际变化有积极的贡献。不稳定产生的中尺度涡之间存在非线性涡-涡相互作用。  相似文献   
作者1987年于四川省乐山市大渡河尾段发现椎实螺属一新种,现命名为乐山椎实螺(Lymnaea leshanensis sp.nov.)。该种与日本琵琶湖产的 Lymnaea onychia 相似,但贝壳的形态、齿式、齿形、两性生殖系统的诸器官、外套膜的色带、个体大小、生活环境和动物区系均有所不同。前者属东洋区系,后者属古北区系。  相似文献   
中国西北地区沉积盆地发育的区域构造格局与演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国西北地区是不同地质时期多个全球性大地构造单元的组成部分,具有南北分带、东西分区的构造特征,经历了中、新元古代—古生代期间地壳增生、洋-陆转换、板块开-合旋回、晚二叠世以来盆地的叠加改造和新生代印度与欧亚板块碰撞远源效应等长期演化过程,具有明显的阶段性。研究表明,现今盆地多位于具有一定规模的经过前震旦系不断增生作用所形成的陆块基底之上,塔里木盆地塔中、塔北、塔东北地区基底可能以古元古界为主,而巴楚地区则以晋宁期的变质基底为主。准噶尔盆地前震旦纪存在多个独立发育的块体,古生代总体具有多岛洋的性质。柴达木盆地、河西走廊及邻区的诸多中小型盆地的基底主要为中元古代形成。敦煌盆地、北山地区众多中小型盆地坐落在中小地块或者古生代活动陆缘的岛弧之上。西北地区早古生代经历了一个完整的板块开-合旋回,但不同地区有不同表现方式。北疆地区至少存在寒武纪—早奥陶世、志留纪和泥盆纪3个主要时期的蛇绿岩,反映了在早、晚古生代各存在一定规模的洋盆。在不同带的早古生代洋盆具有不同的闭合时间。塔里木盆地周缘南天山洋、西昆仑洋及阿尔金、祁连、东昆仑、北山地区早古生代洋盆的发育时间为寒武纪早期,经过了中、晚寒武世到早奥陶世早期洋盆的扩张,早奥陶世晚期构造应力场转为挤压体制。志留纪中晚期至早泥盆世,西北地区存在全区性的板块拼合与碰撞以及不同程度的变形变质过程。西北地区晚古生代又经历了一个完整的板块开-合旋回,天山全区、准噶尔南部、东西两侧分别进入碰撞后新的大规模的伸展阶段,均形成了有限洋盆,其时代略有差别,上、下石炭统之间可能存在构造转换。塔西南地区早石炭世伸展作用形成了晚古生代的西昆仑洋和陆缘裂陷盆地,中二叠世康西瓦—苏巴什洋盆向北侧俯冲消减,发生于中、晚二叠世之间的海西晚期构造运动是西北地区具有重大变革意义的一次构造运动。晚二叠世—新生代是西部地区构造格局大的调整与定型时期,在总体表现为多板块拼合后的宏观背景下,经历了多期幕式挤压与伸展交替的构造演化过程,并不是以往所简单认为的各种前陆盆地的组合,晚期均受到了青藏高原快速隆升所导致的远源碰撞作用的强烈改造。构造格局的差异性和演化的阶段性使西北不同地区、不同时期盆地发育和叠加组合方式差异很大,油气地质条件的明显不同,油气资源丰度差别很大。  相似文献   
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