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岩石水压致裂和诱发地震的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用7种岩石各制备了几类不同预裂纹的系列试件,并在不同围压下进行水压致裂强度实验。结合典型的水库诱发地震的实际资料和现今构造应力场的实验结果,以及应用岩石强度理论和岩石断裂力学的一些原理、方法,进行岩石孔隙水压诱发地震的探讨。初步结果为:(1)若岩体内构造应力很小,一定大小的孔隙水压力σp,可直接使岩体内的薄弱面致裂并发生小地震。(2)若构造应力较大,存在两类诱发地震的可能:①对岩体浅部一些走向与构造应力的主压应力σ1方向相近的薄弱面,σp可促使其发生张性破裂并诱发小地震。②当构造应力接近于断裂的抗剪强度时,因σp,降低了断裂面上的正应力σn,使原处于稳定状态的断裂失稳,发生滑移破裂并诱发出地震。σp导致断裂的破裂深度增大,使诱发地震的震级大于原潜在的地震震级。(3)各种岩体均存在着一个极限深度,此深度后不再有诱发地震。  相似文献   
正We studied the solid-liquid transformation of low-grade solid potash deposit in Dalangtan Basin and simplified the liquid phase system.We did experiments to optimize conditions of the solid-liquid transformation.The Suitable  相似文献   
The Salawusu Formation of Milanggouwan section in Salawusu River Valley includes 7 layers of paleo-mobile dune sands, and 4 layers of paleo-fixed and semi-fixed dune sands. Their structures have been observed and their grain size, surface textural features and several main chemical elements have been analyzed. The results showed that: 1) Some of the aeolian structural characteristics of these dune sands are similar to that of the recent dune sands. 2) They are also similar to the recent dune sands in grain size components, and parameters of Mz,σ, Sk and Kg, as well as in several main chemical components. 3) The scattergrams of Mz-σ and SiO2-Al2O3+TOFE and the probability curves of grain size showed that these paleo-dune sands are different from paleosols and fluvio-lacustrine facies, but are consistency with recent dune sands. 4) Quartz sands have well roundness and surface textural features such as dish-shaped pits, crescent-shaped pits, pockmarked pits, upturned cleavage plates, siliceous precipitates and siliceous crevasses, indicating that they had been carried for a long time by the wind. As the 11 layers of paleo-dune sands possess the aeolian characteristics in structure, grain size, surface textural features and chemical elements, the origin of their formation should be attributed to eolation.  相似文献   
在珠江三角洲范围内选取300件农业土壤样品进行磁化率及频率磁化率分析。结果表明,300件土壤样品的磁化率在1.29×10-8~185.89×10-8m3/kg范围内变动,平均值为31.20×10-8m3/kg。珠江三角洲农业土壤磁化率具有明显的空间分异特征,呈南高北低、中心区高东西两翼低的空间分布格局; 全区具4个明显的磁化率高值区,分布在: 珠海、深圳、惠阳及顺德。因子分析结果表明灌溉方式、土地利用类型和母岩与母质、土壤类型对农业土壤磁化率高低起主要作用。同时,重金属污染对农业土壤的磁性具有明显的增强作用。  相似文献   
关于太古宙—元古宙界线的新认识   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
2500Ma作为太古宙-元古宙界线的提议被28届国际地质大会通过,但并不意味着2500Ma作为太古宙-元古宙界线是永恒的最佳选择。事实上,太古宙-元古宙界线划在何处还存在很多争论,现行的界线划分依据也期分期标准相悖。大量资料表明),2300Ma时曾发生全球地质环境的灾变,灾变前后的地质作用(尤其是表生地质作用),有明显变化,导致了太古宙与元古宙的一系列差别。该灾变与元古宙-显生宙,古生代-中生代,  相似文献   
中国对虾体内20-羟基蜕皮酮含量与生长和性腺发育的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用放射免疫分析法对完成变态后的中国对虾(Penaeus orientalis)体内20-羟基蜕皮酮(20-HE)含量进行了周年测定。5~6月,全虾抽提液中20-HE的质量分数以体长为0.8cm的仔虾为最高(47.96±3.94)×10~(-9)(m/m)。血淋巴中20-HE的质量浓度在6~8月(平均为22.66ng/mL)和11月(25.93±3.44ng/mL)较高,翌年3月最低,为8.29±1.40ng/mL。呈现出20-HE含量与蜕皮生长和促进卵母细胞早期发育及精子发生有关。  相似文献   
