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We present a new class of spherically symmetric exact solutions of the general relativistic field equations. These solutions describe perfect fluid balls with infinite central pressure and central density though their ratio is finite. A member of the class has been studied in detail from which we have constructed a model of causal fluid ball with constant sound speed.  相似文献   
The southwest monsoon that dominated Central Himalaya has preserved loessic silt deposits preserved in patches that are proximal to periglacial areas. The occurrence of such silts suggests contemporary prevalence of cold and dry northwesterly winds. Field stratigraphy, geochemistry, mineral magnetism, infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and radiocarbon dating has enabled reconstruction of an event chronology during the past 20 ka. Three events of loess accretion could be identified. The first two events of loess deposition occurred betweem 20 and 9 ka and were separated by a phase of moderate weathering. Pedogenesis at the end of this event gave rise to a well‐developed soil that was bracketed around 9 to > 4 ka. This was followed by the third phase of loess accretion that occurred around 4 to > 1 ka. Episodes of loess deposition and soil formation are interpreted in terms of changes in the strength of the Indian southwest monsoon. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD) measurements, carried out regularly from a network of observatories spread over the Indian mainland and adjoining islands in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea, are used to examine the spatio-temporal and spectral variations during the period of ICARB (March to May 2006). The AODs and the derived Ångström parameters showed considerable variations across India during the above period. While at the southern peninsular stations the AODs decreased towards May after a peak in April, in the north Indian regions they increased continuously from March to May. The Ångström coefficients suggested enhanced coarse mode loading in the north Indian regions, compared to southern India. Nevertheless, as months progressed from March to May, the dominance of coarse mode aerosols increased in the columnar aerosol size spectrum over the entire Indian mainland, maintaining the regional distinctiveness. Compared to the above, the island stations showed considerably low AODs, so too the northeastern station Dibrugarh, indicating the prevalence of cleaner environment. Long-range transport of aerosols from tshe adjoining regions leads to remarkable changes in the magnitude of the AODs and their wavelength dependencies during March to May. HYSPLIT back-trajectory analysis shows that enhanced long-range transport of aerosols, particularly from the west Asia and northwest coastal India, contributed significantly to the enhancement of AOD and in the flattening of the spectra over entire regions; if it is the peninsular regions and the island Minicoy are more impacted in April, the north Indian regions including the Indo Gangetic Plain get affected the most during May, with the AODs soaring as high as 1.0 at 500 nm. Over the islands, the Ångström exponent (α) remained significantly lower (~1) over the Arabian Sea compared to Bay of Bengal (BoB) (~1.4) as revealed by the data respectively from Minicoy and Port Blair. Occurrences of higher values of α, showing dominance of accumulation mode aerosols, over BoB are associated well with the advection, above the boundary layer, of fine particles from the east Asian region during March and April. The change in the airmass to marine in May results in a rapid decrease in α over the BoB.  相似文献   
Technical Note   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary An objective approach similar to the forward selection of independent variables in the multiple linear regression has been attempted to optimize the network of raingauges for the summer monsoon rainfall (June–September total) series (1871–1984) of India as well as its 29 selected meteorological subdivisions prepared involving the data of 306 raingauges. For the all-India monsoon rainfall series twenty seven gauges entered the selection whose mean showed the correlation coefficient (CC) of 0.9869. Keeping in view the difficulties of getting data from all the 306 gauges, 35 India Meteorological Department (IMD) gauges with mean showing CC of 0.9898 have been identified for updating this series. The constructed all-India monsoon rainfall series for the period 1871–1992 using 35 selected observations is presented. It was interesting to note that the set of 35 gauges selected for the monsoon total has shown equally promising results for the all-India monsoon monthly (June–September) as well as the annual rainfall series.For the 29 subdivisional monsoon rainfall series, however, in total 188 IMD-gauges (62% of the total of 306 gauges) entered the selection. For 17 subdivisions the CC exceeded 0.98, for 3 subdivisions it varied between 0.97 and 0.98, for 5 subdivisions between 0.96 and 0.97 and for the remaining 4 subdivisions between 0.90 and 0.94. They showed equally encouraging results for the monsoon monthly and annual rainfall series for the different subdivisions.Limitations and implications of the optimization technique are also briefly discussed.With 9 Figures  相似文献   
