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The vertical deformation rates (VDRs) and horizontal deformation rates (HDRs) of Shanghai VLBI station in China and Kashima and Kashima34 VLBI stations in Japan were re-analysed using the baseline length change rates from Shanghai to 13 global VLBI stations, and from Kashima to 27 stations and from Kashima34 to 12 stations, based on the NASA VLBI global solution glb1123 (Ma, 1999). The velocity vectors of the global VLBI stations were referred to the ITRF97 reference frame, and the Eulerian vectors of different models of plate motion were used for comparative solutions. The VDR of Shanghai station is estimated to be −1.91±0.56 mm/yr, and those of Kashima and Kashima34 stations, −3.72±0.74mm/yr and −8.81±0.84mm/yr, respectively. The difference between the last two was verified by further analysis. Similar estimates were also made for the Kokee, Kauai and MK_VLBA VLBI stations in mid-Pacific.  相似文献   
FITS、BMP和SCR图象格式及相互转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文详细介绍图象的FITS格式、BMP格式和SCR格式。FITS格式已经是天文界的通用格式,几乎所有的天文软件包都支持这一格式,而BMP格式在PC计算机上有广泛的运用,有大量PC软件支持BMP图象的显示,处理和打印。云南天文台的SCR格式是PC机采集CCD图象所使用的格式。实现这三种格式的相互转换,就可以自由的将CCD图象在PC机和工作站上进行各种处理。转换的包括图象头和图象数据的转换,其关键在于交换数据的高低字节。  相似文献   
On September 14–18, 2000, a medium-small solar active region was observed at Ganyu Station of Purple Mountain Observatory. Its spots were not large, but it had a peculiar active filament. On Sep.16, a flare of importance IIIb with rather intense geophysical effects was produced. Our computation of the magnetic structure of the active region reveals that the rope-shaped filament was concerned with a low magnetic arc close to magnetic neutral line. An intense shear of magnetic field occurred near magnetic rope. The QSL analysis shows that a 3-D magnetic reconnection might appear in the vicinity of filament, and this can be used to interpret the formation of a large flare.  相似文献   
九脊游仆虫(Euplotes novemcarinata Wang、1930)是土壤及淡水中生活的原生动物。本文对其重要的分类特征诸如银线系及纤毛下器做了形态学研究,确认了其分类地位,并比较了国外迄今的研究工作,在此基础上,将同物异名苔藓游仆虫(E.muscicolaKahl、1932)作了归并。  相似文献   
扇贝的养殖环境及其体内的细菌学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1992年9月~1994年11月,对青岛胶州湾养殖的扇贝及环境中的细菌组成和某些生态学特性进行了调查。养殖区表层海水中异养菌和弧菌平均数各波动于(21.2~39.7)×102/cm3和(7.3~19.2)×102/cm3之间。其中1号和4号站位的菌数比其它越位都高,这和它们靠近码头,受到附近的排水污染有关。在扇贝的消化盲囊和性腺内也分离到异养菌和弧菌,分别为103~105个g和103~105个/g。这些细菌可能因扇贝遇到环境改变防御能力下降时,扩散到其它器官并大量繁殖,因而造成感染而死亡。从对分离菌的药物敏感试验结果看,近年一些菌株对原来敏感的药物产生了抗药性,如四环索和链霉素,今后在育苗过程中避免滥用抗菌药物是十分重要的。  相似文献   
Binogeochemical process of major elements in sining particulate of Nansha coral reef lagoons,South TXBinogeochemicalprocessofm...  相似文献   
根据1992年6月-1994年6月国内外发表资料,评述海洋藻类活性物质研究的生物技术及最新成果。认为,海洋生物活性物质研究的重心正转向与海洋生物技术有关的研究。运用生物技术筛选、提取并生产藻类活性物质已经成为这一领域的主流。综合文献表明,藻类活性物质的生物技术正走向成熟,大量的活性物质被发现,光生物反应器将成为主要的下游生产技术,通过藻类基因工程生产药物已初现端倪。  相似文献   
钛胶海水提铀动力学研究Ⅱ——吸附机理的推断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海水提铀机理的研究,已逐渐受到重视,然而,至今研究还不是很深入,观点也各有差别.例如,Keen等[1]认为钛胶从海水中吸附铀是阳离子交换过程,即海水中的铀是UO22+离子的形式与钛胶进行交换;尾方升等[2]则倾向于阴离子吸着,即铀是以UO2(CO3)34-的形式被吸附.我们曾于1973年在海洋局系统的一次会议上提出阳离子给合交换的看法,并在后来的两次专业会议上予以补充发展.张正斌[3]认为是阳离子交换或一价阳离子失水络合.最近崔清晨[4]提出可能是UO2(OH)3-的络合吸附.根据几年来的工作,我们仍认为,钛胶从海水中的吸铀机理可能是一种阳离子形式的络合交换过程.  相似文献   
Based on the ray theory and Longuet-Higgins’s linear model of sea waves, the joint distribution of wave envelope and apparent wave number vector is established. From the joint distribution, we define a new concept, namely the outer wave number spectrum, to describe the outer characteristics of ocean waves. The analytical form of the outer wave number spectrum, the probability distributions of the apparent wave number vector and its components are then derived. The outer wave number spectrum is compared with the inner wave number spectrum for the average status of wind-wave development corresponding to a peakness factor P = 3. Discussions on the similarity and difference between the outer wave number spectrum and inner one are also presented in the paper.  相似文献   
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