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Major features of warm and cold eddies south of the Nansei Islands   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
As regards the eddies occurring in the origination region of the Kuroshio (west of 130° E), the earliest informations were reported by R. Shigematsu (1932) and K. Koenuma (1936) respectively. From the data observed in the twenties, they pointed out that there was a warm eddy located to the right side of the Kuroshio in the Luzon Strait. Using the data obtained from the fourties through the sixties, Nitani further convinced the existence of the warm eddy. During the latest two decades, observations of the area south of the Nansei Islands on board of R/V Chofu Maru (1965, '66, '67) and Hakuho Maru (1974, '75) also revealed the existence of warm and cold eddies, but few works on "eddies" are reported, so far as we know.  相似文献   
A. Wendy Russell 《Geoforum》2008,39(1):213-222
In this paper, I argue that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have inherent potential to contribute to socially and environmentally sustainable agriculture by virtue of their ‘biological embeddedness’. Their actual ‘performance’ and how this contributes to sustainability depends on the ‘mutual shaping’ of technology and context. While much attention has been given to the design context of GMOs, this paper considers the influence of the application context and of users. A case study investigating the use of insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant GM cotton in the cotton-growing region of New South Wales in Australia is presented. The study was based on focus groups with farmers and other stakeholders in a cotton-growing community. It demonstrated a range of direct and indirect effects of GM cotton use, both positive and negative for sustainability, and the ways in which these effects were influenced by the local social context. The influences of the biotechnology industry context, in limiting the contributions that gene technologies can make to sustainability, were also considered, and remedies suggested. I argue that the polarity of the GM debate is hindering progress on these issues, and that a more balanced approach to our analysis of GMOs is necessary in order to fully understand, and to influence, their role in the future of rural spaces.  相似文献   
关定华 《海洋学报》1979,1(1):52-57
海底对浅海声传播的影响很大。海底有复杂的多层结构。在计算声场时如果把多层海底的影响都考虑进去,就会使计算复杂化,得不出一个清晰的物理图象。因此,在计算中往往使用海底反射损失系数来代替多层海底的模型。但海底反射损失与角度有复杂的依赖关系。为了计算方便,提出过不少简化模型。已经使用的模型有反射损失与角度无关、与角度一次方成正比;后来又提出反射损失在某一临界角之下与角度一次方成正比,在临界角之上与角度无关的三参数模型,克服了远场与近场衔接的问题[1,2]。但这些模型不一定在所有情况下都能反映海底反射损失与角度的关系的主要特征。本文提出一个近似方法,可以计算海底反射损失按任意规律随角度单调上升的情况下的声场。  相似文献   
Modelers often need to quantify the rates at which zooplankton consume a variety of species, size classes and trophic types. Implicit in the equations used to describe the multiple resource functional response (i.e. how nutritional intake varies with resource densities) are assumptions that are not often stated, let alone tested. This is problematic because models are sensitive to the details of these formulations. Here, we enable modelers to make more informed decisions by providing them with a new framework for considering zooplankton feeding on multiple resources. We define a new classification of multiple resource responses that is based on preference, selection and switching, and we develop a set of mathematical diagnostics that elucidate model assumptions. We use these tools to evaluate the assumptions and biological dynamics inherent in published multiple resource responses. These models are shown to simulate different resource preferences, implied single resource responses, changes in intake with changing resource densities, nutritional benefits of generalism, and nutritional costs of selection. Certain formulations are further shown to exhibit anomalous dynamics such as negative switching and sub-optimal feeding. Such varied