First time observations of spectral aerosol optical depths (AODs) at Mohal (31.9°N, 77.11°E; altitude 1154 m amsl) in the Kullu valley, located in the northwestern Indian Himalayan region, have been carried out during Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget (ICARB), as a part of the Indian Space Research Organisation-Geosphere Biosphere Program (ISRO-GBP). AODs at six wavelengths are obtained using Microtops-II Sunphotometer and Ozonometer. The monthly mean values of AOD at 500 nm are found to be 0.27 ± 0.04 and 0.24 ± 0.02 during March and April, 2006 respectively. However, their monthly mean values are 0.33 ± 0.04 at 380 nm and 0.20 ± 0.03 nm at 870 nm during March 2006 and 0.31 ± 0.3 at 380 nm and 0.17 ± 0.2 at 870 nm during April 2006, showing a gradual decrease in AOD with wavelength. The Ångstrom wavelength exponent ‘α’ had a mean value of 0.72 ± 0.05, implying reduced dominance of fine particles. Further, the afternoon AOD values are higher as compared to forenoon values by ~ 33.0% during March and by ~ 9.0% during April 2006 and are attributed to the pollutant lifted up from the valley by the evolving boundary layer. Besides the long-range transportation of aerosol particles by airmass from the Great Sahara and the Thar Desert regions to the observing site, the high values of AODs have also been influenced by biomass burning and frequent incidents of forest fire at local levels.  相似文献   
Talc deposits of Rema area in the Kumaun Inner Lesser Himalaya are hosted within high magnesium carbonates of the Proterozoic Deoban Formation. These deposits occur as irregular patches or pockets mainly within magnesite bodies, along with impurities of magnesite, dolomite and clinochlore. Textures represent different phases of reactions between magnesite and silica to produce talc. Petrography, XRD and geochemistry reveal that the talc has primarily developed at the expense of magnesite and silica, leaving dolomite largely un-reacted. Early fluid inclusions in magnesite and dolomite associated with talc are filled with H2O+NaCl+KCl ± MgCl2 ± CaCl2 fluids, which represent basin fluid system during diagenesis of carbonates. Their varied degree of re-equilibration was although not pervasive but points to increased burial, and hence requires careful interpretation. H2O-CO2 fluid with XCO2 between 0.06 and 0.12 was equilibrated with talc formation. The reaction dolomite+quartz → talc was not extensive because T-XCO2 was not favourable, and talc was developed principally after magnesite+quartz.  相似文献   
The long-term variability of the Indian summer monsoon rain-fall and related regional and global param-eters are studied. The cubic spline is used as a digital filter to smooth the high frequency signals in the time series of the various parameters. The length of the data series varies from 95 to 115 years during the period 1871-1985. The parameters studied within the monsoon system are: (a) monsoon rainfall of the country as a whole; (b) number of break-monsoon days during July and August; (c) number of storms/ depressions in Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea during summer monsoon season; and (d) dates of onset of summer monsoon over South Kerala Coast. The parameters studied outside the monsoon system are: (a) the Wright’s Southern Oscillation Index (June-July-August); (b) the January mean Northern Hemi-spheric surface air temperature anomaly; and (c) the East-equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature anomaly.In order to examine the variability under various degrees of the smoothing, the series are filtered with splines of 50% variance reduction frequency of one cycle per 10, 20 and 30 years. It is observed that the smoothed time series of the parameters within the monsoon system comprise a common slowly varying com-ponent in an episodic manner distinctly showing the excess and deficient rainfall epochs. The change of intercorrelations between the time series with increasing degree of smoothing throws some light on the time scales of the dominant interactions. The relation between Southern Oscillation and East equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature and the Indian summer monsoon seems to be dominant on the interannual scale. The low frequency variations are found to have significantly contributed to the instability of the correlations of monsoon rainfall with parameters outside the monsoon system.  相似文献   
Spatial variability of the annual rainfall over drier regions of India is studied by examining the variations in the arid areas. A long period (1871–1984) arid area series has been prepared for the entire country, including the two broad subregions of North India and Peninsular India, using annual rainfall data from 306 well distributed stations. Following an objectively determined criterion based on rainfall amount alone, the yearly area under arid conditions is obtained by totalling areas which received annual rainfall totals less than 560 mm. The interannual variability of the arid area series is large and its distribution is highly right-skewed, demonstrating large spatial variations in the annual rainfall over India. Statistical tests do not suggest any significant long-term trend in the arid area series, but persistently low values of the arid area after 1941 are noteworthy. Implications for the study of risk analysis and assessment of drought and desertification processes are discussed.  相似文献   
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