Wetlands of Northeast Asia and High Asia: an overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This review reports background information on wetlands in the Northeast Asia and High Asia areas, including wetland coverage and type, significance for local populations, and threats to their vitality and protection, with particular focus on the relationship of how global change influenced wetlands. Natural wetlands in these areas have been greatly depleted and degraded, largely due to global climate change, drainage and conversion to agriculture and silviculture, hydrologic alterations, exotics invasions, and misguided management policies. Global warming has caused wetland and ice-sheet loss in High Asia and permafrost thawing in tundra wetlands in Northeast Asia, and hence induced enormous reductions in water-storage sources in High Asia and carbon loss in Northeast Asia. This, in the long term, will exacerbate chronic water shortage and positively feed back global warming. Recently, better understanding of the vital role of healthy wetland ecosystems to Asia’s sustainable economic development has led to major efforts in wetland conservation and restoration. Nonetheless, collaborative efforts to restore and protect the wetlands must involve not only the countries of Northeast and High Asia but also international agencies. Research has been productive but the results should be more effectively integrated with policy-making and wetland restoration practices under future climatic scenarios.  相似文献   
管耀宗  张继国  朱永忠 《水文》2015,35(5):11-14
充分挖掘降雨变量语法信息,利用基于差异序列信息熵测度理论的遗传算法聚类分析方法,对淮河流域蚌埠站以上区域99个雨量站进行了分区研究。根据各子区域内雨量站降雨序列差异测度得到最优分区,从而使得降雨信息在区域内具有较大的同质性。最后,以插值精度为标准,将不分区的情况为参照对象,对2、4、8三种分区结果进行校验,结果显示,相对于不分区,分区明显提升了降雨插值的精度。  相似文献   
南海北部具有丰富的温度锋面和中尺度涡,它们调节着局地的热量和能量平衡。本文利用卫星海洋高度异常和海表温度数据,并基于自动探测方法,探究了2007年至2017年南海北部中尺度涡边缘的海表温度锋面(涡致锋面)特征。反气旋/气旋边缘出现锋面的概率可达20%。气旋涡在各个方向上出现锋面的概率比较均匀,反气旋涡的东北部和西南部出现锋面的概率大于西北部和东南部。中尺度涡致锋面的数量有明显的季节变化,而涡动能未表现出明显的季节变化。中尺度涡致锋区的总涡动能是中尺度涡内动能的3倍,并且反气旋涡致锋面的总涡动能明显强于气旋涡致锋面的总涡动能。中尺度涡致锋面的数量和涡动能的年际变化与厄尔尼诺南方涛动指数没有明显的相关性。本研究也讨论了中尺度涡致锋面的可能机制,但是中尺度涡对海表温度锋的贡献需要进一步定量研究。  相似文献   
Clementine UVVIS and NIR data from the lunar sampling sites (totaling 46 sampling sites) were processed and used to refine the iron determination method of Le Mouéic et al. (2000, 2002). We found that about 21 sampling sites are unsuitable to Le Mouéic et al's spectral parameters ("slope" and "depth l") because their 1500 nm filter could not be used as spectral parameters' right shoulders and to evaluate the depth of the 1-μm absorption feature accurately. We used the rest 25 sampling sites to refine the method developed by Le Mouéic et al. (2000, 2002 ) and obtained our own equation of FeO content determination. We tested our own equation, and the results are satifactory. In our work we also acquired some useful experiences in scientific applications of our own dataset of the Chang'E-1 mission.  相似文献   
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