responses can have vastly different ecological consequences for both zooplankton and their resources; inappropriate choices may incorrectly quantify biologically-mediated fluxes and predict spurious dynamics. We discuss how our classes and diagnostics can help constrain parameters, interpret behaviors, and identify limitations to a formulation's applicability for both regional (e.g. High-Nitrate-Low-Chlorophyll regions comprising large areas of the Pacific) and large-scale applications (e.g. global biogeochemical or climate change models). Strategies for assessing uncertainty and for using the mathematics to guide future experimental investigations are also discussed.  相似文献   
RelationshipbetweenbiogeochemicalfeaturesofbiogenicelementsandflocculationintheChangjiangEstuary¥LinYi'an;TangRenyou;LiYan;Do...  相似文献   
管华诗 《海洋与湖沼》2005,36(3):226-226
海藻遗传学是研究海藻遗传和变异的遗传学分支,是海藻种质改良的理论基础。第一部藻类遗传学专著《The Genetics of Algae》是1976年出版的,主编是美国藻类学家R.A.Lewin先生,此后没有这方面的专著出版。这本由中国海洋大学张学成教授、中国科学院海洋研究所秦松研究员、上海水产大学马家海教授、江苏省海洋水产研究所许璞研究员等编著的《海藻遗传学》是我国在该领域的首部专著,  相似文献   
Total dissolved selenium and selenium species have been measured in the Rhône river delta and the Gulf of Lions within the framework of the EROS-2000 project. The Rhône river concentration of total selenium averages 2.30 nM with important variations related to river discharge. During estuar-ine mixing, the concentrations of total dissolved selenium, selenite and selenate (calculated as the difference between total dissolved and selenite) decrease linearly with increasing salinity, without significant interconversion between selenium species. In the open Mediterranean waters of the Gulf of Lions the total dissolved selenium increases from 0.5 nM in the surface waters to 0.9 nM in the deep waters. Organic selenium has been observed in Mediterranean deep water, an observation which is different from those from the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. The distributions of total inorganic selenium (Σ5e), selenite and selenate are strongly related to phosphate and silicate concentrations as observed previously for the major oceans.  相似文献   
We collected surface water along the 142nd E meridian from Tasmania to Antarctica in December 1999. We measured temperature, salinity and total chlorophyll a; additionally, we collected suspended particle size fractions and used fluorometric analysis to determine the quantity of chlorophyll a in each of four cell size classes: picoplankton (<3 μm), two nanoplankton fractions (3–10 μm and 10–20 μm) and microplankton (> 20 μm). Changes in temperature and salinity show that we crossed 6 water masses separated by 5 fronts. We found low abundance (<0.2 mg m−3) of chlorophyll in all size classes, with the exception of higher values near the continent (0.2 to 0.4 mg m−3). Lowest chlorophyll values (<0.1 mg m−3) were found in the Polar Frontal Zone (51° to 54°S). Microplankton made up the largest portion of total chlorophyll throughout most of the region. We conclude that biomass of all phytoplankton fractions, especially pico-and nanoplankton, was constrained by limiting factors, most probably iron, throughout the region and that ecosystem dynamics within a zone are not circumpolar but are regionalized within sectors.  相似文献   
低分子肝素作为一种抗血栓的多糖药物在临床中已应用了二十多年 ,目前已作为外科预防血栓形成药物 ,并在治疗急性静脉栓塞紊乱方面取代了未分级肝素。因肝素的来源和制备的方法不同使低分子肝素的精细结构不同 ,低分子肝素结构的复杂性 ,使得各产品的生物活性 ,例如抗蛋白酶活性不同 ,从而导致其临床使用的标准不同。该文将对低分子肝素的制备方法及其结构和抗蛋白酶活性的差异进行报导  相似文献   
自北赤道流延伸而来的黑潮,起源于我国台湾省的东南海域。当黑潮沿着台湾岛东岸北上时,它的主轴通过苏澳-与那国岛断面,自北太平洋进入我国东海,成为我国东、黄海海流系统的“大动脉”。显然,黑潮的流速结构及其变化,对东、黄海水文特征的分布、变化以及我国东部沿海地区的气候,特别是旱涝现象,都有着密切的关系。所以,有关这一问题的探讨是很有意义的。而欲研究黑潮的上述问题,取苏澳-与那国岛断面作为探讨的核心是很合适的,因为这个断面不仅离黑潮源地较近,而且位于黑潮进入东海首当其冲的关键性区域。 关于黑潮在这一断面上海洋水文状态的变化情况,日本学者须田晥次(K.Suda,1937-1938)曾作过广泛的研究,他主要分析了黑潮源地区域标量场(温、盐、密度等)的逐月变化特征。本文拟引用须田当年所列举的温、盐度资料,来研究黑潮的流速结构(主要是流速分布和输送量)及其季节变化,并结合现有的海面风应力资料,试图对黑潮输送量的季节变化及其原因作一初步的探讨,并作为进一步研究黑潮变动规律的参考。  相似文献   
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