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Traditional approaches to monitoring aquatic systems are often limited by the need for data collection which often is time-consuming, expensive and non-continuous. The aim of the study was to map the spatio-temporal chlorophyll-a concentration changes in Malilangwe Reservoir, Zimbabwe as an indicator of phytoplankton biomass and trophic state when the reservoir was full (year 2000) and at its lowest capacity (year 2011), using readily available Landsat multispectral images. Medium-spatial resolution (30 m) Landsat multispectral Thematic Mapper TM 5 and ETM+ images for May to December 1999–2000 and 2010–2011 were used to derive chlorophyll-a concentrations. In situ measured chlorophyll-a and total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations for 2011 were employed to validate the Landsat chlorophyll-a and TSS estimates. The study results indicate that Landsat-derived chlorophyll-a and TSS estimates were comparable with field measurements. There was a considerable wet vs. dry season differences in total chlorophyll-a concentration, Secchi disc depth, TSS and turbidity within the reservoir. Using Permutational multivariate analyses of variance (PERMANOVA) analysis, there were significant differences (p < 0.0001) for chlorophyll-a concentration among sites, months and years whereas TSS was significant during the study months (p < 0.05). A strong positive significant correlation among both predicted TSS vs. chlorophyll-a and measured vs. predicted chlorophyll-a and TSS concentrations as well as an inverse relationship between reservoir chlorophyll-a concentrations and water level were found (p < 0.001 in all cases). In conclusion, total chlorophyll-a concentration in Malilangwe Reservoir was successfully derived from Landsat remote sensing data suggesting that the Landsat sensor is suitable for real-time monitoring over relatively short timescales and for small reservoirs. Satellite data can allow for surveying of chlorophyll-a concentration in aquatic ecosystems, thus, providing invaluable data in data scarce (limited on site ground measurements) environments.  相似文献   
针对目前测距高程导线计算表格多、数据繁杂、处理起来容易出错,且效率低的现状,在研究分析了测距高程导线基本原理以及上交资料数据格式后,使用C#语言在Visual Studio2005.NET平台上,设计并实现了测距高程导线数据处理软件,该软件为内业资料处理节省大量时间的同时,对外业测量结果也可进行实时计算,提高了工作效率。  相似文献   
根据温岭太平镇的地质情况,采用了桩长为4.0 ̄5.8m间的静压扩底灌注短桩进行施工,并对该种桩型的适用性和推广价值作了探索。  相似文献   
针对岛礁地形测量的特点,提出了用全站仪无棱镜模式进行碎部点数据采集的方法,从理论上对其精度进行了论证分析,通过公式推导、数据图表分析,得出了全站仪无棱镜模式测定待定点位平面位置精度和点位高程精度与所测距离和天顶距之间的关系。同时通过全站仪的无棱镜模式和有棱镜模式对所选碎部点进行检核,实验数据结果表明都能完全符合规范的要求。  相似文献   
The Webb-Resio-Tracy (WRT) method for exact computation of the non-linear energy transfer rate was implemented in MASNUM-WAM, which is a third-generation wave model solving the discrete spectral balance equation. In this paper, we describe the transformation of the spectral space in the original WRT method. Four numerical procedures were developed in which the acceleration techniques in the original WRT method, such as geometric scaling, pre-calculating, and grid-searching, are all reorganized. A series of numerical experiments including two simulations based on real data were performed. The availability of such implementation in both serial and parallel versions of the wave model was proved, and a comparison of computation times showed that some of the developed procedures provided good efficacy. With exact computation of non-linear energy transfer, MASNUM-WAM now can be used to perform numerical experiments for research purposes, which augurs well for further developments of the model.  相似文献   
济南泉域岩溶地下水动态开采模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过收集近3年来济南泉域岩溶地下水开采量、降雨量、泉水流量及泉群水位资料,进行了相关性分析及回归分析。揭露了四大泉群之间内在联系及影响泉群水位变化关键变量间的相互关系,以此为基础建立了岩溶地下水年内动态开采模型。该模型量化了不同时期地下水的开采量,有利于引导当前开采模式下水资源配置,对实现泉水保护及城市供水具有重要意义。  相似文献   
This article presents a historical overview of estuarine microphytobenthos (MPB) research in South Africa published over the period 1950 to the present, highlighting major milestones, challenges and estuarine management problems, as well as future research needs within the South African context. The studies that were covered comprise peer-reviewed books and journal articles on relevant research conducted in any estuarine environment during the period reviewed. There was a general increase in MPB research outputs over the decades, from only two publications in the 1950s, to over 20 outputs between 2010 and the present. Whereas the MPB studies in South Africa cover a broad spectrum of themes, the research priorities in these works have changed from taxonomically biased studies to those of ecologically based research. Research in the 1950s and 1960s was exclusively taxonomic in nature, with the first ecological investigation incorporating MPB being produced in the 1970s. By the 1980s, ecological studies dominated the research outputs and this trend has persisted to the present. The 1990s and 2000s saw the rise of research into the role of fresh water as a driver of MPB dynamics, whereas the period 2010 to the present saw an increase in more diverse ecological themes, ranging from an autecological investigation to food-web studies and the assessment of multiple drivers of MPB dynamics. However, the majority of studies have focused on either diatoms or estimates of overall MPB biomass. Moreover, there is a regional underrepresentation that runs broadly along biogeographic lines, with the bulk of the work having been conducted in the warm-temperate and subtropical zones of South Africa. Challenges and future research needs for the region are outlined, as is the need to expand MPB research to include other aspects of the biology and ecology of this flora.  相似文献   
地名地址数据是民政部门重要的业务数据之一,也是测绘部门在数字城市地理空间框架项目建设过程中需要采集的重要数据之一,并且在工商、城管、公安等部门间发挥着强有力的作用。但是从现状来看,各部门分头采集、重复采集现象严重,且没有统一标准。本文以数字城市地理空间框架项目中的测绘、民政、工商3个部门为例,提出了以GIS、物联网等技术手段来实现多部门间业务协同式地名地址数据更新的机制,保证了数据的权威、统一、标准和及时更新。  相似文献   
Using Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) channel 2 (Ch. 2, 53.74 GHz) data, Spencer and Christy (1992a) determined that the earth exhibits no temperature trend in the period 1979–90, while other authors find a temperature increase of roughly 0.1 K. Based on a theoretical analysis Prabhakara et al. (1995) showed that the information about the global atmospheric temperature deduced from MSU Ch. 2 observations has a small contamination, T 2, as a result of the attenuation due to hydrometeors in the atmosphere. A method is developed in this study, that utilizes coincident measurements made by MSU in Ch. 1 (50.3 GHz), to estimate this T 2 over the global oceans. The magnitude of T 2 is found to be about 1 K over significant parts of the tropical oceanic rain belts and about 0.25 K over minor portions of the mid-latitude oceanic storm tracks. Due to events such as El Niôo, there is variability from year to year in the rain areas and rain intensity leading to significant change in the patterns of T 2. The patterns of T 2 derived for March 82 and March 83 reveal such a change. When averaged over the global oceans, from 50° N to 50° S, T 2 has a value of 0.25 and 0.29 K for March 1982 and 1983, respectively. Due to these reasons the interannual temperature change derived by Spencer and Christy from MSU Ch. 2 will contain a residual hydrometeor effect. Thus in evaluating decadal trend of the global mean temperature of the order of 0.1 K from MSU Ch. 2 data one has to take into account completely the contamination due to hydrometeors.  相似文献   
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