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Daily zenith scattered light intensity observations were carried out in the morning twilight hours using home-made UV-visible spectrometer over the tropical station Pune (18‡31′, 73‡51′) for the years 2000–2003. These observations are obtained in the spectral range 462–498 nm for the solar zenith angles (SZAs) varying from 87‡ to 91.5‡. An algorithm has been developed to retrieve vertical profiles of ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) from ground-based measurements using the Chahine iteration method. This retrieval method has been checked using measured and recalculated slant column densities (SCDs) and they are found to be well matching. O3 and NO2 vertical profiles have been retrieved using a set of their air mass factors (AMFs) and SCDs measured over a range of 87–91.5‡ SZA during the morning. The vertical profiles obtained by this method are compared with Umkehr profiles and ozonesondes and they are found to be in good agreement. The bulk of the column density is found near layer 20–25 km. Daily total column densities (TCDs) of O3 and NO2 along with their stratospheric and tropospheric counterparts are derived using their vertical profiles for the period 2000–2003. The total column, stratospheric column and tropospheric column amounts of both trace gases are found to be maximum in summer and minimum in the winter season. Increasing trend is found in column density of NO2 in stratospheric, tropospheric and surface layers, but no trend is observed in O3 columns for above layers during the period 2000–2003  相似文献   
The central path of the total solar eclipse (TSE) of 11 August 1999 mostly passedthrough a region of active monsoon in India, with the eclipse ending around localsunset. Measurements in the surface layer (SL) were carried out close to the eclipseaxis at Akola (20°42' N, 77°2' E) in central India. The globalradiation flux reaching the surface vanishes around totality at 1803:24 (LT), followedby a small recovery before again dipping to zero at sunset. The temperatures in the SL, and subsoil at 50-mm depth, show a local minimum with a lag of about 10 min after the second contact, whereas the lag appears to vanish when the temperature series is detrended. The SL exhibits near-neutral, though generally stable, conditions from about 1500 hr itself due to heavy cloud cover followed by the eclipse-induced cooling of the surface. The wind component across the eclipse axis vanishes at totality, the wind vector aligning with the azimuth of the traversing moon shadow. The deceleration of the mean flow can be due to the combined effect of the colder surface and downward heat flux, where the locally altered horizontal temperature gradients may cause, as in this instance, the cessation of the cross flow.The oscillations in temperature and wind that show significant peaks, around 90–100 min as well as the semi-period of the eclipse near 60 min, persist for several hours past the eclipse event. A fresh analysis of the published data on the TSE of 7 March 1970 shows spectral peaks in the temperature nearly coincident with those already reported from the surface pressure records. The oscillations in the SL fields during the two TSE events are very similar implying that the source mechanism is also likely to be the same in both the cases.  相似文献   
The pressure, temperature and composition of ore fluids that resulted in gold deposition in the Archean, greenstone-hosted Hutti deposit have been studied using fluid inclusions and the compositions of arsenopyrite and chlorite. Five types of fluids have been identified in fluid inclusions in quartz veins associated with mineralization. They are (1) monophase CO 2-rich fluid; (2) low-salinity (0 to 14 wt% NaCl equivalent) and high-salinity (16 to 23 wt% NaCl equiv.) aqueous fluids; (3) high-salinity (28 to 40 wt% NaCl equiv.), polyphase aqueous fluids; (4) CO 2–H 2O–NaCl fluids of low salinity (0–8 wt% NaCl equiv.); and (5) a few carbonic inclusions with halite±nahcolite. The diversity of entrapped fluid composition is explained in terms of changes in fluid pressure and temperature which affect a more or less uniform supply of primary low-salinity CO 2–H 2O–NaCl fluid to the shear zone. Geothermobarometric studies indicate that during mineralization temperature ranged between 360 and 240 °C, and fluid pressure between 3,600 and 1,600 bar. The data are interpreted in terms of the cyclic fault-valve mechanism for active shear zones. Deposition of gold and sulfides has been studied on the basis of constraints from the composition of wall-rock chlorite, ore-mineral assemblages, and textural features. Tubular channels, 20 to 100 µm wide and up to 500 µm long that arise from fractures and C-planes in sheared quartz veins are reported for the first time. The channels have pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, pyrite and gold at their distal ends, with calcite filling up the remaining part. These channels form in response to increases in T and P, by dissolution of quartz grains, guided by dislocations in them. At the PT conditions of interest, gold and sulfide deposition takes place in the shears and fractures of quartz veins from CO 2–H 2O–NaCl ore fluid of low salinity and pH due to changes in phase compositions that occur during the process of shear failure of the enclosing rocks. In the wall rock where pH is buffered, gold deposition takes place from the predominant Au(HS) 2 - species with progressive sulfide deposition and decrease in SS, from 0.01 to 0.001 mol/kg as T falls from 360 to 240 °C.  相似文献   
Acid violet 19 (AV) belongs to the triphenylmethane (TPM) class of dyes which are potentially mutagenic or carcinogenic. However, very little studies on biodegradation of AV were reported as compared to other TPM dyes such as malachite green and crystal violet. In this study, AV was decolorized up to 98% within 30 min by Pseudomonas aeruginosa BCH. The decolorization depends on the initial dye concentration, pH, and temperature. However, the dye was decolorized under wide pH and temperature ranges with an optimum of pH 7 and 30°C. Up to 250 mg L?1 of dye was found to be tolerated and decolorized by this strain. It showed decolorization ability for seven repeated dye addition cycles. The effect of additional carbon sources on dye decolorization was studied in which mannitol containing medium showed decolorization in 15 min. Induction in the enzyme activities of laccase, NADH‐DCIP reductase, and veratryl alcohol oxidase (VAO) indicates their involvement in AV degradation. Various analytical studies viz. UV–VIS, HPTLC, HPLC, and FTIR confirmed the biodegradation of AV by the bacterium. Based on GC‐MS analysis, a possible degradation pathway for AV was proposed. The phytotoxicity studies using Phaseolus mungo and Sorghum vulgare revealed the less toxic nature of metabolites formed after AV degradation.  相似文献   
Agricultural activities emit substantial amounts of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxides (N2O), the two important greenhouse gases (GHG) with high global warming potentials (GWP). So far, many studies have already been carried out at national and state level, but lack micro‐level (district or block‐level) inventory in India. The present study sheds light on the flux of CH4 and N2O (from all possible sources) from agricultural soil of various blocks in the Murshidabad district, based on the inventory prepared, using the IPCC methodology, with adjusted emission factors and coefficients appropriate for the local level. The economy of the Murshidabad district almost completely rests on agriculture as more than 80 per cent of the population is directly or indirectly dependent on it for their livelihood. Paddy is the dominating crop, cultivated on more than 60 per cent of the gross cropped area. The present work is based on the review of various literature and reports collected from respective state government offices and websites. Results show that CH4 and N2O emission from the agricultural fields are 126.405 Gg and 0.652 Gg respectively for the year 2011?12 with a large scale spatial variation (block‐level) within the district.  相似文献   
The present study deals with the capability of pulp industry wastewater to produce bioelectricity with isolation and screening of native electrogenic bacteria from wastewater. In the screening process, three bacterial isolates were obtained; they were studied on the basis of morphology and biochemical characteristics. The maximum bioelectricity producing bacteria was identified by sequencing method and was identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens, and it is a novel bacteria reported in bioelectricity production from pulp industry wastewater. Further, the work focuses on optimization of various parameters, i.e., inoculum size, pH, temperature, mediators and its concentration. It was observed that with pulp industry wastewater, inoculum size of 1.5% gave the maximum voltage and current of 1.244 ± 0.003d V and 5.946 ± 0.005d mA, respectively. A pH of 7.0 gave maximum voltage and current of 0.956 ± 0.009e V and 2.692 ± 0.016e mA. At 35 °C temperature, maximum production of voltage and current of 1.045 ± 0.003d V and 2.167 ± 0.037d mA were recorded. Among the various mediators, humic acid was found to be most effective as it produced a voltage of 1.054 ± 0.004f V and current of 1.070 ± 0.004d mA. Maximum voltage of 1.291 ± 0.021f V and current of 1.896 ± 0.006f mA were recorded with 200 μM of humic acid. Physicochemical analysis of the effluent was conducted before and after experimental run, and the values suggested that the microbial fuel cell technology is an efficient method for biological treatment of wastewater.  相似文献   
Transmission electron microscope (TEM) investigations have revealed Os, Ru, Mo‐rich refractory metal nuggets within four different presolar graphites, from both the high‐density (HD) Murchison (MUR) and low‐density (LD) Orgueil (ORG) fractions. Microstructural and chemical data suggest that these are direct condensates from the gas, rather than forming later by exsolution. The presolar refractory metal nugget (pRMN) compositions are variable (e.g., from 8 < Os atom% < 77), but follow the same chemical fractionation trends as isolated refractory metal nuggets (mRMNs) previously found in meteorites (Berg et al. 2009). From these compositions one can infer a temperature of last equilibration with the gas of 1405–1810 K (e.g., Berg et al. 2009 at approximately 100 dyne cm?2 pressure), which implies that the host graphites form over roughly the same range (in agreement with predictions) and that the pRMNs are chemically isolated from the gas when captured by graphite. Further, the pRMN compositions give evidence that HD graphites form at a higher T than LD ones. Chemical and phase similarities with the isolated mRMNs suggest that the mRMNs also condense directly from a gas, although from the early solar nebula rather than a presolar environment. Although the pRMNs themselves are too small for detection of isotopic anomalies, NanoSIMS isotopic measurements of their host graphites confirm a presolar origin for the assemblages. The two pRMN‐containing LD graphites show evidence of a supernova (SN) origin, whereas the stellar origins of the pRMNs in HD graphite are unclear, because only less‐diagnostic 12C enrichments are detectable (as is commonly true for HD graphites).  相似文献   
Summary The relationships between the El-Niño phenomenon and the planetary-scale waves, and the interannual variations in the Indian monsoon (June–September) rainfall have been analysed in order to investigate how the sea surface temperature (SST) in the equatorial eastern Pacific associated with the El-Niño can produce reduced monsoon rainfall over India by teleconnections.The longitude of ridge location over the Indian region of the integrated planetary waves (numbers 1–3) along 15° N latitude circle in the height field of 200 mb pressure level in May is significantly (r=0.93, significant at 98% CL) related to the May SST anomaly at Puerto Chicama. This implies that warmer (colder) SST anomalies are associated with eastward (westward) longitude of the ridge location. The variations of the ridge location in May appear to be significantly inversely (r=–0.95, significant at 99% CL) related to the Indian monsoon rainfall, with rainfall tending to be less (more) than normal during eastward (westward) longitude of the ridge location suggesting some predictive value for the Indian monsoon rainfall. The Indian monsoon rainfall and May SST anomaly at Puerto Chicama are inversely related (r=–0.90, significant at 96% CL).In terms of the observed relationships, a plausible mechanism for linking El-Niño with the reduced Indian monsoon rainfall is discussed. The relationships noted suggest that excessive warm SST anomalies associated with El-Niño induce an eastward shift in the planetary waves which in turn reduce the Indian monsoon rainfall.With 8 Figures  相似文献   
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